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Forces around us

Q1. What can you feel if you try to pull on a spring?

Q2. What material are the paper clips made from? Explain your answer.
Q3 a) What causes the friction, that slows down the parachute?
Q3 b) How could you make this fiction bigger?
Q4. Why is there not much fiction between the ice and the children’s
Q5. Think about riding downhill on a bicycle. Making a list of all the
different forces and describe what they do?
Gravity and weight
Q1. What can we use to measure a force?
Q2. What is the unit for measuring force?
Q3 a) What is the weight of the grapes doing to the forcemeter?
Q3 b) What will happen if there are two bunch of grapes on the
Q4. Why do astronauts walk differently on the moon then they do on
the earth?
Balanced Forces
Q1 a) What is the downwards forces on the book?
Q1 B) Why isn’t the book moving?
Q2 a) Where is the upwards force coming from?
Q2 b) How big is the upward force, compared to the downward force?
Q2 c) Explain your answer to part b?
Q3. Sketch a picture of a woman , and draw arrows on the picture to
show forces?
Q4. Explain why the dog in the picture is not moving?
Q5. Describe the forces on the baby in the photograph?

Q1. What is the upward force from water called?
Q2. Why is it easier to pick up the stone if it is under water?
Q3. If the weight of the stone was 10N and the upthurst was 6N, what
weight would the force meter show?
Q4. If your weight is 400N , what is the upthurst on you when you are
floating in water?
Q5. The upthrust on a boat is 5000N . What is the weight of the boat?

Unbalanced forces
Q1. A) Make a list of 5 things that unbalance forces can do to an object.
Q1 b) Describe one example for each of the things on your list?
Air Resistance
Q1. Why do parachutes need to be large?
Q3a) Which two forces will affect the feather if you drop it?
Q3b) Sketch a feather and add label arrows to shows these two forces?
Q3c) Draw another picture of a feather, and show the forces that would
act on it if you drop it on the moon?
Q4) Explain why a hammer falls faster than a feather, if you drop them
on earth?

Air Resistance in Nature?

Q1a) What features of willow herb seed gives them a large air
Q1. B) Why is this an advantage to the plant?
Q2)a) How does spinning affect the air resistance of lime seeds?
Q2b) Name one other tree whose seeds spin and they fall?
Q3.A) Why do baby spiders need to move away from where they
Q3b) How do some spiders do this?
Q4. How do flying squirrels use air resistance?
Q5. Find out how flying lizards increase their air resistance?

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