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It is The geometric and mechanical characteristics of the masonry panel: -

length of the panel: lp = 500 - 45 = 455 cm - height of the panel: hp = 320 - 50 = 270
cm - area of the horizontal section of the panel Ap = tp × lp = 25 × 455 = 11375 cm2

h 270
- the form factor of the panel 60.0
lp 455

2 2 2 2
- diagonal length of the panel: cm530270455hlD
pp p

D p 530
- the size of the equivalent diagonal d cm53 (P 100-1)
10 10
l 455 2
cos 737.0cos858.0
D p

- the area of the equivalent diagonal for the solid panel:

Adp = dp x t = 53 x 25 = 1325 cm2

E The geometric characteristics of the frame:

4 45
- the moment of inertia of the column I s

- the equivalent size of the square pole

i, st

It is Lateral forces from the earthquake (determined from the calculation of the structure)
- Plane above level 4 100 kN - Plane
above level 3 75 kN - Plane above2level
kN - Plane above level 1
25 kN

It is 10.2.2. Efforts in the equivalent diagonals

Values resulting from the plan frame calculation with masonry diagonals articulated at
* D1 (nivel 1) = 112 kN
* D2 * D3 * D4= 148 kN - maximum value = 117
kN = 71 kN

It is 10.2.3. Design resistances of masonry panels

E The values of the calculation coefficients

The following were obtained by interpolation in tables 10.3 and 10.4 of P 100-1: - k1,pan =
1.30 - k2,pan = 2.00 - k3,pan = 0.59 - k4,pan = 0.117 - k5,pan = 1.70
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E The design strength corresponding to the sliding failure mechanism in the horizontal
joints (FRd1)
FRd1(say) = fvd0×Apan×k1,pan = 1.05 × 11375 × 1.30 = 15530 kg 15.5 tons

E The design resistance corresponding to the fracture mechanism by inclined cracking
FRd2 (say) = fvd0×Apan×k2,pan = 1.05 × 11375 × 2.00 = 23900 kg= 23.9 tons

E The design resistance corresponding to the failure mechanism by crushing the
compressed diagonal:
FRd31 = fd × bst,ech × tp × k3,pan × k5,pan = 15.3 × 45.0 ×25.0 × 0.59 × 1.70 = 17260 kg
17.3 tone
FRd32 = fdh × Apan × k4,pan = 7.6 × 11375 × 0.117 = 10115 kg 10.1 tons FRd3 =
min (FRd31,FRd32) = 10.1 tons = 101 kN The safety condition is not met.

It is 10.2.4. Possibility of correction

Masonry elements are chosen with fbh = 4.0 N/mm2 and M10 mortar for which fkh = 2.37 N/
mm2 fdh = 1.25 N/mm2 Result FRd32 = 12.5 × 11375 × 0.117 = 16.6 tons > Dniv,2 OK!
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E 10.3 Verification of a facade wall made of BCA masonry reinforced in a concrete frame
for seismic action perpendicular to the plane of the wall

E 10.3.1.General dates

E Reinforced facade wall (without door/window gap) with dimensions 30 x 240 x 500
cm (resting on the plane, fixed laterally and under the beam of the structure, at the top simply
resting on the contour)
heights -ofBuilding
the floors
( nlevelthe
= 9).
Wall floor)
on the
= 3.00
8th m
(level 9).
of The
ground plane z1nf = 8 x 3.00 = 24.00 m Elevation of the upper plane zsup = 9 x 3.00 =
27.0 m (roofs)

Purpose of the building: residential

Location: Bucharest (ag = 0.30g)

E Materials and calculation resistances

Solid elements (fb = 5.0 N/mm2 ), mortar M5
The design density of the elements (which takes into account the average humidity in
operation) ( kg / m3 ) = 85( f + 2 ) = 600kg / m Volumetric weight of the mortar 2000
daN /m3 The weight of the plastered wall per 1 m2 g 210 kg/m2 The characteristic
bending strengths of the masonry perpendicular to the plane of the wall: fxk1 =0.10 N/
mm2 - breaking parallel to the horizontal joint - breaking perpendicular to the horizontal
joint fxk2 = 0.20 N/mm2 The resistances bending design perpendicular to the plane of
the wall for ULS (wall = 1.90 - for walls stronger than the facade - see P 100-1, Chapter
joint - failure perpendicular to the horizontal joint10)
fxd2- failure
= 0.104parallel
N/mm2 to the horizontal

fxd1 = 0.100/1.90 = 0.052 N/mm2

E 10.3.2. Calculation of the conventional seismic force

Design ground acceleration ag = 0.30 g Wall importance
factor wall = 1.0 (offices, importance class III) = cldire

