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9, SEPTEMBER 2015 5247

Wide Damping Region for LCL-Type

Grid-Connected Inverter With an Improved
Capacitor-Current-Feedback Method
Xiaoqiang Li, Xiaojie Wu, Yiwen Geng, Xibo Yuan, Member, IEEE, Chenyang Xia, and Xue Zhang

Abstract—This paper has presented a stability analysis of a LCL- inverter, which can inject regulated active and reactive power to
type grid-connected inverter in the discrete-time domain. It has the grid [1], [2]. In order to reduce the harmonics of the inverter
been found that even though the system is stable when the reso- output current, output filters are often required. The LCL-type
nance frequency fr is higher than one-sixth of the sampling fre-
quency (fs /6), an effective damping scheme is still required due to filter is increasingly adopted due to its better attenuation of the
the potential influence of the grid impedance. With a conventional switching harmonics, especially in high-power systems with
proportional capacitor-current-feedback active damping (AD), the lower switching frequencies.
valid damping region is only up to fs /6. This however is not suf- Despite its prominent advantage, the LCL filter introduces
ficient in the design process for obtaining a high quality output a resonance in the open-loop transfer function of the control
current and the system can easily become unstable due to the res-
onance frequency shifting. Considering the resonance frequency system, which challenges the stability of the whole system. [3]
design rules of the LCL filter, this paper proposes an improved explores the inherent damping characteristic of the LCL-type
capacitor-current-feedback AD method. With a detailed analysis grid-connected inverter. It is found that an inherent damping
and proper parameter design, the upper limit of the damping re- term is embedded in the grid-side current control loop when
gion is extended to fs /4, which can cover all the possible resonance the inverter-side current is used for implementing the feedback
frequencies. Then, the damping performance of the proposed AD
method is studied. It shows that the optimal damping is obtained control. As the inherent damping is just for the grid-side current,
when the actual resonance frequency is (fr + fs /4)/2. Moreover, the inverter-side current loop remains no damping. In [4] and
an approximate calculation for the optimal damping coefficient R [5], a detailed theoretical analysis is presented with controlled
is given. Finally, the experimental results have validated the effec- grid-side current, which shows a digital single-loop controller
tiveness of the proposed AD method.
would obtain preferable stability margin when the ratio of LCL
Index Terms—Active damping (AD), capacitor-current- resonance frequency to sampling frequency is located in a cer-
feedback, damping region, LCL, stability. tain range. In practice, the grid impedance always exists and is
mainly inductive [6]–[9], which may potentially decrease the
ratio to an unstable range, in which case the instability occurs.
ITH the increasing concern of greenhouse gas emissions Therefore, damping solutions are necessary to stabilize the
W and the rising cost of conventional energy resources, dis-
tributed power generation systems based on renewable sources,
system. A straightforward method is to add resistors in series
or parallel with filter capacitors [2], [10], [11]. However, in-
such as wind, photovoltaic, etc, are attracting more and more troducing additional resistors to the circuit inevitably leads to
attention. The grid-connected power generation unit normally higher losses and reduces the high-frequency harmonics atten-
has a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) controlled voltage source uation ability of the filter [12]. An alternative solution is to use
active damping (AD), the principle of which is to feedback ad-
Manuscript received June 13, 2014; revised September 3, 2014; accepted ditional variables to the current control loop as damping terms,
October 15, 2014. Date of publication October 23, 2014; date of current ver- such as filter capacitor voltage [13], [14], filter capacitor current
sion April 15, 2015. This work was supported by the National Natural Science [15]–[18], or to only feedback control current, such as grid-side
Foundation of China under Award 51377160, the Specialized Research Fund for
the Doctoral Program of Higher Education under Award 20120095110017, and current [19]. Due to its flexible and efficient implementation, AD
the Research and Innovation Program of Postgraduates of Jiangsu Province un- has been widely used. In this paper, capacitor current is chosen
der Award CXZZ13_0929. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor as the feedback variable for damping resonance, which behaves
F. W. Fuchs. (Corresponding author: Xiaojie Wu).
X. Li and X. Wu are with the Jiangsu Province Laboratory of Mining Electric as a virtual resistor paralleled with the capacitor [20]–[23].
and Automation, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Emulating digitally controlled systems by s-domain contin-
China, and also with the School of Information and Electrical Engineering, uous functions is a common practice. However, the computa-
China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China (e-mail:; tion delay and the zero-order-hold (ZOH) are difficult to be
Y. Geng, C. Xia, and X. Zhang are with the School of Information and linearized in the continuous-time domain, which are usually ig-
Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou nored or treated approximately [10], [24], [25]. Thus, the actual
221116, China (e-mail:;; system features cannot be accurately presented. Alternatively,
X. Yuan is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Uni- z-domain models can be built for the performance analysis of a
versity of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1UB, U.K. (e-mail: digitally controlled system [14], [26].
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at In [27], a discrete-time domain study shows that when the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2014.2364897 inverter-side current is fed back, both proportional feedback of

