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The advice and information contained in this workout component may not be appropriate for all individu-
als. Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties involved in the creation or
promotion of this workout and nutrition program are not responsible for any injuries or health conditions
that may result from advice, opinions, and workouts contained in any Vince Del Monte workout and nutri-
tion system. The information in this workout and nutrition program are the opinions of the author and are
not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise
program. If you choose to follow the workout and nutrition program without consulting your physician,
you are doing so at your own risk. We claim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. Exercises
include tutorials and detailed descriptions to give you the information you need to be able to perform the
exercise with proper form. However, it is your responsibility to warm up properly, determine the weight
you will use, perform each movement correctly, get professional supervision if you’re unsure of an
exercise technique and ultimately to decide whether or not you are capable of performing the exercise/
workout without sustaining injury.

Copyright © 2015 – Vince Del Monte and All rights are reserved. You may
not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent
from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
The quote to the right is completely hormone levels such as testosterone,
true: I would even say you’re body- estrogen, insulin among many others.
building with two arms tied behind
your back. You see where I’m going with this?
Essentially, you are what you eat. “IF YOU DON’T
Nutrition is arguably the most import-
ant aspect of anything you will do in Everything you put in your mouth FOLLOW A GOOD
determines how fast, or how slowly
regards to reaching your body com-
position goals. Nutrition determines you’re going to accomplish your goals. NUTRITION PLAN,
your mood, energy levels, ability to Let me tell you something, there isn’t
an elite athlete, model, bodybuilder
fight disease, sleep quality, whether
you’re building muscle, losing fat or or advanced trainee alive that will tell ING WITH ONE ARM
you nutrition isn’t absolutely vital to
just maintaining. It determines your
neurotransmitter pool balance in the your success. TIED BEHIND YOUR
body which governs things such as Having said all this, there is a right BACK”
attention span, focus, motivation, way to go about things and a wrong SHAWN RAY, IFBB PRO BODYBUILDER
drive, speed of thought and ability to way. More often than not, asking ran-

translate thoughts into words. It is also dom dudes in the gym and
your nutrition that determines your
following muscle magazine articles by a dentist whose teeth resembled a ways to make this a lifestyle change,
will have you on a wild goose chase. row of piano keys? and not just a system change.
These sources of information rarely,
and I mean RARELY offer solid advice. Would you take martial arts lessons The G.E.T. nutrition system is all about
This goes for personal trainers as well. from a guy who just watched a couple top notch results while keeping things
Personal trainers are personal trainers, of Jackie Chan movies? realistic, sustainable, steering clear
nowhere in that profession are you re- of “extreme methods” and teaching
quired to have a full understanding of you the principles of nutrition that
nutritional science. Very few trainers you can take with you for a lifetime.
have the right to be giving nutritional Extreme methods are short lived and
advice. you always end up back where you
were shortly after.
Don’t get me wrong there are select
trainers out there who do have the Principles on the other hand are a
education behind them. Which is why way of life; physique transformation
I suggest whenever you are asking is a marathon not a sprint, and these
somebody for their advice or opinion, principles will guide you in the right
also ask them what their qualifica- direction to earn your physique and
tions are and how many people they NO! YOU WOULDN’T! not make mistakes along the way.
have transformed so you can deter- Which is why the marriage of both The G.E.T. nutrition system is designed
mine how much weight to put in that science and real world application is to maximize performance and phy-
advice. the best combination you can possibly sique transformation in each phase
The G.E.T. system brings plenty of have for muscle building and fat loss by tailoring nutrient timing and type to
research, science, nutrient timing and advice. I have personally put on over support the demands of the specific
real world experience to the table. 60lbs of muscle naturally in my lifting training philosophy of each phase.
Too often do you see skinny guys career and have helped thousands do
the same. Before getting into the intricacies of
offering muscle building advice, or fat each principle we must first discuss
people telling you the best way to lose The way in which to make this work what is necessary prior to focusing
fat. is to not make it exclusive to the 18- on muscle building tactics, which is
Look, would you get your teeth fixed week G.E.T. system, but to teach you getting lean first.
The first goal before anything else, as
you found out in the Quick Start Guide
is that you must be 12% body fat (if
you’re a male) or less prior to imple-
menting the bulking nutritional plans.
If you’re above 12% body fat, you
need to come down. If you’re at or
below 12% body fat, collect $200.00
and pass GO! You can jump straight to
the bulking systems.
For those of you men above 12%,
don’t be discouraged. In fact, you
should be excited because the results
that you will receive being a leaner
machine will be that much more


The main reason why we insist you be to an increase in the activity of an testosterone you increase into more
at or below 12% body fat is because enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase estrogen which leads to more prob-
being lean offers so many more converts testosterone into estrogen. lems in the male body.
muscle-building advantages. It is very Not something guys looking to build
clear in the research that lean individ- muscle or have a six pack want Don’t get me wrong, we need some
uals have higher testosterone levels, happening! Your ability to build muscle estrogen, but not a lot of it. Testoster-
lower estrogen levels, and also metab- mass has a very strong correlation one is the alpha male hormone and
olize carbohydrates more efficiently. with how much testosterone you have the hormone we want at much higher
in your body. levels than estrogen.
YOU ARE LEAN, YOU ARE MUCH MORE Estrogen is a female hormone and In addition to having higher testoster-
ANABOLIC AND PRONE TO PUTTING too much of it in the body can cause one levels, I also mentioned above that
ON MUSCLE TISSUE AS OPPOSED TO gynecomastia, or man boobs. Anybody lean individuals tend to metabolize
STORING FAT, PROVIDED YOU ARE looking to enhance their physique carbohydrates better. This is because
FOLLOWING THE CORRECT PRINCI- should be looking to optimize natural they are more insulin sensitive. Insulin
PLES. testosterone output and the best way sensitivity can be looked at as the
to do this is not with a supplement, ability to direct incoming nutrients to
The problem with a higher body fat but to first be lean. the muscle cells as opposed to the fat
percentage is that fat cells are hor- cells.
monally active. Fat cells provide the Let’s say you are over 12% body fat
body with plenty of hormones and and say to yourself “I’m just going
enzymes (some good, some bad) that to supplement with a test booster to
contribute to homeostasis. But too get my testosterone up”. Not so fast,
high of a body fat percentage leads aromatase will still be converting any



To make a long story short:
»» The hormone Insulin drives nu-
trients inside the muscle cells
when food is being consumed
»» When you become insulin
resistant, your muscle cells will
not open up and accept the
incoming nutrients, thus, they
go back into circulation and
either get burned for energy or
stored as fat
»» When you are insulin sensitive,
your muscles are sensitive to
the anabolic muscle-building
effects of incoming food and
nutrients and the body will be
more prone to driving those nu-
trients into the muscle cell for
growth as opposed to sending
them back into circulation

When you’re lean, you are much more

insulin sensitive. Additionally, when
you consider the benefits of being lean
such as higher testosterone, lower
estrogen and greater metabolization of
food into muscle growth; you can also
see that once you get lean, it is much
easier to stay lean.
Nutrition governs all things physique
transformation; our philosophy for
the G.E.T. nutrition system is building
muscle while staying lean and sys-
tematically increasing natural testos-
terone levels to their limit.
Want to know how?
Check out the nutrition principles
and meal plan design manuals to get

