Individual Assignment Cover Sheet

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Individual Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Name : Felicia Sunarli

Student ID : 03011190004

Module : Academic Writing

Class : 19 M-2

Lecturer / Tutor : Sir. Denny Salim

Assignment Item / Title : Tutorial 1

Date Due : Friday, 4th August, 2020

Date Submitted : Wednesday, 10 June, 2020

I declare that this assessment item is my own work, except where acknowledged, and has not
been submitted for academic credit elsewhere, and acknowledge that the assessor of this item
may, for the purpose of assessing this item:

a. Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the
University; and/or,

b. Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which

may then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of future
plagiarism checking).

c. I certify that I have read and understood the University Rules in respect of Student
Academic Misconduct.

Signed: .............felicia sunarli..................

Date : Wednesday , 10 June 2020

Lesson 1
Activity 1

a. We must learn negotiation because negotiate is very important in our life. By negotiate, it
will help us to seize opportunities, make more money, develop relationships and maximize
what you will achieve.
b. Negotiation is about give and take, so before we call it as negotiation, we must compromise
and agree to develop an ongoing relationship that is valuable to both parties.

Activity 2
a. It’s happen when I am at market to buy some meat for dinner, the seller give me
Rp.150.000/kg. I feel it is too expensive, so I tried to bargain with the seller for
Rp.110.000/kg. And then the seller give me with Rp.130.000/kg ,then I bargain again with
Rp.120.000/kg and the seller agree.
b. I need to bargain because the price is too expensive for me and I want to get a lower price so
that I can save more money on other necessities.
c. Yes, I get the meat with more affordable price.

Activity 3
Buying a bag from the retail store

Activity 4
a. The negotiation unsuccessful because there is no agreement between these two parties.
b. If I was given a chance, I will negotiate the price with more patience and control my
emotional because by this, I can have a good discussion with the other party and find what is
the best price decision for both of us.

Activity 5
1. Preparation
2. Patience
3. Active Listening
4. Emotional control
5. Ethics and reliability
6. Problem solving

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