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Online Polling System Using Visual Cryptography


In corporate companies elections are conduction to elect President, Secretary

and other board members every interval of times, since the candidates are working

various part of the world it is difficult for them to vote and they need a web based

polling system with security measures This system provides them good solutions with

security using Visual Cryptography .Visual Cryptograph. Visual Cryptography is

used to encrypt written material (printed text, handwritten notes, pictures, etc) in a

perfectly secure way. The decoding is done by the human visual system directly. For a

set P of n participants, a secret image S is encoded into n shadow images called

shares, where each participant in P receives one share. To retrieve the image back all

the participants’ share to be place one over another.

Implementation of above tasks in remote voting system, the election office

mails a FIRST share to voter well in advance and the second share is send during the

polling time, voter has to get the password from these two share to poll his vote.

This system is very useful and safe for remote voting. This system is web

based application so that it can be accessed by any authorized person anywhere in the

world through internet.

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Online Polling System Using Visual Cryptography


DHS Informatics Private Limited is a training division of multi-national IT

consulting and outsourcing firm Intersoft KK, which has head-quarters in Japan and

branch offices in the United States, Singapore, Taiwan and an offshore development

center in Bangalore, India. The company aims to give quality training on advanced IT

related subjects those from different fields.

DHS Informatics train people on various technologies and place them in On

the JOB Training (OJT) at Intersoft KK development division and get them job at

Intersoft KK and other IT companies. Also DHS Informatics conducts campus

training for college students at college premises itself and corporate training for

various corporate offices in and around Bangalore.

Apart from this, DHS Informatics occasionally conducting special offshore

training program for overseas students from various countries like Japan, Australia,

Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan etc. For Offshore training candidates, DHS Informatics

provides facilities like Accommodation, Travel, Cultural Knowledge, Entertainments

and Tours.

For overseas students those who are lacking in English language, DHS

Informatics provides coaching on English together with technical training through

bilingual trainers. For local students DHS Informatics provides coaching on Japanese

or Chinese/Mandarin according to their wish and places them in India or Japan,

Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.

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Online Polling System Using Visual Cryptography

Some the other projects that DHS Informatics has undertaken are as follows:

I. Secret Hiding Techniques

II. Save Data Migration over Company Intranet

III. HAWKEYE (Trade Surveillance System)


In corporate companies elections are conduction to elect President, Secretary

and other board members every interval of times, since the candidates are working

various part of the world it is difficult for them to vote and they need a web based

polling system with security measures. This system provides them good solutions

with security using Visual Cryptography. Visual Cryptography is used to encrypt

written material (printed text, handwritten notes, pictures, etc) in a perfectly secure


The decoding is done by the human visual system directly. For a set P of n

participants, a secret image S is encoded into n shadow images called shares, where

each participant in P receives one share.

To retrieve the image back all the participants’ share to be place one over

another Implementation of above tasks in remote voting system, the election office

mails a FIRST share to voter well in advance and the second share is send during the

polling time, voter has to get the password from these two share to poll his vote. This

system is very useful and safe for remote voting. This system is web based application

so that it can be accessed by any authorized person anywhere in the world through


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Online Polling System Using Visual Cryptography

System Design & Implementation


Admin Session

 Login module

 Voters Details

 Election Details

 Nominees Details

 Generate Secret Password

 Sending the First Share through Email using Visual Cryptography

Change Password

Voter Session

 Login Module

 Downloading Second Share

 Getting the Secret Word using Visual Cryptography

Election Selection and Polling.

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2.1 .NET Tools and Technologies:

.NET is a library, one that is just as extensive as the Windows API. We can

use it to call up all the same sorts of features that have traditionally been the role of

the Windows operating systems; displaying windows and dialog boxes, verifying

security credentials, calling on base operating systems services, creating threads and

so on, as well as newer areas such as accessing databases or connecting to the internet

or providing web services.

.NET provides the environment in which our program is run. When .NET

aware code is executed, it will be .NET that starts up your code, manage the running

threads, provides various background services, and in real senses is the immediate

environment seen by the code.


 Object Oriented Programming

 Good Design

 Language Independence

 Better support for dynamic web pages

 Efficient Data Access

 Code Sharing

 Improved Security

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ASP.NET is the latest version of Active Server Pages (ASP), Microsoft’s

server-side web technology for building dynamic, interactive, and database-driven

web sites.

ASP.NET is a unified web platform that provides all the services necessary for

to build enterprise-class applications. It hopes to do for the web what visual basic has

done for windows. ASP.NET expects to reduce and replace coding with components.

It is based on the .NET framework, which provides a platform independent of

programming languages and operating systems for developing and deploying web


This section provides an overview of the ASP.NET infrastructure and

subsystem relationships, as they relate to the subject of security. The following

illustration shows the relationships among the security systems in ASP.NET.