Are you a female? Aim for 18% body

fat before you begin focusing on gain-
ing lean muscle.
principles—micro progression. add a little 2.5lbs plate on each side.
YOU CAN WORK OUT Most people look at this like, “I should
A huge factor that plays into the phi-
ALL DAY, BUT IF losophy of the G.E.T. system is micro
be moving more than 5 extra pounds
this week.”
YOU’RE NOT FEED- progression. Micro progression with
your food, exercises, weight, body Well, think about it like this: five extra
ING THE MUSCLE, fat percentage, you name it, micro pounds times 20 reps equals an extra
progression is key. 100lbs moved during that set. Im-
IT’S NOT GOING TO pressive right? Now multiply that by
When I talk micro progression, I am
GROW.” talking about the fact that taking
four total sets, you have just moved
an extra 400lbs more than you did the
VICTOR MARTINEZ, IFBB PRO BODYBUILDER as many steps as possible to get to previous week in one exercise. Not so
where you want to be is the key to little after all now is it? Micro progres-
sustainability and long term results. sion works this effectively in all facets
The 13 Principles were designed to In each and every principle I will be
give you top notch results, regardless of physique transformation.
offering an example of micro progres-
of where you’re coming from or where sion to drive this point home. Now that you have a basic under-
you’re at. When applied correctly, they standing of how micro progression
will help anyone and everyone get one To kick it off with an easy example can be implemented, let’s get started
step closer each and every day. of micro progression that is often with the 13 principles.
overlooked is adding weight to the bar.
This is precisely what we must dis- Let’s say for example you bench press
cuss before we dive right into the 13
135lbs x 20 reps for 4 sets. Now, you
I know this one may seem common
sense, but common sense is not so
common and we don’t want to take
any risks. Intermittent fasting and
other forms of fasting have been on a
huge rise in the fitness industry in the
past few years. Some reasons good,
some bad.
It does provide some health benefits,
but when it comes to building muscle,
it is not worth your time at all. If you’re train, you’re actually going to end up weigh the cons. Skipping meals is just
a guy who’s after serious physique skinnier and fatter. as bad as unscheduled cheat meals. If
transformation, steer clear of this. I catch you skipping meals, I’m going
You have to feed the machine, you to refund your money!
Being well fed more often means can’t play with this. This rant is also
you’re anabolic and building muscle. If speaking to those of you who go to Micro progression TIP: If you’re an
you’re in a state of starvation, you’re work or go to school with no break- individual who has a hard time having
catabolic and breaking down muscle fast. If you sleep 8hrs, went to bed at breakfast, lunch, or fitting all of your
tissue. If building muscle is on your 10pm, skip breakfast and eat lunch meals in, that’s ok! It’s not your fault.
checklist you have to spend more at noon, you haven’t eaten in 12hrs! There are plenty of people out there
time growing and less time shrinking. I can tell you right now you are not with the same issue. But as you can
Intermittent fasting has benefits but optimizing your muscle building efforts see, it’s just not the best thing you can
must be closely measured and is not if you’re not eating for 12hrs straight do.
well tolerated by most. several times per week.
Micro progression applied to fixing
Especially in regards to physique Get your head right and start eating food gaps is to simply add something
transformation and building muscle, to put your body into optimal growth small and easily digestible, such as
the benefits do not outweigh the mode. Excess calories from good food a protein shake. Most people don’t
negatives. These statements go for fat sources equals quality muscle growth. eat breakfast, so I’ll use this example,
loss as well, we want to burn the fat Plain and simple. Building muscle although it can be applied across the
off, not starve the fat off. Use training is hard enough, don’t make it harder board.
to create your deficit, not food. with extended periods of starvation.
I understand this goes against what If you have an issue having breakfast
The workouts in the G.E.T. training due to no appetite or you’re rushed for
system are tough and if you don’t many trendy “experts” are saying
these days but I disagree with them. time, have a protein shake. Sure it’s
have the fuel in you, you are going not the best breakfast in the world, but
to feel like crap and suffer. If you’re If these individuals say they can
build muscle with extended periods it’s much better than no breakfast. If
chronically underfueled, you’re going you haven’t had breakfast in months
to be burning up your own muscle of starvation then I say, “Great, you
could build even more muscle without or years, simply start having 1 shake
tissue for energy use and your body every 2 or 3 days with breakfast. If
will actually prioritize fat storage. them.”
you digest it no problem (which you
What this means is that if you’re under It’s just not optimal, the pros don’t out- will), then start having it every day.
fueled, regardless of how hard you


Once you start having it every day,
you will find that your body will start
increasing its appetite in the morning
and actually start asking you for a
bigger breakfast. In which case, you
could slowly implement solid foods
into your breakfast regime. Slowly,
over time, bring yourself to the most
optimal scenario where your biggest
meal of the day is the first.

#2: ESTABLISH A on by the body because it believes people to quick results initially, but

HIGH INITIAL that there is no food around. When

you’re on a low calorie diet for an
they soon run into an insurmountable
plateau because they have nowhere
CALORIE POINT extended period of time, your body
believes that it is starving so it pur-
else to go.

posely shuts down thyroid and leptin If you tried to increase your training,
This is where many people have failed
function so you can store your incom- that won’t happen because you’re not
with their dieting. They have aspira-
ing calories as fat. It does this as a eating enough to sustain hard training.
tions of getting lean and initiate their
survival mechanism because it does Or if you try to decrease your calo-
calorie intake low. Here’s the problem
not know how long you are going to ries even further, you’re only going
with this, when you set out with a low
be doing this so it wants to put fat on to further suppress your fat-burning
calorie intake, where are you going
you so you can stay alive longer. furnaces and end up losing muscle
to go from there? Let’s say you start
out at a 1200 calorie per day intake.
In addition to thyroid and leptin
That’s already quite low so when you When you set out at too low of a
function decreasing, testosterone also
reach a plateau, what are you going to calorie intake, you can back yourself
steadily declines with the low calorie
do now? 1100? 1000? 900? Hell no. into a “calorie corner” because there
approach. As you can see, initiating
with a low calorie intake will lead is nowhere left to go.
You’re going to feel like absolute crap
and underperform during your work-
There are a ton of reasons why one
should initiate a cutting (aka leaning
down) phase with a higher calorie set
First of all, when you set your calorie
intake too low, you run the risk of
losing muscle mass, that’s straightfor-
ward. But what many don’t realize is
that with sustained low calorie dieting,
important fat-burning powerhouses
like your thyroid and leptin hormones
slow down to a halt.
This is a survival mechanism brought


Instead of starting out at a 1200 calo- Rinse and repeat this 100 calorie per don’t grocery shop ahead and they
rie intake, let’s start out at a 2200 cal- day decrease after proper evaluation don’t establish the meal cadence that
orie intake and create our deficit with of the current intake has been realized is going to make the most sense for
training. Initiating with a higher calorie (this should be close to 2 weeks). This their current lifestyle.
intake ensures your thyroid, leptin way you will not run into a plateau
and testosterone levels are operating and you give yourself PLENTY of room Look, at the end of the day, getting
efficiently, and additionally you will be to make changes to your intake as you your calories in is more important than
a much healthier person because you progress. anything else. If you miss a scheduled
will be getting so much more macro-, meal, don’t scrap it! Add it to another
micro- and phytonutrients from your meal later on or add an extra meal
daily diet.
#3: ESTABLISH somewhere in the mix. Ensure you
make up for the loss because your
These nutrients help you lose fat. I
know it sounds a bit off to start your YOUR MEAL digestive system is still going to take
all that in.
leaning down phase with a higher
calorie set point than normal, but this
CADENCE Having said that, when you have a set
is what it is all about. We want you optimal meal cadence, this is where
In other words, make the meal plans
being as healthy as possible, training true rapid physique transformation
fit your schedule. Working in nutrition
as hard as possible and not losing occurs. You can’t be making mistakes
and helping people with their meal
any muscle during the process. These all the time with this, or else you will
plans for as long as I’ve been doing it,
workouts are not your standard 3x10 get the results of the average attempt,
one thing I can tell you is that if you
rep workouts. They are extremely not the exceptional attempt.
don’t prepare, you’re preparing to fail.
demanding and require you to be a This holds true with meal planning Have a look at how the meal plans are
well fed athlete. This is all done with more than anything else. laid out and measure it up alongside
a higher initial calorie set point and your typical day and plug in when
micro progressing downwards as the The problem most guys have is
you’re going to have what meal at
cutting phase goes on. actually not the meal plan itself, it’s
each time. This gives you a bulletproof
the execution of the meal plan that
In the end, if you and your buddy schedule for your eating and will get
gets them. They don’t think ahead,
both set out on a cutting phase and you the results that you’re after.
they don’t cook meals ahead, they
your buddy started at 1200 calories
and you started out at 2200 calories,
you’re the one who is going to feel
better, look better, lose less muscle
and be able to train much harder.
Don’t make this mistake and become
impatient and just lower your calorie
intake. Be smart, it’ll bring you an
eye-catching physique.
Micro progression TIP: Let’s say, for
example’s sake, that you started out
your lean down phase with a 2200
calorie per day intake. From here,
work your butt off in the gym and if
the fat isn’t coming off according to
the critical number you set (see the
notebook guide) then drop it down to
2100 calories per day, and try it again.


