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no, Semester Systetit MBS In a certain factory, Machine A, B and C manufactures 60%, 25% and 15% products respectively. Of the total of their output 1%, 2% and 2% are defective products. A product is drawn at random from the total production and found to be defective, (i) What is the probability of getting defective product? (ji) From which machine the defective product is expected to have been manufactured? 17.5) Let A= Event of producing from Machine A ‘vent of producing from Machine B vent of producing from Machine C D = Event of defective item. Then, P(A) =0.60 P(DIA) P(B) =0.25 P(DIE) P(C) =0.15 P(DIC) Exclusive Events Common Events Multiply: P(A)= 0,60, P(D/A)= 0.01 0.60 x 0.01 = 0.006 P(D/B) = 0.02 0.25 * 0.02 = 0.005 P(DIC) = 0.02 (i) The probability of getting defective product can be expressed by: ‘ P (A) = 0.006 + 0.005 + 0.003 = 0.014 (i) In order to find, from which machine the defective product is expected to have been manufactured, we need to ere following probabilities: (A . pean) =e) 4 =o = 0.428 _ pa = 2820) 208 or . ~ PMD) 0.003 _ 9 a pcin)= ay = aora *9215 P(B)= 0.25 P(C)= 0.15 0.15 * 0.02 = 0.003 ‘Sum=P(A)=0.014 Scanned with CamScanner eee A salesperson has 65 ‘each successive custor lependent. and C what is the probability that the salesperson will make a sale to at le ‘customers? A The robot that the detect aries pratuced tom Machine Pa ghen by Pt = 0.02 (DIG) = Probebity of eecve rie rom machine G = = 4.09 Exclusive Events Common Events Multiply sum=1 118 «0.01 = 0.0017 316 «0.03 =0.015 050 003-0095 ‘Sum=P (A)= 0.0264 i, The probatiy thatthe defective articles produced rom machine Ais : nn) = pag 030% 0.02 = 0.006) PO) from machine Cis given by: © REE Two hundred employ Employees employee en fw il ve emp event ofmale employee I 2 person selected randomly females canbe expressed ax: er Fe 'S iohiy sled one, the probity tat the person is | Unit 4+ Probability +5 of producton of Machine P oduct ‘a 1 ine P=t ity that Selected article fom machine R= = Probably of defective ati from m bail of defective ale rom machine & 25% and the units C produces 50%. I the percentage of defective items produced by three units A, B and C are respectively 1%, 2% and 3% and an item selected random from the total production of the factory is found to be defective. What is the probability that itis produced by unit C? pw P(A) = Probably that seleced tem from unit A= 0.25 (B) = Probabity that selecied tem from unit B = 0:25. (C) = Probably that selected tem from unit = 0.50 Let Dobe the event of detective item. om + Probability that defective tem from unit A = 1% = 0.01 = Probably that defective item from unit B = 2% = 0.02 D/C) = Probably that defective item ftom uit C = 3% = 003 i aa Scanned with CamScanner Exclusive Events Common Events P(OIA) = 0.01 P(OB) = 0.02 P(oIC) = 0.03 iachine C? 1000 rodueton of Machine 8 = 2000 Ratio of Production = 1.23, + Peat ha seed aie fom macine A= F) Psy atone e FO) = tty a lected arte ton macne ¢=2 Now P(A = Potato detective are fom machine A= 0 “Foo = 001 POO Petey cae onnacno so, FID) = Probabity odie arce tom c= 20. ‘Common Events ppp £008 Common Events Mutipiy PAS) POM =001 6 «0.01 = 0.0017 316 «0.03 =0.015 be defective, Wt be defective Lot, A= Event that management gement trainee will remain with a company ts 0.60. The [probability that an employee ears more than Rs. 10,00 per years 0.80. The probsbilty 2 will main wth company B= Event that an employee earns moc than Rs. 10,000, Then, "2060 PE) AAs) com Fe 050 = ‘Scanned