The dynamic amplification factor of the wall wall = 1.00 The

behavior factor (reduction of the effect of seismic action) qwall = 1.50
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The average ground acceleration amplification coefficient on the height of the

building at the 3rd floor (level 4) 0.24 21zK inf 0.27 - K (4) = 0.5 x (2.78 + 3.00)
= 2.89 Design seismic force, uniformly distributed normally
- on the wall surface: 2.89 x 1.0 x00.3z
78.2 0.30xK0.1 50.1

x m/ daN4.121 2


Bending moments in the wall under the action of seismic loads -

aspect ratio = hw/lw = 240 / 500 = 0.48 - strength ratio = fxk1/fxk2 =
0.5 - from Code CR 6 Chapter 6, we have, by interpolation, =0.041
MEx1 =WEd lw
2 2
MEx2 = WEdlw
Bending moments produced by seismic loading for ULS: - MExd1 =
0.5 × 0.041 × 0.1214 × 5.02 0.062 tm - MExd2 = 0.041 × 0.135 ×
5.02 0.124 tm

It is 10.3.3. The resistance characteristics of the wall

x30.0 100
Modulus of elastic resistance INhe cm 15000

It is 10.3.4. Checking the strength of the wall

The unit effort in masonry from the wall's own weight at mid-span

The bending moment capable is

The resistance condition for the earthquake with ag =0.30g is satisfied.

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E 10.4 Checking a facade wall with window gaps made of masonry

with ceramic elements

E 10.4.1. General data

Faade wall (reinforced in the frame) 30 x 300 x 720 cm simple support on the
contour) - with window gaps as in the figure.
Building P+1E (level= 2). Wall located on the 1st floor (level 2).
Heights of the floors Hetaj = 3.60 m Elevation of the ground plane
z1 = 3.60 m Elevation of the upper plane z2 = 7.20 m (roofs)

Purpose of the building: general school with 8

classes Location: Câmpulung (ag = 0.30g)

E 10.4.2. Materials and calculation resistances

Brick with voids 45 % voids fb = 10 N/mm2 mortar M10 Volumetric
weight of masonry 0.55 x 1800 daN/m3 = 990 kg/m3 Volumetric weight
of plaster 2000 daN/m3 2 × 0.02 × 2000 = 80
Weight of the plastered wall 0.30 × 990 + 80 = 380 kg/m2 Design
bending strengths perpendicular to the wall plane for ULS at the facade wall (wall =
1.9) fxd1 = 0.126 N/mm2 [1.26 kg/cm2 ] - break parallel to the horizontal joint - breaking
fxd2 = 0.252 N/mm2 [2.52 kg/cm2 ] perpendicular to the horizontal joint

E 10.4.3. Calculation of the equivalent static seismic force

Acceleration of the ground for design ag = 0.30 g The

coefficient of importance of the wall wall 250 people= cldire = 1.2 (roll with fish
importance class II)
The dynamic amplification coefficient of the wall The wall = 1.00
coefficient of reduction of the effect of seismic action qwall = 1.50 The
average amplification coefficient of the ground acceleration on the height of the building
at the 1st floor (level 2) 60.3 21zK 20.7 Kz (2) = 0.5 x (2.00 + 3.00) = 2.50 Design
seismic force, uniformly distributed normally on the wall surface:
2.50 x 1.0 x 0.30gx 2.100.2
50.1 00.3z K
1 2

380 2
x m/ daN0.248
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E 10.4.4 Calculation of the bending moment in the central upright

The upright is fixed only at the top and bottom (free on the vertical sides)
The bending moment is calculated as for a beam with the opening of 300

The design load is calculated by multiplying the WEd value by the size of the related
masonry areas
The maximum moment is MEd1 = 686 kgm [68600 kgcm]
The unit stress in the mid-section of the strut

