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Caliban’s Crawling Claw
Conjure Shadow

SPELLS  Contaminate
Corpse Trap
Corrupt Beast
Dark Omens
  Disarm Senses
For as many heroic paladins there are that Dominate Thrall
do battle on the plains of day, for as many Face of Darkness
wizards that build towering cities and bards Gather Blood
that bring joy and laughter--for all the good Halting Heart
that magic can achieve, there will always be Hands of the Grave
a dark shadow of its evil nature. If magic in Inflict Terrible Wounds
the hands of good people can create Intoxicating Touch
wonders, the opposite must also be true: Lesser Phylactery
magic can also enable the evil to create Lunar Madness
nightmares beyond imagination. Nightmare Terrain
The spells in this collection are considered Parasitic Curse
“forbidden”--be it because they are banned Puppet Strings
from practice in any wizard’s academy or Ray of Rotting
mage’s guild worth its salt, or because the Shadow Step
details of their performance are hidden Snakechange
away in dark tomes like the Necronomicon Snare of Barbs
or the Book of Vile Darkness. That does not Spying Skull
necessarily damn any caster who uses Unholy Weapon
them to a life of evil--after all, sometimes a
horrific crime deserves an equally horrific
punishment--but it is worth considering the
effect casting such grotesque spells with
any regularity has on the mind of a magic

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS inanimate and can take no actions, except
to be reattached to your wrist.

CALIBAN’S CRAWLING CLAW  3rd-level conjuration
2nd-level necromancy (ritual)
Time: ​1 action
Time: ​1 action Range: ​60 feet
Range: ​Self Components: ​V, S, M (a chunk of charcoal)
Components: ​V, S, M (a silver dagger) Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: ​Instantaneous
You summon shadows to do your bidding
With one sweeping motion, you sever your within range. Choose up to four Small or
hand, which drops to the ground and Medium creatures you can see within range;
animates as a crawling claw. The wound on the shadows of those creatures detach from
your wrist closes instantly. their bodies and become living shadows
The crawling claw acts independently of under your control.
you, but it obeys your commands. It can A summoned shadow disappears when it
receive commands telepathically over any drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
distance, so long as its on the same plane The summoned creatures are friendly to
of existence as you. In combat, it rolls its you, but not necessarily to your
own initiative and acts on its own turn. The companions. Roll initiative for the
claw can attack and take other actions as summoned creatures as a group, which has
normal, as well as manipulating objects, its own turns. They obey any verbal
such as opening doors, turning locks, and commands that you issue to them (no action
fetching items. The crawling claw can required by you). If you don’t issue any
activate magic items, but if they require commands to them, they will converge on
attunement in order to be used, you must be the nearest creature and use their action to
attuned to them. If the crawling claw is attack.
holding an item, it can still walk, but it loses The DM has the shadow’s statistics, which
its climbing speed. are as normal save for one change: the
Additionally, when you cast a spell with a shadow’s Strength Drain action still deals
range of touch, the crawling claw can damage, but causes no reduction in a
deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell. target’s Strength score. If a creature is killed
The claw must use its reaction to deliver the by the shadow’s Strength Drain, it becomes
spell when you cast it. If the spell requires a shadow 1d4 hours later, but is not under
an attack roll, you use your attack modifier your control.
for the roll.
The claw lasts until it is placed next to At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
your wrist, where it can be reattached as a using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
bonus action, leaving only a faint scar. If the number of shadows you can create
claw drops to 0 hit points, it becomes increases by one for every slot level above
CONTAMINATE  If you choose no condition, the undead lies
3rd-level necromancy dormant until a creature makes an
Intelligence (Investigation) check to inspect
Time: ​1 action the body, at which point it attacks the
Range: ​60 feet inspecting creature.
Components:​ V, S The undead lasts until it is reduced to 0 hit
Duration: ​10 minutes points. If the undead is active but not dead
after the spell’s duration ends, you lose
You contaminate a creature you can see control of it, and it becomes hostile to you. If
within range with an infectious disease that the condition hasn’t been met within the
wracks the body. The target must succeed spell’s duration, the corpse fails to
on a Constitution saving throw or be reanimate.
poisoned for the duration. Additionally, if a
creature starts its turn within 5 feet of a At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
creature poisoned by this spell, it must also using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or animate two additional undead for each slot
become poisoned. level above 4th. Each of the creatures must
come from a different corpse or pile of
CORPSE TRAP  bones, and is activated by the same
4th-level necromancy condition.

