Lebanese University Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture 3 Branch

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Lebanese University

Faculty of fine arts and architecture

3rd Branch

‘’ Kinetic response façade as resilient design’’

Supervised by :
Dr. Yarhtreb Sabsabi
Dr. Wael Debess

Preparation of :
Rim Zreika


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A. Abstract: ..........................................................................................................................4
B. Introduction : ..................................................................................................................4
 Definition of responsive façade : -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
 Facades different labels : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
C. Historical background : ....................................................................................................7
D. Core of study ...................................................................................................................9
 Designs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
 Facade Function: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
 Climate Adaptive Façades as a Mediator: ------------------------------------------------------ 10
 Climate Kinetic Responsive Façade classification --------------------------------------------- 11
1.Solar Kinetic Responsive Facades : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Taking Action Using Whole Building Movement ......................................................................... 12
Shading Systems ........................................................................................................................ 15
PV Cell-Based Integrated Kinetic Shading Systems...................................................................... 18
2.Wind Driven Kinetic Responsive Facades --------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Air Current Responsive Facades ......................................................................................21
Wind Turbine-Incorporated Air Current Responsive Facades: .........................................23
 kinetic responsive facade sustainable effect--------------------------------------------------- 25
 kinetic façade advantages -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
 Control systems: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
E. Case study : ...................................................................................................................27
 Al Bahar Towers Responsive Facade / Aedas -------------------------------------------------- 27
 Sharifi-ha House, Tehran, Iran --------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
 The Shed, New York, United States of America ----------------------------------------------- 34
F. Conclusion .....................................................................................................................37
G. References : ...................................................................................................................39

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Figure 1 kinetic facades.......................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 climate adaptive facade example ........................................................... 10
Figure 3 heliotrope solar house ........................................................................... 13
Figure 4 sharifi-ha house ...................................................................................... 14
Figure 5 quadrant house ...................................................................................... 14
Figure 6 institut du monde arabe ......................................................................... 16
Figure 7 Council house 2 building ........................................................................ 16
Figure 8 Kiefer technic showroom ....................................................................... 17
Figure 9 Q1 building Thyssenkrupp's headquarters ............................................. 17
Figure 10 kuggen building .................................................................................... 18
Figure 11 Al Bahar Towers ................................................................................... 18
Figure 12 Energy & Enviroment Invovation Building ............................................ 19
Figure 13 RMIT Design Hub .................................................................................. 20
Figure 14 adaptive solar facade ........................................................................... 20
Figure 15 San Francisco Federal Building ............................................................. 22
Figure 16 Manitoba Hydro place .......................................................................... 22
Figure 17 KFW Westarkade .................................................................................. 23
Figure 18 CH2 Melbourne city Council House 2 ................................................... 24
Figure 19 Strata SE1 Tower .................................................................................. 24
Figure 20 Greenway Self Park .............................................................................. 25
Figure 21 Al Bahar Towers ................................................................................... 28
Figure 22 modernizing machrabiya ...................................................................... 29
Figure 23 machrabiya facade ............................................................................... 30
Figure 24 Sharifi-ha House ................................................................................... 31
Figure 25 main concept........................................................................................ 32
Figure 26 the Shed , New York ............................................................................. 35
Figure 27 design process ...................................................................................... 36

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In recent years, office buildings have been designed with larger areas of glass to
let in more light and improve the view of the outside. Unwanted heat gain, glare,
and increased energy consumption were all consequences of this. As a result,
building envelopes no longer served as a physical barrier between the inside and
outside of a building. However, using computations and kinetic systems,
architects attempted to transform buildings from static objects into dynamic
systems in which building components can move in response to their
surroundings; light, heat, wind, or humidity. In order to address these issues while
maintaining the advantages of glass façades, such as double skin façade, adaptive
façade, intelligent façade, and kinetic façade, new design trends have emerged.
High performance facades are presented in this paper as a novel idea for
sustainable design that can better adapt to the environment and improve indoor
environmental quality. The paper then focuses on kinetic facades because they
are the best option for addressing the research issue. Last but not least,
responsive kinetic façades are categorized based on their function and geometric
transformation. This aides in choosing the most reasonable kind of development
in façade parts regarding wanted indoor ecological circumstances.

Introduction :
Definition of responsive façade :
A kinetic façade is one that changes progressively as opposed to being static or
fixed, permitting development to happen on a structure's surface. This
contributes to what Buckminster Fuller, an architect, referred to as a "skin-like
articulation" effect and extends the notion that a building's envelope is an active
system rather than merely a container.

Light, air, energy, and even information can all be managed with a kinetic façade.
They can help alter the interior environment by reducing solar gain and allowing
fresh air to enter the building. To enhance performance and efficiency, the
façade's moving parts can be programmed to respond to temperature or other
environmental conditions, time, occupancy levels, and other variables.

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Designers are increasingly able to consider kinetic components as design solutions
thanks to advancements in sensors, materials, and building management
Kinetic facades can also be used for aesthetic purposes, to make a strong
impression, to generate interest, or as part of art exhibitions.