Fig 1.1: ASP .NET Architecture

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As the illustration shows, all Web clients communicate with ASP.NET

applications through IIS. IIS deciphers and optionally authenticates the request. If

Allow Anonymous is turned on, no authentication occurs. IIS also finds the requested

resource (such as an ASP.NET application), and, if the client is authorized, returns the

appropriate resource.

Integrating with IIS:

This release of ASP.NET uses IIS 5.0 as the primary host environment. When

considering ASP.NET authentication, you should understand the interaction with IIS

authentication services. IIS always assumes that a set of credentials maps to a

Windows NT account and uses them to authenticate a user. There are three different

kinds of authentication available in IIS 5.0: basic, digest, and Integrated Windows

Authentication (NTLM or Kerberos). You can select the type of authentication to use

in the IIS administrative services.


 Support for programming languages

 Language-independence

 Support for separation of code and content

 Simplified development

 Client platform independence

 Web services

 Support for .NET framework

 Backward compatibility

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Web Forms:

Web forms give the developer the ability to drag and drop ASP.NET server

controls onto the form and easily program the events that are raised by the control.

User controls, mobile controls and other third-party controls can be added to extend

web forms.

Server Controls:

A server control is a control that is programmable by writing server-side code.

Server controls automatically maintain their state between calls to the server. Two

types of server controls; HTML and web server controls.

View State:

When a web form is rendered to the browser, a hidden HTML input tag is

dynamically created, called view state. This input contains base64-encoded data that

can be used by any object that inherits from system.




Label is used to display that the user cannot change.


It is used to assign a value to a text box or read a value that a user has entered

into it. Multiline property is assigned the value Multi Line, a text area is displayed.

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Button control:

It renders the same form submit button as rendered by the normal HTML tag.

Image button:

It is used to display an image.

Radio button list:

It represents a group of mutually exclusive options. Each radio button can be

either checked or unchecked. No more than one radio button in a group can be

checked at the same time.

Dropdown list control:

It is similar to radio button list control. It can represent a set of mutually

exclusive options. Its options are displayed in a single-line pick list widget.

List box control:

It enables a user to select only one option at a time, or create a multiselect list


Hyperlink control:

It can display either text or an image as a link.


Requiredfieldvalidator control:

It is used to check whether a control has a value. This control used in a textbox

control. Other input controls such as radiobuttonlist are also used this validator.

Regularexpressionvalidator control:

It is used to match the value entered into a form field to a regular expression.

This control to check whether a user has entered, for example, a valid e-mail address,

telephone number, or username or password.

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Comparevalidator control:

It performs comparisons between the data entered into a form field and

another value. The other value can be fixed value, such as a particular number, or a

value entered into another control.

Rangevalidator control:

It is used to check whether the value of a form field falls between a minimum

and maximum value. The minimum and maximum values can be dates, numbers,

currency amounts, or strings.

Validationsummary control:

It is used to summarize the control with the validation controls. This control to

summarize all the errors all the top of a page or wherever else we wish.


Panel control:

Instead of setting the visible property for controls one by one, we can use the

panel control to hide controls as a group.

AdRotator control:

It is used to display banner advertisements randomly. The advertisements with

this control that contains a list of the properties of banner advertisements to display.

Datagrid control:

It is used to display the records without using templates. We can simply bind a

data source to the data grid, and it automatically displays the records. We can create

columns to control how records are formatted or to display links for editing records.

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It contains several namespaces with dozens of classes devoted to database

access. The System.Data.Sqlclient namespace includes the following three classes:

 SqlConnection

 SqlCommand

 SqlDataReader


This sqlconnection need to create and open a database connection. We create

the connection in different ways depending on the type of database that we want to



It is used to create a database command that represents the SQL select

statement to execute.


It represents a forward-only stream of database records. This means that the

data reader represents only a single record at a time. To fetch next record in the

stream we must call the read () method. To display all the records returned from a

query, we must call the read () method repeatedly until we reach the end of the



A dataset can contain one or more Data Tables that represent database tables.

Relationships between the tables can be defined using DataRelation classes.

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It represents the bridge between a Dataset and the data source it represents.

We use a DataAdapter to populate a DataSet from an existing database table. We can

also use a DataAdapter to update and existing database table with changes made to a



Opens a specified database for the application.

2.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 extends the performance, reliability, quality, and

ease-of-use of Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0. Microsoft SQL Server 2000

includes several new features that make it an excellent database platform for large-

scale online transactional processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and e-commerce


The OLAP Services feature available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called

SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services. The term OLAP Services has been replaced with

the term Analysis Services. Analysis Services also includes a new data-mining


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Features of SQL Server 2000

 Internet Integration

The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It

also has the scalability, availability, and security features required to operate as the

data storage component of the largest Web sites. The SQL Server 2000 programming

model is integrated with the Windows DNA architecture for developing Web

applications, and SQL Server 2000 supports features such as English Query and the

Microsoft Search Service to incorporate user-friendly queries and powerful search

capabilities in Web applications.