Time: ​1 minute CORRUPT BEAST 

Range: ​10 feet 4th-level transmutation
Components:​ V, S, M (a drop of blood, a
piece of flesh, and a pinch of bone dust) Time: ​1 action
Duration: ​24 hours Range: ​30 feet
Components: ​V, S
You plant the seed of undeath in a corpse, Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 hour
which lies in wait until it can strike. Choose
a pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or You fill a beast within range with dark
Small humanoid within range. Your spell energy, causing it to grow and become
imbues the target with a foul mimicry of life, monstrous. Choose one Small or Medium
raising it as an undead creature. The target beast you can see within range; if the beast
becomes a skeleton if you chose bones or a is hostile to you, it can make a Wisdom
zombie if you chose a corpse (the DM has saving throw to resist the spell’s effects. On
the creature’s game statistics). a failed save, or if the beast does not resist,
The undead does not move or reassemble it undergoes the following changes:
its body until a certain condition is met,
which you determine when the spell is cast. ● The beast’s size category increases by
You can choose for the undead to activate one (from Small to Medium, or from
when a nearby object is touched, a door is Medium to Large). If there is a giant
closed, or some other similar condition. version of the chosen beast, you may
Once this condition is met, the undead rises use the statistics for that version
and attacks any creature it can see but you.
instead, so long as it has a CR of 2 or each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
less. on a success.
● The beast’s creature type becomes
“monstrosity”. At Higher Levels.​ When you cast this spell
● The beast becomes immune to being using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
charmed or frightened. can target one additional creature for each
slot level above 2nd. The creatures must be
The corrupted beast is under your control within 30 feet of each other when you target
for the duration. It obeys your verbal them.
commands, and in combat, it acts on your
turn each round. DESECRATE 
Once the duration ends, you lose control 5th-level necromancy
of the beast, which becomes hostile to you
and your companions. You can cast this Time: ​24 hours
spell again to reassert control of up to three Range: ​Touch
beasts transformed by this spell for another Components: ​V, S, M (herbs, oils, and
hour, instead of creating a new corrupted incense worth at least 1,000gp, which the
beast. spell consumes)
The beast returns to its normal form when Duration: ​Until dispelled
it is reduced to 0 hit points, after 24 hours,
You touch a point and disrupt any holy
or if subjected to the ​remove curse s​ pell.
energy in the area around it. The area can
At Higher Levels. W ​ hen you cast this spell have a radius up to 60 feet, and the spell
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you fails if the radius includes an area already
can transform one additional beast for each under the effect of a ​desecrate s​ pell. The
slot level above 4th. affected area is subject to the following
DARK OMENS  If the area is under the effects of a ​hallow
2nd-level illusion spell, those effects end immediately, as the
divine energy in the area disperses.
Time: ​1 action Additionally, dead bodies in the
Range: ​30 feet desecrated area become restless; dead
Components: ​V bodies interred in the area rise as undead
Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute within 1d4 days of dying (or entering the
area if already dead). These undead are
You fill a creature’s mind with feelings of hostile to all creatures save for other
paranoia and impending misfortune. The undead.
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving Finally, holy power is weaker in
throw or become frightened of you for the desecrated areas. Creatures in the
duration. A creature frightened in this way desecrated area have advantage on saving
moves cautiously, as if danger is around throws made to resist being turned.
every corner, and can only move up to half If a ​hallow s​ pell is cast in the desecrated
its speed on its turn. A frightened creature
can repeat its saving throw at the end of
area, it has no effect of its own except to You utter dark ravings and attempt to
negate the effects of this spell. dominate an undead creature you can see
within range. If the undead creature is not
DISARM SENSES  under the control of any other spell, it must
3rd-level transmutation succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or come
under your control for 1 hour. An undead
Time: ​1 action controlled by you obeys your verbal
Range: ​60 feet commands, acting on its own initiative count
Components: ​V, S, M (a sewing needle in combat. If the undead is delivered no
and a spool of thread) commands, it takes no actions on its turn.
Duration: ​1 minute If the undead is under the control of a
spell, make an ability check using your
You deprive a creature within range of their
spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the
senses. The target must succeed on a
spell’s level. On a successful check, you
Wisdom saving throw or suffer two of the
assert control of the undead as normal. This
following effects of your choice.
control lasts for the remaining duration of
​Earless. ​The target’s ears disappear for
the original spell that animated or controlled
the duration, rendering them deafened.
the undead.
​Eyeless. T​ he target’s eyes disappear for