Ideally, for leaning down you are should not be consumed at all, and normal routine
looking for 4 meals per day plus 1 shakes should be kept exclusively to
shake, and for gaining mass you’re post-workout. Week 2: 4 meals per day, trying it out
looking at 5 meals per day plus 1 and seeing how you feel
shake. The shake should always come Protein bars are not real food; and no
I don’t care which “healthy” protein Week 3: 4 meals per day, I feel great!
post-workout and the rest of the day I’m going to see how 5 meals goes
should consist of solid foods. Like the bar or you’re having. It is not real food
world famous strength coach Charles and will not provide your body with Week 4: 5 meals per day
Poliquin says “You need solid food to any good nutrition. They’re synthetic
and meant to be used as an absolute Slowly, micro progress your way up
be solid”. This is exactly right, nothing
last resort, I learned this the hard way. and go based on how you feel. You
outperforms solid food for putting on
If you don’t believe me, why don’t you know more about your body than I do,
solid muscle. No shake can replace
try having shakes and bars all day and so progress at the rate you need to,
tell me how you feel (and how you but optimally, you would be following
You want to know why solid food and smell)? You’ll be dropping gas bombs my recommendations sooner rather
meal cadence is so important? left and right because these “healthy” than later.
bars lack digestive enzymes result-
I was recently in Las Vegas doing a ing in undigested protein in your gut,
Muscle Camp with fellow 1-on-1 High which can lead to an unhealthy good-
Level Coach Ryan Faehnle and I was
so caught up doing all this travelling,
to-bad bacteria ratio in your gut. #4: GET LEAN TO
lecturing, working out and sightseeing Establish that meal cadence to your GET BIG
that I completely dropped the ball on schedule and make sure it’s solid
my meal cadence and food choices. food. This principle can truly make This is of the utmost importance.
or break you, regardless of how hard For decades bodybuilders had the
you’re training. traditional “bulk up” phase where
they would eat tremendous amounts
Micro progression TIP: Many peo- of food while gaining both fat and
ple only have three meals per day, muscle, followed up by your standard
breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is “lean down” phase.
the standard approach that tradition
has driven into us. But as you read In the past decade however, a ton of
above, after all the years of working research has come up that this is not
with clients and training myself I have only unnecessary, it’s actually coun-
found that for leaning down 4 meals terproductive. The best way to achieve
+ 1 shake per day is optimal and that maximum muscle mass during a
for gaining mass 5 meals + 1 shake is bulking phase is to remain lean.
optimal. Not too lean—guys 8% and under are
too lean and should come up a bit,
HANGING OUT WITH JOHN Going from 3 meals a day to 4-6
this is an indication you’re simply not
MEADOWS IN VEGAS meals per day can be tough. Which is
why I don’t recommend jumping into eating enough. But in the 8 – 12%
For much of the trip, I was eating it immediately (unless you’re super range of body fat is where optimal
protein bars and shakes and having motivated, that is). lean muscle mass gains are had.
them at different times of the day than Here’s a rule: Even when you’re
normal. I felt like complete crap! Let What I recommend is going up 1 extra
meal per 1-2 weeks. Here’s an exam- bulking, you should always be able
me tell you something, protein bars to see your top 4 abs. When they
and shakes are not something to be ple layout:
start disappearing and getting blurry,
consumed during the day. Protein bars Week 1: 3 meals per day like your you’re getting too fat. This means your


calorie intake is a little too high; your
body created new muscle mass but
the calorie intake was so high you also
stored a bunch of new fat—not good.
Getting lean to get big makes sense
for a ton of reasons including in-
creased insulin sensitivity and in-
creased testosterone production. I
went over these in detail in the Quick
Start Guide and the Welcome to Nu-
trition Guide but for those of you who
missed out, here’s a quick breakdown:
Research has shown clear observa-
tions that the leaner you are, the more
testosterone (alpha male hormone)
you’re producing and the less estro-
gen (female hormone) you have. This
primes the body into growth mode
by having one of the most anabolic
hormones in the body, testosterone, at
its peak levels for muscle growth and
strength gains.
The reverse is also true, the higher
your body fat percentage, the lower
of a fat cell) When you’re insulin sensitive, it is ex-
your testosterone is and the higher
your estrogen is. This leads to more pensive to park at The Fat Restaurant
2. The Muscle Restaurant (represen-
fat gain and less muscle gain, and to so all incoming nutrients are going
tation of a muscle cell)
drive it home, what guy wants more to be stored into the muscle cell for
estrogen!? Completely counterpro- Both places have equally great food energy and growth.
ductive to gaining lean, hard muscle and great service.
We want to be insulin sensitive so that
mass. amino acids, protein, carbohydrates,
But, The Muscle Restaurant charges
In addition to the testosterone to es- $10.00 per parking spot, and there are creatine and many other nutrients all
trogen ratios; the leaner you are, your also not very many spots in the lot. effectively make it into the muscle
ability to metabolize incoming nutri- cell and not in the fat cell. Being lean
Whereas The Fat Restaurant has plen- makes you insulin sensitive; being fat
ents into muscle mass is enhanced.
ty of parking spots available and they makes you insulin resistant and your
This is executed by the increase in
are all free. incoming calories will be more prone
insulin sensitivity that occurs when
someone is lean. to being stored as more fat.
This is where the difference between
insulin sensitivity and insulin resis- As you can see, being lean not only
Here’s a super simple analogy to drive
tance comes in. When you’re insulin allows you to build muscle at a faster
home the point of insulin sensitivity.
resistant, it is expensive to park at The rate, but it also reduces the risk of dis-
Let’s say there are two restaurants in Muscle Restaurant, so all incoming ease and makes it easier to stay lean
your town: nutrients are going to be stored in the because incoming nutrients are more
fat cell as fat. prone to going to the muscle cell.
1. The Fat Restaurant (representation


In addition to the physiological rea- Getting lean requires more discipline amino acids that determines the quali-
sons it’s important to be lean, there than getting big and this teaches you ty, and also what functions it can bring
is a psychological component to it as great lessons to move forward with. to the table. By having a variety of pro-
well. These habits that you build when tein sources throughout the day, you
leaning down help with building mus- can ensure all your amino acid pools
First of all, you will look much bigger. cle as well because now you know are going to be topped off evenly.
Anybody who is lean has deeper cuts what it is like to be strict, to be smart
and rounder muscle bellies. Guys who with your intake, and to train your butt For example, the normal go-to for
are lean simply look much bigger than off. most people is chicken breast. Ok
they really are because of the illusion cool, no problem, that’s a high quality
that being lean brings. Everybody has The lessons that you learn when source of protein. The problem with
known a guy who is super lean, and leaning down allow you to be more only sticking with chicken breast is
looks much bigger then he actually adherent when you’re bulking. that you are limiting yourself to one
weighs. specific amino acid profile. Whereas
Micro progression TIP: Again, when steak has a different amino acid pro-
Take for example fighters, there are a leaning down, micro progression is file than chicken, eggs have a different
ton of fighters in lighter weight classes key. Be slow to cut your calories and amino acid profile than steak, wild
that look massive simply because they in some cases, don’t even cut your game meat offers some of the best
are just so lean. calories, simply changing the food amino acid content available, I think
source will do. you’re getting the point.
A second psychological component
that aids in your long term results For example, if you’re trying to lean The more variety you bring to your
when you get lean first is the fact that down and you’re eating white rice, protein sources, the more well-round-
getting lean is harder than putting on simply opt for a lower glycemic index ed your overall muscle-building amino
weight. Let’s face it, leaning down carbohydrate source such as sweet acid uptake is going to be. In this case,
is not as fun as massing up, period. potato or quinoa. Doing so will lower you will be receiving the maximum
But it’s the additional discipline and the overall insulin response and de- amount of benefits you can by con-
drive that it took to get you lean that is crease your susceptibility to fat gain. suming a variety of amino acid profiles
going to take you places. and not limiting yourself to one.
Remember guys, as many steps as
possible. This goes for protein powders as well.
You don’t have to limit yourself to just
whey. This is something you should

#5: NEVER EAT always switch up as well. There are

tons of good protein powder sources
THE SAME available such as egg, casein, pea,
brown rice, etc. Rotate all of these and
PROTEIN SOURCE get the best from all angles.