Figure 1 kinetic facades

Facades different labels :

In order to clarify the use of some of these terms the authors suggest some
general definitions.
Kinematics: is the study of motion without considering the mass or external forces
that may cause the movement.
The study of kinematic systems start with the description of the system geometry
and the initial conditions related to the position values. In engineering disciplines
kinematics are used to describe the movement laws of systems composed by
joined parts and sometimes on refer to it as “the geometry of motion” .

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Kinetics: is the study of movement laws considering the forces and masses
involved [8]. If the cause of system motion is an elastic deformation the system
falls under the category of Elastic Kinetics .
Dynamics: is the study of forces acting on an object and that results in a
movement . The term is often used to identify building systems or envelopes that
can move.
Retractable: the term is commonly used in architecture for textile membrane
roofs in which the membrane is bunched or folded. As a more simple expression,
such systems are also referred to a movable.
Convertible: convertibility is considered, with mobility, one of the modes of
variability in buildings for adapting to different functions . It possible to identify
two types of convertibility: external, i.e. the variability of the
external envelope of the building, and the inner convertibility, related to the
interior spaces. Convertible systems are designed to change their form in relation
to the needs and in a short time .
Transformable: Similar to convertible, transformable can be associated to objects
or structures which have the intrinsic property of controlled change.
Transformable bodies can be foldable, retractable or shape shifting .
Performative: is the ability of building skin to mediate between the comfort
required by the users and the surrounding environments. Performative envelopes
have the capacity to control external factors in relation to predefined
architectural performances .
Adaptive: “means the ability to adjust and adapt to changing circumstances by
itself” [13]. Adaptive envelopes have the capability to change their behavior,
features or configurations in relation to external variations .
Responsive: the term refers to a reactive system, i.e. a system that moves and is
opposed to the term manipulate, which means that the system is moved and
controlled from outside and refers to passive environments . Nicholas
Negroponte defines “responsive means that the environment which has an active
role, initiating to a greater or lesser degree changes as a result and function of
complex or simple computations” .

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Historical background :
Historically, buildings have provided shelter and protection to people from
external conditions such as extreme heat or cold. The building envelope acts as a
physical barrier between interior and exterior environments . It functions as an
outer shell to help maintain indoor comfort while facilitating climate control.
Today improvement of building services application such as in lighting, heating,
ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC), have been assigned to enhance the
performance of indoor environment and thermal comfort. As a consequence,
external building envelopes are starting to lose their role as a moderator of
energy and comfort and as a consequence, a building place a significant energy
burden on maintaining optimal condition in building indoor environment and this
problem contributes to one third of total greenhouse gas emissions.
Although, buildings are seen as part of the problem contribute to global warming
(Loonen, 2010), this issue presents significant opportunities for the building

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) classified buildings as a sector

that has the potential to minimize this problem in a cost-effective way. In order to
mitigate the problem, in regards to building emission and energy usage, the
effectiveness and the seriousness of the implementation requires more vigor than
has been previously witnessed (UNEP, 2009). However, current practice has
shown it is unlikely to succeed in solving this issue. Nonetheless it is suggested
that climate change will transform the priority we give to energy efficiency
(WBCSD, 2009). In both new and existing buildings low energy implementation
should become a part of the practice of designing a building, rather than the
novelty of the project (WBCSD, 2009). From this perspective, building innovation
and technology should be a catalyst that provides the necessary momentum for a
significant leap in ideas with implementations moving forward.
It is sensible to consider the role of the building envelope (Loonen, 2010) as part
of any strategy in dealing with this issue. Building envelopes consist of different
components, which include the foundation, roof, walls, doors and windows.
However, in the context of this discussion, the focus of this research is on building
facades with emphasis on the windows and walls of the envelope.
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Among strategies and solutions used in discussing the problem of a buildings’􀀁
energy consumption, the buildings’􀀁 facade should function as a mediator
between the external and internal environments. Facades can be entrusted with
multiple vital functions that dictate the building’s energy consumption and which
determine indoor environmental quality (Loonen, 2010).
Traditionally the design of a buildings’􀀁 facade is ‘static’, where the external
environmental boundary conditions
are designed to be constantly changing. As a result, traditional facades are not
capable of adapting and responding to various changes that they are exposed to..
According to a recently completed project of the International Energy Agency—
Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Program (IEAECBCS,
2011), the development, application and implementation of responsive facades
provides a necessary step towards creating improvements for energy efficiency
within building environments (Loonen, Trčka, Cóstola, & Hensen, 2013). However,
through the use of responsive facades, the buildings have the ability to react to
these conditions.
Facades that respond to the environment, also known as “responsive facades”
are considered as part of the buildings’ envelope in a primarily different way.
Responsive facades actively adapt their behavior over time in response to
changing environmental conditions and performance requirements (Moloney,
2011). The term responsive in architecture has been described as the ability of
artificial and natural systems to adapt to varying environmental conditions
(Beesley, Hirosue, & Ruxton, 2006). The term responsive is used throughout this
exegesis to describe the interaction between external environmental conditions
and facades systems.
Consequently, the concept of responsive facades has been described using
multiple terms in the literature, however the definition of responsive facades
shows that the term presents a specific form of response which is a kinetic
From the description above, kinetic facades, which interact with environmental
conditions, are discussed in this exegesis. Thus, environmental conditions can
encompass a range of different elements such as daylight, wind and heat.