 Scalability and Availability

The same database engine can be used across platforms ranging from laptop

computers running Microsoft Windows® 98 through large, multiprocessor servers

running Microsoft Windows 2000 Data Center Edition. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise

Edition supports features such as federated servers, indexed views, and large memory

support that allow it to scale to the performance levels required by the largest Web


 Ease of installation, deployment, and use

SQL Server 2000 includes a set of administrative and development tools that

improve upon the process of installing, deploying, managing, and using SQL Server

across several sites. SQL Server 2000 also supports a standards-based programming

model integrated with the Windows DNA, making the use of SQL Server databases

and data warehouses a seamless part of building powerful and scalable systems. These

features allow you to rapidly deliver SQL Server applications that customers can

implement with a minimum of installation and administrative overhead.

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Data warehousing.

SQL Server 2000 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for

online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing

databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.


Views are defined using a SELECT statement and are analogous to an object

that contains the result set of this statement.

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The selection of hardware is very important for the proper working of the

proposed system. The technologies that we will be using for developing our project

depend on the hardware configuration. When selecting hardware, the size and

capacity requirement are also important.

Processor : Pentium III / IV

Hard Disk : 40 GB

Ram : 512 MB

Monitor : 15VGA Color

Mouse : Ball / Optical

Keyboard : 102 Keys


Once the system requirements are finalized then we have to determine

whether a particular software package fits system requirements or not. This section

summarizes the software requirement.

NET Technologies : Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Operating System : Windows XP professional

Front End : with C#, Framework 2.0

Back End : SQL Server 2000

Client side Validations : C#

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Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the starting step for

development activities. It is the medium through which the client and user needs are

accurately specified by producing the requirement specification document, which

describes the external behavior of the proposed software.

This allows the developer to understand the systems functions to be carried

out and performance levels to be obtained and corresponding interface to be

established. The SRS (Software Requirement Specification) plays a vital role in

designing a project. SRS means the requirements need for project designing and

developing. The entire information, which is needed for the project is specified in it.

The basic purpose of software requirement specification is to bridge the

communication gap between the client, the user and the developers. SRS goes as

input to the designing phase of the project, because to design a project, first we have

to know the detailed structure of the project, that is nothing but SRS, which tells

about the project or task, then proceed to designing phase.

The SRS provides means for translating the ideas in the minds of the clients,

into formal documents.

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Characteristics of a good SRS

A good SRS is [IEEE87, IEEE94]:

 Correct

 Complete

 Unambiguous

 Verifiable

 Consistent

 Stability

 Modifiable

 Traceable

 Components of a SRS:

The basic issues an SRS must address are:

o Functionality

o Performance

o Design constraints imposed on an implementation

o External interfaces

The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is a document that completely

describes what the proposed software should do without describing how the software

will do it. The developers are responsible for asking clarification, where ever

necessary, and will not make changes without the permission of the client.

A software requirement specification provides a reference for validation of

the final product. It establishes the basic agreement between the client and the

developer, what the software product will do. This is the requirement specification

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document for Enhanced License Key Generator for software Protection that will be


There are some standards that we follow to make requirements documents.

Software Requirement System

4.1 Purpose

A new and novel way of Advertisement on Internet which will benefit both the

advertisement company and web site owner. Here the concept is WIN – WIN

method, that is both the parties are mutually benefited.

Advertisement is cost oriented work and some time very costlier

advertisement also doesn’t work out. Now-a-days placing the advertisement in web

site becomes popular and getting more response than any other advertisement which

is practicing in earlier.

4.2 Scope of the project:

• Implementation of above tasks in remote voting system, the election office

mails a FIRST share to voter well in advance and the second share is send

during the polling time,

• Voter has to get the password from these two share to poll his vote.

• This system provides them good solutions with security using Visual


• Visual Cryptography is used to encrypt written material (printed text,

handwritten notes, pictures, etc) in a perfectly secure way.

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Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. The

process followed in making this determination is called feasibility Study. This type of

study if a project can and should be taken. In the conduct of the feasibility study, the

analyst will usually consider seven distinct, but inter-related types of feasibility.

Technical Feasibility

This is considered with specifying equipment and software that will successful satisfy

the user requirement the technical needs of the system may vary considerably but

might include

 The facility to produce outputs in a given time.

 Response time under certain conditions.

 Ability to process a certain column of transaction at a particular speed.

Economic Feasibility

Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the

effectiveness of a proposed system. More commonly known as cost / benefit analysis.

The procedure is to determine the benefits and savings are expected form a proposed

system and a compare them with costs. It benefits outweigh costs; a decision is taken

to design and implement the system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of

being approved. There is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of

the system life cycle.

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Operational Feasibility

It is mainly related to human organization and political aspects. These points

are considered are

 What changes will be brought with the system?

 What organizational structures are distributed?

 What new skills will be required?

 Do the existing system staff members have these skills?

 If not, can they be trained in the course of time?

4.4 Cost Benefit Analysis

The objectives of this project are:

 To develop an application that enables the user to create his own webpage,

customize it according to his needs.

