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Daily lesson plan

INSTRUCTOR Teuta Dauti DATE 11,12.11.2021



Reading Will Smith

Forms: Frontal, individual, in groups.

Methods: interactive, cooperative learning, quiz taking.

Materials: Flash cards, book.

INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL (outcome that students should be able to demonstrate upon

completion of the entire unit)
I will invite the students to tell each other what they know about Will Smith. I
will also ask students to draw a conclusion about the article on Will Smith and why
was the article written.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE (use an action verb in a description of a measurable


To describe a photograph and manage discourse, using appropriate vocabulary.

I will tell a short story about famous faces, and I will watch students’ reaction and I will try
to guess if this was students’ favorite one.

RATIONALE (brief justification -- why you feel the students need to learn this topic)

Students need to know the importance of having good speaking skills.

LESSON CONTENT (what is to be taught)

1. Tell students to talk about their favorite superstar and students will tell to their classmates
about that asking e.g. "Have you ever seen a famous person?" If a classmate has seen he or
she needs to tell the name and will write into the board so the other students will fill the
information chart about the famous face.
a. Focusing event (something to get the students' attention) tell students about your
favorite star
b. Teaching procedures (methods you will use) eclectic
c. Formative check (progress checks throughout the lesson) ask what do they write
d. Student Participation (how you will get the students to participate) Ask them about
their favorite star
e. Closure (how you will end the lesson)writing about a super star

EVALUATION PROCEDURES (how you will measure outcomes to determine if the

material has been learned)
Students will be highly engaged in class and group discussions; enthusiastically will
participated in the scavenger hunt; following the rules of the scavenger hunt without
needing teacher guidance or supervision; and demonstrate a clear understanding of the
importance of having good speaking skills.

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