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However, for the purpose of this exegesis, the terms ‘environmental conditions’
are associated with solar radiation: daylight and heat.

Core of study
Kinetic architecture is a design concept in which certain parts of the building’s
structure are designed to allow movement. This is done without reducing the
structure’s overall integrity.

Facades focus on feasibility systems for developing the quality and economy of
this technology to be sustainable in the future .There are several parameters that
should be included when designing building facades.
- It is important that while designing a dynamic facade, the integrity of the
building and its structural efficiency are not compromised. Thus, the mobility of
the facade should not have negative effects in the construction of the building.
- To preserve the sustainability and durability of a building, it is important to
approach the design in a responsible manner and equipped with remarkable
technical and creative skills. When constructing a dynamic facade, it is also of
major importance to observe all the aspects related to structure, function,
environment, and aesthetic.
- The envelope of a building can be integrated with thermal insulation systems,
reducing energy consumption, and increasing the comfort of the users all year
Thermal insulation, however, can be implemented in different ways based on the

Facade Function:
Generally, the facade performs three main different functional roles for the
- Support function: All loads are transferred
- Control Function: Regulates the loadings of the interior and outsides

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- Finish Function: Finishes the facade surfaces to meet the relevant aesthetic,
wear, and other performance standards.
Climate Adaptive Façades as a Mediator:
Large number of buildings with facades that are identical to one another in terms
of the materials used, appearance, and design approach have been constructed as
a result of recent advancements in building design practices. This has resulted in
uncomfortably isolated indoor environments that are completely dependent on
both electrical and mechanical systems for extended periods of time to satisfy the
requirements of users. Mechanical ventilation, air heating/cooling systems,
lighting systems, and all other systems required to provide an acceptable and
comfortable indoor environment quality that require not only energy input but
also advanced control systems in order to be able to follow the continuously
changing ambient conditions have increased building energy consumption rates
as a result of this dependence on both electrical and mechanical systems. As a
result of this constant demand, manufactured indoor spaces covered by buildings'
facades are created. These facades, rather than serving as a mediator between
the inside of the building and the conditions of the external environment,
typically serve as a barrier that aims to prevent any interaction between the
building and the ambient.

Figure 2 climate adaptive facade example

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From the abovementioned, we can grasp that despite the fact that building
envelopes essential capability is to preserve energy and control tenants solace,
with extra consideration during the primer plan process, environment versatile
veneers can have the capacity to amplify inhabitant's solace, through warm
control, air quality and ventilation, sunshine and moistness, while additionally
limiting structures running expenses and energy utilization rates to the base
through lessening the use of power and, surprisingly, in certain circumstances to
change electrical energy from the unique sustainable regular sources as opposed
to just diminishing structures energy utilization rates and electrical interest.

Climate Kinetic Responsive Façade classification

Normally, climate responsive façades act in response to external ambient factors
in the purpose of providing acceptable indoor environmental conditions which
can be described in terms of thermal comfort, indoor air quality, acoustic
performance and visual performance, as the way building façades respond to
external factors can have huge influence on the human comfort and satisfaction
in multiple ways.
Climate responsive façade can have many different classifications according to its
control types, used materials, movement strategies, applied technologies, etc.
while in this research kinetic responsive facades are categorized based on the
affecting stimuli which is in this case, the climatic factor it is responding to, at
which its behavior is based on an occurrence of change in heat, light, or air
current. This research is mostly concerned about exploring and clarifying the two
most significant environmental responsive façade types, which are solar
responsive facades and natural air current (wind driven) responsive facades.
The first type is the solar responsive facades which continuously adapts to
external solar radiation in the form of the amount of daylight that needs to be
balanced continuously during the day in order to provide both thermal and visual
comfortable indoor conditions, as well as the thermal gain from solar radiations
which continuously change throughout the day and throughout the year and is
one of the most affecting factors on passive heating and cooling design. The
second type is wind and air current responsive facades, as air current and wind
are considered to be a significant environmental factor that is needed to be taken

