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Grade Level: 11 Duration: 1hour

I. Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Differentiate Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
b. Understand the value of Verbal and Non Verbal cues in communication; and
c. Perform a short play that shows verbal and non verbal cues.

II. Content: Verbal and Non Verbal Communication

III. Learning Materials: Laptop, speaker, projector

IV. Procedures
1. Preparatory activity (5mins)
1. Opening prayer
2. Classroom management
3. Checking of attendance
4. Recall of the previous lesson

2. Introductory Activity (5 mins)

The teacher will show some pictures to the students.

Say something about the pictures.

1. Activity (10 mins)

 The students will choose a partner and talk about each other’s dream in the
 The teacher will ask the students to share their talking.

Question: What have you observe while your partner do the talking?

2. Analysis (5mins)

1. What do you think make a communication effective?

2. Which is better to use Verbal or Non Verbal communication?

3. Abstraction (10 mins)

a. Discuss Verbal and Non Verbal communication.
 Verbal communication is the use of words to convey a message. Some forms of
verbal communication are written and oral communication. 

 Nonverbal communication is the use of body language to convey a message. 

4. Application (15 mins)


The teacher will group the class into four and the students will prepare a 2-minute role play
showing the verbal and non-verbal communication.

4. Assessment (7mins)

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your
answer before the number.

1. It is is the use of words to convey a message.

A. Non-verbal communication B. Verbal communication C. Talking

2. It is the use of body language to share information with other people.

A. Verbal communication B. Non- verbal communication C. mouth

3. Using your body to communicate is what we called?

A. Sign language B. Mimic C. Body Language

4. Waving is what type of communication?

A. Sign language B. Gestures C. Mood

5. Facial expressions are part of what?

A. Body language B. Sign language C. Gestures

II. Venn diagram

1. Make a Venn diagram to differentiate verbal and non verbal Communication

V. Assignment (2 mins)

Define the following:

1. Speech style
2. Intimate
3. Casual
4. Consultative
5. Formal
6. Frozen

VI. Closing prayer (1min)



Teacher 1 Applicant, San Jose NHS, Talibon ll District

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