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TANGEDCO -Tenders-Delegation of Tender Powers to EEIO&M of EDCs only, SE/EDCs &

SE/Thermal Power Stations and Chief Engineersffhermal Stations Chief &
Engineer/Hydro under Open tender, Works contract
- Approval accorded - Order

(Per) FB TANGEDCO (Accounts Branch) Dated: L9.07.2022

Proceedings No. 04 03.Aadi Matham
Subhakiritu Varudam
Th iruval I uvarand u-2053

Read: 1, Note approval accorded by CMD/TANGEDCO

2. (Pei') CMD TANGEDCO Proceeding No.01 (Accounts Branch) dated 3.1.2022
3. Item No.105.61 in Minutes of 105th TANGEDCO Board meeting held on

. xXx

Board of TANGEDCO has revised the tender powers delegated to various levels
vide (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceeding No,08 (Accounts Branch) dated t7.OB.IO2:.
Meanwhile, representations were made to CMD/TANGEDCO requesting to
delegate separate tender powers to EElO&Ms of EDCs, SE/EDCs & SEfl-hermal power
Stations and to enhance the annual ceiling limit fixed for Chief Engineers/Thermal
Stations & Chief Engineer/Hydro under Table I - Open tender, Works contract for
carrying out various works and completing it within the time line,
After careful consideration of above, Board of TANGEDCO has accorded approval
to delegate separate tender power to EElO&Ms of EDCs, SE/EDCs & SE/Th6rmal power
Stations and to enhance the annual ceiling limit fixed for Chief Engineers
/ Thermal
Stations & Chief Engineer/Hydro under Table I - Open tender, Works contract as below,


Open Tenders

G Authority Procurement of Materials & Works Contract

N Services

Existing Amendment Existing Amendment

1 Executive Nil No change Nil Not

Engineer / exceeding
O&M of EDCs Rs.5 lakhs
only per tender
with a
ceiling of
Rs. 50 lakhs
in a financial

2 Superintending Nil No change Nil Not

Engineers EDCs exceeding
and Thermal Rs.50 lakhs
Fower Statiolrs per tender
with a

ceillng of
Rs. 2 crores

in a financial

3 Chief Engineers Not exceeding Rs, No change Not

of Thermal 50 Lakhs per exceeding exceeding
Stations, Chief tender with a Rs.100 Lakhs Rs.100 Lakhs
Engineer/Hydro ceiling of Rs. 3 per tender per tender
a-; ': ',

Crores in a with a ceiling with a ceiling

Financial year of Rs.5 of Rs.10
Crores in a Crores in a

financial year financial year

4. No change No change
Chief Engineer/
Civil DesiEn
Rs.100 Lakhs
per tender

with a ceiling
of Rs, 5
Crores for
g of PSC/RCC

I poles

E Not exceeding Rs. No change Not No change

Chiei Engineers
50 Lakhs per exceeding
of Distributions
Rs.100 Lakhs
ceiling of Rs. 5 per tender

Crores in a with a ceiling

Financial year of Rs. 5

Crores in a
financial year

6 Chief Engineer No change Not No change

Transrrrissiran NIL exceeding

Projects 1 & 2 Rs,200 Lakhs

per tender

with a ceiling
of Rs. 10
Crores in a
financial year

for works
supply of

7 Not exceeding Rs. No change No change

40 Crores exceeding Rs.
B0 Crores

' ii i' ; ii.J i

'. Table I and Table Vi merged as Table I

Year 2022-23 frorn the date of issue of this order. In case of proposals exceeding the
ceiiing limit under monthly pro rata basis, the same shall be placed before BLTC for

L imited Tenders
s. Authority Procurement of Works Contract
No Materials & Services
1 Executlve Engineers, Not Exceeding Rs.2
Executive Lakhs per tender with a
EnEineers/O&M of NIL ceiling of Rs. 20 Lakhs
EDCs, Executive in a financial year
EnEi neer/Civi l/Bui lding
DlvisioniTNEB HQ
Complex inc{usive
scheme works,
2 Superintendinq Not Exceeding Rs.5

