Java Assignment 1 and 2 - 2023

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Assignment 1:

1. Why is the Java platform independent? Differentiate between JDK,

JVM and JRE.

2. Differentiate between for loop and for each loop with suitable

3. What do you mean by variable length array or jagged array or array

of array? Give examples while declaring 2D and 3D arrays.

4. What is a constructor? Differentiate between parameterized and

default constructor and Explain the concept of constructor
overloading with examples.

5. Discuss the basic principle of any object oriented programming


6. With suitable examples differentiate between pass by value and

pass by reference way of parameter passing techniques in writing a

7. Explain different ways the static, final and this keyword are applied
to variables, methods or classes in Java programming with relevant

8. Discuss memory allocation and deallocation in detail. When an

object is eligible for memory deallocation and collected by the
Garbage collector.

9. State object slicing. Explain the need for it.

10. Outline the importance of JIT compiler..

Assignment 2:





Q7. What is inheritance and its advantages? What are different types of
inheritance supported by using class? Write a Java program for this by
using inheritance.

Q8. Mention the usage of super keywords used in java programs.

Q9. Explain the concept of method overloading with suitable examples

and also compare it with constructor overloading. Also compare it with
method overriding.

Q10. How an abstract modifier is used for a class and method in a Java
program. Explain with an example. Differentiate between abstract class
and interface.

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