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ay 22) 233] 2a] 25) COORDINATIO! POUN! The IUPAC name of the compound [Pt(NHg)38r(NO2)CI]CI is a) Triamminebromochloronitroplatinum (IV) chloride b) Triamminenitrochlorobromoplatinum (II!) chloride ¢) Triamminebromonitrochloroplatinum (IV) chloride d) Triamminebromodichloronitroplatinum (IV) In which of the following complexes the oxidation number of the central metal atom Is. zero? a) [PUNH3)Cla]__ b) [Cr(CO)g] ©) [Cr(NHg)3Clg]__d) [Cr(en)gCla) Which statement about co-ordination number of a cation is true? a) Metal Ions exhibit only a single characteristic co-ordination number b) The co-ordination number is equal to the number of ligands bonded to the metal. atom c) The co-ordination number is determined solely by the number of empty d-orbitals in the atom d)C.N. is equal to the number of co-ordinate bounds between metal cation and ligands The compounds shown in the diagram are ne ne ——_o P ©. , _ Hi, HY a) Linkage isomers b) Resonating forms c) Tautomers d) Co-ordination isomers Consider the following statements: According the Werner's theory. A) Ligands are connected to the metal ions by covalent bonds. 8) Secondary valencies have directional properties. C) Secondary valencies are non-ionisable. Of these statement a) (A), (B) and (C) are correct b) (B) and (C) are correct ©) (A) and (C) are correct d) (A) and (B) are correct 26) LH Practice Sheet COORDINATION COMPOUNDS An ambidentate ligand is one which a) Is linked to the metal atom at two points b) Has two donor atoms but only one of them has the capacity to form a coordinate bond. ©) Has two donor atoms but either of the two can form a co-ordinate bond d) Forms chelate rings. The type of isomerism present in nitropentaammine chromium (II!) chloride Is a) Optical b) Linkage ©) lonisation d) Polymerisation Which of the following is most likely structure of CrCl3.6H20 if 1/3s of total chlorine of the compound (s precipitated by adding AgN03 to its aqueous solution? a) CrCl3.6H20 b) [Cr(H20)3Cl3](H20)3 ©) [CrCla(H0)4] C12H20 4d) [CrCl.(H20)] Cly.H20 Which of the following complex will give white ppt. with BaCl solution? a) [Cr(NH3)5SOq]C! b) [Co(NH3)4Cla]NO2 ©) [Cr(NH)5CIISO, ) Both (A) and (C) The oxidation number of Ag in Tollen’s reagent Is ao b) +1 +2 d) 41.5 In the complex [Pt(py)4)] [PtCl4], the oxidation numbers of Pt atom in former and later part of the compound are respectively a) 0 and 0 b) +4 and +2 0) #2 and +2 d) Oand +4 Which of the following complex has same oxidation state of the central metal atom in the cationic and anionic part? 8) [Pt(py)4] [Pcl] b) [Pt(NH3)4] [PtClg] ©) [PU(NH)4Clo] [PtCl4] d) KgINI(CN)g] The correct name of is a (co). reco Fe(CO), c a) tri yt carbonylbis (tricarbonyl) iron(0) b) hexacarbonyliron (II!) tricarbonylferrate (0) ¢) tricarbonyliron (0) 1 tricarbonyl tricarbonyl Iron (0) d) nonacarbonyl iron a 42] 43] 4) 45) 46] 47 48] 49] 50] LH Practice Sheet COORDINATION COMPOUNDS The complex shown below can exhibit GC a) Optical isomerism only b) Geometrical isomersim only ¢) Both optical and geometrical isomerism d) No isomerism Hexafluorocobaltate (III) lon is found to be high spin complex, the probable hybrid state of cobalt in itis a) d2sp3 b) sp3 c) sp3d d) sp3d2 Which of the following complex species does not involves d2sp3 hybridisation? a) [CoF¢)> b)[Co(NH3)g]3+ — ¢) [Fe(CN)g]>- d) [Cr(NH3)6)3* In which of the following pair the EAN of central metal atom is not same? a) [Fe(CN)gl> and [Fe(CN) gl b) [Cr(NH)6I* and [Cr(CN) I> c) [FeFg]> and [Fe(CN)g]> d) [Ni(CO)g] and [Ni(CN)4]2" [Co(NH3)4Clg]NOz and [Co(NH3)4CINOg|Cl exhibit which type of Isomerism a) Geometrical —_b) Optical ¢) Linkage d) lonisation Which of the following complex will show geometrical as well as optical isomerism? a) [PUNHg)Clp}b) [Pt(NH3)Cl3] __c) [Pr(en) ]4* d) Trans [Pt(en)2Cly] The unpaired electrons in Ni(CO)g are a) Zero b) One ) Three 4) Four Coordination number of Cr