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into consideration in buildings design as it can significantly affect occupants
comfort as well as building performance.
Solar Kinetic Responsive Facades :
Facades that are solar responsive respond in a variety of ways to the varying
amounts of solar radiation that buildings typically receive. This can typically be
accomplished by controlling solar heat, solar light, or both. In order to accomplish
this, a variety of strategies, such as kinetic movement—whether of the entire
building or just parts of it—or common applications of external kinetic shading
strategies—can be incorporated into the dynamic façade design.
Solar kinetic responsive facade applications can also be used to generate
electrical energy from solar energy to reduce a building's energy needs and
improve its overall performance by completely or partially relying on energy from
natural and renewable resources.
Taking Action Using Whole Building Movement
This kind of movement is thought to be difficult because the design sometimes
requires the building as a whole or parts of it to move or rotate. An illustration of
the entire structure motor development is Heliotrope sun based house in
Germany, which is the world's most memorable energy positive sun oriented
house, the structure is mounted on a shaft, and it is set to turn around 180
degrees as the day progressed, in light of the favored sun powered direction. We
are primarily interested in the kinetic motion strategy of the entire structure of
the building, which rotates to direct windows toward the sun in the winter and to
provide shade in the summer , despite the fact that the fixed solar panels installed
on the roof of the building produce the energy required to make it a positive solar
house. A different kind of motion can be seen in the Sharifi-ha House in Iran
,where the building facade is made up of three movable boxes with a new and
innovative structural system .This system lets the three parts of the house slide
and rotate to provide different angles of solar exposure throughout the day for
the occupants and solar radiation.
The Quadrant House in Poland is one of the most recent and significant examples
of innovation in moving buildings. The design's goal was to give a portion of the
house the ability to move and respond to the sun's movement throughout the day
and year. The house's terrace is designed to rotate independently at different
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angles, and the fully automated control system responds to the sun and its
radiation to provide more shade in the summer and let more sunlight in during
the winter.
Kinetic strategies examples :
1.The Heliotrope solar cylinder floor slabs are connected to a vertical
mechanically rotating tube, giving the building the ability to rotate in response to
solar radiation.

Figure 3 heliotrope solar house

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2. The Building volume can open and close inresponse to solar radiation through
the movement of the motorized sliding and rotating mechanism of the three
clarified rectangular blocks.

Figure 4 sharifi-ha house

3. the building pivots, while the structure control system is automated and
integrated with safety sensors due to its location in the ground floor.

Figure 5 quadrant house

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Shading Systems
Modern mechanical systems with a wide range of innovative applications and
movements, such as (rotational, retractable, sliding, active daylighting, and self-
adjusting kinetic applications), or traditional manually operated shading systems
can demonstrate this type. Jean Nouvel was one of the first architects to use the
idea of kinetic shading in the design of buildings' facades in a magnificent and
creative way. He made a modern maharabia-like screen for the south facade of
the iconic Institut du Monde Arabe.
The architect designed a novel sun screen that is made up of a large number of
responsive metallic brise soleil units that are automatically controlled to regulate
daylight penetration and solar heat gain throughout the day. The architect was
inspired by Middle Eastern architecture.
The 2006 Council House 2 building in Melbourne is an example of a more typical
use of kinetic responsive solar radiation shading systems.
At this point, the building's west façade is completely covered by a large number
of vertical kinetic timber louvers controlled by photocells. These photocells track
the path taken by the sun and adjust the rotation angle of the louvers accordingly
to provide the optimal levels of indoor day lighting and thermal conditions. After
one year in Austria, Kiefer Method Display area building was built, which is
viewed as one more huge structure with a creative collapsing responsive façade.
The aluminum panels that make up the exterior facade can be opened and closed
manually or individually, opening and closing vertically, and they can change
shape continuously throughout to reach the most desired indoor lighting and
thermal conditions .
Kinetic strategies examples :
1.A metal shading sun screen with kinetic geometric panels is installed, composed
of a large number of sophisticated folding photo sensitive sliding shutters that are
automatically controlled.

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Figure 6 institut du monde arabe

2.Vertical integrated timber louvres are controlled to swivel horizontally up to

90degrees in direct response to solar radiation to optimize daylight penetration.

Figure 7 Council house 2 building

3.Perforated aluminum horizontal panels are individually and centrally controlled

to fold and retract in the vertical direction in response to solar radiation.

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Figure 8 Kiefer technic showroom

4. stainless steel shading panels at the external skin ,are automatically controlled
to rotate horizontally and also independently to redirect daylight and to provide
shade in response to solar radiation.

Figure 9 Q1 building Thyssenkrupp's headquarters

5. A curved external sun screen mesh installed at the building's external skin, are
supported on a metal track surrounding the circular top floor plan of the
cylindrical building.

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Figure 10 kuggen building

6. The origami shaped triangular shading units are installed at the building
external facade, at which each unit is composed of a group of six adjoining panels
that folds and unfolds automatically in response to solar radiation.