 Each user will be provided a unique user id and password which he can use to

edit and update his page.

 User can use his web page to advertise his own products and also place links for

other advertisements. Revenue can be earned by linking it with Google Ad


Benefits of the project

 Allow the users to receive orders and sell his products.

 The user can advertise his products on his web page.

 Enable user to create and maintain his web page.

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5.1 Introduction to System Analysis


A system is an orderly group of interdependent components linked together

according to a plan to achieve a specific objective. Its main characteristics are

organization, interaction, interdependence, integration and a central objective.

System Analysis

System analysis and design are the application of the system approach to

problem solving generally using computers. To reconstruct a system the analyst must

consider its elements output and inputs, processors, controls, feedback and



Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system

and their relationships within and outside of the system. One aspect of analysis is

defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate

system should consider other related systems. During analysis data are collected on

the available files decision points and transactions handled by the present system.

This involves gathering information and using structured tools for analysis.

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5.2 Existing System

The above papers shows the use of visual cryptography schemes from the

basic method where cheating can be possible. Visual cryptography is only one such

technique, but it may be expanded further, as well as combined with other techniques

to produce new approach.

Although visual cryptography has some disadvantages with regards to

authentication, so some times steganography techniques can be followed for

designing more secure and better approach.


• Existing system is time consuming and votes has to be in voting booth in

presence and it is not feasible when the voters are in other city or in other


• Although visual cryptography has some disadvantages with regards to

authentication, so some times steganography techniques can be followed for

designing more secure and better approach.

5.3 Proposed System

To overcome the above methodologies and schemes, the proposed system tries

to overcome all the drawbacks. The proposed method concentrates on:


Implementing the Visual Cryptography

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Task 2:

Detection of threads in visual cryptography based on steganograph hiding digital

signature on secret images.

Task 3:

Implementation of above tasks in remote voting system, the election office mails a

FIRST share to voter well in advance and the second share is send during the polling

time, voter has to get the password from these two share to poll his vote.


• Proposed online voting system is very effective and it will useful for voters

and organization in many ways and it will reduce the cost and time.

• as to get the password from these two share to poll his vote

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6.1 Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram: Level 0

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Data Flow Diagram : Level-1

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Data Flow Diagram : Level-1

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Data Flow Diagram : Level-2

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6.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram

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6.3 Use Case Diagram





Voter Password


Set Pass image


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Download Share2


Select Election


LogOut Increment

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Admin Voter Image Visual Cryptography Mail System









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Appendix-1: List Of Tables

Data Base Design For Admin Module:

Table Name: M_Admin Datatype NULL
Constraint Inc.
(Width) (Y/N)
Admin_No Int N Y
Column Name

Admin_Id Char(20) N unique N

Admin_pwd char(15) N N
Admin_name varchar(50) N N

Table Name: M_User Datatype NULL
Constraint Inc.
(Width) (Y/N)
User_code int(10) N Y
User_id char(15) N N
User_pwd char(50) N N
User_name char(50) N N
User_Designation char(100) N N
User_Emp_ID char(30) N N
User_EmailID char(100) N
User_email varchar(50) N N
User_sex char(20) N
User_Mobile char(50) N N
Column Name

User_PWDShare1 char(100) N N
User_PWDShare2 char(100) N N
User_Status Int N N

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Data Base Design For Election Details Module:

Data Base Design For Nominees Details Module:

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Data Base Design For Voter Details Module:

Data Base Design For Generate Secret PassWord Module:

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Logical Design

Design for WebApps encompasses technical and non-technical activities. The

look and feel of content is developed as part of graphic design; the aesthetic layout of

the user interface is created as part of interface design; and the technical structure of

the WebApp is modeled as part of architectural and navigational design.

This argues that a Web engineer must design an interface so that it answers three

primary questions for the end-user:

1. Where am I? – The interface should (1) provide an indication of the

WebApp has been accessed and (2) inform the user of her location in the content.

2. What can I do now? – The interface should always help the user

understand his current options- what functions are available, what links are live,

what content is relevant.

3. Where have I been; where am I going? – The interface must facilitate

navigation. Hence it must provide a “map” of where the user has been and what

paths may be taken to move elsewhere in the WebApp.

Design goals – the following are the design goals that are applicable to virtually every

WebApp regardless of application domain, size, or complexity.

1. Simplicity

2. Consistency

3. Identity

4. Visual appeal

5. Compatibility.

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Design leads to a model that contains the appropriate mix of aesthetics,

content, and technology. The mix will vary depending upon the nature of the

WebApp, and as a consequence the design activities that are emphasized will also


The activities of the Design process:

1. Interface design-describes the structure and organization of the user interface.

Includes a representation of screen layout, a definition of the modes of interaction,

and a description of navigation mechanisms. Interface Control mechanisms- to

implement navigation options, the designer selects form one of a number of

interaction mechanism;

a. Navigation menus

b. Graphic icons

c. Graphic images

Interface Design work flow- the work flow begins with the identification of user,

task, and environmental requirements. Once user tasks have been identified, user

scenarios are created and analyzed to define a set of interface objects and actions.

