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Annual, 2023
Time: 2 hours: 40 min Class 9th
T.Marks: 75
Paper: Chemistry “SECTION A” 12

Q 1: Write the correct option.

1. The number of naturally occurring elements are___________
A: 26 B: 92 C: 104 D: 118

2. The increase in temperature of gases decrease the ______________

A: Pressure B: Volume C: Force of attraction D: Kinetic energy

3. The geometrical shape of NH3 is _____________

A: Linear B: Triangular C: Tetrahedral D: Pyramidal

4. Lionization potential of hard metals is ________________

A: Low B: High C: Zero D: Negative

5. Which one of the following is an electrolyte ______________

A: Sugar Solution B: Table salt solution C: Plastic D: Wood

6. The halogen present in solid form is ____________

A: Chorine B: fluorine C: Iodine D: Bromine

7. The number of valence electrons of group 2 elements is _______________

A: 2 B: 4 C: 6 D: 8

8. The modern periodic table is based on _______________

A: Atomic number B: Mass number C: atomic mass D: isotopes number

9. Podium (H) and deuterium (D) are the _______ of hydrogen.

A: Isotopes B: Isobars C: Isotropies D: Isoforms

10. Solution whose concentration is known as called _____________

A: Aqueous Solution B: Saturated solution C: Standard solution
D: Non aqueous solution

11. Al kalme earth elements exists in the oxidation state

A: -1 B: +1 C: +2 D: -2

12. Which metal occurs in liquid State?

A: Na B: Ca C: Hg D: pt
Q 2: Attempt any eight of the following.
1. Why an atom is considered as neutrals partial?
2. Write four properties lonic compound?
3. State and explain boyler law?
4. What is molarity? Give examples.
5. Why dative band is always puller?
6. Define oxidizing and reducing agent. Give examples of each.
7. Give four importance uses of isotopes.
8. Write four uses of sodium Na metal?
9. Na0H is strong but NHu0H is weak electrolyte. Why?
10. Describe atomic number and mass number?
1. State the octet and duplet rules?


Q 3: Attempt any THREE questions of the following

2. a. What do you know about mole and avogadrove number?
b. How many makes of H2so4 are present in 0.500 dm3 of 1.50 MH2so4
3. a. Describe cuter fords atomic model in detail.
b. Define energy level and sub energy level?
4. a. Define shielding effect and draw its affects upon the lionization energy
electron affinity and electronegativity.
b. Calculate the molarity of 50.0 cm3 of solution containing 7.50g of CH3oH
5. a. What is electroplating? Also write down the purpose of electroplating.
b. Differentiate between electrolytic cell and voltaic cells?

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