with CamScanner’ * Advance Saraswat's TU Solution of Statistical Methods _ Sem Im a company 10 men are graduates out of 25.15 mean are is the probabi hat () they ao all graduates (i the Picked randomly per Total Poss cases Ny = Now Plo gradusis) = = the thee students A, B and respectively. What isthe probab ‘Wl not be solved if they ty independently tha the problem wil be solved by the student A he problem wil be solved by te student B "ha te probiem wil be solved by the ster 1-Paed Peas P6)=1-P)=4 1 eee PO=1-P(0)=8 Picked out at random, 0 is no graduates ang ‘Scanned with CamScanner lS. red Favorable cases (W) ='C, = 55 ott = Favorable casas | SIG Ivan examination of MBA level, 40% and 10% failed in both Accountancy and stat '% What is the probability that the select ‘Accountancy? 1B. Whatis the probability that the solocte student has fle in statistics given that he has failed in Accountancy? thal the selected student has filed in accountancy given that es? a :ountancy, 25% falled in statistics as felled in statics or ‘A event that stunt aed in accountancy, B event that student fled insta county PIAUB)=P(A)+ PCB) PAB) =0.40+025-0.10= 085 Unie + Probab ‘Annual System MBS ‘Scanned with CamScanner xclsive Everts Common Events PRs | POA=001 ) “vexcorbaotr z a Toe 5 Pere | Peon 22 eA Bi ss8 a Se bry G) () re z PGs 9) P0c)-008 36 * 0.03 = 0.015 oe pe ee —csnstaccee ‘Sum =P (A)= 00234 PIAL) od tam machin is hen by — (oF, (AUB) = P(A) PIB) 44 + Advance Saraswats TU Solution of Statistical Methods Then Unit 1 Probability +15 PIAL fom Managem ‘NV rom Mad Favorable cas red by a company consists of two parts X and Y. Inthe process Jofmanufactur of part X, 7 out of 100 ae likely tobe defective, similarly § out of 100, anufacture of part. Calculate the probabilty that 1 =002= 038 1. Ploy of ny one machine wit work wit ure) “The probably atthe aril wilbe etcive canbe expressed ashe probability that at PhandBorRand) =P(Aand8) +P and) oo i ete: . ags02+01v05e018+001=028 Platleast one is defective) = 1 Po ones defect) ia —. a r¢needed fo form in ae Jha a ecto argent nag cam Te pry tate eva este aha)? Pitaaae ch teen gy. 7 “Pa aa Teo Mav si a8 Mate toto fo menage ug = 08836 i Probability that al trom marketing group? Ey tt 2 sats ar ty 3 probability of three students solving a problem of statistics are in the ratio marketing group? . 'nagement and 2 are fo | 2.3.4 Find the probablit that the given problem willbe solved, 8 it) Gwen, Ratio for solving the problem by 3 students = 2:34 . Total Rai (ER) =2+3+4=9 ‘it A,B and Ce the event of sling the problem by 3 students especialy ‘Scanned with CamScanner A committe of three members is formed out of tstcians, 7 Engineers and ¢ Economist. Find the probability thatthe committee Th a survey of 1,000 customers about JP 3 members are picked randomly | Timely deliverance Total 725. 25 1000 probably tata cst sated wit quality ule not delvereds gen by ‘Scanned with CamScanner Unit + Probabiity + 19 In out of 40 25 men and 15 women apply for two vacancies, what is the probability that both men are selected (i) one man and one woman, ire selected 8 mm en oe 1s Women me ‘ bo Persons} {fe probabity of machines P,Q and R working without allure ae 02, 0.3 and 0$ at fesptctvelfnd he probability that atleast 2 machines wil work without allure. (5} Tl Pose cases N) = "C2 = yg ay = 760 sm 1) Poth en) =? pans Favowable cases (W) = "02= ae 7 = 200 Hence, probabity tha! teas? machine wil @aaerEn 005 020.0500 +012 oa Amanage ofa fim fogs that 2 shat 25% of th fim Graduates. te aso inde wan Pane, O40 