Clinical Practice Guidelines On Assessment And.19

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Clinical Practice Guidelines on Assessment and Management of Substance

Abuse Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Navendu Gaur1, Manaswi Gautam2, Shubhmohan Singh3, V. Venkatesh Raju4, Siddharth Sarkar5
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Director and Consultant Psychiatrist, Gaur Mental-Health Clinic, Ajmer, 2Director and Consultant Psychiatrist, Gautam Hospital &
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Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 3Additional Professor, Department of Psychiatry, 4Senior Resident DM, Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, PGIMER, Chandigarh, 5Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and NDDTC, AIIMS, New Delhi, India

INTRODUCTION to say that adolescents will have much better prognosis if

evidence‑based treatment programs are designed keeping
Today’s youth are tomorrow’s future and hence it is very in mind these very fundamental differences and needs in
important to formulate the clinical practice guidelines for mind.
substance abuse disorder in children and adolescents. The
previous guidelines were published in 2008, so it was of Before implementing the current guidelines in toto, one should
paramount importance to update the scientific information be acutely aware of the fact that evidence regarding substance
to guide management in recent times. use disorder (SUD) in adolescence is nonexisting (India in
general and Indian children and adolescents in particular).
According to the Census of India, 2011, adolescents Though we may speculate that cultural and ethnic factors may
(10–19 years) constitute one‑fifth (20.91%) of the Indian influence the treatment process and outcomes, the evidence
population. The first nation‑wide survey on children related to this aspect is lacking.
(5–18 years) conducted under the auspices of the National
Commission for Protection of Child Rights (2013) at 135 The primary goal (both in short‑term and long‑term) of
sites across 27 states and 2 union Territories provides us SUDs management in adolescents is to achieve and maintain
with significant insights as to the magnitude and pattern abstinence from substance use. While trying to achieve
of drug menace in this age group. Most children had the ultimate, harm reduction may be an intermediate
used any one or more of the substances in their lifetimes implicit (never explicit) goal of treatment. The treatment
with tobacco and alcohol leading the charts followed by goal should not only include substance control but a range
cannabis, inhalant, opioids, sedatives, and heroin/smack; of rehabilitative measures too. This will not only improve
and there is progression from licit to illicit substances. psychosocial functioning but will also help in achieving
The mean age at onset was 12.3 years with increasing age improved outcomes in terms of achieving and maintaining
associated with increased use of illicit drugs. The type abstinence.
of substance preference varies in different geographical
regions. Out‑of‑school and street children have an earlier METHODOLOGY
onset and more dysfunction and almost half of them are
working in unskilled jobs. It is to be noted that among these Review articles and various guidelines published till 2018
more than two‑third had never sought treatment. were searched. A thorough search in Google, Google scholar,
and PubMed was made with search words/phrases such as
The presentation of substance use problem differs in adults Management/treatment/intervention of substance/alcohol/
and adolescents as shown in Table 1. It is quite reasonable tobacco/cigarette/inhalant/opioids/heroin/stimulants/
benzodiazepines/use/abuse/addictions in children and/or
Address for correspondence: Dr. Navendu Gaur,
Gaur Mental‑Health Clinic, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
E‑mail: the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License,
which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially,
Access this article online as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
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How to cite this article: Gaur N, Gautam M, Singh S, Raju VV,

Sarkar S. Clinical practice guidelines on assessment and
management of substance abuse disorder in children and
adolescents. Indian J Psychiatry 2019;61:333-49.

© 2019 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow S333

Gaur, et al.: Substance abuse in children and adolescents

adolescence with special emphasis for articles published • Screening to be done based on clinical pointers for
after 2010. suspected substance use, marked decline in upkeep,
absenteeism or truancy from school, decreasing school
General considerations for the management of substance performance, impairment in cognitive function (like
use disorders in children and adolescents attention or memory), or recent change in behavior.
• Ethical considerations specific to children and • Diagnosis should be established as per ICD‑10
adolescents need to be considered classificatory system
• Setting for the treatment needs to be decided based on • Investigation: Apart from routine investigation,
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clinical features urine screening for other substance use, serology

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• Inpatient treatment should be reserved for patients for viral markers in case of high risk behaviors and
with severe dependence, longer duration of use, other special investigation as per associated physical
multiple failed abstinent attempts in the past, comorbidities can be considered. It helps to have
significant health complications, concurrent use baselines investigations for comparison with follow‑up
of multiple other substances, substantial problems investigations as well as to choose medication for
at home or school, absent/minimal family support, treatment (especially liver and renal function tests).
distance from care providers, and familial issues They can also help in facilitating a change in behavior
that interfere with care process or for influence them to consider referral for treatment.
• In outpatient treatment, frequency and duration • General substance withdrawal rating pro forma and
of sessions may vary depending on patient rating scale of substance and/or behavior‑related
characteristics and individualized goals. problems in terms of (health, education, finance,
legal, sexual, family, and social) are helpful for
Management can be conceptualized into problem severity assessment, making decision with
• Short‑term and long‑term regard to treatment and assessing the progress of
• Pharmacological and nonpharmacological. treatment
• The developmental appropriateness is a prerequisite for
Short‑term the instruments before applying them to adolescents.
• Assessment: A  detailed work up of patients with No psychometric instrument has been demonstrated to
elaborate history of substance use and its medical be consistently culture sensitive across all ethnicities
and psychological complications needs to be done. but, at the same time, existing data fail to indicate any
History about family, school, work, sexual, living such need
conditions, temperament, comorbid conditions such • Appropriate consultation with medical specialist as and
as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) when required
and conduct disorder needs to be taken. General • The management of intoxication, withdrawal and
physical examination, systemic examination, and a dependence of substance has a general application
mental state examination need to be done covering of both pharmacological and nonpharmacological
assessment of behavior, speech, affect, thought, and measures in combination (though specificities exist for
perceptual disturbances. Cognitive functions such individual substance use as per the properties of the
as consciousness, orientation, memory, intelligence, substance).
abstract thinking, and judgment need to be checked.
Motivation to quit substance, to be assessed by Long‑term
Diclemente and Prochaska’s stages of change and • Once stabilized from acute crisis  (intoxication/
finally insight of patient about his problems needs to withdrawal symptoms), it is essential to have a
be assessed. The motivational interviewing technique prophylaxis for lapse and relapse in long‑term
can be used while eliciting history to enhance person’s • Harm minimization is also an important concept if
motivation complete abstinence is in question for long‑term

Table 1: Clinically significant differentiating characteristics of adolescent substance abusers from adult substance
Briefer history of substance involvement More often associated with co‑occurring psychiatric comorbidity, family
disruption, academic problems, problem behaviors, deviance, and peer drug use
Higher chances of episodic substance use than chronic daily Higher occurrence of improvement by early adulthood without formal intervention
use or treatment
Less incidence of progressive disorder, medical complications, Confrontation‑of‑denial approaches to treatment are less successful
and other consequences of protracted use
Experimentation with varied types of substances, and Developmental changes may exacerbate the effects of psychotropics
consequently having more complicated withdrawal patterns

