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Prepared for Steve Black 18th August 2011

E - m a i l : c o n t a c t @ g r o p e r. c o m . a u

W e b s i t e : w w w. g r o p e r. c o m . a u

Dear Steve,
Congratulations on completing the Career Interests Proler! This assessment calculates your interest in over 170 occupations to determine the careers and areas of study that best suit you. Your free Mini Report contains your career prole a broad category of careers for which you have shown the most interest. Here is a summary of the six career proles:

Octopi are hands-on, practical and physically active. They enjoy working with tools, equipment and machinery and prefer to work outdoors. They are attracted to working in a trade or technical occupation that allows them to stay active. Examples of careers that Octopi may pursue include Builder, Police Ofcer, Landscaper and Chef.

Rainbow Trout
Rainbow Trouts are colourful, imaginative, creative and expressive. They enjoy designing and producing new things, generating ideas and using their intuition. They are attracted to careers in the arts, media and entertainment industry. Examples of careers that Rainbow Trouts may pursue include Actor/Performer, Graphic Designer, Journalist and Architect.

Seals are independent, analytical and inquisitive. They enjoy diagnosing and solving problems, conducting research and thinking logically. They are attracted to careers in science, engineering and information technology. Examples of careers that seals may pursue include, Computer Programmer, Environmental Scientist, Mechanical Engineer and Surveyor.

Dolphins are warm, social and approachable. They enjoy helping, teaching and counselling others and are caring and compassionate when dealing with people. They are attracted to careers that involve working with people, children or animals. Examples of careers that Dolphins may pursue include Psychologist, School Teacher, Fitness Instructor and Veterinarian.

Marlin are energetic, inuential and persuasive. They enjoy leading and managing others, being entrepreneurial and taking control. They are attracted to careers in business, management and law. Examples of careers that Marlin may pursue include Marketing Manager, Real Estate Agent, Lawyer and Events Manager.

Sea Turtle
Sea Turtles are organised, structured and detail oriented. They enjoy working with written records and numbers in a planned, orderly way and prefer an ofce-based work environment. Examples of careers that Sea Turtles may pursue include Accountant, Personal Assistant, Government Policy Analyst and Economist.

Your Career Proile is:

Sea Turtle
You are analytical, structured and detail oriented. You enjoy working with written records and numbers in a planned, orderly way. As a sea turtle, you have strong attention to detail, excellent organisational skills and good problem solving skills. You prefer to plan ahead and work alone or in small groups. You like structure, efciency and prefer an ofce-based work environment.

Activities that you may enjoy:

Analysing financial data Using computer applications Co-ordinating diaries and work schedules Developing government policies Assessing land and property information Analysing economic trends Working with numbers Maintaining company records Estimating costs and setting budgets Conducting research Preparing legal documents Establishing office procedures Compiling company reports Preparing business presentations Organising travel itineraries

Your values include:

Organisational work Attention to detail Security and stability Working with numbers Efficiency

You are seen as:

Organised Structured Analytical Orderly

One of these careers is your top scoring career! Can you guess which one?

Careers that may appeal to you:

Personal Assistant Events Manager Law Clerk Accountant Auditor Bookkeeper Financial Analyst Investment Banker Foreign Exchange Dealer Business Analyst Economist Government Policy Analyst Political Adviser Foreign Affairs & Trade Officer Research Officer

Librarian Records/Information Officer Town Planner Property Valuer Actuary/Statistician Mathematician Business Systems Analyst Office Administrator Purchasing Officer Retail Buyer Industrial Relations Officer Occupational Health & Safety Officer Bank Officer Superannuation Adviser Insurance Officer

Steve, find out your top scoring career in your Complete Report!
In your complete report, you will:

Discover your detailed results including your highest scoring careers and the number of points you scored for each career; Find out the areas of study you are most likely to enjoy; Get an action plan to help you on your path to your next job; Learn about great career resources and job vacancy websites for specific industries including the Arts, Media, Entertainment, Sports, Not-for-Profit and Small Business sectors; and Be inspired to pursue your passion!

See a sample Complete Report

Normally your Complete Report would cost you $59.95 If you purchase your Complete Report today, you will receive it for a reduced price of only Thats a saving of 50%!


Plus, if you also purchase the Myers Briggs Personality Indicator, you will receive a FREE 12 page Career Planner worth $79.95!

In your free Career Planner, you will:

Take steps to discover your ideal career; Identify your key strengths and abilities; Create a vision and purpose for the future; Set your career goals and objectives; Learn about strategies for achieving career success; and Be inspired to take action and find a career that you love!

Instantly save $$$ AND get a free Career Planner worth $79.95! To purchase your report, just follow the steps online. If you have closed your internet browser, visit, enter your access code at the bottom of the page and follow the steps to purchase your report. Your access code is: a2e5106317c We hope you enjoyed your journey. Please come back and visit us again. Regards, Gus the Groper

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