2. Aesthetic design-also called graphic design, describes the “look and feel” of the

WebApp. Includes color schemes, geometric layout. Text size, font and

placement, the use of graphics, and related aesthetic decisions.

3. Content design-defines the layout, structure, and outline for all content that is

presented as part of the WebApp. Establishes the relationships between content


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a. Content architecture, focuses on the manner in which content objects and

structured for presentation and navigation.

b. WebApp architecture, addresses the manner in which the application is

structure to manage user interaction, handle internal processing tasks, effect

navigation, and present content. WebApp architecture is defined within the

context of the development environment in which the application is to be


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Unit testing is a development procedure where programmers create tests as they

develop software. The tests are simple short tests that test functionally of a particular

unit or module of their code, such as a class or function.

Using open source libraries like cunit, oppunit and nun it (for C, C++ and C#) these

tests can be automatically run and any problems found quickly. As the tests are

developed in parallel with the source unit test demonstrates its correctness.

Validation and System Testing

Validation testing is a concern which overlaps with integration testing. Ensuring that

the application fulfils its specification is a major criterion for the construction of an

integration test. Validation testing also overlaps to a large extent with System Testing,

where the application is tested with respect to its typical working environment.

Consequently for many processes no clear division between validation and system

testing can be made. Specific tests which can be performed in either or both stages

include the following.

 Regression Testing: Where this version of the software is tested with the

automated test harness used with previous versions to ensure that the required

features of the previous version are skill working in the new version.

 Recovery Testing: Where the software is deliberately interrupted in a number

of ways off, to ensure that the appropriate techniques for restoring any lost

data will function.

 Security Testing: Where unauthorized attempts to operate the software, or

parts of it, attempted it might also include attempts to obtain access the data,

or harm the software installation or even the system software. As with all

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types of security determined will be able to obtain unauthorized access and the

best that can be achieved is to make this process as difficult as possible.

 Stress Testing: Where abnormal demands are made upon the software by

increasing the rate at which it is asked to accept, or the rate t which it is asked

to produce information. More complex tests may attempt to crate very large

data sets or cause the soft wares to make excessive demands on the operating


 Performance testing: Where the performance requirements, if any, are

checked. These may include the size of the software when installed, type

amount of main memory and/or secondary storage it requires and the demands

made of the operating when running with normal limits or the response time.

 Usability Testing: The process of usability measurement was introduced in

the previous chapter. Even if usability prototypes have been tested whilst the

application was constructed, a validation test of the finished product will

always be required.

 Alpha and beta testing: This is where the software is released to the actual

end users. An initial release, the alpha release, might be made to selected users

who be expected to report bugs and other detailed observations back to the

production team. Once the application changes necessitated by the alpha phase

can be made to larger more representative set users, before the final release is

made to all users.

The final process should be a Software audit where the complete software

project is checked to ensure that it meets production management

requirements. This ensures that all required documentation has been produced,

is in the correct format and is of acceptable quality. The purpose of this review

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is: firstly to assure the quality of the production process and by implication

construction phase commences. A formal hand over from the development

team at the end of the audit will mark the transition between the two phases.

 Integration Testing:

Integration Testing can proceed in a number of different ways, which can be

broadly characterized as top down or bottom up. In top down integration

testing the high level control routines are tested first, possibly with the middle

level control structures present only as stubs. Subprogram stubs were

presented in section2 as incomplete subprograms which are only present to

allow the higher. Level control routines to be tested.

Top down testing can proceed in a depth-first or a breadth-first manner. For

depth-first integration each module is tested in increasing detail, replacing

more and more levels of detail with actual code rather than stubs.

Alternatively breadth-first would processed by refining all the modules at the

same level of control throughout the application .in practice a combination of

the two techniques would be used. At the initial stages all the modules might

be only partly functional, possibly being implemented only to deal with non-

erroneous data. These would be tested in breadth-first manner, but over a

period of time each would be replaced with successive refinements which

were closer to the full functionality. This allows depth-first testing of a module

to be performed simultaneously with breadth-first testing of all the modules.

 Unit Testing:

Unit testing deals with testing a unit as a whole. This would test the

interaction of many functions but confine the test within one unit. The exact

scope of a unit is left to interpretation. Supporting test code, sometimes called

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Scaffolding, may be necessary to support an individual test. This type of

testing is driven by the architecture and implementation teams. This focus is

also called black-box testing because only the details of the interface are

visible to the test. Limits that are global to a unit are tested here.

In the construction industry, scaffolding is a temporary, easy to assemble and

disassemble, frame placed around a building to facilitate the construction of the

building. The construction workers first build the scaffolding and then the building.