The modulus of resistance of the upright

Maximum capable moment

< MEd1 = 686 kgm
The resistance condition is not satisfied

It's 10.4.5. Possibility of correction

Proposal 1 Inserting a reinforced
concrete pillar in the axis of the central pillar Proposal 2 Bordering the gaps
with reinforced concrete pillars
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E 10.5 Determining travel requirements for a billboard

It is 10.5.1. General data

Illuminated advertising panel with dimensions 9.00 x 3.50 m Fixing
conditions: in two points at the level of the planes above the 7th and 8th floors of an office building
with P+8 floors; all floors are 3.50 m high.
The height of attachment to the lower floor het,inf = 28.0 m
The height of attachment to the upper floor het,sup = 31.5 m
The structure of the building is of reinforced concrete, of dual type with the predominant walls and
falls into the ductility class H.
The advertisement attached at several points on the building envelope is a CNS sensitive to the
indirect effect of the seismic action - the relative displacements of the attachment points

It is 10.5.2. Calculation of relative displacements between attachment points E Case I.
The displacements of the structural system in the attachment points determined by static elastic calculation
under the seismic design loads are known: de(+28.00 m) = 52 mm de(+31.50 m) = 60 mm The calculation of
the elastic displacement for SLS is done with the relation ds = qde

= 0.7 for the elements attached to the envelope located on the facades towards public spaces; - q
= 5u/1 - u/1 = 1.25 for dual structures with predominant pears .

The relative movement for SLS, between the rates +28.00 +31.50
ds = 0.7 x 5.0 x 1.25 x (60.0 - 52.0) = 35.0 mm

E Case II.

The elastic displacements of .
It is assumed that the conditions for limiting the relative level displacements imposed by the code in
force at the time of the building's design have been respected.
We assume the condition of limiting the displacements a = het, with = 0.005.
The relative displacement for the calculation of the grips at SLS must have as an
upper limit the value q(het,sup - het,inf)

Which comes back to

0.7x 5 x 1.25 x (31500-28000) x 0.005 = 76.5 mm, i.e. 118%
higher than the value corresponding to the situation where the calculated displacements are known.

In this situation, it is recommended that the structure of the advertisement and its attachments can take over
the determined limit value as in case II.
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E 10.6 Calculation of bolted fasteners for a piece of equipment (fixed fasteners)

It is 10.6.1. General data

Rigidly fixed equipment with bolts on the plane above the last level of a hospital in Bucharest
(ag = 0.30g)
The hospital is a building with P+5 E having the height of the ground floor of 4.50 m and the
height of the current floors 3.60 m.
The equipment is essential for the safe continuation of the hospital's activity.

The weighing equipment, in operation, G = 120 kN with the center of gravity located at the height
hG = 1.80 m from the surface of the plane.
Fastening is done with four bolts arranged at an interval of l0=1.10m in each direction (in the
corners of the base plate).

It is 10.6.2. Calculation of seismic force

E Calculation parameters
The importance factor for CNS equipment = 1.4 - equipmentlocated in a hospital; Dynamic
amplification factor of equipment not isolated against vibrations = 1.0


Equipment performance factor qCNS = 2.5; The coefficient of

amplification of the acceleration of the ground on the height of the construction Kz = 3 (clamping
height "z" is equal to the height of the building "H")

It is Calculation of design seismic force Equivalent

static seismic force -:
Ka 0.3x0.1gx30.0x4.1 120
5.2 g
Verification of the limiting conditions of the seismic force:

FCNS = 48.4 kN < g30.0x4.1x4ma4 kN3.201 -

FCNS = 60.5 kN > 0.75 CNSagmCNS = g30.0x4.1x75.0 kN8.37
E 10.6.3. Design stresses in bolts
The anchorages are designed for the equivalent static seismic force (FCNS) increased by 30%
- : Fd = 1.3 x 60.5 = 78.7 kN The design torque force in a bolt Tbolon = ¼ Fd = 0.25x 78.7 19.7
kN The overturning moment given by the seismic force in relation to the clamping section: Mr =
FCNShg = 60.5 x 1.80 = 108.9 kNm Tension force in a bolt: M

N b
l2 0
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The favorable effect of own weight is reduced by 15% -

G 120
85.0N 85.0 kN5.25
4 4

The design value of the axial tensile force in a bolt : Nd = Nb -

Ng = 49.5 - 25.5 = 24.0 kN
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E 10.7 Calculation of clamps for equipment mounted on vibration isolators

It is 10.7.1. General data

The equipment in this example is a backup electrical generator for the hospital (necessary for
continued safe operation).
The generator is mounted on the 3rd floor plan and is isolated against vibrations.