the duration, rendering them blinded. At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
​Mouthless. T​ he target’s mouth using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
disappears for the duration, rendering them automatically take control of an undead
mute. The creature cannot speak or cast creature if the animating spell’s level is
spells that require a verbal component. equal to or less than the level of the spell
A creature affected by this spell can slot you used.
repeat its saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a FACE OF DARKNESS 
success. 1st-level illusion
At Higher Levels. W ​ hen you cast this spell Time: ​1 reaction
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you Range: ​Self
can target one additional creature for each Components: ​V, S
slot level above 3rd. The creatures must be Duration: ​Instantaneous
within 60 feet of each other when you cast
the spell. When a creature targets you with an attack
roll, you can use your reaction to cast this
DOMINATE THRALL  spell, wreathing yourself in a horrifying
2nd-level necromancy illusion of rot and gore that startles the
creature. The attacker has disadvantage on
Time: ​1 action the attack roll.
Range: ​60 feet
Components: ​V, S GATHER BLOOD 
Duration: ​Special 1st-level necromancy (ritual)
Time: ​10 minutes and a creature with no heart automatically
Range: ​30 feet succeeds.
Components: ​V, S, M (a series of glass
phials, bottles, or other empty containers) At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
Duration: ​Instantaneous using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
damage increases by 1d10 for each slot
You perform a meticulous ritual to collect level above 5th.
and filter blood from your surroundings.
Choose any number of recently deceased HANDS OF THE GRAVE 
corpses within range; over the course of the 2nd-level necromancy
spell’s casting time, you draw any remaining
blood from the corpses and transfer them Time: ​1 action
into the containers used as this spell’s Range: ​90 feet
material components. In place of any of Components: ​V, S, M (a piece of stone
these corpses, you may choose a blood from a graveyard or mausoleum)
splatter or pool on a surface such as a wall Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute
or floor.
Grasping, clawing hands burst from the
In the process of transferring to your
ground in a 20-foot radius starting from a
containers, the blood is filtered of any dirt,
point you can see within range. When a
disease, or foreign poisons, and separates
creature starts its turn in this area, it must
into different containers for each creature,
succeed on a Strength saving throw or take
provided there are enough containers to do
2d6 slashing damage and be restrained by
so. You can gather up to a gallon of blood
the hands for the spell’s duration. A
each time you cast this spell.
restrained creature takes an additional 2d6
slashing damage at the beginning of each of
its turns, and can use its action to make a
5th-level necromancy
Strength check against your spell save DC.
Time: ​1 action On a success, it frees itself.
Range: ​30 feet
At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
Components: ​V, S, M (an iron spike)
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, it
Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute
deals an additional 1d6 slashing damage
You flood a creature with necrotic energy, (both initial and repeated) for each slot level
attempting to briefly stop its heart. Choose a above 2nd.
creature you can see within range. The
target must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 4th-level necromancy
5d10 necrotic damage and is stunned until
Time: ​1 action
the end of its next turn. On a successful
Range: ​Touch
save, the target takes half as much damage
Components: ​V, S
and isn’t stunned. A creature with multiple
Duration: ​Instantaneous
hearts has advantage on this saving throw,
You touch a creature within range and open consumes)
festering, bleeding wounds all over its body. Duration: ​24 hours
Make a melee spell attack against a
creature you can reach. On a hit, the target You carve intricate symbols into the gem
takes 5d8 necrotic damage. that serves as this spell’s material
Additionally, a target hit by this spell loses component and store a fragment of your
blood at an alarming rate. The target loses 4 soul inside, hardening you against death.
(1d8) hit points at the beginning of each of For the duration, when you are reduced to 0
its turns. Any creature can use its action to hit points, you make no death saving
perform a Wisdom (Medicine) check on the throws. Instead, you become stable as your
creature to staunch the bleeding, ending the soul retreats to the phylactery, and you do
effect. The difficulty of this check is equal to not wake up until the duration ends, even if
your spell save DC. This effect ends you receive healing. You cannot be killed
automatically if the creature receives while you are stable in this way except by
magical healing. the ​disintegrate s​ pell.
At the end of the duration, if you are
At Higher Levels. W ​ hen you cast this spell unconscious and stabilized in this way, you
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, it wake up with 1 hit point and the gem
deals an additional 1d8 damage initially for shatters. If the gem is shattered early, or if
each slot level above 4th. you are made the target of a ​dispel magic
spell or similar effect, you become unstable,
INTOXICATING TOUCH  and must make death saving throws as
2nd-level transmutation normal.