Later the scaffolding is removed, exposing the completed building. similarly, in

software testing, one particular test may need some supporting software. This

software establishes can a correct evaluation of the test take place. The scaffolding

software may establish state and values for data structures as well as providing

dummy external functions for the test. Different scaffolding software may be needed

form one test to another test. Scaffolding software rarely is considered part of the


Some times the scaffolding software becomes larger than the system software

being tested. Usually the scaffolding software is not of the same quality as the system

software and frequently is quite fragile. A small change in test may lead to much

larger changes in the scaffolding.

Internal and unit testing can be automated with the help of coverage tools.

Analyzes the source code and generated a test that will execute every alternative

thread of execution. Typically, the coverage tool is used in a slightly different way.

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First the coverage tool is used to augment the source by placing information

prints after each line of code. Then the testing suite is executed generating an audit

trail. This audit trail is analyzed and reports the percent of the total system code

executed during the test suite. If the coverage is high and the untested source lines are

of low impact to the system’s overall quality, then no more additional tests are


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Admin Login:

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Home Page:

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Candidate detail:

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User Details:

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Candidate Information:

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Election Details:

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Candidate Information:

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PassWord Generate:

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Voter Login:

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The process of putting the developed software in actual use is called system

implementation. This includes all those activities that take place to convert from the

old system to the new system. The system can be implemented only after through

testing is done and if it is found to be working according to the specification.

Implementation is that stage in the project where the theoretical design is

turned into a working system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new successful

system is that it will work efficiently and effectively. Implementation is the process

of converting a new system into an operational one using a programming language.

When creating a program in a computer program in any language, you should

follow a similar sequence of steps:

1. Determine the objective(s) of the program.

2. Determine the methods you want to use in writing the program.

3. Create the program to solve the problem.

4. Run the program to see the results.

The goal of this phase is to produce simple and clear programs, so that they are

easy to understand and modify. It should aim in reducing the testing and maintenance

cost. Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert an old

system to new. Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to

meet the organizational requirement.

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The implementation stages involves following tasks:

 Investigation of the system and constraints to check the validation.

 Design of methods to achieve the changeover.

 Training of the staff in the changeover phase.

 Evaluation of the changeover method.

 Client training for using the software.

The most commonly used implementation is pilot running and parallel


I. Processing the current data by a single user at a time is called the pilot

running process. When one user is accessing the data at one system,

then system is said to be engaged and cannot be used by the user at

another machine connected in network. This process is used in system

where more than one user is restricted.

II. Processing the current data by more than a single user at a time is called

the parallel running process the same system can be viewed and

accessed at the same time on different machine completed in network.

This process is useful in system where multiple users are entertained.


1. Install.Key file is generated by web application and it is placed in c:\

windows directory.

2. License Key generator program creates a new license key every time you

run the application.

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A. Steps to be followed while installing software with Enhanced Piracy

Protection Software:

1. Get product key and customer pin number.

2. Check for Install.Key file and verify the product key and pin


If ( Product Key = = Customer Pin )

Continue Installation;


Stop the installation.

3. Verify the No_installation and Current_installation.

Ex: No_installation > current installation then

Continue Installation;


Stop the installation.

4. Generate the License.Key file and place it in c:\windows directory.

5. Continue with the installation.

6. After completing the installation process increase the

current_installation by one in Install.key file.

B. Steps to be followed while running a Installed software every time.

1. Generate the Current_License_Key

2. Check the License.key file in c:\windows directory

3. Compare Current_license_key and content of Licence.key . If both

are same run the program otherwise stop the program.

Create an install.bat file, which contains following class files.

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 InstallKey_Checkup: This Program is used to perform Step 1, 2 & 3 in

Section A.

 License_Key_Generate: This Program is used to Perform Step 4 in Section


1. Installation of Software:

 Install j2sdk1.4. by using the setup file.

 Install oracle 8i. Set path variable.

 Install weblogic 8.1 web server.

 Deploy the project.

2. Running the Software:

 Start the application by using the admin console which displays the
welcome file.

 Follow the instructions and enter suitable User-Id and password to


 Run the install.bat file from the client directory.

 Start the installation of the purchased software.


To achieve the objectives and benefits expected from computer based system,

it is essential for the people who will be involved to be confident of their role in the

new system. As systems become more complex, the need for education and training

is more and more important.

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The user of the system must be trained properly so that he/she can take

maximum benefits out of it. They must be made aware of all the features of the

software and the limitations or constraints in which the system may fail.

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For Installation key creation:

Go to Customer Login---->Download Installation Key--->Enter Product Key

and Press Ok.

E.g.: Product key == "HH2D-6TBW-3WGT-CJ05".

Install-key.txt file will be created at C:/WINDOWS/install-key.txt

Client Side Verification:

Run batch file Install.bat in "client side Execution files" folder.

