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Respected Principal, teachers and my dear fellow students. Good morning!

My name is Hamza Hussain and the topic of my speech is “Children don’t get enough time to
play”. I will speak in the favor of the topic.
“Children learn as they play. Most importantly in play children learn how to learn”
Dear audience it’s the 21st century and science is progressing day by day. Competition all around
the world is increasing due to which parents focus more on their children’s early education, and
forget about the importance of play—an important touchstone of childhood.
Increasingly, this is even the case when it comes to preschoolers. However, by making their
children concentrate on academic projects at such a young age, parents ignore their children’s
emotional, sociological, and interpersonal development.
A lack of play has increasingly become a problem in preschools and kindergarten classes, where
the trend has been to follow the standards of education found in higher grades, which involves
less play and more classroom instruction.
According to a  recent study anxiety and depression rates among youth have been rising for at
least the past 50 years.
Dear audience, anxiety and depression are connected to the amount of control a child has, but
when children play they gain a sense of control and self-determination.
If children are not given much free play at an early age, they may be deprived of the ability to
develop their goals and may begin to suffer from depression. Free play gives kids the chance to
develop their interests and their social skills while controlling depression and social disorders.

In the end I would like to say that our parents need to be sure to keep the importance of play in
mind while choosing their child’s preschool or kindergarten to ensure that the child receives a
good balance of play and instruction time.
Thank you!

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