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• Prophylaxis mainly is talked in sense of pharmacological techniques/lifestyle changes. Two models are available:
treatment like naltrexone (NTX) for opioids and Marlott’s and Gorski’s CENAPS Model of RPT. RPT is to
disulfiram (DSF)/NTX for alcohol be done postdetoxification
• Nonpharmacological measures, where available, may • CBT‑based approaches: Both individual and group CBT
be considered as a part of long‑term treatment and has been shown to be effective in cases of SUD that
prophylaxis involving relapse prevention counseling or include alcohol, cannabis, stimulants, and nicotine
therapy, group sessions, family sessions • Group therapy and 12‑step programs: Lately, reports
• A special emphasis is given to formal engagement of about Group therapy and 12‑step programs that are
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patient into treatment net as long as possible considering commonly used with adolescents are warranting
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the chronic nature of SUDs with high rates of relapse caution. Group therapies may inadvertently reinforce
• Hence, active surveillance strategy should be deviant behavior through the peer networks developed
implemented with help sought from psychiatric social during such sessions. Also, teens and adolescents
worker where available, to ensure regular follow‑ups may not be suitable for 12 step programs due to
enabling long‑term engagement and better outcomes developmental characteristics and diagnostic issues
• The evidence‑based regarding pharmacotherapy of pertaining to alcohol use disorders among adolescents.
SUD in children and adolescents is scanty. Therefore, • Supportive psychotherapy: May be considered for
any use of medications in this population is subject to patients for whom CBT is not feasible
clinical judgment and psychosocial treatments should • Contingency management  (CM) interventions/
be given a priority over them wherever and whenever motivational incentives: It includes voucher‑based
feasible. reinforcement and prize incentives approaches. It
incorporates providing patients tangible rewards in
Nonpharmacological measures also emphasize on wide range of order to enhance positive behaviors like remaining
services abstinent to substances. It has been shown to be
• Psychoeducation of patient and family with special effective in alcohol, stimulants, opioids, marijuana, and
emphasis on harm minimization. For example, not to nicotine dependence
use inhalants when no one is around, or in a enclosed • Community reinforcement approach plus vouchers:
space, or when required to drive after use of inhalant, This outpatient therapy utilizes a range of familial,
or while smoking/ being near a lit cigarette or flames, or social, vocational and recreational reinforcers and
when have accrued significant physical exertion. pertinent material incentives to make substance use less
• Brief interventions  (BI): A  common approach to the rewarding than non-drug use lifestyle. This intensive
delivery of BIs is the FRAMES model developed by Miller program is geared towards cocaine and alcohol users.
and Sanchez based on the motivational interviewing • The matrix model: In this approach, a structure is
style. FRAMES is an acronym for the elements of provided for engagement in treatment of stimulant
behavioral intervention, and includes providing users and helping them to achieve abstinence.
feedback, encouraging the patient to take responsibility, • Family systems approach: Effective since family‑related
advising to make change to behavior, discussing a factors play a significant role in adolescent SUD. Despite
menu of options for change, providing empathy for the various approaches tested specifically in adolescents
condition of the patient, and supporting self efficacy for like the multisystemic therapy, brief strategic family
effecting the change. therapy, multidimensional family therapy and functional
• Motivation enhancement treatment: This Miller and family therapy; high attrition among adolescents
Rollnick model utilizes specific interviewing techniques remains a problem.
to help the patient work through ambivalence and • Psychosocial interventions:
move to the stage of contemplation. An empathetic • Aid in engagement of the patient and involvement
nonconfrontational relationship is formed in which of the family
reflection and reframing help the patient to explore the • School‑based: Emphasis is placed on re‑entry into
pros and cons of substance‑using behavior. Self‑efficacy school and addressing school re‑adjustment issues
is enhanced as the patient is helped to realize his or • Activity‑  and engagement‑based approaches:
her capacities and options while recognizing that it is This utilizes activity-based methods for engaging
the patient’s decision whether to change. Motivational children into the treatment process, and has been
interviewing involves 1–2 sessions with adolescents utilized for homeless street children
as an interim step before a more comprehensive • Life skill‑based approaches: This includes activities
cognitive‑behavioral therapy (CBT) program which cater to money management, intended to
• Relapse prevention therapy (RPT): RPT has been shown enable children to be cognizant of alternate/healthy
to improve the outcomes in SUD. There are three ways of spending money.
primary areas of focus in RPT: (1) coping skills training, • Residential rehabilitation: This might be more
(2) cognitive therapy interventions, and (3) behavioral relevant for chronic inhalant users who use this

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substance heavily and where other treatment It may also help to prevent occurrence of relapse from a
options have not worked well. lapse. It may help in reducing the protracted withdrawal,
• Vocational rehabilitation: for street children for and may help the brain to re-adapt to a non-alcoholic
effective schooling and employment opportunities. state. Such medication assisted treatment may support
the effects of psychosocial treatment and sustain the gains
Treatment of comorbid conditions made with intervention. And of course, pharmacological
• ADHD, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder treatment may be quite beneficial in the management of
and learning disorders need to be addressed to improve withdrawals.
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short‑ and long‑term outcome of the management plan

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• Induced psychiatric disorders usually remit with Acute stage management‑alcohol withdrawal syndrome
cessation of substance use, and specific psychotropic Mainstay: Benzodiazepines (BZD) remain the cornerstone of
medications are usually not required (except when pharmacotherapy during acute stage alcohol detoxification,
symptoms pose a threat to self or others, or the withdrawal symptom management, and prevention of
symptoms are severe). complications such as delirium tremens and seizures. The
choice of type of BZD depends on the severity of withdrawal
Special consideration for management of alcohol use symptoms and status of liver function. Long‑acting BZDs
disorders such as chlordiazepoxide and clonazepam are preferred.
A majority of the teenagers who use alcohol are either If liver function is compromised medium‑acting BZD such
experimenters or intermittent users. Some of them are as oxazepam and lorazepam should be used depending on
regular users. They seldom come into contact with de- availability.
addiction services (except when they encounter an acute
health event like accident under intoxication). Generally, Adjunct  (as and when clinically indicated): Nutritional
adolescents coming in contact with the health-care services deficiencies are seen commonly in subjects of AUD for a
are those who are alcohol abusers or binge drinkers, and variety of reason and must be addressed to improve the
they do not have long enough duration of alcohol use overall prognosis such as thiamine, magnesium, and
to qualify for alcohol dependence. The identification of multivitamins supplementation.
binge‑drinkers or high‑risk drinkers is important as it
will help us to identify the target population requiring Maintenance stage
intervention [Tables 2 and 3]. Psychosocial intervention is the mainstay of the treatment.
On a case to case basis, medication may be used
It is to be noted that the term AUD as has been used in intermittently or for long durations, with interventions
this document to encompass intermittent binge drinking, that help change certain lifestyles to maintain recovery.
hazardous drinking, and chronic alcohol abuse and The use of adjuvant pharmacotherapy is recommended for
dependence. Following laboratory investigations are carried those with moderate‑to‑severe dependence postalcohol
out to screen for biomarkers and to assess liver functioning withdrawal. Adjuvant pharmacotherapy is also suitable for
at baseline and follow‑up [Tables 4 and 5]. children and adolescents with mild dependence who have
either not responded to initial attempts to attain abstinence
Assessment questionnaires, inventories, and scales or have specifically requested it.
A comprehensive diagnostic approach for alcohol problems
may cover physiological, behavioral, psychological and Medications commonly used are DSF, acamprosate, NTX,
social aspects of the patient. The predictors and facilitators and nalmefene [Table 6].
of relapse may be assessed, along with the strengths and
deficits of the individual and the individual’s readiness to The choice depends on individual patient profile.
change. a. Deterrent/alcohol‑sensitizing drug – DSF helps in
decreasing impulsive or situational use of alcohol. It
Treatment strategies for alcohol dependence inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase in liver and dopamine
The treatment/intervention plan will depend upon the stage β‑hydroxylase in brain. The first action results in high
and or severity of alcohol use and severity of withdrawal levels of acetaldehyde that causes an unpleasant
symptoms. Most evidence indicate efficacy of psychosocial
measures with pharmacotherapy as an adjunct modality. Table 2: Binge drinking in adolescents
Boys Girls
A medication‑assisted treatment for AUDs has several Age (years) Number of drinks* Age (years) Number of drinks*
benefits. 9-13 3 9-17 3
14-15 4
It prolongs the periods of abstinence, thereby enhancing 16+ 5
the coping mechanisms that facilitate long term recovery. *Within 2 h and achieving a BAC of 80 mg%. BAC – Blood alcohol concentration