TWICE IN A DAY I wanted to emphasize protein, but this

rotation policy goes for fats, carbo-
Rotating protein sources is one of hydrates and even your fish oils. You
the best things you can do to ensure always want to be rotating everything,
you’re gaining the most amount of rotation of foods allows you to take in
muscle you can while not developing the most amount of nutrients because
any food allergies or food intolerances. each class of foods and each particu-
lar food always has their own particu-
EXAMPLE OF FIGHTER GLEISON TIBAU Protein is made up from 22 different lar benefit.
WHO FIGHTS IN THE 155LBS DIVISION amino acids, and it is the ratio of these


It doesn’t have to be difficult, it can hold them back with their muscle Rotate your foods whenever possible
be something simple. Like for carbs, if building efforts. and once you become lean, you will be
you like potatoes, rotate potato colors. able to better see which foods you are
Go from white, to red, to yellow and For example, if you always eat chick- intolerant to. You will retain more wa-
sweet potatoes. Small changes like en breast all the time, you could very ter and bloat in your mid-section. This
this can make a big impact, especially well develop an intolerance to it. In often goes unnoticed in those with
in avoiding food intolerances. this case, your body’s immune system higher body fat percentages simply
would see the chicken breast as an because they cannot see it. This leads
One thing that happens when you eat invader and attack it upon digestion. to continuous consumption of the
one food on a regular occasion is that This creates a bad digestive envi- same food and little to no muscle gain.
your body can become sensitive to ronment, very poor muscle building
it, and begin to create an intolerance potential and an increase in stress Micro progression TIP: Don’t take
to it. The overconsumption of certain hormones in the body which actually this principle and immediately sprint
foods can lead to your body creating promote muscle breakdown, opposed to the grocery store to buy 20 differ-
stress hormones that often go under to muscle building. NOT GOOD ent meats, 20 different carbs and 20
the radar with most people and yet different fats. Just hold on a second.


Comfortable rotation with food, like Some things you just simply need to As discussed above with my unfortu-
everything else, comes with time and say no to. In most cases, certain foods nate Las Vegas diet, protein bars offer
continuous application. Here are two that are deemed “bad” can be worked the body no good. They aren’t real
great rules to follow to begin your into a regime and worked into your food, no matter what the label tells
rotation: calories and it won’t be an issue. Not you. They are packed with sugars,
with these foods. Here’s your “Say No” preservatives, corn syrup solids, fake
»» 1. When you eat out, always list for the G.E.T. nutrition system. coloring, and to top it off, most protein
choose a meat you would bars on the market contain a ton of
never have at home: We have soy. Talk about a 1-2 punch against
the luxury of going out for 1. SOY: muscle growth. You might as well just
food each and every week and consume a candy bar that actually
when you go out to a restau- Soy products have been looked at by
tastes good.
rant there is often a variety the health industry in the past as a
of choices; chicken, salmon, miracle food but the research says the
steak, beef, lamb, pork, etc. You exact opposite. Soy has estrogenic
effects on the body, it contains phy-
name it, everything except wild
game is pretty much at most toestrogens that can act like an estro- Most people understand that this is
restaurants. gen inside the body. Not good when not good for you, even if the calories
one of the main aspects of the G.E.T. are at zero. The problem with diet
»» 2. Another great rule to get you system is to jack up testosterone. soda is they stimulate hunger and
started is to try one new meat cravings due to the added sweeten-
at home each week. So each Additionally, soy causes digestive ers in the recipe. These sweeteners
and every week you go to the issues within the body due to it stimulate hydrochloric acid produc-
grocery store, try something containing trypsin inhibitors. These tion in the stomach which stimulates
new. There are tons of choices compounds reduce the efficacy of appetite, leading to over consumption
at the grocery store that should digestive enzymes and even through of foods and cravings you otherwise
keep you busy for a long time. heavy processing (cooking/shipping), wouldn’t have to deal with.
Enjoy! they still exist in your food and act as
“anti-nutrients” that take good nutri- Water should always be your go-to
ents away from you. drink, diet sodas are a waste of time

#6: SAY NO! and money.

These offer no help in the department
of muscle building and fat loss. They
contain too much sugar, preservatives,
artificial coloring and random stimu-
lants to boost up whatever they can.
This is unnecessary and won’t lead
you to better results in the gym.

If this is a thing for you that you just

have throughout the day, then there
are bigger problems at play then just
your energy drink. You should not need
caffeine or stimulants to motivate
you throughout the day. In addition to


the chemical storm that is an ener-
gy drink, stimulants ramp up stress
7. PEANUT BUTTER: sustainable weight. 

hormone production which acts to Peanut butter somehow gets passed You know why? Because it is not real
break muscle tissue down and store as a health food by some people, food. Your body does not digest it well
more fat. So unless your goal is to be which is wrong. What’s even worse, due to the high amount of several
smaller and fatter, you should definite- these same people usually think pea- kinds of sugars, soy, preservatives,
ly ditch the daily stroll to the variety nut butter is a protein source, which artificial coloring, corn syrup solids,
store. is also terribly wrong. Peanut butter hydrogenated oils, etc. The list does
is a fat source, first and foremost. For continue (unfortunately).
every 8g of fat in peanut butter there
5. “HEALTHY” is usually only 2-3g protein depending Remember, you are not going to gain
CEREALS: on what brand you go with. In addition
to this, peanut butter contains multi-
what you eat, you’re only going to gain
what you can absorb. In this case,
Cereals are one of the things that ple types of sugars (although labeled weight gainers are not only very hard
should be avoided at all costs. Cereals differently so the average consumer to absorb but they are also so full of
are what is known as a “non-food”. A wouldn’t know), soy and hydrogenated crap I wouldn’t know where to start. 
non-food is a food that actually takes oils! Those are numbers 1, 6 and 7 on
more from you then it gives back. the Say No list! The best weight gainer you can pos-
Each and every food utilizes enzymes, sibly have is a meal. The second best
anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals is a shake blended up and made from
in order to be digested and processed 8. SAUCES: real food.
throughout the body. Cereal gives Sauces are ok, sometimes. Sauces are
none of these nutrients back to the
body, it only takes them away and in
something where you should always
have a look at the label. Many of them
return gives you pure sugar and junk. are packed full of sugar, preserva- This goes without saying. Junk food
Yes this also goes for the organic tives, artificial coloring among many such as sugars, sweets, desserts,
cereals, don’t believe the hype. other things. For example, ketchup is packaged food, cafeteria food, ma-
very high in both sugars and salts but chine bought food, etc. All are consid-
6. FAKE BUTTER: offers really nothing back in return. ered non-foods. They take more from
you then they give back. Additionally,
When it comes to sauces, just be sugar can act to decrease testoster-
Any imitation butter that is not organic aware. Lots of people overlook sauces one production in the long term. So if
butter should be out of your fridge. If because it’s not the actual meal, when you’re somebody who has little treats
you’ll check it out, I’ll guarantee you in reality the sauces make up the ma- throughout the day and/or week, keep
it has hydrogenated oils in it. Hydro- jority of the calories on a sandwich. Be this in mind and say no.
genated oils wreak havoc on the body mindful and be conservative, or make
and are processed and recognized as your own.
trans-fats through digestion.

Trans fats got banned from food for a 9. WEIGHT GAINERS: 11. DAIRY:
reason, they are terrible for you! Avoid
fake butters at all cost. But having Supplemental weight gainers are no Now before people jump out of their
said that, you can enjoy organic butter good for you or your muscle building seat, some dairy is good, but a lot of
no problem. In fact, organic butter goals. You need to eat solid food to it is crap and a lot of what you hear
offers a ton of vitamins, minerals and be solid. Anybody who is reading this about it is crap. It’s a common myth
healthy fatty acids for the body. right now probably knows a guy who that “you have to get your calcium
has gone through a dozen weight from dairy”. The opposite is true, there
gainers and still hasn’t put on any is plenty of calcium in raw nuts and


vegetables. The problem I have with I hope this Say No list has opened your training or perhaps I’m focused on a
dairy is the heavy processing. Almost eyes up to some of the consequences big business project then I will cer-
all milk goes through two procedures: and downfalls of many common foods tainly take a more flexible approach to
homogenizing and pasteurizing. Both and ingredients. These foods are not my diet.
of which rob the cow’s milk of its stocks you want to invest in. What re-
enzymes, good bacteria, vitamins and turn do you get in regards to achieving Ultimately, make your decisions based
minerals. What does it leave you with? your ultimate physique transforma- on YOUR body’s feedback and prog-
A white liquid, that’s about it. tion? None. ress.