is six. A complex ion of Cr with C,03- ,enand superoxide ion has the formula [Cr(C20.)x (en)y(O2)e}-. The ratio x: y: z will be a) 44:1 b) 11:2 12:2 d) 211 Which one of the following octahedral complexes will not show geometrical isomerism? (A and B are monodentate ligands) 2) M[A2Bal b) M [A383] ©) [MAgBz] 4d) [MAsB} ‘The number of unpaired electrons in the complex ion [CoF 6]*" is a)2 b)3 oa do 61) 62] 63] 64] 65) 66] 67] 68] 69] 70) LH Practice Sheet COORDINATI MPO! Which isomer of CoCl3,6H0 is dark green in colour and react with one mole of AgNO3 solution? a) [Cr(H20)g] Clg b) [Cr(H20)sCl]Clp H20 ¢) [Cr(H20)4Cly] Cl. 2H20 d) [Cr(H20)3Cl3]. 3H20 Which of the following has highest magnetic moment? a) [Ferg] b)ICO(NHg)I3* —) [Fe(CN)gI* © d) [Mn(CN)g]* Amongst TIF 62", CoF 63>, CugCly and NiCl42" (at. nos. Ti-22, Co=27, Cu=29, Ni=28). The colourless species are a) Cog? and NiCl42~ b) TiFg2 and CoFe> c) Cu Cl and NiCl42" d) TiF¢2 and CugCly The aqueous solution containing one mole of CoCl3.5NH3 consumed 2 moles of silver nitrate for precipitation of free chloride ions. The formula of the compound should be a) [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 b) [Co(NH3)sClg}ct ©) [Co(NH3)4Clg].NH3 4) [Co(NH3)5Cl3] Among the complex tons given below which is/are outer-orbital complex? {Co(CN)g]+- [Fe(H20)g]2* [FeFg]> [coFe]> ()) (uy ayy) a) Ill and IV b) 11, 1,1 iv ait The (spin only) magnetic moment of d8 ion in square planar ligand field Is a) 1.73BM b) 2.83 BM c) 0.008M d) 4.90 BM What is the value of x on the [Ni(CN)4]* complex ion? a) +2 b)-2 oo d) +4 The number of geometrical isomers expected for octahedral complex, Mabcdef] is: a)o b)15 o) 12 4) 30 The complex that violates the EAN is: a) potassium ferrocyanide b) potassium ferricyanide ¢) tetracarbony! nickel 4d) hexaammine cobalt (II1) chloride Which of the following does not have optical isomer? a) [Co(NH3)3Clg) b) [Co(en),NH,CI]Cl, ¢) [Cofen)cl}cl d) [Co(en)(NHg)Cl}cl LH Practice Sheet COORDINATION COMPOUNDS ee ——— __ 96) 97) 98) 99) 100) 101] 102) 103) 104) 105] 106) Which of the following complex ion is not expected to absorb visible light? a) [NI(H20.)]2* —_b) (Ni(CH)4]?> c)[Cr(NHs)6]** —— d) [Fe(H20)¢]?* The existence of two different coloured complexes with the composition of [Co(NH;),Cl]* is due to [AIPMT- 2010 Prelims] a] lonization isomerism b) Linkage isomerism ©) Geometrical isomerism d) Coordination isomerism Crystal field stabilization energy for high spin d* octahedral complex is a) -0.69 b)-18A, 16d +P — d) 1.2.9 The complex, (Pe(Py)(/NH;)Br Cl] will have how many geometrical isomers? a)2 b)3 Qa 4)o The complexes [Co(NHs)c]{Cr(CN),] and [Cr(NH,).][Co(CH),] are the examples of which type of isomerism? [AIPMT- 2011 Prelims] a) Geometrical isomerism b) Linkage isomerism ©) lonization isomerism 4d) Coordination isomerism ‘The d-electron configurations of Cr?*,Mn?*,Fe?* and Co** are d*,d°,d° and d” respectively. Which one of the following will exhibit minimum paramagnetic behavior? a) [cr(H,0).}* —b) [Mn(4,0).F?* 0) [Fe(H20).]** dd) [Co(H,0).]?* Of the following complex ions, which is diamagnetic in nature? a) 0, b) oF ©) OF d)03- Which of the following complex compounds will exhibit highest paramagnetic behavior? (At. No.: Ti=22, Cr=24, Co=27, Zn=30) a)ITENHg)}* — by [Cr(WHs)e}** — ) [Co(WHa)5]** od) [2n(WH3)6]?* The magnetic moment (spin only) of [NiCl4]* is [AIEEE 2011] a) 1.41 BM b) 1.62BM ¢) 5.46 BM d)2828M Which of the following facts about the complex [Cr(NH;).]Cls is wrong? a) The complex gives white precipitate with silver nitrate solution b) The complex involves dsp? hybridisation and is octahedral in shape c) The complex Is paramagnetic d) The complex is an outer orbital complex Which among the following will be named as dibromidobis (ethylene diamine) chromium (11!) bromide? [AIEEE 2012] a) [Cr(en)]Br5 b) [Cr(en),Br,]Br c) [Cr(en)Br,]- d) [Cr(en) Br,]Br

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