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Admin Login:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class Admin_AdminLogin : System.Web.UI.Page

SqlConnection con = new
SqlDataAdapter sda;
DataSet ds;
SqlCommand cmd;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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sda = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from M_admin where Admin_id='" +

TextBox1.Text + "' and Admin_pwd='" + TextBox2.Text + "'", con);
ds = new DataSet();
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
Session["Admin_name"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Admin_name"].ToString();
Session["Admin_No"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Admin_No"].ToString();
Label16.Visible = true;
Label16.Text = "Invalid User name & Password";
TextBox1.Text = "";
TextBox2.Text = "";

Change PassWord:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

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public partial class Admin_ChangePassword : System.Web.UI.Page

private static int AdminNo;
SqlConnection con = new
SqlCommand cmd;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
AdminNo = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Admin_No"].ToString());
if (AdminNo == 0)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmd = new SqlCommand("Update M_admin set Admin_id='" + TextBox1.Text
+ "',Admin_pwd='" + TextBox2.Text + "' where Admin_No=" + AdminNo + " ",
Label7.Text = "Password was changed Successfully";

protected void lblCreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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protected void LinkButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LinkButton8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void LinkButton20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Testing of any software consists of providing the software with a set of test

inputs and observing if the software behaves as expected. If the software fails to

behave as expected, then the conditions under which a failure occurs are noted for

debugging and correction. Finally, the system as a whole is tested to ensure that

errors in the previous phases are uncovered and the project works as specified.

Software testing identifies errors at an early stage if included at each stage. A

planned testing identifies the difference between the expected results and the actual

results. This helps to make software more rugged and reliable. Testing is applied at

different levels in the software development life cycle, but the testing done is

different in nature and has different objectives at each label.

Testing plays a very critical role in determining the reliability and efficiency

of the software and hence is very important stage in software development. Tests are

to be conducted on the software to evaluate its performance under a number of

conditions. Ideally we should do so at the level of each module and also when all of

them are integrated to form the complete system.

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The two main types of testing are:


The white box testing focused on the structural requirements of the software.

Here the test cases are decided based on the logic of the modules to be tested. This

testing is used for testing lower levels.


The black box testing focused on the functional requirements of the software.

That is for a designer the black box testing will give the desired results for what it is

meant for, it means that he has to exercise all functional requirements of a program.

The black box testing is done after the software is developed.

Unit Testing:

In computer programming, a unit test is a procedure which is used to validate

the source code of a particular module, whether it is working properly or not. At the

lowest level, the function of the basic unit of software is tested in isolation. This is

where the most detailed investigation of the internal working of individual units is

carried out.

The purpose of unit testing is to find errors in the individuals units, which

could be logic-related errors. The procedure is to write test cases for all functions and

methods so that whenever a change causes a regression, it can be quickly identified

and fixed.

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Ideally, each test case is separate from the others. The test case can be derived

from their program specification or design document. Units, which cannot be tested

in isolation, may require the creation of small test program, test program known as

harness. Constructs such as mock objects can assist in separating unit tests.

Coding and debugging Unit testing Integration testing

This type of testing is mostly done by the developers and not by end-users.

The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the

individual parts are correct. Unit testing provides a strict, written contract that the

piece of code must satisfy. As a result, it offers several benefits.

There are four categories of tests that the programmer typically performs on a

program unit:

 Functional test

 Performance test

 Stress test

 Structural test

Functional Test:

The functional requirement for a system describes the functionality or

services that the system is expected to provide. These depend on the type of the

software which is being developed. Functional requirement for a Server side

application may be expressed in a number of different ways. Here are a number of

functional requirement for a Server side application

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 The users shall be able to use all the application, with the use of System

username and password.

 After starting server side application client side application will start


 Every user has unique user id and password, but all transmitted packet

will be carrying that system user id.

Performance Test:

This test is based on the requirement specification. This is designed to verify

response time (under various loads), execution, throughput primary and secondary

memory utilization and traffic rates on data channels and communication links,

performance testing will often indicate bottlenecks to be addressed during system

testing and tuning. The performance test plan should specify the machine

configuration assumptions concerning the system status for the test case, the

requirements being tested, test inputs and the expected results.

Stress Test:

Stress test was designate to overload the system in various ways, such as,

attempting to sign on more than the maximum allowed number of terminals

processing, more than the allowed number of identifiers or static labels or

disconnecting a communication link.

Structure Test:

This test is concerned with examine the processing logic of a software

system. The goal of structural testing is to traverse a specified number of paths

through each routine in a system to establish thoroughness of testing.

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System Testing:

Testing is vital to the success of the system. It helps to identify and correct

the errors of the system. In the system testing performance and acceptance standards

are developed. Testing is also done with the data that are not accepted by the system.

Performance monitoring of the system was also done with different ranges of inputs.

System testing involves integration testing and acceptance testing.

Following the unit testing a subsystem testing was carried out to see the

proper functioning of other function in that subsystem. The test was conducted to see

if the subsystem functioned without interfering with the functioning of the other

subsystem. Proper error handling methods were adopted to make the system

performance more efficient.

Inputs were given and the outputs were analyzed and found to be error free

and satisfied. Finally, the recovery procedure for the entire subsystem was written.