So why do they do this then? So they I understand there is a massive Micro progression TIP: If one or
can process it, ship it across the movement around “flexible dieting” some of these foods are in your
country and have it still be good to sit these days, which states that, at life every single day and you aren’t
on the shelf for another two weeks. least, 80% of your diet should come motivated enough to eliminate them
Killing all the nutrients increases shelf from whole foods and unprocessed completely, that’s ok. Micro progress
life. sources and should include all your way slowly to a healthier, more
your critical vitamins, minerals and goal-conducive diet. The most com-
“But hold on a second! My milk says fiber intakes. The other 20% could mon example for this is diet soda.
it’s fortified with Vitamin D and Calci- include the “Say No foods” above, Many people have multiple diet sodas
um?” and you should be able to achieve per day.
That’s right, the product after ho- your goals.
Let’s say you have 3 diet sodas per
mogenizing and pasteurization is so At the end of the day the name of the day. Upon reading this, you realize it is
dead that they actually have to try and game is adherence. If you can’t stick no good. But you still absolutely love
reintroduce synthetic nutrients back to a perfectly healthy diet 100% of the diet soda and tend to get headaches
into it—but this is not the same. This time (most people can’t, including me) when you don’t drink it at all. Simply
is like comparing the smell of real then incorporate a little bit of flexibil- eliminate 1 can per day. So you will
flowers to fake flowers. One is real, ity— no more than 20% of your daily have 2 cans per day until you feel you
one is clearly not. Your stomach sees intake. can go down to one. From here, have
it this way too. To top this all off, the one can per day for as long as you
average 200ml glass of milk contains However, realize that everyone’s body want until you feel like you can go
13g of sugar. Milk is a carb as far as is different, and if you notice negative down to zero.
I’m concerned, these sugars help it be impacts to your health, digestion,
as creamy as it is. recovery or progress following a “flex- Everything doesn’t have to happen
ible dieting” approach, be prepared right this second, just be aware of all
to make changes and tighten up your the Say No foods and implement a mi-
diet. The truth is, not everyone has cro progressive strategy to eventually
the digestive machinery or gut health eliminate them.
to eat have a diet that’s “flexible” even
20% of the time and you may fall into Lastly, understand this Say No list
this category. is based on getting you the fastest
and healthiest results. Can you get
When I’m preparing for a show or in a results by including some of these
serious bulk up phase, “I’m all in” and foods? Most likely, yes. But under-
don’t need a “flexible diet” because I stand it’s less than optimal.
want to give my body the best, every
single meal. But during other times of
the year when I’m not as dedicated to



#7: INCLUDE and fats have a daily amount that you

need to hit day in and day out in order
drates. If I came back in 6 months, the
proteins and fats island would be alive
HEALTHY FATS to sustain healthy human function.
Whereas carbohydrates actually have
and thriving, whereas the carbohy-
drates island would actually be dead.
no daily requirement. We need proteins and fats to support
important metabolic processes such
You can live the rest of your life eating as detoxification, immune system
proteins and fats and live a long support, hormonal homeostasis, and
healthy life. Whereas if you only ate enzyme creation among many other
carbohydrates every day you would things.
die. Carbohydrates simply don’t have
nearly as many metabolic functions as We have discussed protein quite a
protein and fats do. bit already (and most lifters already
To put it into perspective, imagine if I understand how important protein is
were rich enough to own two islands to attaining a killer physique)—often
and people inhabited both of those it’s the healthy fats that often get over
two islands. I gave one island as much looked.
Fat in the past has been viewed as
the evil food ingredient when really proteins and fats as they wanted, and Fat cells are more and more being
the opposite is true. In fact, protein I gave the other island only carbohy- looked at as an endocrine organ in


their own right. In addition to storing unsaturated fats come from oils like What do you get out of the deal?
fat for energy and releasing it to the extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil,
muscle cell for energy metabolism, fat and polyunsaturated fats come from More total daily energy and more fat
cells also produce hormones them- things like fish oil supplementation. loss!
Bottom line, if you’re not getting your
A quick list of the hormones released fats in, your testosterone is going to
from your fat cells would include drop. Additionally, fats like fish oils
leptin, which is involved in appetite, also have several other functions such
hormone levels, fat burning and mus- as improving your insulin sensitivity,
cle loss, not to mention a dozen other lubricating your joints so it’s your
systems. Angiotensin ll, which helps muscles that hurt in the gym, not your
to regulate blood pressure and even joints; supporting regular blood pres-
blood flow to the fat cell itself. Tumor sure, improving neurotransmitter pools
necrosis factor-alpha, which has to help with motivation, focus and WAKE UP TO SOME STEAK AND EGGS!
varied functions including fat burning, drive; and also bring down total body
immune functioning and cell death. inflammation which can improve the
function of every tissue in the body. Aside from the physiological reasons
IGF-1 which is an anabolic hormone. it’s important to have your healthy
Fat cells also produce inflammato- We have talked a bit now about how fats for muscle building and fat loss,
ry responses such as IL-6 which is fats can impact your anabolic hor- people always report just simply
involved with immune function among mone status, but did you know fats feeling better after replacing more
other things. Various prostaglandins, can also help you burn more fat? carbohydrates with fats. In general
nitric oxide, acylation stimulating society, most people are being fueled
protein, resistin, adiponectin and many That’s right.
exclusively by carbohydrates. But the
others. But I think you’re getting the Research out of the University of transition to fats always has people
point! Alabama at Birmingham indicates that more mentally energized, in a better
If you want a body primed for muscle with a high protein, high fat breakfast, overall mood, with more consistent
growth, it is vital that you have the you can actually prime your body to energy and better sleep.
appropriate amount of fatty acids in utilize fat as its primary fuel source for
the day as opposed to carbohydrates. Micro progression TIP: If you typical-
your diet, especially when it comes to ly have carbohydrates with each and
testosterone production. The research The reverse is also true, if you have
more carbohydrates with breakfast every meal, the best place to start to
tends to always weigh on the side of: change your habits is with breakfast.
if you’re not getting at least a quarter your body will be more prone to utiliz-
ing carbohydrates for its main energy As you can see from the above, fats
of your bodyweight in grams of fat per are extremely important for both burn-
day from your diet, your testosterone source.
ing fat and building muscle.
levels will suffer. What does this tell us? It tells us that
if you want to be lean, regardless of Begin by replacing your morning oat-
For example, let’s say you’re a 200lbs meal or cereal with some steak and
man. You would take 200 divided by 4, the scenario if you’re leaning down or
bulking up, that a high protein, high eggs. This is what I like to call a “high
which comes out to 50g dietary fat in- quality problem”, I’m sure no one is
take per day. This should come in the fat breakfast is key if you want to
succeed in achieving a kick-ass body going to argue with steak and eggs!
form of a combination of saturated,
unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. composition. Additionally, high protein,
Examples of all of these can be seen high fat breakfasts accelerate the pro-
on your preferred foods list in the meal duction of certain neurotransmitters
plan section. Typically, saturated fats that tell the brain to have motivation,
come from animal meats and dairy, drive, attention span and focus.


Here are some great guidelines
to follow:
»» If you’re 20% body fat or over
you get no carbohydrates
post-workout. You have enough
meals and energy on your own
body that need to be taken
care of first.
»» If you’re in the 15-18% range,
the research has shown that
30g of post-workout carbo-
hydrates is strong enough to
blunt muscle catabolism, but
not enough to top off your
glycogen stores. This is your
sweet spot for continuing your
fat loss goals while still incor-
#8: GET THE percentage take too many post-work-
out carbohydrates. Exercise all by
porating post-workout carbs.
»» If you’re in the 10-12% range,
MOST OUT OF THE itself improves insulin sensitivity in the
muscle cells, where people go wrong 50-75g carbohydrates can be
LEAST WITH YOUR is they overestimate how many car-
bohydrates they actually burned in a
acceptable, although always
watch your body composition.
POST-WORKOUT single session. When you have a look Remember 12% at the high-
est is our goal for the G.E.T.
at the research, it is incredibly hard to
CARBS deplete your glycogen stores—even system.

