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My Bio-Ethnic Poem

Student Name







Of African Ancestry

Who can best described as Black African with kinky hair

Who was brought up in a compound of extended patrilocal and patrilineal family

Who enjoys mingling with different races

Who belongs to the tribe of Yoruba

Who went through a traditional naming ceremony

Who has been named after biological father

Who attends housewarming parties, weddings, and funerals, which are all celebrated in

expending nature

Who is known for native styles such as esiki, sapara, and buba combined with sulia and


Who believes in indigenous religion, commonly known as Isese, encompasses Yoruba culture

Who has gone through rituals characterized by parading, pilgrimage, and possession of trance

Who believes in a supreme being (God), commonly known as Orisa (Orisha) but also psychic

agencies and conglomerate spirits.

Who speaks the Yoruba language alongside English

Who upholds the indigenous culture

Who is known for the use of dunduns with advanced drumming for Yoruba folk music

Who believes in Yoruba myths such as those of chief Olokun and Olorun

Who believes in Yoruba taboos such as married women committing adultery

Who believes in crafted Yoruba superstitions


Who is firmly implanted in Yoruba values such as honesty, devotion, respect,

Who is credited artistic composure indigenous of songs and poems

Who is gifted in traveling theater and performing modern drama

Who loves Yoruba food, which mostly has soup assorted with meat and pounded yam

Who is talented in productive craftings such as wood carving and pottery

Who is self-driven to material culture


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