work without fale is 258%, Pree nn <2 aoe ‘Plone man and one woman) = ? Fame 375 Plone man and one woman) =e = 0.481 is given by, there are 20 boys and 30 girls. Two students have tobe selected 35 representatives. What is the probability that both are boys? BI ns 5 red and 7 white balls. Two balls are drawn at random, Whats the blity that both ar white? ‘Scanned with CamScanner on of Statistical Methods + Aévance Saraswats TUS 20 + Advance Unit 4+ Probability + 24 2B, Conditional Probability = a ee ‘There are three machines X, Y and Z producing 2800, 3500 and 4000 a 21 the three machines and tiles produced from machine X? reduson of ache X = 2500 N Prodysion ofWschine 2. = 4 RetioofProducion = 2 Talal Rabo = 25+95+40 = 1 ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘solcted person isan employed? = Frm fe ghen condition of question na go tr are equal number of men and women, Let th rumber ef men = numberof wemen = 100, Empioyed Unemployed Toul) 0 Basel 10 » 10] 50 employed person= 160 Total numberof parson = 200, there ar three sections each incidng 20 students. a ae 076 « ope The probability thatthe detecve articles produced fran machine Xi given by MPAAD) DOOIT- Bem) = Sry ~ ome O118 Third Section Jasin, Fie dents ae sarod Fon cach rp Let Abe the evento select ots fom ts group: P(A) = Bln hel sting So tgp oS Cee ent seen Then poe SOM Seton 40 = “ pt, A= Even of production of Machine Mr ¥ ct : Toe at are Fm GARB oem Aa 6 = Even of production ot Machine Me er OF PIA), PG) Erle se Ho, "Baa 70108 ie ) 7048 Exclusive Events Common Events ie 003 = 0.0165 payoss | PIOIA)=00 0.85 «0.0301 E (0.45 x 0,02 = 0.008 mopoas | PORI=002 Pooic) = 0.03 x elective atl is produced from machine Mi is given by: (210165 = poms 20733 ires Ms, Mz and Ms producing 2,000; 4,000 and 6,000 articles zed er hour respectively. Tnese machines are likely to produce 2%, 3% and 3%, ar acne mt iad oi Karte pach oe elective articles respectively. One article is selected at random from an hou = igp 2040 ‘Production of all the three machines and is found to be defective. What is the produced from machine M:? 6 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Toll Raton = 14243 = 6 ine My ine Me of preducon of Machine Ms of Defective Ace \ ‘A= Evan of solecing political party A B= Event of selecing politcal pay 8 | C= Evento selecting potical party © = Event of noducing new consitsion 2 PB)=5 Pcc)=g P(e)=040 P(C)=030, PEoB)=050 —_P(OIC)=0.60 ‘Common Events Multiply Multiply 118 « 0.02 = 0.0216 (DIA) = 0.40 0.30 x 0.40= 0.12 s ‘Advance Saraswats TU Solution of Statistical Methods 24+ Advance Saraswats Unit 1+ Probabiity «25 box contains 3 white and 5 A at ® ball is drawn, what is the probability thatthe ball raw is white? om 9) ‘Scanned with CamScanner 28 + Advance Saraswats TUSolution of Statistical Methods ‘Scanned with CamScanner The following information was obtained concering 1000 employees of an industrial concer: Department a =| . . B and C producin a hou speci, Theso mschns or 280 2d 300 ales pa 300 gate , 200 oF the thee machines a ‘an hour production | 1000 Ferns tom the probability that th fo whats the probably hat a eC? Employee chosen is that he belongs to production control ve, department. © aes Employee chosen is female from manufacturing department. 8 AUD) Let, Abe the event of male, Ree B= Evenoffenae. Event of roduchg Event of producing | ‘00 PE); 00-6 vi The prbaisty thai an employee cisen is enale given tha she belongs to PIAE:)=001; P(A =0 é rancters tgnetsver

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