Time: ​1 action LUNAR MADNESS 

Range: ​Touch 4th-level necromancy
Components: ​V, S
Duration: ​1 hour Time: ​1 action
Range: ​120 feet
You touch a creature and fill its blood with Components:​ V, S, M (a fragment of
toxins, making it feel as if it were drunk. The moonstone)
target must succeed on a Constitution Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute
saving throw or be poisoned for the
duration. A creature poisoned in this way You shine maddening moonlight on a
has slurred speech and wobbles 20-foot radius area centered on a spot you
precariously as it moves. can see within range. Any creature in that
area must succeed on a Wisdom saving
LESSER PHYLACTERY  throw or be frightened for the duration. A
7th-level necromancy frightened creature babbles madly and
spends its movement speed running in
Time: ​1 hour random directions. A target can repeat its
Range: ​Touch saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Components: ​V, S, M (a reliquary and a ending the effect on itself on a success.
gem worth at least 1,000gp, which the spell If the target is a shapechanger, it has
disadvantage on this saving throw. If the Components: ​V, S, M (a petrified leech)
creature fails its saving throw, it is forced to Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute
revert to its natural shape, and cannot
transform while it is frightened by this spell. Choose a creature you can see within
range. The target must succeed on a
NIGHTMARE TERRAIN  Constitution saving throw or have a parasite
6th-level illusion placed inside its body. Until the spell ends,
the creature takes 2d6 necrotic damage at
Time: ​1 action the beginning of each of its turns, and you
Range: ​30 feet gain temporary hit points equal to half the
Components: ​V, S, M (a drop of blood and amount of damage dealt. These temporary
an onyx crystal) hit points can stack with each other, but not
Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute with other sources of temporary hit points.

You attempt to trap a creature in an illusory At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
nightmare dimension. One creature you can using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the
see within range must make an Intelligence damage it deals increases by 1d6 for every
saving throw. The target succeeds two slot levels above 3rd.
automatically if it is immune to being
charmed. On a successful save, the target PUPPET STRINGS 
takes 5d10 psychic damage, and the spell 3rd-level enchantment
ends. On a failed save, the target takes
5d10 psychic damage, and perceives the Time: ​1 action
world around it as a nightmarish collage of Range: ​60 feet
moaning faces, spires of flesh and bone, Components: ​V, S, M (a spool of thread)
and horrible creatures beyond description. Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute
For the duration, the target can see and
You attach a set of spectral puppet strings
hear nothing but you, itself, and the horrors
to a creature within range, compelling it to
created by this illusion. If the target is
move at your whim. The target must
damaged by something other than you, it
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
perceives this damage as originating from
charmed by you for the duration. At the
its horrible surroundings, and takes an
beginning of a charmed creature’s turn, you
additional 2d10 psychic damage on top of
choose where it moves, which it does in a
whatever damage the effect deals. When
stilted manner, like a marionette being
the target takes damage in this way, it can
manipulated by its strings.
repeat its saving throw, ending the illusion
If the target takes damage, or if its
on a success.
spectral puppet strings are attacked by a
magic weapon, it can repeat its saving
throw, ending the effect on itself on a
3rd-level necromancy
Time: ​1 bonus action
At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
Range: ​60 feet
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you
can designate one additional creature for SNAKECHANGE 
each slot level above 3rd. Each creature 2nd-level transmutation
must be within 60 feet of each other when
the spell is cast. Time: ​1 action
Range: ​60 feet
RAY OF ROTTING  Components: ​V, S, M (a snake tooth)
2nd-level necromancy Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute