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Table 3: Age at onset of past year risk‑drinking

Highest‑risk Moderate‑risk
Age (years) Approximate number of days child drank (past year) Age (years) Approximate number of days child drank (past year)
≤11 1 12-15 1
12-15 6 16-17 6
16 12 18 12
17 24
18 ≥52
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Table 4: Laboratory testing in alcohol use disorder assessment

To detect recent alcohol intake Breath analysis
Urine metabolites of alcohol (not required routinely)
Biomarkers for AUD CDT ‑ chronic alcohol consumption
AST and GGT ‑ recent significant consumption
To identify alcohol‑related damage CBC: MCV
Vitamin deficiencies
Hepatorenal testing
Others Ultrasonography: To assess hepatorenal status
Fibroscan: Early diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis
ECG: Especially if malnourishment and mineral deficiencies and before initiation of drug therapy
BAC – Blood alcohol concentration; CDT – Carbohydrate deficit transferrin; AST – Aspartate aminotransferase; GGT – Gamma glutamyltransferase;
CBC – Complete blood counts; MCV – Mean cell volume; ECG – Electrocardiography; AUD – Alcohol use disorder

physical reaction (known as DSF‑ethanol reaction, • Good motivation and ready for supervised
DER) within 15–30  min and lasts several hours or medication
days (if DSF being taken for long). The severity of DSF • A history of opioid abuse/dependence and are
will depend on the dose of DSF and blood alcohol seeking treatment for AUDs
concentration. DSF has potentially serious adverse • Intense alcohol cravings during treatment
reactions and there are higher chances of DER in • More somatic complaints
children and adolescents as they may succumb to peer • A family history of alcohol dependence
pressure easily while being on DSF. Therefore, its use • Asp40 variant of OPRM1 (µ opioid receptor) on
requires great caution. Its use should be restricted to genotyping.
highly motivated patients only, with ingestion under NTX should be continued for a minimum period
direct supervision and regular specialist monitoring. of 3 months to 1 year. It is not associated with
In patients committed to complete abstinence it withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation, hence
might benefit with more total days of abstinence, no taper off required. Patients should continue NTX
reduced weekly drinking, and lower levels of despite having a lapse/relapse as it may reduce the
gamma‑glutamyltransferase (a marker of liver injury severity of the relapse
due to heavy alcohol use). Regular monitoring through ii. Acamprosate – Through its action on glutamatergic
clinical supervision and laboratory testing should be pathways, acamprosate reduces symptoms of
done once decision to start DSF is taken in consent postacute (protracted) withdrawal, as features
with patient and/or guardians [Table 7] of impaired sleep or mood instability may elicit a
DSF should be continued for a duration till the treatment relapse to drinking. There are several advantages
goals have been achieved in terms of long term stable of using acamprosate:
abstinence. Duration of supervised therapy probably • No clinically significant drug‑drug interactions
determines the duration of abstinence to alcohol after • Safe in cases of severe hepatic failure
termination of disulfiram. • Safe in patients receiving concomitant opioid
b. Anticraving agents maintenance therapy
i. NTX – This opioid antagonist reduces relapse • No interaction with any other medication used
to heavy drinking by inhibiting alcohol‑induced in alcohol detoxification
dopamine release in the reward circuitry. It lessens • Extremely safe; no overdose risk up to 56 g
craving, blocks pleasurable effects and reduces • Adverse effects‑mild and transient.
urges to drink. Before the initiation of NTX therapy, iii. Nalmefene – An opioid antagonist, it may be an
rule out use of recent opioids lest it may precipitate option for patients who do not tolerate NTX or
unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. NTX therapy who do not respond to that drug. In a limited
gives better results in those where individuals have number of studies on adult subjects, nalmefene

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Table 5: Alcohol and other drugs assessment tools

Name Authors Details Remarks
Screening only
CRAFFT Knight et al., 6‑item Screens for both alcohol and drugs
2002 Interview Brief screen for primary care professionals
Public domain Developmentally appropriate
AUDIT Saunders JB, 10‑item Developed by WHO
et al., 1993 Internationally validated with a wide range of populations, including
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Developed for screening in primary care medical settings
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PESQ Winters, 1992 40 items Indicates need for further assessment of SUDs
ADI Harrell AV and 24‑item Assesses alcohol use in adolescents with psycho‑emotional‑behavioral
Wirtz PW, 1994 Self‑report problems
Identifies those who need further alcohol evaluation or treatment
Defines the type of drinking problem
Can help develop treatment plans and recommendations
RAPI White H and 18 items Assess adolescent problem drinking and related negative consequences
Labouvie E, Self‑report Usable in both clinical and nonclinical population
1989 Public domain
POSIT Rahdert, 1991 139 item Functioning measured in 10 domains
Self‑report “Red flag” items signal the need for further
CAST Legleye et al., 6‑item Assess the frequency of the following events throughout an individual’s
2007 lifetime: Seemingly nonrecreational use (smoking alone or before
midday), memory disorders, being encouraged to reduce or stop using
cannabis, unsuccessful attempts to quit, and problems linked to cannabis
SASSI‑A 100 items Identifies those with high probability of having SUD
Self‑report Identifies those unwilling or unable to admit substance abuse
GAIN‑short screen Dennis, 1998 20 items Documents SUD and other psychiatric diagnoses; placement criteria;
Self‑report health, mental distress and environment; and service use outcomes
A brief version allows for screening
An outcome version provides information about critical outcome variables
Comprehensive assessment
ADI Winters and Structured interview Assesses symptoms associated with SUDs
Henley, 1993 Obtains diagnoses, substance use history, and psychosocial functioning
CDDR Brown Items vary Current and lifetime measures of 4 alcohol‑ and other drug‑related
et al.,1998 Structured interview domains
Public domain
ADAD Friedman and 150 items Assess substance use and other life problems
Terras, 1989 Structured interview Assist with treatment planning
Public domain Assess changes in life problem areas and severity over time
APSI Metzger et al., 85 items Provides severity ratings on multiple
1991 Interview domains of functioning
Public domain For use in non‑juvenile justice settings, such as treatment facilities, mental
health agencies, or schools
CASI‑A Meyers et al., Semi‑structured interview 12-18 years
1995 Assess substance use, substance abuse and dependence symptoms, and
related problems
Assists with referral and treatment decisions
Problem identification and for monitoring treatment outcome
PRQ Cady et al., 25‑item Adolescents’ perceptions of the seriousness of alcohol/drug involvement
1996 self‑report and motivation for drug use change and readiness for treatment
GAIN Dennis et al., 1606‑item Documents SUD and other psychiatric diagnoses; placement criteria;
1998 Self‑report/structured health, mental distress and environment; and service use outcomes
interview A brief version allows for screening
An outcome version provides information about critical outcome variables
DUSI‑A Tarter and 159 items Documents the level of involvement with a variety of drugs
Hegedus, 1991 10 domains Quantifies severity of consequences associated with drug use
TASI Kaminer et al., 154 items Provides severity ratings on multiple domains of functioning
1993 Semi‑structured interview Used in those with substance abuse, psychiatric and co‑occurring
Public domain disorders


