Photographing Crime Scene Importance

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Crime Scene Investigation: Importance of Still Photography at Scene of Crime:

Photographing a crime scene

Every contact leaves a trace . This statement describe the Edmond Locard exchange principle which
states that whenever someone enters or exits an environment , something physical is added to and
removed from the scene. It is the basic principle apply to all crime scene and to its investigation.
For the evaluation of crime scene , some general steps are to be followed as -
First one is protection of crime scene. We have already discussed about it in my previous blog . The
second step towards evaluation is photographing a crime scene and videography of the crime scene. A
quotation always used for a picture that " One picture is worth a thousand words" and its true for
photographing a crime scene . Crime scene photography is also referred as forensic photography .
Photographing a crime scene
The question arises that why we need photography or videography and which one is better for crime
scene .
The uses of photographing a crime scene
1) Its the important tool for law enforcement to establish the location of the crime and its adjacent
areas with exact measurement.
2) To establish the location of physical evidences at the crime scene and linking of circumstantial
evidences. Its give the initial appearance of the crime scene.
3) Crime scene photography later refresh the memory of investigating officer and other persons related
to crime scene. (witnesses , forensic experts and other police personnel)
4) Its help in reconstruction of the crime scene.
5) Its a valid evidence before the Court of law.
The use of videography in crime scene -
1) Its provide an original and graphic scene of the crime spot.
2) Its help the investigation officer during investigation phase.
3) Use as an evidence in Court of law.
Its not a replacement of photography and used in cases like stampedes , any accident case , riots. It is
not so convenient in court as compared to photography. Photography has a disadvantage that its a two
dimensional picture of three dimensional objects.
Types of Crime scene photography
Overall photography, Mid range photography, Close-up photography
lets discussed about how to photograph a crime scene .
1) Always capture the crime scene in a sequence from outside to the center of crime scene or vice-versa
. The outside location and adjacent areas are also important in many cases.
2) Always covered the largest area of crime scene with different positions and angles.
3) The entry and exit route of perpetrator always be captured in photographing of a crime scene .
4) Some physical evidences need close view and they need proper lighting at crime scene , if its night
time than additional light source must be available.
5) The capturing of crime scene has been different with different evidences and with different cases.
5) In a homicide case you will get a dead body. In this case you will photograph the dead body from each
side. The closeup of face is must. In burning case use some powder if face is not clearly photograph. If
dead body was removed then photograph the location with proper markings.
6) Recording of objects near dead body or in the hands must be photographed.
7) If you find any identification mark on the body of dead person then its must be photographed.
8) The crime scene photographer also covered the sign of injuries , abrasions , wounds etc on his
9) The broken glasses , doors , windows , wooden almirahs etc would be photographed in burglary
cases. If any scratch marks presents on these things or on the walls then they would also be
10) The disturbed furniture , broken glasses etc showing any sign of struggle then its must be
11) Bloodstains on wall , bed-sheets , curtain etc or flowing blood also be photographed.
12) crime scene photographer also photographed the hair , dust , unfamiliar soil , fibers present on the
dead body or on crime scene.
13) Gun wounds on body or sign of firing on the walls , roof must be photographed.
14 ) In poisonous death cases the photographs of vomiting , medicine bottle and of food present in
crime scene should be photographed.
15 ) In suicide cases of hanging the knot of the rope , the chair or table involved , the door position from
inner or from outer side must be photographed.
16) Crime scene should be captured in color photography.
It will be noted that physical evidences like fingerprints , footprints , tyre marks and skid marks always
capture in black and white photography. While photographing these evidences proper scale should be
The use of digital cameras in crime scene photography , easy the task of photography as the
photographer now review his photos and make changes.There are enormous cases in which crime
scene photography play its parts. Its the responsibility of crime scene photographer to take high quality
and technically fit photographs as they are produced as evidence. photographing a crime scene is a
realistic and permanent record of the crime scene.

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