It is 10.7.2. Calculation of seismic force

E Calculation parameters
Ground acceleration for design (horizontal component) ag = 0.30g; The importance factor
for CNS equipment = 1.8 (appreciated value > 1.5) - equipment
for theinsafe
an essential
continuation of
the activity; The dynamic amplification factor of the equipment isolated against vibrations

CNS=2.5 ;
Equipment performance factor qCNS = 2.5; The coefficient of
amplification of the acceleration of the ground on the height of the construction - the grip
height z = 4.50 + 2 x 3.60 = 11.70 m - the height of the building H = 4.50 + 5 x 3.60 = 22.50
- 21K 50.22 04.2

It is Calculation of design seismic force Equivalent

static seismic force
Ka 04.2x5.2gx30.0x8.1 5.2 120
q CNS g
Verification of the limiting conditions of the seismic force:
FCNS = 105.8 kN < g30.0x8.1x4ma4 kN3.259

FCNS = 105.8 kN > 0.75 CNSagmCNS = g30.0x8.1x75.0 kN6.48
E 10.7.3. Design forces in bolts The anchors are
designed for the equivalent static seismic force (FCNS) increased by 30%: Fd = 1.3 x
132.3 = 172.0 kN Design forces in a bolt Tbolon = ¼ Fd = 0.25x 172.0 43.0 kN The
overturning moment given by the seismic force in relation to the clamping section: Mr
= FCNShg = 172.0 x 1.80 = 309.6 kNm Tensile force in a bolt: M

N b
l2 0
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The favorable effect of own weight is reduced by 15%

G 120
85.0N 85.0 kN5.25
4 4

The design value of the axial tensile force in a bolt : Nd = Nb -

Ng = 140.7 - 25.5 = 115.2 kN
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E 10.8 Calculation of a hot water pipe

It's 10.8.1. General data

High temperature water pipe serving a hospital in Ploieti.
The pipe is placed at the ceiling of the heating plant (one-level construction).
Essential installation for the continuation of the hospital's activity.
Pipe size Dext= 300 mm, Tooth = 292 mm, t = 4 mm

It is 10.8.2. Calculation materials and resistances

Steel with Ra = 2100 daN/cm2 and E = 2100000 daN/cm2
Moment of inertia of the pipe I 4070 cm4 Modulus of
resistance of the pipe W 270 cm3 Own weight of the pipe
30.0 daN/m Weight of water in the pipe 67.0 daN/m Total
weight g 100 daN/m

It's 10.8.3. Determination of the distance between grips to achieve the condition
The pipe is considered articulated at the ends in both directions (to simplify the exposition).

The natural period of the fundamental mode of vibration for a straight bar of length l0
doubly hinged


From the condition that the natural period of the pipe T 0.06 sec (because CNS
1.0), with the data from 8.2, l0 522 cm results. I choose l0 = 500 cm.

It's 10.8.4. Calculation of the design seismic force E Calculation parameters
Design seismic acceleration ag = 0.35g Importance
factor set by the investor Amplification factor CNS CNS = 1.8
= 1.0 (for T0 < 0.06 s)
Ductile grip , behavior coefficient qCNS = 2.5 Coefficient
Kz = 3 (z H)

It is Horizontal seismic drill

In 0.3x0.1gx35.0x8.1 100
m/ daN6.75
5.2 g

E Fora seismic vertical

Acceleraia seismic vertical avg = 0.7 ag 0.7 x 0.35 g = 0.245 g 0.25 g Fora seismic
vertical: FCNS(V) = 0.7 FCNS(H) 0.7 x 75.6 = 52.9 daN/m
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It is Combining the seismic forces on the two directions To

check the resistance of the pipeline, the loads on the two directions are determined as
follows: Hypothesis 1: - FCNS(V1) = g + FCNS(V) = 100.0 + 52.9 = 152.9 daN/m - FCNS
(H1) = 0.3 FCNS(H) = 0.3 x 75.6 = 22.7 daN/m - 2.1547.225.152)H(F)V(F)1(F daN/m