Figure 11 Al Bahar Towers

PV Cell-Based Integrated Kinetic Shading Systems

By reducing thermal load gains, regulating daylight penetration during the day,
and improving the building's overall performance, kinetic shading features can be
installed on exterior facades of buildings to enhance indoor quality. In addition to
improving indoor quality and building performance, installing kinetic features
with solar energy collection aims to efficiently reduce a building's energy
consumption by generating electricity from renewable sources (solar radiation). In
some cases, the system can be connected to the main utility grid to sell energy if
the collected energy exceeds the building's own consumption. In contrast to the
common portable panels that are typically installed at the top of buildings,

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integrated photovoltaic shading is thought to be a more cost-effective option due
to its ability to change orientation.
In 2012, two buildings in two different countries approached the idea of
integrating shading elements with photovoltaic cells through two different
applications. The first building is the Energy & Environment Innovation Building in
Japan .The entire south and west façades are covered by a solar envelope that is
made up of almost 4570 kinetic photovoltaic panels. These panels open and close
at different angles in response to the amount of solar radiation that is present
during various seasons . The second building is the Energy & Environment
Innovation Building
The RMIT Design Hub in Australia . is the other building. The facade of the
building is made up of two layers: the inner skin is made of double-glazed façade,
and the outer skin is made of automated operable sun shading circular cells made
of sandblasted glass that can be replaced by photovoltaic cells.

Kinetic strategies examples :

1. The facades covered by a grid of externally rectangular solar cell panels have
the ability to rotate vertically in order to maximize the direct daylight penetration.

Figure 12 Energy & Enviroment Invovation Building

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2. Each single sun shading circular cell in the sun shading screen is fixed to either a
horizontal or vertical aluminum axel from the middle at which every cell is
controlled & has the ability to rotate individually .

Figure 13 RMIT Design Hub

3. External integrated square shaped PVC panels have the ability to change its
orientation through rotating individually in different directions , controlled by
silicon soft actuators and cantilever brackets.

Figure 14 adaptive solar facade

Wind Driven Kinetic Responsive Facades

Systems that respond to the wind and the natural air current in the area are
known as wind driven kinetic responsive facades. They do this in order to
maintain high levels of indoor air quality and high rates of natural ventilation
inside buildings. Water vapour rates, odors, and pollutants that typically
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accumulate in poorly ventilated indoor spaces can all be controlled by certain
types of facades. The objectives of wind-driven responsive systems can be met
through either the kinetic movement of façade elements to facilitate the natural
ventilation process and provide appropriate thermal conditions inside the
buildings, or through the generation of electricity through the conversion of wind
energy into electrical energy, which is only applicable in a limited number of
situations and applies to fewer types of buildings and applications.
Air Current Responsive Facades
The first and most prevalent type of kinetic air current responsive applications for
environmental and sustainability goals is the type that responds to the
surrounding air current through the kinetic movement of building integrated
facade elements. In the San Francisco Federal Building, for instance, the primary
idea behind the natural ventilation was to take advantage of the strong winds
that were oriented towards the north-west façade during the summer. In order to
create what can be described as a living skin that facilitates natural ventilation by
allowing the intake of fresh air directly into the interior of the building throughout
the day, the windows on all floors above the fifth floor are automatically
controlled in response to the speed of the wind and the direction that the air
current is traveling. All of the windows are automatically opened at night to
remove the heat that has built up and let cold night air cool the building inside.
Manitoba Hydro Place, like the San Francisco Federal Building, was designed from
the start to rely on natural ventilation and provide 100% fresh air throughout the
year by creating a highly energy-efficient building. An internal double-glazed
facade and an external double-glazed facade with operable windows make up the
building's envelope. While windows on the interior facade are manually operated
for natural air intake in accordance with the preferences of the occupants,
windows on the exterior facade are motorized to assist in modulating the thermal
Kinetic strategies examples :
1.Prevailing winds directed towards the buildings facade, enters and circulate air
through the office open spaces and channels fresh air through the building's
breathable skin.

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Figure 15 San Francisco Federal Building

2. An external building double facade with integrated windows that are

automatically controlled at the external facade and manually operable windows
on the inner wall, add to the natural ventilation.

Figure 16 Manitoba Hydro place

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3. The wind pressurized external double skin façade is like a ring surrounding the
building with a large number of dynamic controlled flaps that can offer natural
ventilation when desired, independent of the external climate conditions.

Figure 17 KFW Westarkade

Wind Turbine-Incorporated Air Current Responsive Facades:

Wind energy harnessing involves converting wind and air current energy into
mechanical or electrical energy in order to reduce the reliance on non-renewable
energy sources, decrease buildings' energy consumption rates, and improve
buildings' efficiency. This is the second type of wind driven responsive strategy
that is less prevalent in applications on building facades. Although a lot of
buildings have used the idea of independently attaching wind catchers, turbines,
and cooling towers of varying shapes and sizes to their exteriors, only a few have
actually integrated these ideas into the skin of the building's façade by using the
idea of building mounted wind turbines. This section provides clarification on a
few examples of these applications.
Kinetic strategies examples :
1.The spinning vertical axis rooftop micro turbines, are located on the north
façade at which main rotor shafts are being positioned transverse to the wind

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Figure 18 CH2 Melbourne city Council House 2

2.The three horizontal axis wind turbines with 5 aerodynamic blades fitted to a
rortor are oriented towards the direction of the prevailing winds.

Figure 19 Strata SE1 Tower

3. Vertical axis wind turbines integrated to the corner of the building, are stacked
in two double helical columns, it has low wind velocity and can eploite wind from
any direction.

