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This course provides fundamental and practical knowledge on database concepts by means of organizing
the information, storing and retrieve the information in an efficient and a flexible way when data is stored
in a well-structured relational model. This course ensures that every student will gain experience in
creating data models and database design.

Course Objectives
Relate the role of a database management system in an organization.
Demonstrate basic database concepts, including the structure and operation of the relational data
Construct simple and moderately advanced database queries using Structured Query Language
Explain and successfully apply logical database design principles, including E-R diagrams and
database normalization.
Demonstrate the concept of a database transaction and related database facilities, including
concurrency control, and data object locking and protocols.

Unit I: 10 L
Introduction to DBMS: Overview, File system vs DBMS, advantages of DBMS, storage data, queries,
transaction management, DBMS structure, people who work with Databases.
Data base Design: data models, the importance of data models.
E-R model: Entities, attributes and entity sets, relationship and relationship sets, mapping cardinalities,
keys, features of ER model, conceptual database design with ER model
Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit, student will be able to
interpret the basic terminology of DBMS like data, database, database management systems (L2)

compare DBMS over File Systems (L2).

define levels of abstraction with three tier architecture (L1).
define the role of DBA and other users of DBMS (L1).
model a given application using ER diagram (L3).

Relational model: Integrity constraints over relations and enforcement, querying relation data, logical
database design, views, destroying/altering tables and views.
Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit, student will be able to
match the integrity constraints from ER model to relational model (L1).
translate an ER Model to Relational Model and vice versa (L2).
compare the difference between views and physical tables and working with views (L2).
construct the given Query in Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus (L3) .
Structured Query Language (SQL): Introduction to SQL, Basic SQL Queries: DML, DDL, DCL, TCL,
Select Commands, Union, Intersection, Except, Nested Queries, Aggregate Operators, Null values,
Relational set operators, SQL join operators
Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit, student will be able to
create and modify database using SQL query (L5).
illustrate different types of query forms (simple queries, nested queries, and aggregated queries) in
SQL (L2) .

Schema Refinement and Normal Forms: Schema Refinement, Functional Dependencies, Reasoning
about Functional Dependencies. Introduction to Normal Forms.
Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit, student will be able to
make use of about schema refinement process (L3).
illustrates knowledge about different types of normal forms and the importance of normalization

Transaction Management and Concurrency Control: Introduction to Transaction Management, ACID
properties, Transactions and Schedules, Concurrent Execution of Transactions, Lock-Based Concurrency
Concurrency Control: 2PL, Serializability and Recoverability, Introduction to Lock Management, Lock
Conversions, dealing with Deadlocks, Specialized Locking Techniques, Concurrency control without

Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit, student will be able to
interpret the overview of transaction management in DBMS (L2).
explain the importance of concurrency and concurrency control mechanisms (L2).
develop knowledge about concurrency control with and without locks (L3).
identify knowledge about different types of crashes in DBMS (L3).
apply crash recovery techniques to recover from DBMS crashes (L3).

Text Book(s):

1. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition,

1. Database System Concepts, H.F.Korth and A.silberschatz McGraw-Hill, 6e, 2011
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Pearson Education, 7e,
3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri, Navathe, Somayajulu, Gupta, Pearson Education, 6e,

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, students will be able to:
design a data base for a system Using E-R data model and Relational Data model
design logical database with all integrity constraints over relations.
construct all types of SQL, relational algebra, relational calculus queries over relations and he/she
can be able to create views on the existing relations.
extend the characteristics of database transactions and how they affect database integrity and
demonstrate the concurrency control mechanisms and crash recovery algorithms.

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