Eng1503 Exam 2021

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DUE DATE: 16/09/2021

Name and Surname: Nonkanyiso Mkhize
Student number: 10613277
I declare that this examination is my own original work. Where secondary material has
been use (either from a printed source or from the internet), this has been carefully
acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I
understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the pertinent policies in this regard. I
have not allowed anyone else to borrow or copy my work.
Signature: N Mkhize Date: 14 September 2021

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t”
We must never underestimate our minds and the powers it possesses. There are times
when we feel lie giving up, when we feel like throwing in the towel and all hope is lost
and it’s all dark. But the power of our minds sparks a little light of hoe and we keep on
trying and hoping for a brighter day once again. Our minds are amazing.
When I look back at my life and the struggles I have faced in life, I completely agree
with John Green when he said “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there
isn’t”. There was a time in my life where I felt like a failure, where I felt like my life had
no value or meaning to it until I meet people who believed in me and reminded me that
no situation is permanent in life. Even then I felt that they were saying that because they
did not understand what I was going through.
Imagine the pain of seeing your peers achieving success in life, living their dreams while
you stand by and watch, imagine the pain of not being able to afford basic necessities,
the pain of not being able to study further and pursue your dreams. When you feel down
and out, when there isn’t a single ray of hope and someone comes along and tells you
all will be well in time. Sound crazy right? But sometime no matter the situation, we all
just need someone to tell us that all will be well even though our minds tells us that is
totally impossible but somehow if you keep hearing those words, a spark of hope
eventually develops and a ray of hope keeps growing and eventually our mind give in
and is convinced that there is hope and we start believing and get up and try again.
As a student it is very important to keep our metal health in check and ensure that we
always have positive thoughts even when things do not going our way. We cannot
afford to lose hope but we must fight until we succeed. It may be hard but not
impossible as long as we keep pushing and convince our minds that nothing is
impossible and always hope for the best because at the end of the day there is hope
even when our mind tells us there isn’t, we just need to keep believing. (416 words).

A stereotype is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many
stereotypes are rooted in prejudice so one should be wary of them. It is an undeniable
fact and a sad reality that everyone is susceptible to stereotyping. People may be
stereotyped according to their age, gender, race, occupation, sexuality and their
economic status. Stereotypes have dare effects on their victims and on how people
perceive others. This may impact ones live and may cause serve damage in one’s
image and reputation. In this essay we take a look on the effect of gender stereotypes.
People seem to be oblivious to such inconsistent actions. Men and women seem to
expect behaviour from each other that not only eradicates individuality and genuine
interaction, but is even downright illogical, especially when it comes to sex.
Sexuality plays a huge role in gender stereotyping. Media portrays women as an object
to earn. This completely destroys the idea of individual identity and the ability of having
confidence in one’s body as it really is. It also shames women who feel happy in their
own skin and are sexually active. The chances are they will be labelled sluts. Most men
have become afraid of accidentally conveying an unmanly persona: they are constantly
trying to prove themselves to other men, and this leads them to objectify a lot of what is
in their lives. Certain standards seem to need to be met in order for someone to be
considered manly or feminine. There’s an unjust mentality that excuses someone who
ridicules a man wanting to become a professional dancer. This is the same mentality
that demands that young girls aspire to a stereotyped physical beauty.
What is this mentality teaching us? Where is the respected individual? How can we
ridicule people for not accepting who they are and then falsely advertise self-
acceptance? Could the fear of what will the society say about one’s lifestyle deprive
them of their freedom? Do we really care that much how we are seen? Do we need to
sacrifice our own happiness to please others?
The big question is, do we give in to stereotypes of we fight for what is right? As people
we should recognize that every individual is unique and should not be judged. How we
perceive others should not negatively impact other or make the inferior or less of
humans. We should learn to live in harmony and accept one another. We should move
with the times. (414 words).

 https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/stereotype (accessed September 13,
 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10/1177/1363460719893617 (accessed
September 13, 2021)
 http://files.eric.edu.gov/fulltext/EJ1286031.pdf (accessed September 13, 2021)
 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02572117.2021.1948212?needAcce
s=true (accessed September 2021)
 http://www.news.uct.ac.za/articles/-2019-06-18-the-language-of-true-freedom
(accessed September 13, 2021)
 http://www.lol.co.za/sundayindependent/dispatch/why-not-scrap-this-unfreedom-
40fa-bd40-d73bd93ef58b (September 13, 2021)
 http://www.econtor.eu/bitstream/10419/229274/1/wp2020-050.pdf (September


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