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Chapter-2 God reveals Himself

 Bible Portion: Exodus3:1-10 Key Words

 Memory Verse: When the Lord saw that he had gone over to
Moses, Horeb
look, God called to him from within the bush,”Moses!
Mountain, Thorny
Moses!”And Moses said, ”Here I am.” Exodus 3:4
I. Answer the following

No. Questions Answer

1. Who was looking after his father-in-laws’s sheep? Moses

Name of the mountain where Moses took the sheep

2. Mount Horeb
for grazing.

Thorny bush was on fire but it

3. What thing did Moses see on the mountain?
was not burning / Burning bush

4. Who called, “Moses, Moses”? God

5. What did God ask Moses to remove? Sandals

6. What work did God want Moses to do? To be the Leader of Israelites.

Thorny bush was on fire but it

7. Why was the burning bush strange?
was not burning.

8. How did God call Moses? Moses! Moses!

9. What was Moses’ reply to God? Here I am.

10. What work did Moses do? He was a shepherd.

Why did God ask Moses to remove the sandals from

11. Because that place was holy.
his feet?
II. Story

As Moses was shepherding his father-in-law Jethro's sheep, he is saw to a burning bush on
Mount Horeb. The thorn bush was on fire, but it was not burning up! When Moses went
near to see why, he heard a voice from inside the bush say: ‘Moses! Do not come any closer.
Take off your sandals because you are standing on holy ground.’ It was the voice of the God
himself. God explains to Moses he has a plan for him to save the Israelites from Egypt and
lead them to the Promised Land of Canaan.

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