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Table of contents

1. Cardio-pulmonary assessment
i) History taking
iii) Palpation
iv) Auscultation
vi) Functional ability
a.) Burger’s exercises
b.) Shuttle walking test
c.) Six minute walk test
2. Relevant diagnosis tests (for practical knowledge only)
i) Hematology
ii) ABG analysis
iii) Spirometry
iv) Huffing and coughing techniques
v) Invasive and Non-invasive techniques
vi) ECG
vii) Echocardiography
viii) Imaging
 Plain X-ray
 Computed Tomography
 Magnetic resonance imaging
ix) Cardiac catheterization
x) Radio nuclide Scanning
xi) Stress testing
xii) Lung Function Testing
xiii) Biofeedback
xiv) Humidification and Aerosol Therapy

3. Differential Diagnosis in different cardiopulmonary conditions.

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