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Table 5: Contd...
Name Authors Details Remarks
PEI Winters et al., 276 items Informs substance use frequency and severity, personal and environmental
1989 Self‑report risk factors, problem screening, and faking
12-18 years
AUDIT – Alcohol use disorders identification test; PEI – Personal experience inventory; TASI – Teen‑addiction severity index; DUSI‑A – Drug use screening
inventory‑ adolescents; GAIN – Global appraisal of individual needs; PRQ – Problem recognition questionnaire; CASI‑A – Comprehensive adolescent severity
index for adolescents; APSI – Adolescent Problem Severity Index; ADAD – Adolescent drug abuse diagnosis; PESQ – Personal experience screening
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questionnaire; ADI – Adolescent Drinking Index; RAPI – Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index; ADI – Adolescent diagnostic interview; POSIT – Problem‑oriented
screening instrument for teenagers; GAIN – Global appraisal of individual needs; CDDR – Customary drinking and drug use record; SASSI‑A – Substance abuse
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subtle screening inventory adolescent version; CAST – Cannabis Abuse Screening Test; SUD – Substance use disorder

Table 6: Medications in alcohol pharmaco prophylaxis ‑ clinical considerations

Drug Dose (mg) Pharmacokinetics Clinically significant/severe Management of adverse effects Significant drug‑drug
adverse effects interactions
Disulfiram Initial: 250- 80%-95% of oral Common=Drowsiness, nausea, Skin: Anti‑histamines Avoid in patient who
500 mg/d, dose absorbed; vomiting, acneiform eruptions Psychosis: Dose reduction or are or were recently
started 12-24 binds irreversibly Rare=allergic dermatitis, fatal discontinuation; adjust dosage of on amprenavir,
h of alcohol to ALDH hepatitis (may occur many anti‑psychotic drug ritonavir, sertraline,
abstinence for months after stopping DSF or Fatal hepatitis/peripheral neuritis/optic metronidazole,
1-2 week without prior liver disease), neuritis: Discontinue DSF paraldehyde, alcohol,
Maintenance: peripheral/optic neuritis, or alcohol‑containing
125-250 mg/d encephalopathy, psychosis preparations (e.g.,
DER Mild: Reassurance, oral fluids cough syrups, tonics);
Mild (BAC 5 to 10 mg/100 mL) Mod‑severe: Restore blood pressure also patients exposed to
Moderate (BAC 50 mg/100 mL) and treat shock; administer oxygen ethylene dibromide or
Severe (BAC 125 to or carbogen (95% O2 + 5% CO2), IV its vapors (e.g., in paint,
150 mg/100 mL) vitamin C (1g), ephedrine sulfate, or IV paint thinner, varnish,
antihistamines, dopamine infusion shellac) or using
If no response, then Fomepizole (4-methyl products that contain
pyrazole): 15 mg/kg IV single dose alcohol (e.g., vinegars,
sauces, aftershave
lotions, liniments)
Acamprosate 333 mg 2 tab Oral bioavailability Uncommon: intestinal cramps, Self‑limiting or discontinuation of drug Increase in serum levels
t.i.d. 11%; renal headache, flatulence, increased of naltrexone
excretion as such. or decreased libido, insomnia,
Before initiation anxiety, muscle weakness, nausea,
and during itchiness, dizziness
follow‑up: Renal Most common: Diarrhea Treat with loperamide or Bismuth
function tests subsalicylate
(urea, electrolytes, Loperamide: 6-8 years, 20-30 kg: start 2
and serum mg PO x1, then 1 mg PO after each loose
Creatinine) to rule stool; Max: 4 mg/day
out severe renal 8-11 year, 30-40 kg: Start 2 mg PO x1,
impairment then 1 mg PO after each loose stool;
Max: 6 mg/day ≥12 year: Start 4 mg PO
x1, then 2 mg PO after each loose stool;
Max: 8 mg/day
Dietary changes
Dose reduction or discontinuation, if persists
Suicidal ideation (less common Contact doctor immediately
but serious) Monitor for onset or worsening of
Discontinue acamprosate
Naltrexone 12.5-25 mg Near complete Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Nausea: Take with meals rich in complex Opioid containing
od×1-2 weeks; oral absorption constipation, stomach ache, loss sugars cough/cold/
initiated and hepatic of appetite Simultaneous simethicone or bismuth antidiarrhials: Reduced
3-7 days of metabolism to subsalicylate (1 tbsf) effect
abstinence; active metabolite Reduce dose/stop for 3-5 days than restart Opioid analgesia
maintenance 6‑β‑naltrexol at lower dose requires dose escalation‑
dose 50 mg od (t1/2=13 h) risk of prolonged
respiratory depression


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Table 6: Contd...
Drug Dose (mg) Pharmacokinetics Clinically significant/severe Management of adverse effects Significant drug‑drug
adverse effects interactions
Hepatotoxicity (abdominal In healthy: LFT (i.e., ALT, AST, GGT, Thioridazine:
pains that last more than a few BR) at baseline and then at 1/3/6 month Somnolence, lethargy
days, fatigue, nausea, weakness, and yearly thereafter NSAIDS: Raised AST/
fever, light‑colored stools, dark More frequently if: Baseline LFT high, ALT if dose of NTX
tea‑colored urine, yellowing of history of liver disease, concurrent >100 mg
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sclera or skin) hepatotoxic drug, NTX >50 mg/day, AST/

ALT >5 × normal
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Discontinue NTX
Overdose Symptomatic supportive care
Precipitated opioid withdrawal Discontinue NTX, supportive care,
symptomatic medications to manage
withdrawal symptoms (clonidine,
antispasmodics, antidiarrheals)
Nalmefene 18 mg OD t1/2=13.4 h; slower Most common: Nausea Mostly self‑limiting Not suitable for patients
preferably 1-2 h onset and longer Very common insomnia, Dose reduction required only if severe requiring opioid
before alcohol duration of action dizziness, headache; No risk of hepatic impairment analgesia
intake; if started than naltrexone liver toxicity No requirement to monitor LFT Interaction with
to drink before inducers and inhibitors
the day’s dose, of the UGT2B7 enzyme
then take as
soon as possible
IV – Intravenous; BAC – Blood alcohol concentration; LFT – Liver function tests; NTX – Naltrexone; AST – Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT – Alanine transaminase;
ALDH – Alcohol dehydrogenase; PO – Per oral

