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Rit L/S // 641 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 TOPICS Introduction to Forced Vibrations Forced Damped Vibrations with Constant Harmonic Excitation Forced Vibrations Due to Rotating Unbalance Forced Vibretions Due to Reciprocating Unbalance Forced Vibrations due to Excitation of Support Instead of Mass Vibration Isoation Vibration Transmissibility List of Formulae Exercise Machinery (PU) 64 INTRODUCTION TO FORCED VIBRATIONS, . Hf the system vibrates under the influence of external periody — are known as forced vibrations. No In forced vibrations, there is an impressed force acting on the s vibrating, 4 ~The vibrations of air compressors, ILC. engines, turbines, examples of forced vibrations. q S_AAlll the rotating machines like : compressors, pumps, tu carefully designed and manufactured, still there are some unbg such machines which act as harmonic excitation forces. a ‘= The problem becomes more severe when frequency of ¢ coincides with the natural frequency of a system, which system starts vibrating dangerously with the large amplitude. In order avcid the resonance either the operational speed. altered to change its natural frequency. In addition, sufficie may be provided to keep the vibrating amplitude as low as po are designed to withstand the dynamic loads In general, tie external periodic forces acting on the harmonic forces and non-harmonic forces, This chapter deals with the study of the single degree of fi which subjected to a single harmonic force, ORCED DAMPED VIBRATIONS WITH CON HARMONIC EXCITATION ~ ie excitation forces which are commonly p S, are often encountered in engineering s m having spring-mass-damper system hown in Fig. 6.1 This Eq The solutio or cain differentiating 6.2.2. Particular Integral (xp ‘The second pert is the particular integral, which ean following ro methods. Analytical method (Differential equation method) . Graphical method Np 7 particular integral, m 2X = amplitude of steady stae vibrations of 4 = angle by which the displacement vector (phase angle or phase diffrence) © = circular frequency of exermal exciting Phase angle or phase difference isthe angle by wh Graphical method : ‘The particular = Xsin(ot-$) Differentiating Equat with respect to time 4 txsncot-4y1 5, = © Xsin(at—-9+n) ¥y fy and yin Equation ynanves of Machinery (PU) iz (Giporiies of Machinery (5) —— et retin From Fig. 64 0) (6.19 the particular integral x, = Xsin(ot—4) on 623 Complete Solutoin for Differential Equation +The complete solution for differential Equation (61) i sof F ae + Again fom Fig 64 (b), ‘Two Parts of Complete Solu ‘Transient Vibrations This is the compl ‘xcitation, The fist part o an underdamped system subjected © shinee me {0 decay with Gime and. vanishes uldmael), Th PF ene of te vibrations, The transient vbations tke place ate Gam (te, at ag ), as shown in Fig, 65 @) Forced Vibrations (x) ; fore Seng om te mat at mange nator y amplitude of foeed vibrations is oe a % ty X = 01765 m “4. Phace Difference (4) : ‘the phase difference between fores and displacement is, 30 a ee ee je oo subjected to a harmonic force of 30 ffequaney, deteine the ampiode Me = 0 , . 220x107 m Seu denesion of 88. ane = 72“ As 4. Naturat Frequency of Damped Vibrations (04 ) “The stifnes of spring 8 = 44145 N/m ae or X = 001179 m 4 Phase Angle () +The phase angle is, = tan Ane of saffess 1200 N/m and damper i povided wih he (RU : Dec. 2007) gcacficent, ¢ > 7SN-Re/™ ‘The damping facto —_f | terre where, @p = ftequency at peak amplitude, rad/s ® Puting » For maximum amplitude, 4 #(R) °° Differentiating Equation (b) with respect to ‘a and equating © 210, We BE i afa- a O = —4atda r8al ABs 4188 = ) K = 350786Nim | Tie amplte of vibrtions is, eee okt ‘a body having 2 kg mass vibrates in a viscous fluid. The N acting on the mass results ina resonance amplimde of 15 Determine the damping coefficient of viseous fluid. ‘the same harmonic force but at a frequency of Scyses/s the the amplinudes of foreed vibrations with and without damper ? or x2 20224188, 2x 350786%6 <= MAB Nm Mass, m = 2 kg 0.015 = Estng force, F, = 20 ‘Amplitude, X = 15 mm = 0013 m Geuraet ae 05 Feneapet ermal = Serdele b 4.» Damping Coetcient(c +The cirularfeaneney of fred vibrations i . 