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Mass properties of AV-GTV-BB-RF-HW-8''-150LB-BODY

Configuration: Default
Coordinate system: -- default --

Density = 0.01 grams per cubic millimeter

Mass = 64840.11 grams
Volume = 8312833.99 cubic millimeters

Surface area = 1028873.04 square millimeters

Center of mass: ( millimeters )
X = 0.00
Y = 52.91
Z = 0.00

Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass.
Ix = ( 0.00, 1.00, 0.00) Px = 1250610562.09
Iy = ( 0.00, 0.00, 1.00) Py = 1601799357.02
Iz = ( 1.00, 0.00, 0.00) Pz = 1638317388.10
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. (Using positive tensor no
Lxx = 1638317386.35 Lxy = 127.79 Lxz = -8008.19
Lyx = 127.79 Lyy = 1250610562.09 Lyz = -549.30
Lzx = -8008.19 Lzy = -549.30 Lzz = 1601799358.78

Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )

Taken at the output coordinate system. (Using positive tensor notation.)
Ixx = 1819804943.21 Ixy = -2215.45 Ixz = -8008.29
Iyx = -2215.45 Iyy = 1250610562.44 Iyz = 7073.10
Izx = -8008.29 Izy = 7073.10 Izz = 1783286915.36
Mass properties of AV-GTV-BB-RF-HW-8''-150LB-BONNET
Configuration: Default
Coordinate system: -- default --

Density = 0.01 grams per cubic millimeter

Mass = 23015.19 grams
Volume = 2950665.48 cubic millimeters

Surface area = 444793.52 square millimeters

Center of mass: ( millimeters )
X = 0.00
Y = 106.39
Z = -0.25

Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass.
Ix = ( 0.00, 1.00, 0.00) Px = 248357692.21
Iy = ( 0.00, 0.00, 1.00) Py = 417031263.68
Iz = ( 1.00, 0.00, 0.00) Pz = 529779878.55
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. (Using positive tensor no
Lxx = 529779878.51 Lxy = 3134.62 Lxz = -23.50
Lyx = 3134.62 Lyy = 248358117.85 Lyz = -267932.26
Lzx = -23.50 Lzy = -267932.26 Lzz = 417030838.07

Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )

Taken at the output coordinate system. (Using positive tensor notation.)
Ixx = 790280761.98 Ixy = 4222.16 Ixz = -26.05
Iyx = 4222.16 Iyy = 248359553.52 Iyz = -879479.22
Izx = -26.05 Izy = -879479.22 Izz = 677530285.89

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