has been shown to have some impact in decreasing Special population

the total daily alcohol intake and number of heavy Pregnancy – The nutritional needs during pregnancy
drinking (more than 60 and 40 g of pure alcohol are 10%–30% greater than normal; food intake needs to
per day for men and women, respectively) days. It increase by as much as 140% to cover the needs of both
may help alcohol dependent individuals to reduce mother and the fetus. The management should preferably
the risk status of drinking, improving the health be psychosocial along with enhanced nutrition in case of
outcomes potentially continuation of pregnancy.
It has been approved in the European Union in
2013 for this indication in adults. Interesting Pharmacological measures should only be used strictly
to note is that it can be used as needed if the under addiction specialist only when, in the judgment of the
patient perceives a risk of drinking, giving physician, the probable benefits outweigh the possible risks.
more autonomy and flexibility to the patient,
thus ensuring their active involvement in the Psychiatric comorbidity – Adolescents who meet
treatment process. the criteria of SUD, 60% also meet the criteria of a
iv. Under trial (clinical/preclinical) – Include baclofen, psychiatric disorder. Therefore, addressing a co‑occurring
ondansetron, topiramate, ondansetron‑topiramate psychopathology is equally important in dealing with
combination, varenicline, gabapentin, and AUD as it is related with better abstinence rates than
prazosin. There is not enough evidence at present treatment of AUD alone. Common comorbidities include
to recommend them in AUDs. (but not limited to) attention‑deficit/hyperkinetic disorder,
conduct disorder, anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic
Psychosocial measures stress disorder.
One needs to consider the developmental stage and
developmental processes while planning intervention for The AUD management has been summarized in Figure 1.
adolescents. Most mild cases of AUD are effectively dealt
with interventions aimed at bringing motivation to change, Special consideration for management of cannabis use
strengthening support system, and developing life skills. disorder
Evidence‑based approaches for adolescent AUD problems The use of cannabis in some parts of the world is on rise
include: and there is no reason to believe that the same is not true
• Family system approach for India. About 10%–30% of those who ever use cannabis
• BI develop a cannabis‑use disorder within a decade. Among
• Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) the adolescents, the frequency of cannabis use may be a
• Cognitive‑behavioral skills. better predictor of cannabis use disorder than duration

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of use. It is used as bhang, ganja, hashish, hash oil, or hour. Currently, there are no “recommended” treatment
synthetic cannabinoids. Synthetic cannabis is either smoked approaches for cannabis use disorders. Most adolescents
or used as tea. It is known by various street names such as do not need specific medication for cannabis cessation, and
K2, Skunk, Synthetic, etc. Some users claim that synthetic non-pharmacological approaches like enhancing coping and
cannabinoids are much stronger in effect than cannabis and providing information may suffice.
the withdrawals are also more severe.
Pharmacotherapy of cannabis withdrawal syndrome and
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With time the perception that cannabis use poses a cannabis use disorder (CUD) is mostly symptomatic.
significant risk of negative consequences has decreased.
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Short term symptomatic medication like diazepam (up

This is despite the fact (as per US data) that the average
potency of delta‑9‑tetrahydrocannabinol in seized
marijuana has increased from 3% in 1992 to 11% in 2010. The Clinical assessment

increase in potency coincides with an increase in treatment

admissions for marijuana use disorders. This is pertinent to AUDIT
think about in counseling parents, who, recalling their own
past experiences with marijuana, do not consider it likely
that it could be harmful to their children. Another challenge SCORE > 07 SCORE 03-06 SCORE < 03

is the lack of standardization in dose, potency, or chemical

constituency of cannabis.
Diagnostic evaluation & Brief intervention &
No intervention
treatment intervention periodic evaluation
The changing cannabis use patterns among adolescents
carry grave significance to public health as it is associated
with hazardous behaviors such as drug peddling, violence,
drunk driving, all forms of abuse (physical, sexual, and Assess physical
Progression of AUD
emotional), and future development of SUD. dependence

Many cannabis users do not consider their cannabis
use problematic, and hence their readiness to quit this Y
Out-patient management
substance might be low. The withdrawal effects of marijuana Mild

are relatively mild as compared to substances like opioids N

and alcohol. Also, many cannabis users espouse the goal of
moderating, rather than quitting altogether. Out-patient Hospitalization &
detoxification detoxification

A typical cannabis withdrawal begins within 24–48 h

of abstinence; peak within 4–6 days, and last from 1 to
3 weeks, although significant individual differences occur in
Community Psychosocial
withdrawal expression [Table 8]. intervention ± drug
Long-stay rehabilitation

The management of cannabis intoxication, withdrawal and
dependence is a work in progress and further research
exploring better clinical practices is the need of the Figure 1: Algorithm for management of alcohol use disorder

Table 7: Laboratory monitoring of disulfiram therapy

When What
Before starting DSF Breath or blood alcohol tests (if clinically indicated to confirm abstinence)
To confirm abstinence LFT: AST, ALT, GGT, Alkaline phosphatase, LDH, BR, ALB, PT
To determine baselines after stabilization Complete blood count, routine chemistries (if clinically indicated)
Pregnancy test (girls)
After DSF initiation LFT: AST, ALT, GGT, BR
At 2 weeks Pregnancy test (girls)
monthly (or more frequently) × 6 month ECG
every 3 months thereafter KFT: BUN, creatinine
Monthly Urine toxicology screen: Perform only when concern exists about unreported alcohol or drug use
As clinically indicated
DSF – Disulfiram; AST – Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT – Alanine transaminase; GGT – Gamma glutamyltransferase; ECG – Electrocardiography;
LDH – Lactate dehydrogenase; BUN – Blood urea nitrogen; LFT – Liver function tests; PT – Prothrombin time; ALB – Albumin; BR – Bilirubin; Cr – Creatinine

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to 40 mg per day in 4 divided doses for about a week), be using appropriate therapeutic intervention/ referral
metoclopromide (for nausea), and olanzapine (up to 10 mg to suitable facility
per day in 2 divided doses for about a week for agitation) • The adolescent can be discharged from care with a
can be given in individual cases. guardian when the symptoms of inhalant intoxication
wane within a period of 4 to 6 hours, with observation
Psychotic symptoms should be managed with an continued at home till 24 h.
antipsychotic medication for up to 2 weeks. If the symptoms
are severe or persistent for longer than this, detailed Inhalant withdrawals
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psychiatric evaluation should be undertaken. The sleep The management is either short‑term or long‑term, and
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disturbance should be managed without medications. pharmacological and/or nonpharmacological.

For cannabis use disorders, no pharmacological treatment Short‑term

has been shown to be efficacious for prophylaxis. Drugs Withdrawal symptoms are often mild. They may extend
such as buspirone, bupropion, and NTX are commonly used for a period of up to 2 to 5 days. Detoxification consists
in CUD. of basic supportive care and symptomatic medical
management. Apart from a case series of baclofen, no
Psychosocial treatments, such as MET, CBT  (i.e., coping specific pharmacotherapy has been used to manage inhalant
skills training), and CM, as well as family‑based treatments withdrawal.
and mindfulness meditation have been carefully evaluated
and have demonstrated enthusiastic results. Long‑term
As there is no evidence for any effective pharmacoprophylaxis,
Figure 2 summarizes the management of CUD. it is important to keep patient under active follow‑up with
regular urine screening for substance use and regular brief
Special consideration for management of Inhalants use sessions enquiring patient’s motivation and emphasizing on
disorder principles of relapse prevention counseling.
IUD is more common in lower socioeconomic status,
street children, school dropout, conduct disorder, and low Nonpharmacological interventions
parental supervision. Effects are that of CNS depression. Psychoeducation of patient and family with special emphasis
Intoxication occurs rapidly and it is comparatively of short on harm minimization like not to use inhalants
duration (3–6 h). Withdrawal from inhalants generally does • When alone or in secretive, enclosed spaces
not require medical attention. However, medical evaluation • When smoking or near a lit cigarette or flames
and/or care should be provided for an adolescent who is • When there is physical exertion and
pregnant, has a pre-existing medical condition (including • Several hours before driving.
seizures), or has considerable physical discomfort. • Motivation enhancement treatment
Inhalant intoxication • CBT‑based approaches
• Basic supportive care • Supportive psychotherapy (where CBT is not feasible)
• Use of sedatives should be avoided • CM
• Appropriate consultation with pulmonologist/ • Psychosocial intervention:
ENT for (cough, wheezing, dyspnea, emphysema, • Patient engagement and family involvement
and pneumonitis), cardiologist for (dysrhythmias, • School re‑entry and school readjustment
hypoxic‑induced heart block), neurologist for • Activity and engagement‑based approaches
(encephalopathy, cerebellar ataxia, neuropathies, • Life skills‑based approaches.
white matter degeneration/atrophy, and parkinsonism), • Residential rehabilitation: This might be more relevant for
dermatologist for (burns, contact dermatitis, perioral chronic inhalant users who use this substance heavily and
eczema) may be required. Complications, if any, must where other treatment options have not worked well.