0s | a A enn, cer feuey of fed vibrations equal 1 BHAI 7M damping factor is poe a cose mo, 2x2x4.88 ide of Forced Vibrations Under New Condition : frequency of vibrations is, =. 2 ear «= ina otal ee ao i= sng nite Se = dani sale eee ee (i tt ee ae o X, = 0.0109 mpd of fred woraion wo = 3141 als and without aah “()F4uitbeiom Position (Q) Displaced Poston with) Displaced Posten wis A “Angle of Roaton of fr Ratan of Rein of Unbalanced Rotating abaaned Rong Mss ‘Mas Equal to Zero Fame ako don i Fig, 68 : Rotating Unbalance let, Tal vercl isplacerent of mass of mackie exiving milan! mS Darnping force = © Consider FB. D. of machi ne shown in Fig. 62 “Amplitude of Steady State vibrations ‘The amplitude of steady sate vibration esnat) aay Sates & Fig, 69 + ALD of Machine [-- K=me}] (m-m, mx m, +m, tm, o7esinotrek+Kx = 0 i+kx = motesinot 2) the licar, second order differential equation, of motion (629) ‘The complete solution for differential Equation (6.21) is, atKy etd Damped Vian: ead Hence, the dimensionless 63:1 Plot of Dimensionless Steady-State Amplitude Versus Frequency Rais x sus frequency ratio 2) for i | Consider a reciprocating machine as ‘m = total mass of the reciproest J gn, = mass of reciprocating pas, kg (6234) 1h of connecting rod, m Fy, 61: Resin a Forced Dany ‘Dynamics of Mactineny (PU) PES Mle Forced Damped vibrations penn oc nm ms of SEATS FAAS A BOC reciprocating maces a pert cd owas of poe ats i ven Bh An ot | or i! 7 (633) {is small as compared to °T), then the second ham, © If ‘nis lage Ge shove Baton ( ‘Therefore, the inertia force Ram ot (0, it is soon that, the exciting foree due to recinecaig et ey lt Mn rating mass_is given by, From Equition (626) Anbelace is same as due to rotating unbalance, diseissed in earlier seetion ‘Teefore, analysis of the rotating unbalance is also applicable to recipoesty unbalance chine having total mass of 20 kg is having an eccentric mass ‘mm, ‘The machine rotates at 720 rpam. If the amplitude of ) the damping factor; and the amplitude and phase angle wheat eccentric mass rotates at 1440 rpm, (BU: May 200 Given : Total mas of machine, m = 20 kg Eocentic mass, m= 15 kB Becanticiy, © ~ 25 mm ~ 0.025 m Speed of cooentic mass, N= 720 rpm ope 2x20 - 720 — 75:39 radisee Phase angle, § = 90° Amplitude of vibration, X= 20 mm = 0.02 m 1539 rads phase Angle at 1440 rpm. ¢ ‘he phase angle at @ = 150.79 rads is E ‘Tort mas of caging 7 3008 at ns ofc “y= 2am =O \ Destin i ech Dancing fe $80 noon | oe Mea 1 X= $40 mm upped on a sings pot The trey ta fice vcenancs oP200 Nit 28 9 he herd mat ie Stitiness of sping, K = 5000 Nin Damping Geffen, ¢ = Spy = 20 Naim ‘Unbalanced mass, ™,, ioe eceatciy, © = 50mm =005 = Mass of electric moe, Speed of electric moi, N 6.5 FORCED INSTEAD Dynamice ot Machinery (FU) crm Equation () it en that the dinlcomet of te mss (ie) eer a> eee @-0) = “| $52 Relative Amplitude = Let. ~ relative displacmest of mass wih respect w the suppor = (x) ” and REY, Aitferental Equation of motion forthe system 1, mive(e-s)+K(-¥) = © ation of mation which ction of be Bann (620) 558 eas Fore banged Varaons 2 verte! Amplitude of ixaion of yecote ample 0° Fi 691 Gritical Speed of Vehicle ‘The natural ereular frequency ofthe system ES Wovens oi We know that, ‘Time period = ‘be at esonnce. (ie, when © = On) factor of 05. ctor 04 (RU: MAY 8) spring, K = 19600 Nim wave, Y = 10 mm = 001m Waveles length of sine wave, A = 15m x. nel This isthe ential speed ofthe veto tate Motion citation to support is. ampttude of stay “The scady sae ampiode a= © ‘qe steady-state amplitude is, o | ® X = 8681074 m s X = 0868 mm + Mherefore at & = 0:4 and vehicles Sens = nie et ens He ePPANOTR peed of 50 kar, the amplitide is 0.868 mm Example 6.10 = or X= 14142 mm Ans ps is over a road surface the sinusoidal le with a soon of mm. vel ‘moving with a velocit mi be amplitude of wbaion Therefore, when & = 505 and sped is rca, the amplitads is 14142 x 10"'* Gi) When § = = 04 and v= 50 km/hr : a I Solution : =" Mass of length 2» = 10m Y= 80 mm = 008 m 551000 _ 1597 is We know ta, se, v= S8kana =-~3¢9, ‘Amplnne of vibration, X= 2 m= 0.925. m * When = 0 te above Equation () becomes,

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