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There must be Discipline. Discipline: is The root of all good qualities.
I will be ready: Mentally.

I will be ready:

I train brutally and without mercy so we could fight brutally and without mercy.

I will a life worthy of the long line of warriors that become before me.

I will start:

I will start Right HERE.

I will start Right NOW.

You I will initiate action.

I stop thinking what I want to do and do it now about.

I take the first step and make it happened.

The Only person I can Control is Me

I focus on make myself on who I want to be.

Faster. Stronger.
Smarter. Less ego.
I discipline my Body.
I get up early and go. Discipline start whit wake up early.
It Is working out every day.

Making myself: Stronger, and Faster, and more flexible and healthier.

Discipline is eating the right foods

I discipline my motions so I can make good decision’s

I have the discipline to control my Ego.

Discipline about trat people the way I want to be treated.

Discipline about doing the task I don’t want to but I know will help.

Discipline about facing fears so I can control conquer them.

Discipline is taking the hard road the uphill road

Discipline is doing what is Right.

Discipline call for: Strength and fortitude and Will.

Discipline will take care of me like Nonthin else can.

Discipline puts me on the path of: Straight, and health and intelligence and happiness.

Discipline will put me on the path of Freed.

I Can control myself.

I Can control my Urges.
I’m the machine.
I Have control over my mind. I Assert that control.
I Decide that I’m in control and I going to do what I want to do Softness doesn’t get a vote .
I Declare martial law on my mind.
I Impose what I want on My brain.
Discipline, power, positivity, will.
Each and everyday I get backup and get toward to the battle.
And I fight whit everything I got.

To surpass my former self and be a little bit better today that was yesterday.
I detach form situations and get perspective.
I will realize what I can’t control and get control of what I can control.

I Impose my will to make things happen, I make caos Into an ally I use it to make myself more
sharper and more alert.

I don’t stop, I able to turn on the overdrive, I’m able to switch on the
full mode destroyer mode that won’t stop.
I dig a little deeper, I push a little harder,
to get after it my emotion and logic and will power al said one thing I don’t Stop.

I find the straight, and the tenacity and the gust to push myself forward I devote the attitude and
the muscle keep going until the end.

I’m alert,
I’m ready
I attack,
I’m Retleness
I don’t stop until the enemy is complete destroy even then I turn my focus inward to make
myself: Better, faster, smarter and stronger, whit those goals nothing is ever finish,

I’m always preparing, I’m sharping my sword, I’m honing my skills I maintain the unmedicated
daily discipline in all things

I’m in the war path because the warpath leads to strength the war path lead to control and
ownership of my life, the war path is the path of fire, the interminable path of discipline, the path
of freedom, I decide to step up now

And lead from the front, I face every Issue whit courage and whit resolution, I can handle It
when others can not I will boost others around me and positive attitude will spread, and we will
fight , and we will win, every day I came out of the gate and attack win , every day I came out
the gate like a man possessed and attack the day whit out Mercy, whit out I’m the aggressor I’m
on the attack and no matter what happens, I will not stop, I’m vigilant I hold the line on the little

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