Table 8: Pretreatment assessment and categorization of intoxication and withdrawal

Intoxication Withdrawal
Acute Chronic Pathological Chronic user
Euphoria, anxiety, relaxation, sensory stimulation, greater appetite Weight gain, lethargy, Psychosis, dysphoric mood (anxiety,
Pupillary constriction, nystagmus, diplopia, conjunctival injection, gynecomastia, reactive delirium, irritability, depressed
photophobia, temporary bronchodilatation, autonomic dysfunction airway disease, panic, mood, restlessness),
(tachycardia, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension) amotivational syndrome, flashbacks insomnia, EEG changes
lower sperm count

S342 Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 61 (Supplement 2), January 2019

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History & Clinical assessment • For adolescent smoking cessation, behavioral treatments
are the main treatment recommended at present.

Intoxication Withdrawal Pharmacotherapy

• Before opting for pharmacotherapy in teens, a number
of factors are to be considered such as efficacy, side
effects, cost, and ease of use
Assess severity Reassurance
• There are no medications investigated specifically for
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adolescent smoking cessation

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• There are medications for the purpose of smoking

cessation in adults that include Nicotine Replacement
Acute Chronic Pathological
Therapies (NRT) delivered in the form of a patch, inhaler,
lozenge, gum or nasal spray, as well as bupropion
sustained‑release (SR) and varenicline
• Studies in adolescent age group are starting to emerge
Reassurance and - Discontinue Cannabis Anxiolytics, but are lagging behind adult population.
observation - Symptomatic Neuroleptics

Nicotine replacement therapy [Table 9]

• Studies evaluating efficacy of NRT in adolescent group
has shown mixed results. To date, no adverse effects
Enrol in psychosocial therapy with NRT were noted
• The only form of NRT that has been studied and have
Figure 2: Management of Cannabis use disorder shown benefit is the nicotine patch. The patch may be
helpful to some adolescent smokers but relapse after
• Vocational rehabilitation: for street children for effective
schooling and employment opportunities can be used. treatment is common. Smoking while using the patch
may increase risk of adverse effects
Special populations • As, there is lack of data for this age group, data from
Psychiatric comorbidity: conduct disorder, oppositional adult recommendations are often used in routine
defiant disorder and learning disorders should be addressed clinical practice. The NRT dosing is based upon the
to improve short and long‑term outcome of management plan. severity of tobacco use. The outcomes of NRT are
better when the dose and duration are adequate. NRT
Inhalant induced psychiatric disorders usually remit with can be initiated even when the individual has not fully
cessation of substance use, and specific psychotropic decided on quitting tobacco. The quit date is prior
medications are usually not required (except when to beginning NRT. Optimal duration of treatment is
symptoms pose a threat to self or others, or the symptoms 3 months
are severe).
Those who smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day are not
Special consideration for management of tobacco use suitable for NRT.
Salient features: Combination of patch and another NRT modality (like
• Gateway substance ‑ 90% of adult smokers smoked their gum or lozenge) may be more effective than a single
first cigarette before the age of 18 years approach.
• Addressing adolescent cigarette use should encompass
primary prevention and smoking cessation. Nonnicotine pharmacotherapy
• Treatment of tobacco use disorders should be • Varenicline, bupropion, nortriptyline and cytosine are
individualized for the adolescent, This should be based studied in adults but convincing data on adolescents
upon smoking patters, concomitant medical conditions, are lacking
and preferences of the individual. • Varenicline is not approved in adolescent population
• Most patients are managed at outpatient setting of and very few studies have evaluated its use in this
various specialties and inpatient management for age group. Its use is restricted because of serious
tobacco use is rare except for admissions for treatment neuropsychiatric adverse effects like agitation, hostility,
of various other medical or psychiatric disorders suicidal ideation and depressed mood
including inpatient treatment of other substance use • Bupropion SR use has shown mixed results in efficacy

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when used in combination with NRT and tobacco dosing should be given, and the dose may be repeated
cessation counseling in adolescence every 2 to 3 minutes till 10 mg. If no response, alternative
• Bupropion may increase suicidal ideation, particularly cause/substance is to be considered.
so in adolescents with depression
• Hence, mental health should be closely monitored in Opioid dependence: Detoxification (withdrawal
adolescents who are being given these medications. management)
The choice of treatment needs to be made on a case‑by‑case
Long‑term basis.
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• Behavioral counseling and long‑term follow‑up 1. Clonidine‑based symptom management

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increases the abstinence rate • Reserved for mild cases and in whom long‑term
• The treatment of comorbid psychiatric disorders such prophylaxis is planned with an opioid antagonist
as ADHD and conduct disorder increases the abstinence like NTX
rates in long‑term. • It requires careful monitoring of side effects like
Special consideration for the management of opioid use disorder • Sedative‑hypnotics or anxiolytics for sleep
• Despite increasing trends toward use of opioids difficulties and or anxiety, antiemetics for
in adolescent age group, they still do not receive nausea and vomiting, NSAIDS for muscle cramps,
adequate treatment due to restrictions on use of antispasmodic for gastrointestinal cramping and
pharmacotherapy in this age group adequate hydration or oral rehydration solution for
• There is increasing use of injectable opioids in loose stools may be required
adolescence with associated increase in HIV, hepatitis • When withdrawal symptoms are severe and
C, and other blood‑borne infectious diseases clonidine‑based management is planned it is
• In India, among the intravenous drug users  (IDU), preferable to have inpatient management
opioids are the most commonly injected drugs • Patients suffering from mild withdrawal or
• Clinical opiate withdrawal scale  (COWS) might come some with moderate symptoms may respond to
handy in determining the severity of withdrawal and clonidine alone. Observe for 45 min the diastolic
start and monitoring of pharmacotherapy blood pressure after an initial test dose of 0.1 mg
• Apart from routine investigation, viral markers for high (oral/sublingual) and if no orthostatic hypotension
risk sexual behaviors and urine screening to confirm is evident, then doses of 0.1–0.2 mg should be
opioid use and to look for other substance use are administered orally every 4–6 h.
required to plan the individualized management. 2. Agonist agent‑based symptom management:
• It is treatment of choice for detoxification in
Opioid intoxication adults, but in children and adolescence, both
Look for a triad of  (i) coma/unconsciousness,  (ii) severely buprenorphine and methadone are used with
depressed respiration, and (iii) pinpoint pupils. caution considering poor tolerability.

