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The eventuality of war in the early 20th century indicates that capabilities of a force in

dominating land, sea and air battlefield could determine a success in military operations
conducted against adversary.

In order to achieve such situation, a military force need to synchronize its troop’s
deployment, fire support, communication, intelligence and logistics supplies alongside
with effective command, control and communication system.

Such coordination is a prerequisite for exerting overwhelming influence over an

adversary while maintaining the integration and cohesion of one's own forces.

The use of military technology in this era is focused on increasing the effectiveness and
capability of equipment and weapons owned by a force, especially in the aspect of
mobility and firepower to produce greater destructive effect over adversary. With that
effect, it will negate adversary’s combat capability in addition to enable absolute control
of the battlefield by own forces. Contemporarily, advancement of computer science,
information and space technology had brought significant changes in key aspects of
human life namely social, economic and security. These changes extend from
application of satellite technology that allows an advanced worldwide communication
system, automation of manufacturing in industrial sector with application of robotic
technology and unmanned platforms used by military forces in a land, maritime and
aerial operations. As a result of such advancement, the nature of military operations had
also evolved into a complex and challenging environments. It requires military
commander to expand their analysis of battlefield environment by including cyber
electronic and space as a domains together with existing land, maritime and air
spectrum. Such analysis will enable commanders in identifying significant offensive
electronic and cyberspace measures against adversary’s critical requirements of
operations such as command, control and communication systems which could disrupt
and prevent the opponents from operating properly. At the same time, protecting own
forces combat equipment and systems which are exposed to opponent’s cyber and
electronic offensive measures become more critical and need to be addressed
accordingly. Hence, in order to overcome the complexity of future operational
environment it is necessary for military forces today equipping itself with Multi Domains
operational capabilities

This essay will explain the concept of Multi Domains Operation, the challenges related
to Malaysian Army in establishing required capabilities and to suggest possible
approach for Malaysian Army to mitigate the challenges.

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