2 2 2 2


Hypothesis 2:
- FCNS(V2) = g +0.3 FCNS(V) = 100.0 + 0.3 x 52.9 115.9 daN/m - FCNS(H2) =
FCNS(H) = 75.6 daN/m
2 2 2 2

- 4.1386.759.115)H(F)V(F)2(F and N/m


The total computational load is the larger of the two values
FCNS = 154.2 daN/m

It's 10.8.5. Checking the resistance of the pipe

The bending moment M 48180daNcm

M 8 48180 2
The unit stress in steel is cm/ daN4.178 < Sun
IN 270

It's 10.8.6. Design efforts for fasteners

Vertical reaction - related to an opening
RV = 5.0 x [g + 1.3FCNS(V)] = 5.0 x (100 +1.3 x 52.9) 845 daN Reaciunea
RH = 5.0 x 1.3 x FCNS(H) = 5.0 x 1.3 x 75.6 490 daN
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J.1. The overall composition of the constructions

The overall composition of the construction must aim to achieve the following structural characteristics:

- simplicity: a continuous and sufficiently strong structural system must be created to ensure a
clear, as direct and uninterrupted path of the seismic forces, regardless of their direction, to the
foundation ground. The seismic forces that originate in all the elements of the building are
taken over by the planes - horizontal diaphragms - and transmitted to the vertical structure, and
from this they are transferred to the foundations and the ground. The design must ensure that
there are no discontinuities in this way of transmission of seismic forces.

- redundancy: breaking a single element or a single structural link must not expose the structure
to loss of stability; a plastification mechanism with sufficient plastic areas must be created,
which will allow the exploitation of the structure's resistance reserves and an advantageous
dissipation of the seismic energy.

- regularity: the structure must be as regular as possible, with structural elements distributed as
evenly as possible in the plan, allowing a direct transmission and on a short path of the inertial
forces related to the masses distributed in the building.
The structure must present, as much as possible, uniformity along the construction vertical,
aiming to eliminate the appearance of sensitive areas, where the concentration of excessive
efforts or plastic deformations could produce premature breaks. By choosing an advantageous
form of construction, through an adequate distribution of the masses, the rigidity and the lateral
resistance capacity of the structure, the reduction of the eccentricities that can favor the overall
torsion will be pursued as much as possible.

- rigidity and resistance to lateral actions, in any direction: the structural elements will be arranged
in an orthogonal system, in order to provide sufficient resistance and rigidity characteristics in
two directions.
Lateral rigidity will be sufficient to limit horizontal displacements, so that the effects of the 2nd
order and the degradation of the construction can be controlled.

- rigidity and resistance to torsion: the structure must be endowed with sufficient rigidity and
resistance to torsion in order to limit the occurrence of twisting movements in the whole
construction, which could dangerously increase the efforts and horizontal displacements of the
building. The most effective solution for this is the adequate arrangement of sufficiently rigid
and resistant elements on the perimeter of the construction (at least two in each main direction).

- planes - horizontal diaphragms: the planes at each level must be made as virtually infinitely rigid
and resistant diaphragms for the forces applied in their plane.

- adequate foundations - the composition of the foundations of the construction and its connection
with the superstructure must ensure the condition that the entire building is subject to
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of a seismic excitation as uniform as possible. When designing the foundations, the forces
transmitted by the superstructure are those that must correspond to the structural energy
dissipation mechanism, if the construction design is conceptually based on the structural
response in the non-linear domain.

- Regular distribution of masses in plane and in elevation: the distribution of gravity loads on
planes will be pursued as evenly as possible, both in plane and vertically, in order to
reduce the unfavorable effects due to the irregular positioning of mass loads; when making
the non-structural components, light materials will be used with priority; the thicknesses of
the plasters and leveling water, of the layers for making the slopes will be reduced and the
weight of the ornamental elements will be reduced in the buildings where they are
needed; concrete with high resistance will be used to reduce the mass of the structure.

The realization of a simple structure, as compact as possible, symmetrical, represents the most
important objective of the design, because the modeling, calculation, dimensioning, detailing and
execution of simple structures are subject to much smaller uncertainties and, as a result, can be
imposed on the construction, with a high degree of confidence, the desired seismic behavior.