Management: In cases of suspected opioid intoxication, Buprenorphine

airways should be made clear and breathing ensured • It is a partial opioid agonist, that is administered sublingually.
(supported as required). Initially 0.8mg/70kg naloxone It is available in either plain form, or in combination with

Table 9: Nicotine dosage forms and doses

NRT preparation Recommendations (in adults) Studies in adolescence
Nicotine gum/ <25 cig=2 mg every 1-2 hourly >25 cig=4 mg every 1-2 h (maximum: 24 gums/day) Gums ‑ yes
lozenge 2 mg, 4 mg Duration: 12 weeks Lozenges ‑ No
Week 1-6:1 piece every 1-2 h; week 7-9: 1 piece every 2-4 h
Week 10-12: 1 piece every 4-8 h
Nicotine patch 21 mg, >10 cigarettes/day d: 21 mg/day; <10 cigarettes per d: 14 mg per day Yes
14 mg, 7 mg Duration: 10-12 week
Week 1-6:21 mg/day or 14 mg/day; week 7-9: 14 mg/day or 7 mg/day
Week 10-12: 7 mg/day
Nicotine Inhaler Usual: 6-16 cartridges per day Initially: 1 cartridge every 1-2 h No
10‑mg cartridge delivers Duration: 12-24 week
4 mg of nicotine per spray Taper in last 6-12 week
Nicotine 1 spray (1 mg nicotine) in each nostril Yes
Nasal spray Initial treatment is 1-2 doses per h, as needed
Typical dosing is 8-40 doses/d
Duration : 12-24 weeks

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naloxone. Naloxone is added to formulation to prevent or heroin) and 7–10 days after the most recent use of
diversion to injecting drug use of buprenorphine, as long‑acting opioids (e.g., most long‑acting prescription
naloxone is not absorbed sublingually, but purportedly opioids, buprenorphine, or methadone)
exerts opioid antagonist effect when injected. • NTX prescription is to be preceded by a urine drug
• For detoxification, dose calculation is symptom‑based screen
and later once symptoms are managed adequately, • First oral dose is administered under direct supervision
dose is tapered‑off gradually in the clinic and monitored (60 min) for signs of
• Buprenorphine dosing should not start until at least withdrawal. Naloxone challenge test is also used before
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6 h after the last heroin dose or 24–48 h after the last starting NTX
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methadone or other longer acting opioid dose, till the • NTX is taken orally either 50 mg daily or 100 mg ‑ 100 mg
adolescent is not showing signs of opioid withdrawal, –150 mg three times a week
or the COWS score <6. If dosed too early, precipitated • Advantages of NTX are: User does not perceive any particular
withdrawal may occur drug effect, no potential for abuse, and nonaddictive
• Buprenorphine may be appropriate treatment for • Also available as extended‑release intramuscular
adolescents with short addiction histories, and who once‑a‑month injection  (Vivitrol) in some countries. It
have histories of opioid abuse and addiction and has not been evaluated in adolescents
multiple relapses but who are not currently dependent • Before starting injectable NTX, an opioid‑free period
on opioids of a minimum of 7–10 days is recommended to avoid
• It may be preferred to methadone because of the relative precipitating withdrawal.
ease of withdrawal from buprenorphine treatment
• Longer buprenorphine taper‑off over  4–8  week has Injectable NTX may be more suitable for those individuals
better outcomes in terms of abstinence and treatment living in correctional facilities, or those with HIV and willing
retention, than shorter taper regimen. to abstain from opioids. Several clinical conundrums and
knowledge gaps make use of injectable NTX difficult - for
Methadone exampe, transitioning to NTX, duration of treatment, pain
• Not a first‑line treatment, it is to be used under management, risk of opioid overdose, cost factors and
expert guidance only. Methadone based withdrawal pragmatic efficacy.
management should be done in the inpatient setting
only. Opioid agonist maintenance treatment/opioid
substitution treatment
Symptomatic medications: May be helpful. Include • In government run centers in India, opioid‑substitution
• Benzodiazepine (e.g., Diazepam 5–10 mg QID prn) for a treatment includes dispensing an opioid‑agonist agent
maximum of 7–10 days along with nonpharmacological measures such as group
• Metoclopramide 10–20 mg TDS prn for nausea meetings, role plays, and psychoeducational meetings
• Simple analgesia (e.g., paracetamol, NSAIDs) held at weekly follow‑up visits
• Antidiarrheal (e.g., loperamide). • Not all adolescents who have used opioids need to be
commenced on opiate replacement therapy
Long‑term management • Risk of toxicity and overdose, especially with methadone
The duration of maintenance therapy varies from case to which is highest in the first 14 days of treatment
case basis anywhere between 6 and 24 months or more • Criteria for determining suitability for opioid substitution
depending on the clinician’s assessment. therapy include long‑duration opioid users, severe
dependence, high risk of relapse, willing to comply with
Opioid antagonist treatment (naltrexone) the requirements, harm reduction strategy in someone
• Criteria for using opioid antagonist treatment include: with HIV‑ or HBV‑positive status with IDU.
• Comparatively brief duration of opioid use, good
motivation, absence of injecting drug use, less severe The specific objectives of agonist‑maintenance treatment
dependence, good social supports and good premorbid include reduction of harmful and illicit drug use, reduction
social and occupational functioning. of risk of transmission of blood borne infections, reduction
• As an opioid antagonist, it can precipitate sudden of medical morbidity and risk of overdose, reduction
withdrawal symptoms in a patient who recently used of criminality, enhancement of social and occupational
opioids functioning and integration with families.
• Therefore, clinicians should only administer NTX
3–6 days after the most recent use of short‑acting Nonpharmacological
opioids (e.g., most short‑acting prescription opioids • Psychoeducation

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• Motivation enhancement treatment Barbiturate use disorders:

• RPT • It needs a special consideration due to its high
• Emphasis on concept of harm reduction dependence potential and narrow therapeutic window.
• Psychosocial intervention in the form of school or Data are very scarce in adult population and not
educational and vocational rehabilitation. available in adolescent population
• For the management of intoxication, there is no specific
Special consideration for management of sedative and antidote and focus is mainly on supportive measures.
hypnotics use disorder For management of barbiturate dependence, principle
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Medications included in the category of sedatives and is same as with BZD though it is more advisable to
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hypnotics are of three types: barbiturates, BZD and treat under inpatient setting. Nonpharmacological
“Z‑drugs” (zolpidem, zopiclone, eszopiclone, and zaleplon). management as mentioned for other SUD is equally
A knowledge of t1/2 of BZDs is important before embarking important in this group as well.
on related problems [Table 10].
Special consideration for management of stimulant use
Benzodiazepine intoxication disorder
• These are in line with the guidelines applicable to adults • Literature on guidelines of these disorders is very
as there is no specific recommendation in adolescent scarce due to rarity in cases seen in India. These are
population frequently part of illegal rave parties. Commonly
• Supportive measures are important. Gastric lavage is available drugs are amphetamine‑type stimulants,
not usually recommended unless suspected of other gamma‑hydroxybutyrate (GHB/gamma butyrolactone),
lethal co‑ingestant and cocaine
• Flumazenil, a competitive benzodiazepine receptor • The management of intoxication is basically supportive
antagonist can be used in acute severe intoxication at care as there is no specific antidote [Table 11]. Heavy
doses of 0.1–0.3 mg over a period of 30 s. Additional GHB use requires an inpatient management and can
boluses are often required (as the duration of action of be managed with low‑to‑moderate dose long‑acting
flumazenil is shorter) until consciousness is established benzodiazepine with close medical observation.
or a maximum dose (2–5 mg), as applicable to adults, is Withdrawal symptoms are managed based on
reached. the symptom presentation with use of sedatives,
antipsychotics, and valproate. Once stabilized, role of
Benzodiazepine dependence psychosocial intervention becomes important. This
• Adolescents mostly use BZD for recreational purpose. group requires extensive rehabilitation plan. Special
A few misuse the prescription dose and increase on emphasis is made on retaining patients under active
their own and continue using benzodiazepine for follow‑up with the help of psychosocial workers and
a duration and manner long enough to result in continuing RPT [Table 12]
dependence • Other than routine investigations, following may be
• Initial attempts should be gradual and slow dose required:
reduction with watch for any seizure episode or agitation • Urine drug screen  (for cocaine request plasma
• If difficulty is seen with tapering the short acting benzoylecgonia, the demethylated metabolite of
benzodiazepine, then it can be substituted with the cocaine, as cocaine itself has a variable and short
equivalent dose of long acting benzodiazepine and half‑life).
then gradual taper can be attempted • ECGs: to exclude arrhythmias in toxicity
• Antidepressants, melatonin and at times valproate, • Cardiac enzymes, troponin levels‑where ischemic
carbamazepine, and quetiapine are also used to aid heart disease is suspected (cocaine)
in taper‑off along with the use of nonpharmacological • CPK to exclude rhabdomyolysis
measures such as psychoeducation, sleep hygiene, and • Chest X‑ray where indicated
CBT. Valproate should be initiated at a dose of 125 mg/ • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance
day and escalated to 750 to 1200 mg/day (in q. i. d. imaging head: if indicated, for example, to exclude
divided doses) as rapidly as tolerated cerebrovascular accidents.
• In groups with polysubstance abuse and high‑dose
benzodiazepine use for recreational purpose caution “Street drugs” and psychotropics
should be exercised for risk of seizures and gradual It is important to know the interaction as psychotropics are
dose reduction should be done with long acting often used in the management of the problems associated
benzodiazepine in an inpatient setting. with the use of street drugs [Table 13].