Post-workout carbohydrates provide

with a tough 10x10 squat workout, »» If you’re under 10% body fat,
you typically only see about a 3rd of a ton of manipulation can be
solid benefits for muscle growth, but
the glycogen in the trained muscle cell made as you’re very insulin
the main thing is you don’t want to
become depleted. sensitive and are ready for full-
overdo it. There are plenty of guys out
there getting fat on their post-workout This is where you want to get the most blown muscle growth shakes.
carbs in the offseason that just hav- out of the least with your post-workout 100g+ carbohydrates can and
en’t opened their eyes to the situation carbohydrates. You want to take in should be incorporated into
yet. enough carbs to blunt muscle catab- your post-workout regime.
olism and restore your glycogen, but
Post-workout carbohydrates, although
at the same time don’t overdo it and
they offer several benefits, they really As with everything else, your
make yourself fatter. The post-work-
only have two main objectives: to post-workout regime should be tai-
out shake is to build lean muscle and
blunt stress hormones which cause lored to your goals (muscle building/
repair damaged tissues, nothing more.
muscle catabolism (muscle break- fat loss) and your current body com-
down) and to replenish your glycogen If you’re trying to lose fat, you don’t position to optimize everything you
stores so you have energy for the day typically want to fully restore your can to get you to where you want to
plus some stored energy for your next glycogen—it’s best if you don’t com- be.
training session. pletely top off your glycogen stores
and force your body to use its own fat Micro progression TIP: A great micro
The main problem that lies here is progression tip for getting the most
for energy use. However, we still want
that guys with too high of a body fat out of the least with your post-workout
to blunt muscle catabolism.


carbohydrates is carbohydrate sourc- home the point that for either mus- carbohydrates where you want them?
ing. cle building or fat loss, you need to Just in a better form, such as rice, qui-
minimize insulin release outside of the noa, sweet potato or something else.
For example, if you’re trying to lean recommended windows. Doing this will prevent you from eating
down and your post-workout shake the junk you otherwise would reach
has 30g carbohydrate powder in it For those of you with a slightly high- for and at the same time improve your
and your weight is staying stagnant, er body fat percentage (15% +) you sleep quality.
instead of lowering your post-workout should stick to post-workout only.
carbs, replace those liquid calories This is the only area where you Micro progression TIP: If you’re
with some sweet potato or rice. Food should have high glycemic index over 20% body fat and eating serv-
digests at a slower rate and has a carbohydrate sources such as white ings of carbohydrates outside of the
lower glycemic index than liquid nutri- rice or supplemental carbohydrate post-workout window, that’s ok, but
tion which means it is less prone to be powder. Keeping these within the also understand it is counterproduc-
stored as body fat. 2hr post-workout range is ideal, any tive to what we (and I’m sure you)
more than that and you’re asking for want to accomplish.

#9: TIME YOUR trouble.

Very often this happens because you
Lean individuals on the other hand are currently a student living at home,
CARBOHYDRATES have more flexibility with this and can or you’re in a marriage. Regardless of

CORRECTLY spike insulin a few times each day,

but until you get your body complete-
either circumstance, you’re probably
having carbohydrates with dinner with
The hormonal implications of your ly figured out, it’s best to stick with the family, am I right? Am I right??
food sources play a massive role in post-workout and the last meal of the
day. If your dinner often contains a meat,
how fast or how slow you are going vegetable and a starch; simply opt
to achieve the physique you are after. Post-workout carbs serve to blunt for a double serving of vegetables
Carbohydrate timing is an important muscle catabolism and replenish gly- instead of the starch or replace the
concept to cover, especially in regards cogen stores, you know this already. starch with an avocado or nuts. Many
to rapid physique transformation. But before bed is where a lot of people people replace the pasta-like dish with
Hormones have such a profound go “What? I thought if you ate carbo- a starch-free stir fry. Tastes great and
impact on your metabolism that hydrates before bed and you didn’t gives you that same texture.
how a food affects your hormones is burn them off they get stored as fat?”
Or, if you’re out to dinner—where they
far more important than how many Well, not exactly. almost always give you a starch plus
calories it has. For instance, if you’re vegetables with every entrée—simply
allowed 200g of carbs per day, getting You’re daily total of calories suggests ask for a double serving of vegetables
those grams from high-fructose corn whether you get fat or not, if you were in replacement of the starch. I do this
syrup is going to demolish your fat in excess, you’ll store fat, if not, then everywhere I go and it has never been
burning potential and your health, you won’t. Carbohydrates at night a problem, they shouldn’t charge you
whereas getting them from sweet time is actually a good thing. You see, any extra. But if they do, that’s ok too,
potatoes and berries will help both. carbohydrates are a precursor to a consider it your six-pack tax.
Don’t get so focused on calories that neurotransmitter called serotonin,
you lose sight of the importance of and serotonin allows you to be able to
nutrients and hormonal response. Yes, calm down and drastically improves
overall calories will dictate whether or your quality of sleep.
not you gain weight or lose weight but
Additionally, it is at night time when
food sources will dictate whether that
people crave carbohydrates most;
weight is either fat or muscle.
such as chips, popcorn, sweets, etc.
The object of this principle is to drive Why don’t we just give you your


#10: THE So for example if you pick up a piece
into perspective, 1 cup of chopped
broccoli only yields 2g. So if we were
FORGOTTEN of bread and it says 20g carbs, 4g of
fiber, that’s perfect, that’s 4:1, you’re
to get our daily fiber intake from broc-
coli we would need to take in 13 cups
MACRONUTRIENT in the range. But if you have another
piece of bread that’s 20g of carbs and
of broccoli per day. You up for that?
Neither are we. Maybe for a week, but
Fiber rarely makes it to the nutrition 2g of fiber that’s 10:1, no deal. not for life, it’s just not ideal.
discussion between lifters in the gym,
yet it is doing so much in the back- In addition to all of the above, due to On the flip side, 1 cup of navy beans
ground. the removal of toxins from the gut has 19g of fiber. Now we’re talking.
walls you will improve your natural (This massive fiber load from beans is
One good rule for selecting carbohy- gut bacteria, and it’s your gut bacteria also why they make you fart so much,
drates for your diet if you’re looking that really helps to metabolize and just thought I’d throw this in here.)
to try something new is keeping a 5:1 eliminate estrogens from your body, all
ratio in mind of total carbohydrates the more helping your testosterone to Here’s basically how it works, in the
to fiber. It’s cool to go less, but there estrogen ratio. Fiber also, when taken simplest form of micro progression
is no reason to go above unless it is with a large quantity of protein, helps that I can lay it out. If you eat beans
post-workout. That is really the only the stomach breakdown and utilize and vegetables, you’re good to go, no
area where it is optimal to go high the proteins to a greater degree. What supplementation needed.
glycemic. does that mean? More amino acids But if you’re a guy who lacks vegeta-
and growth for the muscle. ble intake and never has beans, then
Dietary fiber has a number of health
promoting benefits. Fiber holds water Fiber should be looked at as both a supplemental fiber is a must for you.
and provides bulk for stools, which health-improving nutrient but also a Either in the form of ground flaxseed,
speeds up transit time of food and fat loss and muscle building enhance- chia seed, or synthetic fiber sources
helps to prevent constipation and ment nutrient. that are just pure fiber. These can go
hemorrhoids. Fiber binds to glucose, anywhere from 5 – 15g of fiber per
which means that it slows absorption Micro progression TIP: Getting in tablespoon. 1 tablespoon of any of the
of glucose into the bloodstream, help- our daily fiber is the tough part. The above with breakfast, and one with
ing to improve glycemic index of foods average lifter should have at least 25g dinner would cover your needs.
which lowers overall insulin response, of fiber coming in daily. But, to put this
and is actually thought to lower calorie
absorption from foods as well. Fiber
binds to bile acids, helping to lower
cholesterol levels. Fiber also binds
to toxins in the gut, thereby lowering
colon cancer risk and helping with
general detoxification processes.

The carbohydrate foods which lack

fiber will really leave you lacking ener-
gy, leading to a crash, you won’t train
too well and these fiberless foods also
make you starving because you’re hy-
poglycemic because your blood sugar
is low and there was no substance to
the food to expand the stomach and
tell the brain that you’re full. 


