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Title: Cochin-China : Containing many admirable Rarities and Singularities of that Countrey. Extracted out of an Italian Relation, lately presented to the pope, by Christophoro Barri, that liued certaine yeeres there Author: Borri, Cristoforo Print Cochin-China : Containing many admirable Rarities and Singularities of Source: that Countrey. Extracted out of an Italian Relation, lately presented to the pope, by Christophoro Barri, that liued certaine yeeres there Borri, Cristoforo Printed by Robert Raworth; for Richard Clutterbuck, and are to be sold at the signe of the Ball in Little-Brittaine London 1633 78 p. Title Page Preface Table of Contents Chap. I. Of the Name Situation and Greatnesse of this Kingdome. Chap. II. Of the Climate and Quality of the Countrey of Cochin China. Chap. III. Of the Fertility of the Land. Chap. IV. Of the Eelphants (sic) and Rhinoceros. "Chap. V. Of the Temperament Manners and Customes of the CochinChinois, Of their Manner of Living, Clothing, and Medicines." Chap. VI. Of the Civill and Politicke Governement of Cochin China. Chap. VII. Of the Forces of the King of Cochin China and of the Warres he hath within his Kingdome. Chap. VIII. Of the Commerce Ports and Havens of Cochin-China.

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