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Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR. Downloaded on March 05,2020 at 10:13:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the capacitor current and derivative feedback of the capacitor

voltage present different stability characteristics for different
ratios of resonance frequency to sampling frequency. However,
the specific critical frequencies are not given for the design
of the system parameters. In [28], with the grid-side current
controlled, it is shown that, contrary to the passive damping or
the continuous-time AD, the capacitor-current-feedback AD is
not always stable in the discrete-time domain and it depends
on the product of the resonance frequency and the sampling Fig. 1. Circuit topology of an LCL-type three-phase grid-connected inverter.
period, where π/3 is the critical value. In [29] and [30], one-
sixth of the sampling frequency (fs /6) is regarded as a critical
resonance frequency for the design of controller parameters and
damping coefficient. All the literatures mentioned earlier show
that the system in the discrete-time domain behaves differently
from the continuous-time domain, and as an important resonant
frequency, fs /6 is worthy of further research.
Although there have been a lot of literatures that provide the
stability analysis when the capacitor-current-feedback AD is
used for damping the LCL resonance [27]–[30], there is very lit-
tle research investigates how to extend the critical resonance fre-
quency beyond fs /6 in order to improve the robustness against
grid impedance variation. A recent literature [20] identifies that
the effective damping region is only (0, fs /6), when the pro- Fig. 2. Control models of the grid-side current with proportional capacitor-
portional feedback of capacitor current is adopted. A reduced current-feedback AD. (a) In continuous-time domain. (b) In discrete-time
computation delay method is further proposed to widen the
damping region [20]. However, the sampling frequency is four
times of the switching frequency, and the sampling instant of
capacitor current is different from the others, which increases Generally, the control strategy used in grid-connected invert-
the implementation complexity. ers is a cascaded-loop control, where the inner current loop
An improved capacitor-current-feedback AD method is pro- regulates the grid current, and the outer voltage loop controls
posed in this paper to widen the damping region to fs /4 in order the dc-side voltage. This paper mainly investigates the stabil-
to damp all the possible resonance. First, the system is described ity of the inner current loop and the control of dc-side voltage
and the discrete-time domain mathematical model is presented is not considered here. Fig. 2(a) shows the continuous-time do-
in Section II. In Section III, the system without any damping main model of the grid-side current with proportional capacitor-
method is studied, and the detailed stability analysis is given. current-feedback AD in the stationary αβ-frame. Fi (s) is the
Section IV investigates the system stability with the propor- current controller. KPW M is the PWM gain of the inverter, and
tional feedback of capacitor current, and the stability conditions KPW M = 1 for the space vector PWM (SVPWM). R is the AD
are given for three different cases. In Section V, an improved damping coefficient. 1/Ts is the transfer function of the sam-
capacitor-current-feedback AD method is proposed for extend- pler and Ts is the sampling period. Gd (s) is the delay of one
ing the damping region. Moreover, in order to obtain an opti- sampling period due to the fact that the computation time of the
mal damping performance, the influence of the damping coef- DSP microprocessor cannot be neglected, which can be given
ficient on damping performance is investigated. In Section VI, by
experimental results are presented to verify the proposed AD
method. Gd (s) = e−T s s . (1)

Gzoh (s) is the transfer function of the ZOH, which is an

inherent property of PWM converters [24], [25] and is given by
Fig. 1 shows the circuit topology of an LCL-type three-phase 1 − e−T s s
grid-connected inverter. L1 is the inverter-side inductor. L2 is the Gzoh (s) = . (2)
grid-side inductor. Cf is the filter capacitor, and C is the dc-side
capacitor. The equivalent parasitic resistance of the inductors Gi2 (s) is the transfer function from the inverter output vinv (s)
and capacitors are relatively small and, thus, are neglected here. to the grid current i2 (s), which can be derived as follows:
vg k (k = a, b, c) denotes the grid voltages, which are measured
for the purpose of synchronizing the control and i1k and i2k (k = i2 (s) 1 1
Gi2 (s) = = · (3)
a, b, c) are the inverter-side and grid-side current, respectively. vinv (s) L1 L2 Cf s s2 + ωr2

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where ωr is the resonance angular frequency and can be ex-

pressed as

L1 + L2
ωr = . (4)
L1 L2 Cf

Gic (s) is the transfer function from the inverter output vinv (s)
to the capacitor current ic (s) as shown
ic (s) 1 s
Gic (s) = = · . (5)
vinv (s) L1 s2 + ωr2
Fig. 2(b) shows the discrete-time domain control model,
where Gi2 (z) and Gic (z) are the discrete models and are de-
rived by applying the ZOH transformation to (3) and (5). Gi2 (z)
and Gic (z) can be expressed as follows: Fig. 3. Bode plots of T n d (z).
Gi2 (z) = Z(Gzoh (s)Gi2 (s))
ωr Ts [z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1] − sin(ωr Ts )(z − 1)2 TABLE I
ωr (L1 + L2 )(z − 1)[z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1]
(6) Parameter I II III

