Revised Essay 1 Final Draft

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Davila 1

Kelsi Davila

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1302 208

2 May 2023

Screen Time Affects Student Academics


A significant portion of the student population finds themselves with consistent media

exposure without understanding its consequences. Several peer-reviewed articles have

researched social media use as it has become a factor of numerous effects on adolescents and

claimed to be a distraction for students (Tartari et al.). For instance, a scholar has shown results

from students’ focus in class and stated that social network sites “play a negative role in

accomplishing teaching tasks and academic performance” (Tartari et al. 33). Some affects

excessive screen time can result are symptoms of losing focus, negative mood and could increase

stress due to academic performance in students. Although a variety of scholars conducted

research, it remains unclear how students’ academics and emotions are affected by social media

use, and the possibility of a reduction in social media will create a positive effect on their daily

life. This experiment was designed to research how social media can be detrimental to college

students as they face the consequences of overuse by affecting their focus and mood in their

academic performance.


This experiment was conducted to showcase if reducing screen time for a student will

improve their focus and mood through a thirty-minute study session. The investigation called for
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a reduced amount of screen time, starting from unlimited exposure shortening to no exposure.

The screen time before each study session began was varied and followed up by a quiz with the

information reviewed throughout the session. On Monday, Student #1 was exposed to unlimited

screen time before the study session. The study session was recorded at noon and the subject was

suggested to review the study guide for every trial. On Tuesday, the researcher suggested Student

#2 reduce screen time to two hours before the study session. Lastly, on Wednesday, the

researcher suggested Student #3 avoid screen time before the study session. The reduction in

screen time allowed the researcher to collect data as the quiz revealed information to the

researcher, allowing them to analyze the student’s experience properly. The researcher compared

the data to the scores in each examination recorded. The quiz retained five questions with the

information found in the study guide and two rating questions concerning their focus and mood

throughout the session. The questions were rated on a scale of one to five where one represents

the best and five represents the worst mood and focus. This scale allowed researchers to suggest

if mood correlates with students’ improvement in focus and academic performance. This

research aims to enable students to understand the consequences of screen time and how it can

affect their focus and mood.

Studen Screen Time Score Focus Mood Quiz Time

t Completion
#1 Full 2/5 2/5 1/5 20 min
#2 2 hours 3/5 4/5 2/5 12 min
#3 None 4/5 5/5 5/5 8 min

After completing the experiment, the researcher noted a significant improvement in

focus, mood, and academic performance. The data collected from this research revealed that all

three trials had different outcomes in all categories of the survey allowing the researchers to
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reveal that they have seen successful results with the reduction of screen time in students. In the

chart, the researcher expressed that focus is one of the factors that had the best positive outcome

for this experiment. For student #1, it has been recorded that the subject was having difficulties

focusing throughout the session due to full exposure to screen time. Although each student had

the same amount of time to study, it showed that Student #1 did not feel confident with their

progress as they had difficulty understanding the reading. The reduction in screen time improved

focus levels as the experiment recorded their progress during the session. The student for the

second trial was able to go over the information with more ease due to the reduction in screen

time. Student #2 was able to complete the quiz six minutes before Student #1 and four minutes

before Student #3. Student #3 showed that the subject was not able to receive a perfect score but

was engaged in the readings. The ratings of focus in these students have revealed that social

network sites can be emphasized as a distraction due to the different outcomes in the trials.

As the changes in exposure to screen time have created a significant change in quiz time,

researchers can state that these results can further demonstrate the different outcomes in mood

and focus. The results showcased in the graph have shown that the reduction in screen time has

allowed the student to have the aftermath in lower timing compared to other students. Student #1

has shown that access to full-screen time has created the effect of taking twenty minutes to

answer the quiz compared to other students that timed between eight to twelve minutes. The

reasoning behind this outcome is that the students expressed that they experienced a loss of focus

throughout the process. Student #2 has shown that the reduction in screen time to two hours

instead of full time has decreased the time it took for the student to complete the quiz. As well as

Student #3, the results for this student shown in the graph had a lower quiz time than the other

students because they had no access to screen time. These results can showcase that screen time
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has a detrimental effect when it comes to taking a timed test in school. In this case, the graph can

reveal that avoiding screen time can benefit students who take timed tests to effectively complete

them on time.

The mood portion of the graph also demonstrated that the reduction of screen time can

be a positive and negative outcome for students due to their anxiety and stress levels. According

to the chart, Student #1 did not appear to be fully prepared and focused because the mood rating

only scored one out of five stars. Regarding the graph, it has been shown that Student #2 did not

have much of an improvement in mood from the reduction in social media. Student #2 was able

to show the researchers another situation that occurred throughout the session. The limit to

screen time for Student #2 created an increase in anxiety which also affected their academic

performance. Student #3 has been shown to have a successful outcome of mood with a perfect

score of five out of five ratings. Student #3 was able to showcase a positive outcome with the

reduction of screen time in this experiment. These results can showcase that mood changes can

occur when screen time is present affecting the way students perform a task.