J.2. Structural calculation

The reference method for determining the seismic effects is the modal calculation with response
spectra. In this calculation method, the behavior of the structure is represented by a linear-elastic
model, and the seismic action is described by design response spectra.

For constructions that can be calculated by considering two planar models in orthogonal directions
and whose total seismic response is not significantly influenced by the higher eigenmodes of
vibration, the method of equivalent static lateral forces can be used. The method can be applied if
the fundamental periods corresponding to the main horizontal directions are lower than 1.5 and if the
criteria regarding vertical structural regularity are respected. In the method of equivalent static lateral
forces, the basic shear force corresponding to the fundamental eigenmode, for each main horizontal

direction considered in the calculation of the building, is determined with the relation

mTSF deIb 1, (J.1)


TS ordinate of the design response spectrum corresponding to the fundamental period T1 :

d 1

T1 the fundamental proper period of vibration of the building in the plane containing the
considered horizontal direction. In the case of reinforced concrete or masonry structures,
this value of the period must correspond to the reduced stiffness of the structural elements
so as to take into account the effect of the crack.

m total mass of the building calculated as the sum of the masses of level mi . The mass can be
considered as the ratio between the weight of the building corresponding to the actions
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gravitational from the combination of actions that includes both seismic action and gravitational
acceleration, g.

i.e the important exposure factor of the construction.

correction factor that takes into account the contribution of the fundamental eigenmode through
the effective modal mass associated with it. can be taken equal to 0.85 if T1 TC and the building
has more than two levels and equal to 1.0 in the other situations.

The effects of the seismic action are determined by the application of the horizontal seismic forces
associated with the levels with the masses mi. The fundamental eigenshape can be approximated by a
linearly increasing variation in height. In this case, the level horizontal forces can be calculated with the

change ii
FFwith a

zm jj
j 1

where zi and zj represent the height up to level i and j , respectively, measured from the base of the
construction considered in the model, and n is the total number of levels.

In multi-story buildings, horizontal seismic forces are applied to the structural systems as lateral forces at
the level of each plane considered undeformable in its plane.

If a spatial model is used to obtain the seismic response, the torsion effect produced by an accidental
eccentricity can be considered by introducing a torsion moment at each level.

debt (J.3)

in which

More torsional moment applied at level i about its vertical axis

you have
accidental mass eccentricity at level i

Be equivalent horizontal static seismic force applied at level i.

The torsion moment will be calculated for all directions and directions considered in the calculation.

The effects of the action due to the combination of the horizontal components of the seismic action can be
calculated simply using the following combinations:

Eedx “+”0,30 Eedy (J.4)

0,30 EEd x “+” EEd (J.5)


"+" means "to combine with",

EEdx represent the effects of the action due to the application of the seismic movement in the direction of
the horizontal axis x chosen for the structure,
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EEdy represent the effects of the action due to the application of the seismic movement along the axis direction

horizontal y , perpendicular to the x axis of the structure.

In buildings that satisfy the criteria of regularity in plan and where the walls or independent vertical bracing
systems in plans associated with the two main horizontal directions are the only elements that take the
effects of seismic movement, the action of the earthquake in the two main horizontal directions can be
considered separately without to make the previously indicated combinations.

J.3. Deformation check

The calculation of lateral displacements for SLS is done with the relation

dqds It is (J.6)


ds the displacement of a point in the structural system as an effect of the seismic action corresponding
to SLS the displacement of the same point in the structural system, determined by static elastic

of calculation under the design seismic action, according to the design spectra in chapter 3, taking
into account the effect of accidental torsion

q the behavior factor specific to the type of structure (see chapters 5-9) used to calculate the design
value of the seismic force

reduction factor that takes into account the recurrence interval of the seismic action associated
with SLS checks (see 2.1 and 2.2); values are given in Appendix E.

The calculation of lateral displacements for ULS is done with the relation

s It is (J.7)


ds displacement of a point in the structural system as an effect of the seismic action corresponding to

c superunitary factor that takes into account the fact that in the inelastic seismic response the
displacements are superior to those in the elastic response in the case of structures with an
oscillation period lower than Tc; the value of the c factor is given in
Annex E

q, with a meaning similar to that from (J.6).

The design values of the stiffness of the reinforced concrete elements are determined based on the
provisions of 4.5.2(9) and Annex E.