Gic (z) = Z(Gzoh (s)Gic (s)) Converter-side inductance L 1 1.5 mH 1.5 mH 1.5 mH
Grid-side inductance L 2 1.2 mH 1.2 mH 1.2 mH
sin(ωr Ts ) z−1 Filter capacitance C f 18.8 μF 14.1 μF 9.4 μF
= · 2 . (7)
ωr L1 z − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1 Resonance frequency f r 1.42 kHz 1.64 kHz 2.01 kHz
DC-side capacitance C 2200 μF
In this paper, the sampling and the control updating are done Grid phase voltage 100 V(RMS), 50 Hz
DC-side voltage 350 V
at a rate of twice of the switching frequency fsw [20], [26]. In Sampling frequency f s 10 kHz
order to describe the behavior of digitally controlled systems Switching frequency f s w 5 kHz
accurately, the analysis is implemented in the discrete-time do-
main. A proportional-resonant (PR) current controller is adopted
to eliminate the steady-state error at the fundamental frequency
ωb , which is defined in (8), with a proportional gain of Kp , and ωr Ts [z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1] − sin(ωr Ts )(z − 1)2
a resonance gain of Ki [31] z(z − 1) [z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1]
Ki s (11)
Fi (s) = Kp + . (8)
s + ωb2
As seen from (11), Tn d (z) has four poles: one (P1 ) is located
Applying the prewarped bilinear (Tustin) transformation to at the origin, one (P2 ) on the unit circle, and the rest (P3 and
(8), an equivalent discrete-time controller transfer function is P4 ) relate to the resonance frequency ωr . Therefore, in order to
given as investigate the system stability, it is necessary to study the poles
P3 and P4 , which can be expressed as
Ki sin(ωb Ts ) z2 − 1
Fi (z) = Kp + · 2 . (9) P3,4 = cos(ωr Ts ) ± j sin(ωr Ts ).
2ωb z − 2 cos(ωb Ts )z + 1 (12)

It can be seen from (12) that the poles P3 and P4 are also lo-
cated on the unit circle. Thus, according to the Nyquist stability
criterion, the system is stable if and only if the net sum of anti-
In this section, the stability analysis of the system without clockwise encirclements of the critical point (−1, j0) by Tn d (z)
any damping is presented. Since this paper mainly focuses on is equal to zero. Otherwise, the system becomes unstable.
the stability of the current loop, the effect of grid voltage on Generally, the controller resonant angular frequency ωb is far
the output current is not considered. The output current can be less than the −180° crossing-over angular frequency ω c . Hence,
derived as (10) from Fig. 2(b) it makes little phase contribution at ωc [29], [30]. Thus
Tn d (z) ∗ Fi (z = ej ω c T s ) ≈ Kp .
i2 (z) ≈ i (z) (10) (13)
1 + Tn d (z) 2
Fig. 3 shows the bode plots of Tn d (z) with the parameters
where Tn d (z) is the open-loop transfer function of the system
listed in Table I, where the solid line indicates the resonance
with no damping adopted, and can be expressed as
frequency fr is 1.42 kHz, which is lower than fs /6 (fs /6 =
Fi (z)KPW M 1.67 kHz for fs = 10 kHz). The dotted line indicates the reso-
Tn d (z) = ·
(L1 + L2 )ωr nance frequency fr is 2.01 kHz, which is higher than fs /6. It

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can be seen from Fig. 3 that the −180° crossing takes place at
fr when fr < fs /6, and at fs /6, when fr > fs /6.
In order to explain the aforementioned cases, it is necessary
to investigate Tn d (z) at fs /6 and fr . The value of Tn d (z) at
fs /6 can be derived as
Kp KPW M sin(ωr Ts )
Tn d (z = e j π /3
)≈− ωr Ts + .
(L1 + L2 )ωr 1 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )
When fr > fs /6, Tn d (z) has a negative real value at z =
ej π /3 . Thus, a −180º crossing will take place at fs /6. However,
when fr < fs /6, Tn d (z) has a positive real value, which results
in a −360° crossing. Here, the detailed numerical analysis is
It is well known that Tn d (z) exists a 180° phase jump at
fr , and the phase curve is continuous and monotonic between
the controller resonance frequency fb and the LCL resonance Fig. 4. Bode plots of T c d (z) with Fi (z) = K p .
frequency fr . Therefore, when fr < fs /6, there will be a −180°
crossing at fr . From (14), it can be seen that when fr > fs /6,
a −180° crossing occurs at fs /6. However, the magnitude of Case II: fr < fs /6 and R > Rm ax .
Tn d (z) at fr is far greater than 0 dB. Thus, when fr < fs /6, Case III: fr > fs /6 and R > 0.
the Nyquist curve of Tn d (z) will clockwise encircle the critical Fig. 4 shows the bode plots of Tcd (z) with the parameters
point (−1, j0) once, and a pair of conjugate unstable closed-loop listed in Table I, where Fi (z) = Kp for simplicity. Case I
poles will be produced. When fr > fs /6, a proper Kp can be and Case II are with the same inherent resonance frequency
selected for Tn d (z = ej π /3 ) < 0 dB. Therefore, the system is fr 1 = 1.42 kHz. Case III is with the inherent resonance fre-
conditionally stable. In fact, the power grid is not ideal. Even quency fr 3 = 2.01 kHz. fr 1 , fr 2 , fr 3 are the actual resonance
though fr > fs /6, the inductive grid impedance, introduced by frequencies, and the reason of resonance frequency shifting will
power transformers, inductive loads, etc., might decrease the be discussed in the next section. As seen from the bode plots of
resonance frequency below fs /6, and then the system will step Tcd (z) in Fig. 4, the −180° crossing might take place at fr or
into unstable regions. at fs /6. For Case I, the −180° crossing only take place at fr ,
In summary, either passive damping or AD needs to be and for Case II and Case III, the −180° crossing takes place at
adopted for stabilizing the LCL-type control system, especially fr and fs /6. The value of Tcd (z) at fr and fs /6 can be derived
when the inverters are connected to a weak-grid system. with (15) as (17) and (18), respectively
Kp L1
(L1 + L2 )R
Kp L1
Although some literatures have given the stability analysis Tcd (z = ej π /3 ) ≈ −
when the proportional feedback of capacitor current is adopted R − Rm ax
to attenuate resonance [20], [28]–[30], it remains necessary to sin(ωr Ts ) + ωr Ts (1 − 2 cos(ωr Ts ))
· .
present the stability analysis for further study. (L1 + L2 ) sin(ωr Ts )
From Fig. 2(b), the open-loop transfer function Tcd with pro-
portional capacitor-current feedback can be derived as (15),
which is shown at the bottom of this page.
Applying the Jury’s criterion to (15), in order to ensure the From (17), it can be seen that, in any case, the phase
high-frequency open-loop poles introduced by LCL filter are plots always cross over −180° at fr . Since fr is usually less
inside the unit circle, the stability condition for R can be found than one-half of the switching frequency (fsw /2) in the de-
by sign process of the LCL filter [2]. In this paper, fsw is equal
ωr L1 (2 cos(ωr Ts ) − 1) to fs /2 and hence fr < fs /4. Considering that f (ωr Ts ) =
0 < R < Rm ax = . (16) sin(ωr Ts ) + ωr Ts (1 − 2cos(ωr Ts )) is an increasing function
KPW M sin(ωr Ts )
in this range and f (0) = 0, the phase plots cross over −360° in
Note that when fr > fs /6, Rm ax < 0, then the inequality in Case I and −180° in Case II and Case III at fs /6.
(16) is invalid. Therefore, only when fr < fs /6 and the damping According to the Nyquist stability criterion, the stability con-
coefficient R meets (16), no open-loop unstable poles exist. ditions of an LCL-type grid-connected inverter with proportional
When fr > fs /6 or R > Rm ax , there will be a pair of open-loop capacitor-current-feedback AD can be summarized as follows:
unstable poles. As described in [20], three cases are divided for Case I: Since there are no open-loop unstable poles, encir-
illustrating the system stability:  j0) by Tcd (z) is not required. It can
clement of the point (−1,
Case I: fr < fs /6 and R < Rm ax . be seen from Fig. 4, if Tcd (z = ej ω r T s ) < 1, Tcd (z) does not