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Figure 20 Greenway Self Park

kinetic responsive facade sustainable effect

Building facades have an important role in mitigating the impact of exterior
environmental conditions on inside comfort. Façades that are intended for energy
efficiency are built using various performance factors and can provide solutions
that are suited for the climatic conditions. During the preceding decade, the
energy-efficient construction project was centered on two strategies: first, the
installation of highly efficient energy recovery systems, and second, the use of
passive design solutions to boost the building efficiency façades.
Buildings consume more energy than other industries, such as manufacturing and
transportation. As a consequence, to accommodate people's comfort, the inside
environment has been improved via the use of air conditioning, lighting, heating,
and indoor air quality. However, building envelopes are incapable of balancing the
need for comfort with the usage of energy, making construction a contributor to
the problem of greenhouse gases and global warming.
Despite the fact that climatic circumstances are continually changing, building
façade design has usually been statistical. As a result, a kinetic façade has been
created as an alternative building envelope. Furthermore, adaptable façade
installation is required to optimize building energy efficiency and respond to
current environmental circumstances.

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As a building component, the façade is the principal component of the structure's
climatic skin, providing physical comfort to building users. In buildings, it is
necessary to ensure changeable isolation, day illumination, lucent heat change,
solar shading, humidity management, ventilation, and energy collection in
adaptable façade systems. A kinetic façade was created to meet the growing need
for cost efficiency, thermal comfort, and energy consumption. Furthermore, the
notion of a kinetic façade would include the use of modern mechanisms as well as
intricate designs and applications.

kinetic façade advantages

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Control systems:
The control systems for these kinetic structures can be classified into six types, as
done by Michael Fox:

1. Internal controls: These systems do not have any direct control or

mechanism like mechanical hinges. In this category falls architecture that is
deployable and transportable.
2. Direct control: These systems are moved directly by an energy source
outside the devices. As an example, retractable skylights and shades can help
regulate daylight as per the sun's path through direct control.

3. Indirect control: The movement of these systems depend on a sensor

feedback system.
4. Responsive indirect control: The movement of these systems depend on
multiple feedback sensor technology.
5. Ubiquitous responsive indirect control: These systems have the ability of
prediction by using a network of controls with predictive algorithms.
6. Heuristic, responsive indirect control: This depends on algorithmically
mediated networks that have a learning capacity. Moderated retractable skylights
demonstrate a networked system of individual skylights that function together to
optimise thermal and daylighting conditions

Case study :

Al Bahar Towers Responsive Facade / Aedas

Al Bahr Towers consists of two 29-storey, 145 m high, office towers, located at
the Eastern Ring Road, at the intersection of Al Saada and Al Salam Street, in the
heart of Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates.

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Abu Dhabi, being a desert region, has a hot and arid climate, extremely sunny
with temperatures reaching up to 49°C and humidity up to 100% during summer.
Furthermore, sandstorms being a frequent event, can compromise the structural
integrity of the building, the intense heat and glare can render a comfortable
indoor environment relatively impossible if not properly addressed.
Designed by Aedas Architects, the distinguishing feature of the towers is its’
external automated shading system, which consists of numerous umbrella-like
glass elements that automatically open and close depending on the intensity of
sunlight. Inspired by ‘mashrabia’, the geometrically designed wooden lattice
screens used to fill the windows of traditional Arabic architecture since the 14th
century, the façade of the towers is dynamically controlled by a building
management system, which has helped reduce interior heat gains caused by
sunlight by around 50%. The towers were completed in 2012.

Figure 21 Al Bahar Towers

Architectural Concept
The design of the external façade of the tower was derived by taking into account
the environment, tradition, and technology. Inspired by the ‘mashrabia’ and
mangrove flower, the towers consist of a series of transparent umbrella-like
modules that open and close in response to the sun’s path. The ‘mashrabia’ is a
type of window protecting system mage of carved wood frameworks and used in
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traditional Arabic architecture. It offers protection from the sun and privacy inside
the building.
The façade is controlled by a computer for responding to ideal solar and light
situations. Similar to origami umbrellas, these shading elements unfold to various
angles in response to the movement of the sun to optimize the solar exposure of
the façade.

Figure 22 modernizing machrabiya

The folding system transforms the shading screen from a seamless veil into a
lattice-like pattern that, provides either shade or light. This reduces solar glare, by
avoiding dark tinted glass and internal blinds that distort the appearance of the
surrounding view. This system offers a better admission of natural diffused light.
This reduces the use of artificial light and associated energy costs. Each triangular
element is coated with fiberglass and programmed to respond to the movement
of the sun as a way to reduce gain and glare. During evening, the elements remain
In the shading lattice, each unit comprises of a series of stretched PTFE
(Polytetrafluoroethylene) panels and is driven by a linear actuator that
progressively opens and closes once per day in response to a pre-programmed
sequence that has been calculated to prevent direct sunlight from striking the
façade and to limit solar gain to a maximum of 400 watts per linear meter. The

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installation is protected by a variety of sensors that open the units in the event of
overcast conditions or high winds. This results in a reduction of CO2 emissions by
1,750 tonnes per year.
The shading system comprises of 1,049 units fitted to each of the towers covering
the east, south and west zones. When a façade zone is subjected to direct
sunlight, the mashrabia units in that zone will unfold into a closed state providing
shading to the inner glazing skin. As the sun moves around the building, each unit
responds accordingly. The envelope blocks direct solar rays from landing inside
occupied spaces during working hours from 09:00 till 17:00.

