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Healthy Plants

Q1. How does a plant get the water it needs?

Q2. Apart from water, what other substance does a plant be able to
make materials? (Hint: light is not a substance)
Q3. Why does plant need light?
Q4. Why do plants need nutrients?
Q5. How does plants take in nutrients that they need?
Q6. How many times each year should a gardener put extra nutrients
on clematis plants?
Q7. What do you think is the advantage of giving the plants extra
Q8. Write down two differences between the way that you get
materials that you need to grow and the way that plants get them?

How plants grow

Q1. What was Jean Senebier’s theory?
Q2. What did Nocolas de Sowssure’s experiment show?

Spotting Difference
Q1. Write atleast two differences for each pair?
Moth Frog

Moth Butterfly
Frog Toad

Investigating Difference
Q1. Write down two differences between two plantain plants?

Depending on each other

Q1. List three ways in which animals use plants?
Q2. List two ways in which plants depend on animals?
Q3. What is habitat?
Q4. Describe three ways in which an earthworm is suited to where it
Q5. Squirrels have long claws which are good for grip. How are squirrels
suited to living in woods?

Food Chain
Q1. What is a producer?
Q2. What do the arrows in the food chain mean?
Q3. In the food chain below, who is the producer and consumer?
Oak tree>>>>snail>>>>thrush>>>>sparrow hawk
Q4. Mr Ched Wick went into his garden to find that slugs had eaten his
lettuce. Just then he noticed a large bird, a falcon, he thought. It’s a
beautiful bird but it will eat thrushses which need to kill my slugs. .Draw
a food chain for the garden?

Pond Food Chain

Q1. Give two way in which fish are suited to live in a pond habitat?
Q2. How is pond weed suited to live in a pond?
Q3. Name one pond weed in the pond?
Q4. Pikes are big fish that eat stickle back fish. Are pikes carnovores or
Q5. Name two producers from a pond food chain?
Q6. Draw a food chain using living things you have read about so far on
Q7. Look at the statement: Fish is eaten by her Heron.
Which of the animal in the predator?
Q8. Which of the animal is the prey? Fish is eaten by her Heron.
Q9. Look at the Heron. How is it suited to living by ponds?
Q10. Which words describe the stickle back?
Q11. Her are two pond chains:
Pond weed >>>common pond snail>>>common toad>>>>Heron
Wood anemone >>>>>shield bug>>>> badger
a) List all the predators in the food chain?
b) List all the herbivores?
c)List all the consumers?

Plant and soil

Q1. Look at the labels: (Clematis, Hosta)
a) Which plant prefers more shock?
b) Which plant prefers wetter soil?
Q2. Why do you think it is important for gardeners to have this
Q3. How do the roots of the cactus allow it to get enough water in the
Q4. Make a drawing of a carrot plant growing in a soil. Put arrows on
your drawing to show uptake of water and nutrients?
Q5. Roots take in nutrients. Name two other things they do for plan ts?
Q6. Describe two difference between woodland soil and chaly soil?
Q7. Which soil do you think would be best for plant’s roots to hold a
plant in place? Explain your answer.
Q8. Which soil do you think will be best for an earthworm?

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