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encircle the point (−1, j0) and the system will be stable. The
stability condition can be derived as (19) with (17)
(L1 + L2 )R
0 < Kp < . (19)
Case II: With a pair of open-loop unstable poles, two anti-
Fig. 5. Proposed capacitor-current-feedback AD method.
clockwise encirclements
 of the point (−1, j0) are required. The
conditions Tcd (z = ej ω r T s ) < 1 and Tcd (z = ej π /3 ) > 1
need to be satisfied for ensuring the system stability. The stabil-
ity range for Kp can be found as shown
R − Rm ax (L1 + L2 ) sin(ωr Ts ) A. Parameter Calculation for λ and Damping Region Analysis
L1 sin(ωr Ts ) + ωr Ts (1 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )) Fig. 6 shows the current control model in the continuous-
(L1 + L2 )R time domain and its equivalent transformation, where W(s) is
< Kp < . (20) the s-domain transfer function of W(z) and can be expressed as
Case III: The requirements are R
 the same as Case II. W (s) = . (23)
However, the conditions are Tcd (z = ej ω r T s ) > 1 and 1 + e−λT s s
Tcd (z = ej π /3 ) < 1. The stability range for Kp is
Through a series of equivalent transformations, the feedback
R − R
(L1 + L2 )R  m ax of capacitor current can be seen as a virtual impedance Zeq (s)
< Kp < 
L1 L1 paralleled with the filter capacitor, shown as the dashed box in
 Fig. 6. Zeq (s) can be given by
(L1 + L2 ) sin(ωr Ts ) 
· . (21)
sin(ωr Ts ) + ωr Ts (1 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )) L1 Ts 1 eT s s s
Zeq (s) = · · . (24)
In each case, the stability range for Kp is different from others. Cf KPW M W (s) 1 − e−T s s
Notably, Case III is even opposite to Case II. In practice, the grid With Euler’s formula, (24) can be turned into (25), which is
impedance exists and varies with loads. The inherent resonance shown at the bottom of this page.
frequency fr will decrease due to the inductive grid impedance, Further, Zeq (s) can be expressed as follows in another form:
and the work regions might move from one to another. Thus,
the previous design for Kp may not be suitable, which may Zeq (jω) = Req (ω)//jXeq (ω). (26)
potentially decrease the stability margin, even make the system where
unstable. ⎧
⎪ L1 Ts ω cos(0.5λωTs )

⎨ Req (ω)= ·
RCf KPW M sin(0.5ωTs ) cos(1.5 − 0.5λ)ωTs

⎪ L1 Ts ω cos(0.5λωTs )
From Sections III and IV, it can be seen that fs /6 is a critical ⎩ Xeq (ω)= ·
RCf KPW M sin(0.5ωTs ) sin(1.5 − 0.5λ)ωTs
LCL filter resonance frequency, which can be reached easily by (27)
reasons of filter design or external grid impedance. Considering Generally, in order to damp the resonance, Req (ω) > 0 is
that fr < fs /4, if the critical resonance frequency can be ex- required at fr . However, it is difficult to identify the location
tended to fs /4, the current controller design becomes simple and of the resonance, due to the tolerance or aging of the filter
the control system is robust to the grid impedance. Therefore, components and the varied grid impedance. Then Req (ω) > 0
it is much desired to extend the critical resonance frequency in a wide frequency range is necessary for covering the possible
to fs /4. Fig. 5 shows the proposed capacitor-current-feedback resonance. From (23), it can be seen the proportional feedback
AD method, where W(z) is the feedback link of the capacitor of capacitor current is obtained when λ = 0. Fig. 7 shows the
current, which can be expressed as curves of Req (ω) and Xeq (ω) when λ = 0. As seen, the valid
R damping region is (0, fs /6), and it agrees with the analysis in
W (z) = . (22) Section IV.
1 + z −λ