Figure 23 machrabiya facade

The mashrabia is spaced 2000 mm from the surface of the glass wall. It has
stainless steel supporting frames, aluminium dynamic frames, and fiberglass mesh
infill. Each unit is 4200 mm in height and varying between 3600 mm and 5400 mm
in width. Each unit is sub-divided into six triangular frames that unfold through a
centrally positioned actuator and piston. The largest unit weighs around 625 kg.

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The control software and Human-Machine Interface (HMI) was developed using
Siemens’ platform. The HMI allows manual intervention of the operator in case of
emergencies, maintenance requirements, etc.
Each unit has a unique ID, which is linked to positioning sensors located in the
actuator of the corresponding unit. The software is linked to three sensors
located at the top of each tower – light, wind, and rain sensors.

Sharifi-ha House, Tehran, Iran

Figure 24 Sharifi-ha House

The Sharifi-Ha House is a residential building in Tehran, Iran. The house is in

Darrous, which is nestled in the foothills of the mountains that divide northern
Tehran from the Caspian Sea.
The house occupies 14,000 square metres arranged over five levels and two
underground floors and was completed in 2013. It features swiveling rooms,
allowing for a shape-shifting façade, in order to adapt to Iran’s fluctuating
temperatures, and to suit the floor plan’s functional requirements.
The seven-story high structure has every other floor with a turning box, which
allows for a larger configuration of space. The three boxes, which can rotate
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individually, resemble drawers that slot into a simple concrete frame, when the
rooms are turned horizontally inward, revealing their windowless wooden flanks.
The home was designed by Iranian architect Alireza Taghaboni of NextOffice, with
the collaboration of a large team of associates and consultants for the structural
and mechanical aspects.
Architectural Concept

Figure 25 main concept

The design of this house is rooted in the Iranian tradition of flexibility of spaces, in
which, to better adapt to the torrid summers and harsh winters in Tehran, the
homes are provided with a summer living area, Taabestan-Neshin, and a winter
living area, Zemestan-Neshin. Also traditional was the migration of families
between separate summer and winter houses, but in this case, a single house –
porous and transparent, fortified and sheltered – represents the seasonal
migration while standing in the same place.

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The house is organized into two blocks that hang from either side of a central
void, one at the front of the house, and another at the rear. The void appears to
draw light into both blocks the way a vacuum draws in air, even when the rooms
on the front façade are swung inward.
In the Sharifi-ha House, the rooms are transformed at the touch of a button. In
the ‘open’ mode, the three blocks pivot outwards on the rotating base, pointing
the windowed ends to the sun, which creates a terrace on each floor. The ‘closed’
mode hides the windows to keep the house warm during Tehran’s snowy winters.
The rotation system, manufactured in Germany, derives from the mechanisms for
the movements of theatre sets and the rotation of car show floors, and they
consist of three motorized discs.

The applied manufacturing technique for the turning mechanism is the same as
that which is employed in turning theatrical scenes, turning the floor of car
exhibitions, steel companies and the shipping industry.
The structural system was a customized one, due to the peculiarities of the
design. After digitally modelling the structure, a series of SAP2000 analyses were
undertaken to examine the static and dynamic performances of the proposed
system. Being partially moveable is the dominant feature of this structural
assembly, which was contemplated throughout the fabrication process by the
German manufacture company. The main loads rest on the beams of the living
Due to various configurations the turning boxes take, the loading calculation can
been estimated based on the largest possible loading value applied to the system.
To prevent structural deformation controlling the probable vibrations in the
turning boxes was considered during the design calculations of the structure.


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The main feature is the possibility of rotation of the three rooms up to 90°, which
are located on the first, second and third level, towards the outside depending on
the seasons and the desires of the occupants.
The boxes can support dead and live loads calculated at 25 tons each that is
resting on the beams of both living rooms. The issues of handrails and air-
penetration controlling were resolved by designing foldable handrails and refining
the edges of the boxes.
The house plan is divided into four sections marked by the structural grid made of
steel beams and columns, which consist of two blocks separated by a triple height
central void, one located on the elevation with windows and the other in the
deepest part of the plot. The triple height void ensures the entry of light into the
house when the rotating rooms are in their closed position. A suspended bridge
crosses the central void at each level connecting the rooms located on the main
front and at the rear of the house. Balconies and internal windows surrounding
the void provides sufficient ventilation. The rotating rooms on the first, second,
and third levels, respectively houses a breakfast room, a guest room, and an
office, adapting the house to the inhabitants’ functional requirements depending
on the season.