#11: THE POWER is comprised of an average 3g of leu-
cine, or, 0.045 – 0.06g per kilogram
on average will yield 3g leucine

OF LEUCINE of bodyweight to be more specific,

adding more leucine will not be more

anabolic to muscle tissue, you have Wheat: For wheat it would require
Amino acids all play very important
already hit 100% potential. This nor- you eat an average 50g of protein
roles in the body that vary greatly from
mally represents a meal consisting of due to the lower content of leucine
which tissues they affect and what the
30 – 40g of high quality protein. which equates to about 18 slices of
end result might be. Amino acids work
with enzymes, hormones, transport-
Your best bet for ensuring the leucine
ers, vitamins/minerals, detoxification,
content of the meal is rich enough for Now not all examples are that drastic
energy substrates, immune system
maximal muscle growth is choosing but I hope you are getting my point,
function. They are necessary for struc-
animal sourced proteins or protein animal protein and protein powder
tural tissue components among many,
powder and ensuring you reach the sources are much more anabolic and
many other things.
30 – 40g marker. Examples include convenient to add to your daily regime
lean red meat, chicken, turkey, beef, while ensuring you are getting maxi-
But when it comes to building muscle,
eggs, egg whites, whey protein, casein mum muscle growth. In the preferred
you can definitely say that leucine
protein, wild game meat, etc. foods list we have ensured you will
is the king. Science has shown that
be picking from the highest quality
leucine stimulates muscle protein syn-
While plant sources come up with a protein sources out there to produce
thesis (i.e., growth). An estimated 3g
lower ratio of leucine to total protein the highest degree of growth.
of leucine in a meal offers the greatest
content, this isn’t a bad thing. It just
amount of protein synthesis while
means you would have to eat a lot It is very important to care about all of
going above and beyond that does not
more of it in order to reach the leucine this because this opens up the idea of
create a greater stimulus.
threshold. Some examples include: meal frequency. Should we eat 3x a
day? Once a day? 8x a day?
So this is what we call the “Leucine
Whey protein isolate: 30g of protein
Threshold”. Which means once a meal
from whey protein isolate (1 scoop) Where the research is leaning, when


the preservation of lean muscle tissue
is the main task, meal frequency isn’t
addition of the free form amino acid
supplement taken 2 hours after your PRINCIPLE #12:
overly important. But when it comes
to building muscle tissue, the leucine
meal you will be gaining 2 growth
responses instead of one. It should
threshold throws a curve ball into the
also be noted that a minimum of 2hrs
you should wait as taking it every
hour does not create more responses.
Let me give you an example. We know Leucine levels have to first drop before
now that 3g of leucine will provide they can create a response again and
maximal muscle growth potential in keeping them high does not equal
a meal and eating more will not yield continued protein synthesis.
further benefit. So, you cannot skip
three, 30g protein meals throughout Micro progression TIP: It has to be
the day and just have 90g of protein
at night and get the same response.
What you just did there was miss
out on three muscle protein growth
When we talk quality before quantity
responses from leucine and traded
we are talking about the choices of
it off for only one. You can’t make up
food you make on a day to day basis.
for loss throughout the day. Having
The meal plan design is organized
said this, you’re not going to lose any
around the most important factors to
muscle mass had you simply forgotten
total physique transformation which
a couple meals, but you also aren’t
are total energy intake and macronu-
optimizing your growth potential.
trient spread.
To best optimize the growth potential
Energy intake of course being total
from your dietary regime, spacing
calories and macronutrient spread be-
meals around 4hrs apart and consum-
very clear that this of course is not the ing the ratios in which you choose to
ing a free form amino acid mixture
only way to build and maintain new make up those calories with proteins,
containing 3g of leucine seems to
muscle tissue. The biggest factors carbs and fats.
be the best route to go for maximal
muscle protein synthesis. include proper training stimulus and
Where quality vs. quantity comes
being in a caloric surplus, beyond that,
into play is the foods you choose that
We only suggest leucine mixtures strategies like this will “facilitate” the
make up those macronutrients. Let’s
to be taken in between meals and process, not force it. You cannot grow
compare two snacks with identical
not more frequently due to the fact unless you’re eating enough.
macronutrient profiles.
that leucine has what is known as
a refractory response in the muscle So, having said this. Your micro pro-
SNACK #1: 1.5 cups blueberries = 34g
cell. Meaning, a meal can create high gression TIP is to simply not stress out
concentrations of amino acids for 6+ about this. Yes it will help but it will not
hours, but the muscle protein syn- make or break you so you don’t have SNACK #2: 1 can of coke = 34g car-
thesis response cuts off around the to stress out, set your alarm on your bohydrates
2 hour mark. These data extracted watch and watch the clock until the
from the research suggest a meal will perfect time to take your amino acids.
supply the body with amino acids for Relax and when it comes habitual then
a long time but only promote growth it will be habitual, but until then just do
for up to 2hrs. So your meal will your best. This is a routine that many
provide you with enough amino acids are unfamiliar with so it will take time.
to prevent any muscle tissue loss until
your next solid foods meal but with the


Looking at them side by side, who do you believe is the victor? Of course blueberries! Now we
aren’t saying never ever have any junk food (although that wouldn’t be a bad thing), we are sim-
ply saying quality over quantity translates not just with your physique, but also in other aspects of
life. You can see blueberries had a massive impact of brain health aside from the fact that it will
help your body composition goals.



Blueberries Coke
»» Great source of fiber. Fiber alone is important »» Contains artificial preservatives and colors
enough to be worthy of its own whole principle in
principle #10 »» 34g of simple sugars
»» Anti-inflammatory »» Source of high fructose corn syrup which has been
shown to have a host of negative impacts on health
»» Anti-oxidant rich »» Creates no feelings of satiety and can actually raise
»» Brain food for a number of reasons including: hunger and cravings
Improve neuron connection in the brain (speed at
which they communicate with one another) which »» No real source of any vitamins, minerals or antioxi-
improves memory, improved processing for co-or- dants
dination and balance; enable new brain neuron »» No fiber
»» No health benefit whatsoever
»» One of the highest ORAC values in existence
»» Can be eaten frozen or raw, health benefits remain
the same
»» Rich source of vitamins / minerals


GUIDE: Problems, tips, strategies
and myths.

I’ve gone into detail in the past in both

videos and posts on certain aspects
of hydration although I hope to make
this principle easier on the eyes and
make for a quick reference guide for
People generally overlook hydration as
a minor point in physical performance. 4. A 4% loss in body water: Re- yourself every workout, once you have
Well I’m here to tell you it plays duced muscle strength, reduced done it a few times you know your
massive roles in all aspects including motor skills and increased heat rate of loss and can estimate from
health, muscle building, fat loss and cramps there. 
energy levels in and out of the gym.
Think about it, muscle is around 70% 5. A 5% loss in body water: Heat ex- 2. Taurine + Electrolytes seems to help
water, how much muscle do you think haustion, cramping, fatigue, reduced drastically with cramping if you are
the dehydrated man is going to build? mental capacity still cramping after proper rehydration
6. A 6% loss in body water: Physical
Additionally, research has shown exhaustion, heatstroke, coma. 3. Your pee should be clear or slightly
even slight levels of dehydration can yellow throughout the whole day. If
7. A 10-20% loss in body water: Death you’re peeing 5x throughout the day
not only affect performance but also
create rises in the stress hormone and 2x after a workout, you’re doing
As you can see, the decreases in over-
cortisol. Cortisol runs antagonistic well. 
all performance begin at such an early
with testosterone, meaning; if you’re stage of dehydration. So for those of
dehydrated, your testosterone levels 4. There are many water intake guide
you who know you don’t drink enough
are suffering as well—regardless of out there, my personal favorite is Body
water day in and day out, a simple
whatever diet and supplements you’re weight / 2 = daily intake in ounces.
increase in water intake could be next
on. Water is that important. Example: 200lbs / 2 = 100oz daily
push you need in the gym to better
water intake (this shouldn’t include
Defining the problem: Levels of exercise as different people sweat at
dehydration and their negative QUICK STRATEGIES + MICRO PRO- different rates, this is simply a guide)
1. A 0.5% loss in body water: increase 1. A weigh in pre and post workout.
cardiac output (more stress on the 1. Water is the only re-hydration bev-
Simply put, if you weigh less after your
heart) erage. This is complete nonsense. We
workout, you didn’t drink enough. If
gather hydration from all fluids (aside
you weigh more, you drank too much.
2. A 1% loss in body water: Decreased from alcohol) and also many foods. In
For proper hydration, for 1kg loss in
aerobic endurance fact, milk has been shown in the re-
body weight you need to replace with
search to be more hydrating to muscle
3. A 3% loss in body water: Reduced 1.5L of fluid. Having said this, don’t
cells post-exercise then water. 
muscular endurance  become a manic stress ball and weigh


2. Coffee dehydrates you. Coffee does ents and lots of food every single day
have a mild diuretic effect but not one to force your body into growth mode.
that is strong enough to outdo its own This simply cannot be done when
fluid you drink. Caffeinated drinks you’re taking 7-14 days off every 3-6
will not dehydrate you. You gain more months doing a vegetable and shake
water than you lose. detox. You will spin your tires in the
mud with your muscle building efforts,

BONUS trust me. Especially if you’re not one

of these guys that just grows easily
PRINCIPLE: and has great genetics. If you don’t
have spectacular genetics, it’s proba-
JUICE DAILY bly not a good idea.