The outcome of the student’s academic performance was based on the positive outcome

in mood and focus. Student #1 revealed that they took about 20 minutes to complete a five-

question quiz due to the distraction that occurred throughout the session. Student #2 had

symptoms of anxiety due to the reduction of screen time but was permitted exposure throughout

the day. The exposure for Student #2 was limited, but permitting screen time can allow students

to have a different outcome in performance. Although Student #2 improved their academic

performance compared to #1, it still affected the student’s overall experience in this topic.

Student #3 had a positive outcome due to the high ratings of focus and mood. Student #3 was

able to complete the quiz in eight minutes by scoring a four out of five. This enables researchers
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to consider whether focus and mood are related to students' academic performance when it

comes to screen time exposure.

Increased Focus

The first factor of this experiment helped researchers conclude the students' increase in

focus was influenced by decreasing screen time. Student #1 explained that they experienced

trouble focusing on the study guide due to the avoidance of screen time throughout the study

session. The urge to continue using a phone throughout the session was distracting and affecting

their focus. Hao Li et al. stated in their research that “withdrawal symptoms are defined as a

negative physical and psychological reaction to not using a mobile phone and are attributed to

anhedonia, whose manifestation is mood change such as intense anxiety” (4). The anxiety

revealed in this experiment was based on the student’s phone attachment affecting their

experience. It has been stated that dealing with these side effects is common among students in

this generation. Tartari and Lutaj clarify, “Students affected by the addiction phenomenon, in

cases when their usage of social media is restricted, feel disturbed, nervous” (116). Considering

these effects Student #2 revealed a significant change in improvement compared to Student #1.

Student #2 explained that reducing screen time has allowed them to analyze their environment

and be more social which improved their focus. This information is useful because it allowed the

researcher to understand the progress of this experiment as it was expected for Student #3 to

have a positive outcome after avoiding screen time. For instance, the data shown in the graph

reveals that the reduction in screen time has improved test scores and the time of completion.

This improvement in focus allowed the subject to read and analyze while feeling confident with

their results.

Improved Mood
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In relation to the findings of the study on screen time, students’ moods are negatively

impacted by using social networking sites excessively. According to Hao Li et al., “Social

network sites have created negative effects on memory, interpersonal communication, and

negative emotions like anxiety, depression, stress, and loneliness” (2). Each student was asked to

rate their mood after completing the session. This factor is important to include in the research

because mood has a connection with how a student will perform a task. Student #2 explained that

it was difficult to release habits like reducing screen time when the subject is used to using their

phone twenty-four-seven. The graph has showcased its results on screen time exposure and

revealed that the increase in mood has impacted students’ academic performance. Student #3 had

a significant impact compared to the other students. The results for student #3 showed that they

had no trouble with their mood throughout the session. This allows researchers to hypothesize

the usage of screen time can be the cause of certain psychological behaviors affecting students’

progress in academics.

Better Academic Performance

The third factor of this experiment revealed that students who decrease social media

usage have better academic performance. The student with no screen time had a significantly

better score on the quiz than the student with full-screen time. According to Tartari et al., “As

time spent on social network sites increases, the academic performance of the student is seen to

deteriorate” (33). This statement from scholars’ research connects to the outcomes of this

research based on the detrimental effects social media can create on users. With the improvement

in focus and mood, the student has been able to improve their academic performance depending

on the screen time the subject is exposed to. It has been revealed that reducing screen time allows

students to retain more information letting the subject feel confident over their answer choices.
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This actively demonstrates that each student had a different time completion due to the retention

of knowledge throughout the study session.


In conclusion, the results of this experiment show that different students achieve various

outcomes when it comes to mood, focus, and academic performance. In comparison to the results

shown for Student #1, Student #3 has demonstrated to the researcher that no screen time can

allow students to improve their academic performance and reduce the likelihood of negative

behaviors. When the results were presented to the students, their initial reaction was shocking, as

the students realized that excessive screen time can lead to negative effects such as anxiety and

depression. Rus and Tiemensma’s research has stated that “the experimental evidence that social

media may in fact get under the skin” relates to the effects that it can bring to the human body”

(8). Scholars’ sources can conclude that excess screen time has a correlation to the outcomes

students had in this research as the suggestion to decrease resulted in positive feedback. This

relates to the various screen times observed in this experiment and how they affected the

student’s minds during the study session. The study has effectively confirmed that reducing

screen time not only improves focus and mood but can also help students develop a positive

mindset toward academic success.

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Works Cited

Li, Hao, et al. “Negative Effects of Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency on Spontaneous Brain

Microstates: Evidence from Resting-State EEG.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol.

15, 2021, pp. 1–8. Doaj,

Rus, Holly M., and Jitske Tiemensma. “Social Media Under the Skin: Facebook Use after

Acute Stress Impairs Cortisol Recovery.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 8, 2017, pp. 1–10.


Tartari, Elda, et al. “The Involvement of Students in Social Network Sites Affects Their

Learning.” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, vol. 14, no. 13,

2019, pp. 33–46. EBSCOhost,

Tartari, Elda, and Lindita Lutaj. “The Impact of Social Network Sites on Students’

Psychological Problems.” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,

vol. 16, no. 9, 2021, pp. 108–18. EBSCOhost,

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