Integration Testing:

Strategies for integrating software components in to a functioning product

include the bottom-up strategy, the top-down strategy, and the sandwich strategy.

Bottom-Up Integration: It consists of unit testing, followed by subsystem testing,

followed by the testing of the entire system. Modules are tested in isolation from one

another in an artificial environment known as a “test harness”.

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Top-Down Integration: It starts with the main routine and one or two immediately

subordinate routines in the system structure, and then the top-level “skeleton” has

been tested.

Acceptance Testing:

This testing involves planning and execution of functional tests, performance

tests and stress tests to verify that the implemented system satisfies its requirements.

In addition, functional, performance and stress tests are performed to determine the

limitations of the system.

Features to be tested:

The functions that have been specified in the SRS are considered and tested.

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Test Case ID Test Case 1

Description Testing for the Admin module.

Input Enter correct userid, Enter correct password, click on the Ok


Expected Output Should open the Home page having Admin, Employee,

Customer, Product, Product Key link

Actual Opens the Home page having Admin, Employee, Customer,

Result/Remarks Product, Product Key link

Passed (?) Yes

Test Case ID Test Case 2

Description Testing for the Admin module.

Input Enter Incorrect userid, Enter incorrect password, click on the

Ok button..

Expected Output Should show an Error message, Incorrect username and


Actual Shows an Error message, Incorrect username and password


Passed (?) Yes

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Test Case ID Test Case 3

Description Testing for the Admin link in Admin module.

Input Click on the Admin Link.

Expected Output Should open a new page with admin details, edit link and Add

new Admin link.

Actual Opens a new page with admin details, edit link and Add new

Result/Remarks Admin link.

Passed (?) Yes

Test Case ID Test Case 4

Description Testing for the Employee link in Admin module.

Input Click on the Employee Link.

Expected Output Should open a new employee details page, having modify link

and Add new employee link.

Actual Opens a new employee details page, having modify link and

Result/Remarks Add new employee link

Passed (?) Yes

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Test Case ID Test Case 5

Description Testing for the Customer link in admin module.

Input Click on the Customer Link.

Expected Output Should open a new customer details page,having modify link

and Add new employee link.

Actual Opens a new customer details page,having modify link and

Result/Remarks Add new employee link

Passed (?) Yes

Test Case ID Test Case 6

Description Testing for the Product link in admin module.

Input Click on the Product Link.

Expected Output Should open a new product details page, having edit link and

Add new employee link.

Actual Opens a new employee details page, having modify link and

Result/Remarks Add new employee link

Passed (?) Yes

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The project titled “Online Polling Using Visual Cryptography” was

successfully completed by In corporate companies elections are conduction to elect

President, Secretary and other board members every interval of times, since the

candidates are working various part of the world it is difficult for them to vote and

they need a web based polling system with security measures.

This system provides them good solutions with security using Visual


Implementation of above tasks in remote voting system, the election office

mails a FIRST share to voter well in advance and the second share is send during the

polling time, voter has to get the password from these two share to poll his vote.

We designed this system for corporate companies and it may be converted for public

election also. This system is very useful and safe for remote voting. This system is web based

application so that it can be accessed by any authorized person anywhere in the world through


The project has been implemented in such a manner using different modules

that it provides security to the product at different levels like development level

(Admin _Module), distribution level (Voter Module) and also at the application level

(Using InstallKey).

Implementation of above tasks in remote voting system, the election office

mails a FIRST share to voter well in advance and the second share is send during the

polling time, voter has to get the password from these two share to poll his vote.

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Nothing is complete in itself. There is always some scope for improvement.

My project will definitely help us to provide security to software products but I can’t

assure that this is going to be a very full proof security mechanism and cannot be

breached in any manner.

As time passes new technologies come in the market and any software must

be flexible enough to accommodate these changes. New threats are always there

because its scope is not limited and also because software industry is very


As my project is module based system, and all of them are independent

modules so, we can do the changes very easily and integrate new modules very

efficiently to further enhance the capability of this project.

Some of the perceived changes can be:

 There is a facility by using DataGrids as reports but in future we can have

a separate report section to have a look at all types of data to get a

hardcopy of the data whenever required.

 Eventhough most of the advanced security facilities has been added, some

of the other advanced security features like Biometrics passwords can also

be added to make it more full proof to protect software products.

 We can also include a feature that will enable the customer to view the

newly launched products and place the orders online. In this project this

facility is restricted to the admin only.

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 .NET Programmer’s Reference

o By: Sussman

 Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS (Data Transformation Services)

o By: Chaffin

 Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd edition. MIT Press, McGraw-Hill.


 .NET Documentation

 Introduction to Web server



 - RSA Algorithm

 protection

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 ADO.Net-ActiveX Data object with .Net framework

 Server pages with .Net framework

 DFD-Data Flow Diagram

 HTML-hypertext markup language

 IIS-internet information Services.

 OLAP- Online Analytical Processing

 RSA- Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman algorithm

 SRS-System Requirements Specification

 SQL-Structured Query Language

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