The Shed, New York, United States of America

The Shed is an art exhibition center located where the High Line meets Hudson
Yards in New York, United States of America.
Designed by architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell
Group, the structure was completed in 2019. The Shed being a non-profit cultural
organization that commissions, develops, and presents original works of art
across all disciplines, for all audiences, its Bloomberg building can physically
transform to support the artist’s most ambitious ideas.
The Shed is attached to 15 Hudson Yards, a skyscraper within the Hudson Yards
real estate development. The structural engineering, kinetic façade, and design
was done by Thornton Tomasetti.

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Among the several architectural features, the most prominent one is its
retractable shell that creates a space, named The McCourt, for large-scale
performances, installations, and events.

Figure 26 the Shed , New York

Architectural Concept
The Shed is essentially a 200,000 square foot, eight level arts space with a
telescoping outer shell. The Shed’s design is inspired by Cedric Price’s Fun Palace,
a never-built design, the idea behind which was to create an unenclosed steel
structure set on traveling gantry cranes resulting in a moveable form that would
allow the public to control and rearrange their environment to host an array of
The Shed comprises of two buildings – the base building, which holds two
expansive column-free galleries totalling 25,000 square feet, a 500-seat black box
theatre that can be further subdivided into more intimate spaces, event and
rehearsal areas and a creative lab.
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The outer shell creates a 17,000 square foot hall that is light, sound, and
temperature controlled when fully deployed over an adjoining 20,000 square foot
plaza. This flexible space can respond to variable needs in scale, media and
technology, and can serve as a theatre with a seating capacity of 1,250 people or
a standing audience of 2,700 people.
When not needed, the 4,040-ton steel shell can nest over the base building after
being pulled back on a double-wheel track that was built based on gantry crane
technology, which is commonly found in shipping yards.

Figure 27 design process

The Shed’s moveable shell is 37 m tall and is made of an exposed steel diagrid
frame, clad in translucent cushions of a strong and lightweight Teflon-based
polymer, ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene), which has the thermal properties
of insulating glass at a fraction of the weight. These ETFE panels measure almost
21 m in length.

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The Shed uses a radiant heating system within the shell and a variable forced air
heating and cooling system serving the occupied portions of the shell for
maximum efficiency. The building was designed so as to achieve LEEDSilver
certification and to exceed New York’s energy codes by 25%.


The primary objectives of this study were to present a detailed case study
description of a buildings with an adaptive facade and to derive maps of the
underlying decisions on how it was designed, operated, maintained, and assessed.
The required data interpretation and classification were mainly based on the
interviews and surveys to assume its effectiveness as this paper focuses on the
environmental performance of kinetic façades in buildings by reviewing current
practices. The process involved an investigation of literature studies that
conducted research to evaluate the performance of kinetic façade systems from
numerous perspectives.
The kinetic façade proves to be an effective approach to designing a building
envelope, as shown by figures of reduced energy consumption, making the kinetic
façade an optimal method to address harsh climates, particularly in the case of
sun shading, and to provide convenient natural lighting and fresh air.
Building facades have an important role in mitigating the impact of exterior
environmental conditions on inside comfort. Façades that are intended for energy
efficiency are built using various performance factors and can provide solutions
that are suited for the climatic conditions. During the preceding decade, the
energy-efficient construction project was centered on two strategies: first, the
installation of highly efficient energy recovery systems, and second, the use of
passive design solutions to boost the building efficiency façades.
Buildings consume more energy than other industries, such as manufacturing and
transportation. As a consequence, to accommodate people's comfort, the inside
environment has been improved via the use of air conditioning, lighting, heating,
and indoor air quality. However, building envelopes are incapable of balancing the

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need for comfort with the usage of energy, making construction a contributor to
the problem of greenhouse gases and global warming.
Despite the fact that climatic circumstances are continually changing, building
façade design has usually been statistical. As a result, a kinetic façade has been
created as an alternative building envelope. Furthermore, adaptable façade
installation is required to optimize building energy efficiency and respond to
current environmental circumstances.
As a building component, the façade is the principal component of the structure's
climatic skin, providing physical comfort to building users. In buildings, it is
necessary to ensure changeable isolation, day illumination, lucent heat change,
solar shading, humidity management, ventilation, and energy collection in
adaptable façade systems. A kinetic façade was created to meet the growing need
for cost efficiency, thermal comfort, and energy consumption. Furthermore, the
notion of a kinetic façade would include the use of modern mechanisms as well as
intricate designs and applications.

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References :

Kinetic façade -
The Role of Kinetic Envelopes to Improve Energy Performance in Buildings-Fahad Alotaibi

Environmentally responsive kinetic faÇade for educational buildings -Flora Fakourian & Maziar
Abdelwahed Mekhamar, Ahmed Halim Hussein

Types of Kinetic Facade Systems Worldwide - By Shivam Arya
Responsive Kinetic Facades: An Effective Solution for Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality
in Buildings - Basma Nashaat & Ahmed Waseef

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