Fi (z)KPW M ωr Ts [z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1] − sin(ωr Ts )(z − 1)2

Tcd (z) = · (15)
(L1 + L2 )ωr (z − 1)[z(z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1) + K P W M R sin(ω r T s ) (z − 1)]
ωr L1

L1 Ts 1 ωej 1.5ω T s L1 Ts ωcos(0.5λωTs )

Zeq (jω) = · · = · [cos(1.5 − 0.5λ)ωTs + jsin(1.5 − 0.5λ)ωTs]
Cf KPW M W (jω) 2sin(0.5ωTs ) RCf KPW M sin(0.5ωTs )

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Fig. 6. Current control model in continuous-time domain and its equivalent transformation.

Fig. 7. Curves of R e q (ω) and X e q (ω) when λ = 0.

Fig. 8. Variation of fm a x with λ.

In Fig. 7, Xeq (ω) > 0 when f < fs /3, thus a virtual induc-
seen the curves are quite similar when λ = 0 and λ = 1. To
tance is introduced and the actual resonance frequency fr is
further analyze which value of λ is more suitable, it is necessary
higher than the inherent resonance frequency fr , as shown in
to investigate the stability of the system when λ = 1 or λ = 2.
Fig. 4.
According to Fig. 5, the open-loop transfer function Tpd (z)
In order to analyze the relationship between the damping
with the proposed capacitor-current-feedback AD method is
region and λ, the following inequalities are established with
derived as (30), shown at the bottom of this page.
Req (ω) > 0:
In (30), Tpd (z) has λ + 4 poles. Except for the pole z = 1,

cos(0.5λωTs ) > 0 the rest of the poles are related to the AD parameters. Here, we
. (28) define
cos(1.5 − 0.5λ)ωTs > 0
D(z) = z(z λ + 1)(z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1)
Since sin(0.5ωTs ) > 0 when 0 < f < fs , it has not been con-
KPW M R sin(ωr Ts ) λ+1
sidered as a constraint for Req (ω) > 0. With (28), the maximum + (z − z λ ). (31)
frequency fm ax can be derived in (29), and (0, fm ax ) is defined ωr L1
as the damping region here Similar to the previous analysis process, the open-loop un-
stable poles are first studied. Applying the Jury’s criterion to
fs fs
fm ax = min , . (29) (31), for λ = 2, Tpd (z) always has a pair of unstable poles. For
2λ 2|3 − λ|
λ = 1, if the condition shown as (32) is met, no unstable poles
Fig. 8 shows the variation of fm ax with λ. As seen, when exist. Otherwise, a pair of unstable poles appears
λ = 1.5, the largest damping region can be obtained. However,
2ωr L1 cos(ωr Ts )
λ must be a natural number due to the limit of digital controller. 0 < R < Rm ax = . (32)
Thus, λ = 1 or λ = 2 is the optimal choice with fm ax = fs /4. KPW M sin(ωr Ts )
As mentioned earlier, the damping region (0, fs /4) can cover all According to the Nyquist stability criterion, when λ = 2, two
possible resonance frequencies. Note that in order to establish anticlockwise encirclements of the point (−1, j0) is required for
the possible range for λ and to find out the largest damping ensuring a stable closed-loop system. Fig. 10 shows the bode
region, λ is treated as a real variable for the analysis initially. plots of Tpd (z) with different inherent resonance frequencies fr
However, λ should be a natural number in real implementation when λ = 2, where fr is 2.84 kHz (> fs /4), 2.01 kHz (> fs /6),
and therefore a natural number will be selected for λ in the end. and 1.42 kHz (< fs /6), respectively. In this paper, the −180º
Fig. 9 shows the curves of Req (ω) and Xeq (ω) when λ = 1 crossing nearby the Nyquist frequency is not considered. The
and λ = 2. As seen, when f < fs /4, Req (ω) > 0. Thus, the point (−1, j0) cannot be encircled due to the serious magnitude
damping region is widened. Compared with Fig. 7, it can be attenuation. It can be seen there are two −180º crossings (i.e.,

Fi (z)KPW M (z λ + 1)[ωr Ts (z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1) − sin(ωr Ts )(z − 1)2 ]

Tpd (z) = · (30)
(L1 + L2 )ωr (z − 1) [z (z λ + 1) (z 2 − 2 cos(ωr Ts )z + 1) + (KPW M R sin(ωr Ts )/ωr L1 ) (z λ+1 − z λ )]

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Fig. 11. Bode plots of T p d (z) with Fi (z) = K p when λ = 1.

