Verb Tobe

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catond horse Mary Ton JackandT docks ther sister Yo. ond Dave Daisy dolphin Polls family loners iano school his daughter rik your children sugar feet bike ‘Armond Kate emis myson shep buses popes Mr. Green hisuncle picture SaLIVEWORKSHEETS 1)He is __adoctor. 2). ‘emurse. 3) You arice boy. 4) We ‘wins. 5) She «beautiful girl. 6) They ct home. 7) It «© penguin. 8) She my teacher. 9) He her father, 10) alittle gir 11) They robots, 12) We good students. 13) Tt my school-bag, 14) You ny friend, 15) He 4 good student. 16) She in the garden, 17) The mice in the kitchen, 18) The woman under a tree, 19) T _____ Ben. 20) Clara ond friends. 21) 11 black, 22) My name Tock 23) They rice girls. 24) The children in the suimming pool 25) He «singer. 26) You hungry. 27) Our teacher ‘s beoutiful 28) t ‘twelve years old. 29) Jim and Cathy at school, 30) The elephants ‘ined, 31) Mr Cooper in the house, 32) The child at the park 33) The men at the meeting, 34) Peter 4 clever boy, 35) T from Germany. 36) Mr Baker ond I friends. 37) It time for dimer. 38) My rame Coroline. 39) My rabbit and my cat friends. 40) They very nice animals. 41) Dog food also good for cats, 42) The children inthe gorden. 43) He 4 teacher. 44) Mrs. Block fury ond nice, 45) T tenyears old. 46) The weather not tired, 48) This ball very nice today. 47) We very heavy. 49) The dogs hungry. Let's feed them. 60) Lock! Polly ct home, 51) This tower very old, 52) My brother and I good football players. 53) My hands cold. 54) Mary at the ‘supermarket and her children at school, $5) I 4 student, Write inthe correct Varb to be, 1. Donna _my best rend, 2, Ronand Dave___ brother and sister. 3. My grandmother _ 60 year od 4. You___a good student 5. Myhouse__very prety 6. |__notat heme, 7, Danand |__ in schoo! right now. 8, Mybock 300 pages long, 8, My friends funy. 10.The chidren__eta summer camp, Rownite the sentences in the negative form 1. ity and Sean are on vacation 2, Bemis hana man OW. 8. Tiymother sa teacher 4, Tamatthe cinema 8, Tieabantoran cay 6, The books ae heavy 1. They are poor, 8, Thekichen is dean: Isita sunny day? Yos, tis, Is the bag heavy? [Are the trees short? Is the car purple? ‘Ave they at a restaurant? ‘Ave the glasses empty? Is the coffee hot? Is the snake long? Are the puppies cute? ‘Write in the correct Verb to b she anencinesr? ‘re they doctors? ‘re they nurses? Leger? Is George a plo? Are they chefs? ‘rw they nurses? Sr. 1. L/ ot) 2 teacher: 2m 2 She/a /is/ rune 3. The bos / stents / are 4. Theil student fis fa 5. We /not/ are / doco 5. My dod fan /'6/enginser 6. My mother / architect fan fis 2. She [not / nase Js | 8. macher/a/ Mara /is 9. plots fare / they / rot

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