For verification, the relative level displacement values calculated for SLS and ULS are compared with the
allowed values indicated in Annex E of the code. The verification relay at SLS
It is:

r to, rre
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Dr relative displacement of level under seismic action associated SLS relative
Dr displacement of level, determined by static elastic calculation under seismic design loads (see
chapter 4). Only the deformation component that produces the degradation of the reinforced walls is
taken into account, extracting the part due to the axial deformation of the vertical elements if it has a
significant contribution to the total deformation value. For reinforced concrete structural elements,
the bending stiffness used to calculate the dre value will be determined according to table E.1. For
structures made of other materials, provisions regarding the design values of the stiffness of the
structural elements are given in the relevant chapters of the Code.

the reduction factor that takes into account the reduced recurrence interval of seismic action
associated with checks for SLS

The value of the factor is: = 0.5

q the behavior factor specific to the type of structure (see chapters 5..9) used to determine the design
seismic force
dr the relative level shift under the seismic action associated with SLS

d a,r
the admissible value of the relative level displacement. In the absence of specific values for the non-
structural components used, determined experimentally, it is recommended to use the values given
in table E.2.

The verification link at ULS is:

r even , (J.9)

dr the relative level shift under the seismic action associated with ULS

q the behavior factor specific to the type of structure (see chapters 5..9) defined in paragraph

dre E.1. In the absence of data that allow a more precise evaluation, the bending stiffness of the
reinforced concrete structural elements, used for the calculation of the dre value, is considered equal
to half of the value corresponding to the uncracked sections, i.e. 0.5EcIg, with the exception of the
elements of the wall structures, for which the design stiffnesses will be taken according to CR
2-1-1.1, par. 6.6. For structures made of other materials, provisions regarding the design values of
the stiffness of the structural elements are given in the relevant chapters of the Code

d a,r
admissible value of relative level displacement. In the absence of experimentally determined values specific
to the non-structural components and the fastening method on the structure used, it is recommended
to use the value of 0.025h (where h is the level height)

c the displacement amplification factor.

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J.4. Resistance check

For all structural and non-structural elements, the relationship must be respected:

Ed Rd (J.10)

expressed in terms of resistance, where:

Ed the design value of the sectional effort resulting from the structural calculation in the
design seismic combination, also taking into account the effects of the 2nd order, when
they are significant

Rd is the corresponding value of the capable effort, calculated with the design values of the
material resistances, based on the mechanical models specific to the type of structural
element, according to chapters 5 - 9 and the codes specific to the different materials.

In the case of the design of the structure for response in the non-linear domain, the design efforts
with which the resistances are checked must correspond to the mobilization situation of the
plasticization mechanism in the superstructure.

J.5. Ensuring local and overall ductility

The structure as a whole and the structural elements involved in the structural mechanism of
seismic energy dissipation, associated with the type of structure and the specific behavior factor,
must present adequate ductility. For this purpose, the conditions given in chapters 5-9, specific to

different structural materials, regarding the imposition of favorable energy dissipation mechanisms
and the endowment of the dissipative zones with sufficient deformation capacity in the post-elastic
field will be respected

By properly dimensioning the resistance of structural elements in multi-storey buildings, the

manifestation of weak energy dissipation mechanisms will be avoided, on which excessive ductility
requirements will be concentrated

The imposition of the desired plasticization mechanism is practically achieved by dimensioning

the resistance capacities in the selected areas in order to have an elastic seismic response at
sufficiently high moment values. The way in which the design values of the bending moments are
established are presented in chapters 5–9, depending on the type of structure and the nature of
the material from which the building structure is made

The verification of the deformation capacity (ductility) of the structural elements and the structure
as a whole is carried out in terms of displacements based on a relationship similar to relation
(4.21), comparing the deformation requirements with the capacity. The verification can be done
according to the provisions of Annex E.

The connections between the structural elements, for example the nodes of the frame-type
structures, the connectors between the elements made of different materials or of concrete of
different ages, and the planes will be designed with sufficiently high calculation efforts, so as to
ensure that the seismic response of these elements does not exceed the limits of the elastic stage.

In order to satisfy the conditions from (5), the planes will be designed for the forces that apply to them under
the conditions of the installation of the global plasticization mechanism.

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