Case B: fr < fs /4 and R > Rm ax ;

Case C: fr > fs /4 and R > 0.
Fig. 11 shows the bode plots of Tpd (z) with three cases when
λ = 1, where the inherent resonance frequency of Case A and
Case B is 2.01 kHz, and Case C 2.84 kHz, which is greater than
fs /4. As seen, for Case A, only one −180° crossing is notable,
Fig. 9. Curves of R e q (ω) and X e q (ω) when λ = 1 and λ = 2. (a) R e q (ω). which is located at the left-side of fs /4. For Case B and Case C,
(b) X e q (ω). two −180° crossings need to be considered: one is located at fr
and the other is located at the left side of fs /4. Then the stability
conditions of the proposed AD  are given as follows:
Case A: Tpd (z = ej ω c T s ) < 1. 
 Case Bj ω  and  Case C: Tpd (z = ej ω c T s ) < 1 and
Tpd (z = e r T s ) > 1.
Compared with the proportional feedback of capacitor cur-
rent, it can be found that except the critical resonance frequency
is changed from fs /6 to fs /4, other features are very similar.
Thus, with the proposed AD method, the damping region of
LCL filter is widened.

B. Influence of Damping Coefficient R on Damping

Performance With λ = 1
As mentioned earlier, fr is usually lower than fs /4. Thus,
Fig. 10. Bode plots of T p d (z) with Fi (z) = K p when λ = 2.
Case A and Case B are the possible choices for the system
design. However, for Case B, two constraint conditions need
to be met to ensure the system stability, which increases the
complexity of the controller parameter calculation. Further, the
−540º in Fig. 10), which needs to be handled carefully, and one inductive grid impedance may make the system step from Case B
is always located at fs /4, which is produced
 by the conjugate
 into Case A, which happens when R < Rm ax and the previous
zeros z = ±j. Thus, the conditions Tpd (z = ej ω c T s ) < 1 and parameter may not be suitable. Therefore, Case A is selected for
Tpd (z = ej ω s T s /4 ) > 1 are required to meet. However, due to the system design.
the serious magnitude attenuation of Tpd (z) at fs /4, it is almost
 Besides the stability requirements, the damping performance
impossible to achieve the condition Tpd (z = ej ω s T s /4 ) > 1. also needs to be investigated. For the passive damping method
Therefore, λ = 2 is ruled out for widening the damping region. with resistance paralleled with capacitor, the system damping
Note that only when fr < fs /4, the inequality in (32) is valid. effect is enhanced with the damping resistance decreased. How-
By comparing (16) with (32), it can be found that the stability ever, for capacitor-current-feedback AD, due to the calculation
conditions for R are very similar, except the valid frequency delay and ZOH, the equivalent term paralleled with capacitor
range. Thus, three cases are also divided for illustrating the contains a damping resistance Req (ω) and a reactance Xeq (ω),
system stability: which vary with frequency, as shown in Fig. 9. The situation
Case A: fr < fs /4 and R < Rm ax ; becomes more complex.

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Fig. 12. Curves of R e q (ω) with the increase of R.

Fig. 14. Curves of R e q (ω r ).

Substituting (34) back into (27) results in

1 ω
Req (ωr ) = ·  2 r 2 · tan(ωr Ts ). (35)
Cf ωr − ωr

In (35), if Req (ωr ) has a minimum value at fr d (defined as

Fig. 13. Single-phase equivalent circuit of an LCL filter. the optimal actual resonant frequency), the optimal damping
performance will be obtained. However, it is difficult to solve
the minimum value of Req (ωr ) due to the existence of trigono-
metric function. Fig. 14 shows the curves of Req (ωr ) with two
From (27), it can be seen that the damping coefficient R is different fr . In fact, fr < fr < fs /4 when Case A is adopted,
inversely proportional to Req (ω) and Xeq (ω). Thus, the damp- and fr = fs /4 when R = Rm ax , which can be derived by let-
ing features can be changed by adjusting R. For a given inherent ting D(z = ej ω s T s /4 ) = 0 in (31). As seen from Fig. 14, in the
resonance frequency fr , if Xeq (ω) = 0, the conclusion that the range (fr , fs /4), Req (ωr ) > 0, and the minimum value always
damping effect is enhanced with R increasing can be obtained. locates nearby (fr + fs /4)/2. Hence, fr d can be approximated
If Xeq (ω) = 0 (Xeq (ω) > 0 when fr < fs /4), the actual res- by (fr + fs /4)/2 as in
onance fr will shift to right, and then the damping effect may fr + fs /4
be weakened with R increasing. Fig. 12 shows the curves of fr d ≈ . (36)
Req (ω) with the increase of R. It can be seen if the actual res-
onance frequency is fr 2 , when R increases, the damping effect
will be enhanced with R1 < R2 . In contrast, if the actual res- Note that (36) is still valid when the resonance shifting caused
onance frequency is fr 3 , due to R3 > R2 , the damping effect by Req (ω) is considered, due to its symmetry similarly shown
will be weakened. Thus, it is necessary to study the damping in Fig. 14. Fig. 15 shows three groups of poles of Tpd (z)
performance with R varying for effectively damping the reso- with R varying, where fr 1 = 1.42 kHz, fr 2 = 1.64 kHz, fr 3 =
nance. 2.01 kHz, and fs = 10 kHz, as listed in Table I. In Fig. 15, the
Here, the analysis is still in the continuous-time domain. bold poles related to LCL resonance are the poles with optimal
Fig. 13 shows the single-phase equivalent circuit of the LCL damping performance, which are closest to the origin, and the
filter, where Xeq (ω) and Req (ω) are shown in (27), and the re- corresponding frequencies are 2.02, 2.06, and 2.26 kHz, respec-
lationship between vinv (jω) and i1 (jω) can be derived as (33), tively. From (36), fr d is calculated as 1.98, 2.07, and 2.26 kHz,
which is shown at the bottom of this page. respectively. As seen, the calculated value is very close to the
In fact, although both Xeq (ω) and Req (ω) can cause the theoretical value. Thus, (36) can be used for determining the op-
resonance to shift, Xeq (ω) plays a leading role. Then the ac- timal damping position. From Figs. 14 and 15, it can also be seen
tual resonance frequency fr can be derived approximately with that when fr < fr d , the damping effect is enhanced gradually
Req (ω) = ∞, and the following equation can be obtained: with the increase of fr , and is weakened when fr > fr d .
Combining (27) with (34), R can be derived as

