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English Practice Exam

Name : Cleo & Abner

Posisition as a model

How would you describe yourself? (ceritakan atau jelaskan diri anda)
-My name is Cleo Fernand, I just graduated from high school and have attended modelling
lessons and several organizations.

What are your strengths? (kelebihan apa yang anda miliki)

-Iam confident that I can work individually and in groups.

What are your weakness? (apa kekurangan anda)

-Sometimes I feel less confident and shy.

Describe your working experience! (ceritakan penglaman kerja anda)

-I have filled out catalogs and clothing runways.

Tell me about your education background! (jelaskan latar belakang pendidikan anda)
-I graduated from Paskalis High School and joined an organizations that required me to work
together in groups. And also took modelling lessons.

Why do you want this posisitions/job? (kenapa anda menginginkan posisi ini?)
-Because this posisition is my hobby and I have a lotof skill according to this posisition.

What do you know about our company? (apa yang anda ketahui tentang perusahaan kami?)
-Many models have succefully entered the international market.
What motivates you to work? (apa yang menjadi motivasi anda dalam bekerja?)
-My motivation is to seek new experience, connections and earn my own money.

Explain where you see yourself in five years? (jelaskan seperti apa diri anda di 5 tahun yang
akan datang)
-I hope in this company I have a lot of connections and get a lot of experience in 5 years.

Do you have trouble adjusting to different situations? (apakah anda merasa susah untuk
menyesuaikan di sebuah situasi yang baru?)
-Sometimes I find it difficult to interact with new people but I try to get out of the zone.

Do you have any hobbies? (apa anda memiliki hobi?)

-I like taking picture and make up. That make me feel more confident.

How do you handle the stress and pressure from work? (bagaimana anda mengatasi stress dan
tekanan dari tempat kerja?)
-If I`m stressed at backstage, ill find someone to talk to share about cause of my stressed.

What does a job mean to you? (apa arti pekerjaan menurut anda secara pribadi?)
-A place to make money according to my skills and passion.

Do you collaborate well when working with other people? (apakah anda dapat bekerja sama
dengan orang lain)
-Yes, because I have experience in organizations.

How much salary do you expect? (berapa besaran gaji yang anda harapkan?)
-adjusted my performance and the general salary of Jakarta. Around 4-5 million.

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