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Subject (主語) Object (賓語) Possesive (所有格, =誰的)

He, she, they, it Him, her, them, it His, her, their, it’s
人 who/that who/whom/that whose
動物和死物 which/that which/that whose
同時出現人和死物 that that -

***記得留意原句中的動詞有沒有跟介詞 preposition

限定 Defining 和非限定 Non-defining

限定用法 (逗號內的句子刪掉也清楚主語是誰):
My daughter, who works in Berlin, will come back this Saturday.
My daughter who works in Berlin, will come back this Saturday.

Relative pronoun 關係代名詞省略:

關係代名詞在關係子句 The man is an engineer. The man speaks Arabic.
中為主語時,不可省略            主語
The man who/that speaks Arabic is an engineer.
關係代名詞在關係子句 The concert was great. We saw the concert last Sunday.
中為賓語時,可省略 賓語
The concert (which/that) we saw last Sunday was great. 可以省略
用 whose 代替所有格, I know the boy. His classmates are friendly.
後接名詞,不可省略 I know the boy whose classmates are friendly.
雖然從上面表格中的例子可以用 that 替換,但在部份情況下,只能使用 that,也有部分情況
是不能使用 that

必須使用 that 的情況

主語是「人+物」 The woman and her dog that play the ball in the park are energetic.
疑問句已有 Which is the book that you have?
who、which 避免重複 (哪本書是你擁有的)
有「形容詞最高級 This is the most delicious food that I have ever eaten.
superlative」修飾主語 (這是我吃過最好吃的食物)
主語前面有 In my company, Jack is the only person that has traveled to Moldova.
「all、no、any、the (Jack 是我公司裡唯一去過摩爾多瓦旅行的人)
same、the only」
先行詞前有序數 Jason is the last person that finished the mission.
the first/second… (Jason 是最後完成任務的人)

不能使用 that 的情形

接在介詞 preposition 後面 This is the company up which Mary sets.
=This is the company (which/that) Mary sets up.
(這間公司是 Mary 創立的)
逗號,後面 (非限定用法) My cousin, who is 7 years old, visited my home last Sunday.
(我的表弟 7 歲,上星期日來我家)

Relative adverbs(關係副詞) when, where, why 說明事件發生的「時間」、「地方」或「原因」

Relative adverbs 通常取代介詞 (in, at, on, for) 和關係代名詞 which 。
This is the restaurant in which we met last week.
This is the restaurant where we met last week.
Sunday is the day on which we usually clean our house.
Sunday is the day when we usually clean our house.
Tell me the reason for which you came home late.
Tell me (the reason) why you came home late.
但如果句子中出現的地方名沒有說明事件發生的「時間」、「地方」的意思,只能用 which

We stayed at the Park Hotel, which a friend of ours recommended.

我們住在朋友推薦的 Park 酒店。 (沒有在那裡發生的意思)

I remember the day when we first met.

我記得我們第一次見面的那一天。 *不用 which, 因為是 “在那天我們第一次見面”

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