S346 Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 61 (Supplement 2), January 2019

Gaur, et al.: Substance abuse in children and adolescents

Table 10: Diazepam equivalent dosage of other benzodiazepines

Hypnotics Equivalent doses (diazepam 5 mg) Approximate t½ (h)
Ultra‑short acting benzodiazepines (t1/2 <4 h)
Triazolam 0.25 mg 1-3 h
Midazolam 15 mg 1-3 h
Short‑acting benzodiazepine (t1/2 6-12 h)
Oxazepam 15 mg 4-15 h
Temazepam 10 mg 5-15 h (10 h)
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Intermediate‑acting benzodiazepine (t1/2 12-24 h)

Lorazepam 1 mg 12-16 h
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Bromazepam 3 mg 20 h
Alprazolam 0.5 mg 6-25 h
Flunitrazepam 1 mg 20-30 h
Clobazam 10 mg 17-49 h
Long‑acting benzodiazepines (included effects of active metabolites) (t1/2 >24 h)
Clonazepam 0.5 mg 22-54 h
Diazepam 5 mg 20-80 h
Chlordiazepoxide 10 mg >50 h
Flurazepam 15 mg >50 h
Nitrazepam 5 mg 16-48 h
Zolpidem 10 mg 2.4 h
Zopiclone 7.5 mg 5.2 h
Zaleplon 10 mg 1.5 h

Table 11: Short‑term acute management

ATS MDMA Cocaine Management of complications of
stimulant intoxications
General symptomatic and supportive measures In addition to measures In addition to earlier measures Acute rhabdomyolysis: Requires
Rehydration for ATS Chest pain: Hospitalize and urgent diagnosis and treatment
Monitor closely. Emesis or gastric lavage observe otherwise risk of renal failure
Acidification of urine if MDMA toxicity from Hypertension: Use Chest pain: Admit. Risk is highest in
If agitation, sedate with benzodiazepines oral intake, is alert and alpha‑blocker (phentolamine) the 1st h after the use. Monitor with
If extreme agitation or violence, give diazepam IV has taken MDMA less or a combined alpha and serial ECGs, cardiac enzymes and
If on parenteral benzodiazepines, ICU setting is than 4 h previously beta‑adrenergic blocker troponin levels at least 12 h
preferable Correct fluid and (e.g., Labetalol) Administer sublingual glyceryl
In addition, a sedating antipsychotic agent electrolyte imbalance, Avoid β‑blockers as they trinitrate for chest pain and treat as for
(e.g., olanzapine or quetiapine) may be required. particularly exacerbate cocaine‑induced the myocardial infarction but note that
Avoid phenothiazines as they lower seizure hyponatremia coronary artery vasoconstriction cocaine has local anesthetic effects
threshold Avoid calcium‑channel blockers Avoid beta blockers
Close Monitoring for depression and suicidality (increased seizure risk) Avoid aspirin if cerebral hemorrhage
Protection from risk of self‑injury is suspected
ATS – Amphetamine‑type stimulants; MDMA – Methylenedioxy‑methamfetamine; ICU – Intensive care unit ECG – Electrocardiography; IV – Intravenous

CONCLUSION relapse rates (70%), with adjunct pharmacotherapy. SUD runs

a chronic course hence participation in aftercare services
SUD treatment in adolescents remains an enigma. Multiple after an acute treatment schedule should be encouraged as
barriers to treatment include low motivation to change, it is related to improved outcomes.
stigma, desire for self reliance, perception of lack of
treatment services and consideration that treatment is not In sum, treatment should be individualized, taking into
necessary. consideration what the adolescent and family are able
to do and trying to optimize outcomes by choosing
As limited evidence suggests only modest efficacy across among interventions. We need more research and
treatments, clinicians should choose evidence‑based clearer understanding of how to cater to the needs
interventions, they are familiar with and feasibility of its of the adolescents coming from different setting
implementation to optimize outcomes. It is likely that and backgrounds. Future efforts should aim towards
treatments may have differential impacts on the different developing models of intervention that address the
substance users. Psychosocial interventions remain the prevention as well as amelioration of substance use
mainstay of management despite high nonresponse and disorders.

Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 61 (Supplement 2), January 2019 S347

Gaur, et al.: Substance abuse in children and adolescents

Table 12: Planned detoxification and long‑term management

Psychoeducation about withdrawal symptoms and their time course, and reassurance
Elective detoxification
Home: Most cases may be managed in a supportive home environment
Ambulatory: In this, patient visits the hospital on a daily basis
Hospitalization: Severe dependence with medical or psychiatric complications, or having a lack of supportive home environment
A supportive safe, quiet, and nonthreatening environment is essential for rest and sleep
Other aspects of management
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Adequate diet
Short‑term benzodiazepines for insomnia and agitation, e.g., diazepam 20-40 mg in 4 divided doses
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If psychosis, use anti‑psychotics

Craving management: Advise 3 Ds
Delaying the decision to use or not for 1 h
Distracting oneself with some activity during this hour
Decide whether it is worth using after the hour is up
Treat co‑morbid psychiatric disorders. Increased risk of suicide if preexisting depression. Suicide risk assessment should be undertaken regularly, if
Role of antidepressants
Indicated if preexisting comorbid depression and are administered 4-6 weeks following
Tricyclic antidepressants may place the patient at risk of toxicity overdose if the patient is suicidal. May cause CNS depression if combined with other
SSRIs may cause the serotonin syndrome if combined with stimulants
Psychosocial measures: As discussed under general consideration for management of SUD
Psychostimulant replacement therapy. Includes dexamphetamine, methylphenidate and phentermine
Disulfiram. Attenuate cocaine high thus decreasing desire to use more cocaine
Modafinil and bupropion can be given a trial
CNS – Central nervous system; SSRIs – Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; SUD – Substance use disorder

Table 13: Pharmacodynamic interactions between street Financial support and sponsorship

drugs and psychotropics Nil.
Cocaine, Amphetamine, Ecstasy, MDA, 6-APB
General Stimulants (cocaine can be sedative in higher doses) Conflicts of interest
considerations Arrhythmia possible There are no conflicts of interest.
Cerebral/cardiac ischaemia with cocaine‑ may be fatal
Hyperthermia/dehydration with ecstasy REFERENCES
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