Lakhs per tender with a


Superintending ceiling of Rs. 30 Lakhs
Enqineers/CDC and in a financial year
inclusive scheme
3 Superintending Not exceeding Rs.3 Not Exceeding Rs.5
Engineers/ F&A of Lakhs per tender with a Lakhs per tender with a
Tirernnal Stations, ceiling of Rs. 25 lakhs in ceiling of Rs. 30 Lakhs
Superlntending a financial year in a financial ycar
Engineers/ Hydro
EnEineers of all EDCs
ar:d GCC,
4. Ali ChiefEngineers Not Exceeding Rs. 25 Not Exceeding Rs.10
Lakhs in a financial year Lakhs per tender with a
ceiling of Rs. 30 Lakhs
in a financial year
5 BL.TC Not Exceeding Rs. 25 Not Exceeding Rs. 50
Lakhsxt Lakhs**

'. Tabie II, V, V(a) and Table VII merged as Table II
, The ceiiing lirnit fixed shall be utilized on rnonthly pro rata basis for the current Financial
year ZA22-23 from the date of issue of this order. In case of proposals exceeding the
ceiiing limit under monthly pro rata basis, the same shall be placed before BLTC for
xxTne limits specified for procurement of materials and Works Contract respectively
shall be the limits prescribed for low value procurement and Services respectively under
section 33 of the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Act which is amended then and

purchase of froprfietary items and Spares / Works Contract from Public
Sector U s and Private Sector Under Sin le Ten
S. Authority Procurennent of Works Contract
tr[o Materials & Services
1 Superintending Not exceeding Not exceeding
Engineers Rs.25,000/- per tender Rs,50,000/- per tender
with ceiling of Rs. 2.50 with a ceiling of Rs. 10
Lakhs in a financial Year in a financial
2 Superintending Not exceeding excee ding
Engineer/ PUSFIEP Rs.50,000/- per tender Rs,50,000/- per tender
Masinagudi with ceiling of Rs. 5 with a ceiling of Rs. 10
Lakhs'in a financial Year La in a financial r
:,"i i i


3 Chief Engineers/ Not Exceeding Rs'1 Not exceeding Rs.Z

Therr-nal Stations, Crore in a Financial Year Lakh per tender with a
Chief Ingirreer/ ceiling of Rs. 20 Lakhs
Mech, Thermal in a financial Year
Station, Chief
Engineer/ Projects, ri
Chief E neer GTS
4 Other ChiefEngineers Not exceeding Rs.10 Not exceeding Rs'2
Lakhs per tender with Lakh per tender with a
ceiling of Rs. 50 Lakhs in ceiling of Rs. 20 Lakhs
a financial Year in a financial
5 BLTC Not exceeding Rs. B Not exceeding Rs. 1.60
Crores Crores

> fat:ie lii, IV, VIII and Table IX merged as Table III
, Tabie X shall be covered under Table II and III of the Revised Table as
', Table XI shall be covered under Table II and III of the Rev;sed Table as Required
'/ Table XIA shall be covered under Table II and III of the Revised Table as
'r Tabie XII shall be covered under Table I, II and III of the Revised Table as required
/ The ceiling lirnit flxed shall be utilized on monthly pro rata basis for the current
yeai 2022-23 from the date of issue of this order. In case of proposals exceeding
BLTC for
ceiiing lii^nit under monthly pro rata basis,the same shall be placed before

Board has also approved that low value procurement proposals in respect
of other Tender Inviting Authorities not mentioned in the above tables shall be
approved by the BLTC as per the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Transparency
I ender Act.

(By order of the TANGEDCO Board)

Chief Fi nancial Controller/General

All Chlef Engineers
Ail Superintending Engineers
Copy to Executirre Assistant to Director /Distribution'
Copy to Executive Assistant to Director /Generation'
Copy to Executive Assistant to Director /Finance
Copy to Executive Assistant to Director Project'
copy to the Executive Engineer/chairman cum Managing Director's office
The Secreta rylTAIlG EDCO/Chen nai -2.

(2 copies)
The Accoulls efficer /


i il, I

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