1 ω L1 Ts (ωr 2 − ωr 2 )
G(jωr ) = 0 ⇒ Xeq (ωr ) = · 2 r 2. (34) R= . (37)
Cf ωr − ωr 2KPW M sin2 (0.5ωr Ts )

vinv (jω) ωL2 Xeq (ω)Req (ω)

G(jω) = = jωL1 − (33)
i1 (jω) −ωL2 Xeq + j[ωL2 Req (ω) + Xeq (ω)Req (ω) − ω 2 L2 Cf Xeq (ω)Req (ω)]

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frequency fsw is 5 kHz. The full experiment parameters are

shown in Table I.
Fig. 16 shows the steady-state experimental waveforms of
Phase-A voltage and current with R < Rm ax calculated by (32).
The current controller parameters are Kp = 5 and Ki = 300,
which meet the stability conditions of Case A but do not
meet Case B. As seen in Fig. 16, the system is always sta-
ble when three groups of LCL parameters listed in Table I are
used. Fig. 17 shows the steady-state experimental results with
R > Rm ax . Due to a pair of unstable open poles and no −180°
crossings, the system tends to be unstable. In Fig. 17, it can
be seen that Phase-A voltage contains certain amount of har-
monics, which are brought by the high-frequency unstable cur-
rent harmonics through the leakage inductance of the isolation
Fig. 18 shows the transient experimental waveforms of Phase-
A voltage and current with R = Rd calculated by (37) and
Fig. 15. Pole map of T p d (z) with R varying. shown in Table II, where the output current steps from 5 to 15
A (peak value). As seen, the output current has a satisfactory
damping property to damp the dynamic oscillation, which was
TABLE II usually caused by a weak damping. Fig. 19 shows the transient
VALUES OF R d AND ζd experimental waveforms with R = Rm ax . From the theoretical
analysis in Section V, the actual resonance frequency is fs /4.
Parameter I II III The system is in the critical position of the damping region when
Theoretical value Rd 13 11 7
R = Rm ax , and thus no damping is introduced to damp the
ζd 0.137 0.0761 0.0196 potential resonance. In Fig. 19, the system tends to be unstable
Calculated value Rd 16 12.8 7.3 when a step response occurs to excite the potential resonance.
ζd 0.124 0.0737 0.0195
Damping ratio error ∇ζ d 9.4% 3.2% 0.5%
Fig. 20 shows the Phase-A output current spectrum, and the
resonance frequency locates near fs /4, i.e., 2.5 kHz. This is in
good agreement with the theoretical analysis. Note that, due to
the transformer leakage reactance, the actual Rm ax is greater
Substituting (36) into (37), the optimal damping coefficient than that calculated by (32). The experimental Rm ax are 23,
R can be solved, defined as Rd . Here, the detailed expression 19, and 15, respectively, and the calculated ones are 21.6, 18.5,
of Rd is no longer given. Since Req (ω) is ignored in (34), Rd and 12.03, respectively. It can be seen the values remain similar
calculated with (37) is not very accurate, especially when the despite some differences.
value of Req (j0) is small, which will lead to a large resonance To show the superior performance of the proposed capacitor-
shifting. Table II shows the theoretical and calculated values of current-feedback AD, the experiments are implemented by in-
Rd , where I, II, and III are corresponding to the LCL parameters serting an inductor Lg at the point of common coupling (PCC)
in Table I, and ζd is the optimal damping ratio. The theoretical in series with the grid to emulate the inductive grid impedance,
Rd is obtained by the pole map of Tpd (z) shown in Fig. 15, where Parameter III in Table I is adopted with the resonance
and the calculated Rd is obtained by (37). As seen, the damping frequency fr ∈ (fs /6, fs /4). From Section IV, with the pro-
ratio error decreases with the increase of Req (j0). However, in portional capacitor-current-feedback AD adopted to damp the
practice, (37) still provides good reference for the design of R. LCL resonance, the system is stable only when the current
controller parameter Kp satisfies the stability requirement in
(21). Fig. 21 shows the experimental results with proportional
VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS capacitor-current-feedback AD. With the stability requirement
A 5 kW grid-connected system has been built for the verifi- in (21), R = 4 and Kp = 8. From Fig. 21(a), it can be seen the
cation of the proposed capacitor-current-feedback AD method. system is stable when Lg = 0 mH. However, in Fig. 21(b), when
The experimental circuit topology is shown in Fig. 1, where a Lg = 2 mH, the output-current i2 tends to be unstable. Due to
floating point DSP (Texas Instruments TMS320F28335) is used the grid impedance Lg , the grid voltage vg at the PCC also be-
as the algorithm controller, and a Xilinx FPGA XC3S400 is gins to show high-frequency oscillation. In fact, the resonance
used as the peripheral auxiliary controller for implementing the frequency fr is decreased from 2.01 to 1.62 kHz when Lg =
pulse output, external analogy to digital (A/D) (ADI AD7656) 2 mH, which is lower than fs /6. Then the system switches from
control, fault protection and other functions. An isolation trans- Case III to Case II, and the stability range for Kp is changed
former is inserted between the inverter and the power grid. In the as (20). Thus, the previous value of Kp is not suitable and the
experiment, the sampling frequency fs is 10 kHz and switching system becomes unstable.