Time: ​1 action Choose a nonmagical object held by a

Range: ​60 feet creature you can see within range. You
Components: ​V, S, M (a ball of mold) transform that object into a poisonous
Duration: ​Instantaneous snake, which immediately attacks the
creature holding it. The DM has the snake’s
You fire a ray of black energy that withers statistics. The creature can then use their
and rots anything it touches. Make a spell reaction to drop the snake, if they choose.
attack roll against the target. On a hit, the For the spell’s duration, the snake is
spell deals 3d10 necrotic damage. hostile to the creature that initially held it,
If the target is a creature, its body withers using its turn to move towards and attack
and grows frail, granting it disadvantage on that creature. When the spell ends, the
Constitution saving throws for 1 minute. If snake reverts into its normal object form.
the target is an object, its decomposition The spell ends early if the snake is reduced
accelerates: food grows mold, bodies decay to 0 hit points.
and become unrecognizable, and iron rusts.
This spell does not alter the time limit on SNARE OF BARBS 
spells like ​revivify ​or ​raise dead. 2nd-level abjuration
At Higher Levels. W ​ hen you cast this spell Time: ​1 minute
with a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the Range: ​Touch
damage increases by 1d10 for each slot Components: ​S, M (25 feet of barbed wire,
level above 2nd. which the spell consumes)
Duration: ​8 hours
4th-level conjuration While you cast this spell, you use the
barbed wire to create a circle with a 5-foot
Time: ​1 bonus action radius on a flat surface within your reach.
Range: ​Self When you finish casting, the wire
Components: ​V disappears to become a magical trap.
Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 minute The trap is nearly invisible and requires a
successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied
against your spell save DC to be found.
shadow or area of darkness you can see.
The trap triggers when a Small creature or
On each of your turns before the spell ends,
larger moves into the area protected by the
you can use your bonus action to teleport in
spell. The triggering creature must succeed
this way again.
on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone and
be hoisted into the air until it hangs upside At Higher Levels. ​When you cast this spell
down 3 feet above the protected surface, using certain spell slots, you can inhabit the
where it is restrained. A creature restrained skull enchanted by the spell from further
in this way takes 2d4 piercing damage at distances; from 100 miles with a 5th-level
the beginning of each of its turns as the slot; from any distance on the same plane
barbs tighten around the creature. with a 7th-level slot; and from any distance
The restrained creature can make a on any plane with a 9th-level slot.
Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage at
the end of each of its turns and ends the UNHOLY WEAPON 
restrained effect on a success. Alternatively, 5th-level evocation
another creature that can reach the
restrained creature can use an action to Time: ​1 bonus action
make an Intelligence (Arcana) check Range: ​Touch
against your spell save DC. On a success, Components: ​V, S
the restrained effect also ends. On a failure, Duration: ​Concentration, up to 1 hour
the creature also takes 2d4 piercing
You imbue a weapon you touch with unholy
damage as their hands are pierced by
power. Until the spell ends, the weapon
enchanted barbs.
burns with hellish flames that cast bright
light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for 30
feet beyond that. In addition, weapon
3rd-level divination
attacks made with it deal an extra 2d8
Time: ​10 minutes necrotic damage on a hit. If the weapon isn’t
Range: ​Touch already a magic weapon, it becomes one for
Components: ​V, M (the intact skull of a the duration.
Medium or smaller creature) As a bonus action on your turn, you can
Duration: ​24 hours dismiss this spell and cause the weapon to
emit a blast of unholy fire. Each creature of
You place a magical sensor inside the skull your choice that you can see within 30 feet
that serves as this spell’s material of you must make a Constitution saving
component. For the duration, you can use throw, taking 3d8 necrotic damage and 3d8
your action to inhabit the skull, seeing fire damage on a failed save, or half as
through its eye-holes and hearing from much damage on a successful one.
where its ears once were. You must be
within 1 mile of the skull in order to inhabit it
in this way. Additionally, while inhabiting the
skull, if the skull has an intact jaw, you can
speak through the skull using your own
A creature with truesight or the ability to
see through illusions sees a gentle glow
around this skull.

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