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By Rossmery Cárcamo.

Hi, everybody!

I’m Rossmery and I want to share with you a little bit about which are my plans for the


It’s a little difficult to think in the future because sometimes the future can be uncertain but

I’m gonna try to explain my plans.

I have a lot of goals in my life for the future. The first one is graduate me of the university

after that I’d like to follow studying until get my master degree and then study other

language maybe French.

I’d like to get a job in a government institution in the future, and after that I want to work

hard to get my own house and also save money to buy me a car. Although I wish with all

my heart can buy me a car soon, because It’s too difficult to travel in the public

transportation. I wish to travel to another continent like Europe or Asia if I have the

opportunity to travel to Europe, I’d love to visit France and Italy. In France I would like to

visit Paris the city of the love and the art. I’d love to talk in french with the people of that

country. If I visit Italy, I’d like to enjoy all the pizzas or spaghettis that they sell in that

country. I heard that in Italy there are handsome men maybe I’d love to live there…jeje It’s

a joke! But I’d really love to live there because in Italy there many beautiful cities that we

can visit and enjoy their history like the Roman Colosseum or Vatican City among others.

As I told you at the beginning, I wish to have my own house but I’d love to build my big

house in a mountain far away of the noise and I would like to be able to grow my own food.

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