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Fig. 16. Steady-state experimental waveforms of Phase-A voltage and current with R < R m a x . (a) Parameter I. (b) Parameter II. (c) Parameter III.

Fig. 17. Steady-state experimental waveforms of Phase-A voltage and current with R > R m a x . (a) Parameter I. (b) Parameter II. (c) Parameter III.

Fig. 18. Transient experimental waveforms of Phase-A voltage and current with R = R d . (a) Parameter I. (b) Parameter II. (c) Parameter III.

Fig. 19. Transient experimental waveforms of Phase-A voltage and current with R = R m a x . (a) Parameter I. (b) Parameter II. (c) Parameter III.

In comparison, Fig. 22 shows the experimental results with the Meanwhile, the stability range for Kp is increased, since the
proposed capacitor-current-feedback AD, where R = 10 and magnitude of Tpd (z) is decreased due to the inductive grid
Kp = 5. It can be seen the system is always stable. Since the impedance Lg . Thus, the previous value of Kp still satisfies the
upper limit of the damping region is widened from fs /6 to stability requirement.
fs /4, and Rm ax is increased from 12.03 to 18.78 when Lg = With the experimental results mentioned earlier, it can be
2 mH, the system still works in Case A as described in Section V. seen that the proposed capacitor-current-feedback AD method

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Fig. 20. Phase-A output current spectrum with R = R m a x . (a) Parameter I. (b) Parameter II. (c) Parameter III.

Fig. 21. Experimental results with proportional capacitor-current-feedback AD. (a) L g = 0 mH. (b) L g = 2 mH.

Fig. 22. Experimental results with the proposed capacitor-current-feedback AD. (a) L g = 0 mH. (b) L g = 2 mH.

can obtain satisfactory steady-state and transient performance on damping performance is studied. Unlike the passive damp-
and have a wider damping region to damp the LCL resonance at ing, due to the calculation delay and ZOH, the optimal damping
the same time. is obtained at the actual resonance frequency of (fr + fs /4)/2.
Further, an approximate calculation for the optimal R is also
given. Theoretical analysis and experimental results have veri-
VII. CONCLUSION fied the effectiveness of the proposed method.
This paper has investigated the stability issues for an LCL- It is worth noting that the damping region (0, fs /4) achieved
type grid-connected inverter in the discrete-time domain. It is in this paper can cover all the possible resonance frequencies
shown that with the proportional feedback of capacitor current, only when the sampling and the control updating are done at
the valid damping region is only (0, fs /6), and three cases are twice of the rate of the switching frequency fsw . When the
divided to establish the stability conditions for Kp . In order to sampling frequency is the same as the switching frequency, the
ensure robustness against grid impedance variation, an improved system may work in the region of (fs /4, fs /2), which is not
capacitor-current-feedback AD is proposed. The damping re- covered by the damping region. Therefore, how to extend the
gion is widened to (0, fs /4), which can cover all the possible damping region when fs = fsw can be the future work on the
resonance frequencies. The influence of damping coefficient R basis of this paper.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR. Downloaded on March 05,2020 at 10:13:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Yiwen Geng was born in Jiangsu Province, China, in Chenyang Xia was born in Jiangsu Province, China,
1977. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in 1982. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. de-
from the School of Information and Electrical Engi- grees in control theory and control engineering from
neering, China University of Mining and Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in 2006,
Xuzhou, China, in 2000, 2004, and 2014 respectively. 2008, and 2010, respectively.
Since 2006, he has been with the School of Infor- He is currently an Associate Professor in the
mation and Electrical Engineering, China University School of Information and Electrical Engineer-
of Mining and Technology, where he is currently a ing, China University of Mining and Technology,
Lecturer. His current research interests include ac- Xuzhou, China. His current research interests include
tive power filter and renewable energy generation intrinsic safety switch power supply and wireless
systems. power transfer.

Xibo Yuan (S’09–M’11) received the B.S. degree

from China University of Mining and Technology,
Xuzhou, China, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from
Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2010, respectively,
both in electrical engineering.
From 2007 to 2008, he was a Visiting Scholar in
Xue Zhang was born in Anhui Province, China, in
the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES),
1989. She received the B.S. degree in electrical engi-
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
neering in 2013 from China University of Mining and
Blacksburg, USA. In early 2013, he was a Visit-
ing Scholar in the Institute of Energy Technology, Technology, Xuzhou, China, where she is currently
working toward the M.S. degree in electrical engi-
Aalborg University, Denmark. During 2010 and
neering in the School of Information and Electrical
2011, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Electrical Machines
and Drives (EMD) Research Group, Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K. Since 2011, he has Her current research interests include power elec-
tronics, renewable energy generation systems, and
been a Lecturer in the Electrical Energy Management Group (EEMG), Depart-
ment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol,
U.K. His current research interests include power electronics, renewable power
generation, control of high-power multilevel converters, sensorless drive of in-
duction motor and permanent magnet motor, control of electric vehicle, and
more electric aircraft technologies.

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