Cleansing daily brings about so many Juicing daily allows you to clean up
benefits that it will make your life a your GI tract, clean up circulating
whole lot easier and there isn’t a more toxins and reboot your fat burning
delicious way to get the job done than ability. The problem with toxicity is
juicing. it can clog up your liver and other
organs which can drastically affect
Look, there are a ton of hardcore your fat burning potential. Leading you
cleanse and detoxification programs to diet longer and train harder to get
out there, but so many of them are the same results you otherwise would
unsustainable to continue to do every have achieved at a sooner date had
3-6 months, they’re simply just too you been juicing.
hard for most of us with a busy sched-
ule, and frankly, many of them are flat For more information on this bonus
out scams. tip, check out the Get Juiced System.

Why not instead of going on a hard-

core cleanse, just do one thing every
single day to ensure you’re detoxifying
what needs to be detoxified and prim-
ing your body for optimal health? Do-
ing 1 simple thing every morning that
is delicious sounds a whole lot better
than going on a detox where you can
only have vegetables and shakes.
Which is why I always recommend
juicing to any of my elite clientele who
are serious about getting results. Re-
member what we talked about above
in principle #1, avoiding starvation
This is exactly what I’m getting at, you
have to have the right mindset and
when you have the right mindset you
are feeding your body anabolic nutri-


FAQ Is it ok if I eat the same protein source throughout the
day? I know you say not to but I don’t like anything
I am already on a nutrition plan, should I switch over to else and money is tight.
this one? Here’s the thing, everything in physiology works on a con-
If you’re asking this question, yes. Here’s why. tinuum. Such as this:
Not only is our nutrition system and its principles based
on science and real world experience from having worked
with thousands of people, it is also specific to our G.E.T.
training system. Each trainer or nutrition specialist over
a career develops their own bias and ways that they feel Red being terrible, orange being bad, yellow representing
work best. That’s totally ok, but it works best with their good and green representing optimal. To eat the same pro-
system, not all systems. One very important aspect to fol- tein source day in and day out probably falls right smack in
low is that when you are listening to the advice of a fitness the middle between bad and good. So you’re doing yourself
professional, it is best to follow their entire system in order a favour, but you’re also far from optimal. Keep that in
to reap the maximum results possible. mind, there are dozens of affordable, cheap proteins you
can choose from to get yourself further over to the right
In this case, for optimal physique transformation you are side of the continuum.
going to want to follow our training, nutrition and supple-
mentation system as they are all integrated to synergisti- Is nutrition really this important? I thought you just
cally work as one unit for rapid physique transformation. needed to eat big to get big.
That’s right, but with that strategy you will also put on fat,
With all that said, if you’re extremely familiar with your something you learned throughout the entire G.E.T. system
body and absolutely confident in your own nutrition sys- that is completely counterproductive to your long term
tem, keeping doing your thing! progress, and also even your short term results.

I disagree with or have a question about Principle X, Nutrition isn’t a belief, nutrition is a science. We didn’t
who can I talk to? create these systems like a government food guide. We
created these systems with experience and science to
Any concerns at all can be taken up in the online mem- maximize testosterone levels and lean muscle gains. If it
bership forum! Drop us a line and either myself, someone were as easy as “Eat big to get big” then everybody would
from Team Del Monte, or another member will help you out. be big. But that’s just not the case is it?

Do I have to micro progress? Or can I just jump a few


Micro progressing is the key to long term results. Jumping

several steps in one shot can only be done in select sce-
narios with a highly motivated individual whose lifestyle fits
the bill. In order to ensure you are receiving not just short
term, but long term progress and results, we recommend
micro progression because it allows you to get the most
out of the least with everything that you do.
Which always leaves so many other windows of opportuni-
ty to change. Whereas if you just jump straight to the most
hardcore aspect and then plateau, where are you to go
from there? You will back yourself into a corner that micro
progression would have never led you to.


“ANY FOOL CAN KNOW, It’s time to put together your very own
customized G.E.T. meal plan! To this
THE POINT IS TO UNDERSTAND” day I have put an untold amount of
different programs, different strate-
gies, accumulation of data and have
personally coached thousands of
clients. The following step by step
guide you are about to see is both a
representation of highly supported
scientific evidence in combination
with the experience of using what I
know works best for maximizing your
Outlined are the six most important
steps to creating your own, custom-
ized meal plan for success and how
I developed the calculator below. I
wanted not to just give you a cal-
culator and have you punch in your


numbers and have it spit out what you of calories? Of course the guy eating Many guys make the mistake of as-
need to eat. I also wanted to offer you 200g of protein! Which is why they are sessing the diet 20x before they even
the why on all the recommendations both extremely important and go hand start it. Just start it! You’re not going
that I am giving so you can take these in hand with each other because one to be getting anywhere by overcom-
lessons with you as you move forward is not important without the other in plicating the components that don’t
with your journey. terms of strategic eating. amount to much of a result in the big
This pyramid scheme represents the The reasons why I am discussing this
importance of each aspect of nutrition before I even get to Step 1 is because For example, the total amount of
in regards to improving your body I want to first make a point about the protein you take in a day is light years
composition and performance. As you 80/20 rule. 80% of your results are more important than at which time
can see, the bulk of the success in any coming from 20% of your application, you had that protein. You are a com-
nutrition plan, regardless of the goal, which means 80% of your entire suc- plete hypocrite if you are adamant
is coming from total energy intake cess with the whole G.E.T. program is about the fact that you must have
and macronutrient spread. Which is coming from how well (or how poorly) protein after your workout if you don’t
of course, how many calories you you adhere to the calories and macro- even know how much protein you eat
are taking in and in what amount of nutrient spreads we recommend. Keep in a day. Likewise, if you’re taking a
those calories are being made up from things simple, if you have these in fat burner to lose fat and yet you are
protein, carbohydrates and fats. check, you’re going to be just fine. not controlling or have a clue how
many calories you are taking in per
For example, your calorie set point day then you have got the cart before
may be 1500 calories but if you are the horse.
taking in 200g of protein per day and
your buddy is taking in 50g of protein Don’t be that guy, don’t have the cart
each day who do you think is going before the horse. Here’s the diet, start
to build more muscle even though the diet now, assess and use the trou-
you are taking in the same amount bleshooting guide from there.


STEP #1:
At the ground floor of our pyramid we
have the most scientifically supported
means to body weight regulation,
total calorie intake. The science and
complexity behind this topic can go
extremely deep and requires a great
knowledge of many different fields.
Or, we can save all of the background
noise and simply state that:
Calories in vs. Calories out = Your of the day. maintenance and therefore you will
body weight. gain weight.
How it works is very complex but can
Meaning, the amount of calories you be brought down to simple terms, 3 The science to intelligent meal plan
ingest in a day vs. the amount you simple terms to be exact. design is choosing the correct calorie
burn determines how much weight allotment while having a scientifically
you either hold on to, or lose during »» Hypo-caloric diet supported macronutrient ratio to either
the course of your controlled eating. prevent loss of lean muscle mass
»» Maintenance while in a hypo-caloric diet or prevent
WHO TELLS YOU OTHERWISE HAS »» Hyper-caloric diet excessive fat gain and promote
primarily muscle gain while in a
NOT REVIEWED THE BODY OF hyper-caloric diet.
RESEARCH. Maintenance is the amount of calories
you eat to simply maintain. Your body To keep things simple, we will be
Some people will make the argument using a maintenance calculation
and say, “Well a calorie is not a weight will neither go up or down. This
represents the “hard gainer” category and incorporating a 250-500
calorie because 100g of sugar will calorie increase or decrease to your
react differently in your body then usually. Where they believe they are
eating a ton of food, when they are maintenance depending on your
100g of whey protein”. Well thanks current status. Maintenance calorie
genius, thank you for making the most really not. If that scale isn’t going up
buddy, you’re eating at maintenance. calculators are always a rough
obvious statement in the history of estimate since so many individual
nutritional debate. Which means the amount of food
you’re taking in is equally the amount factors come into play for a calculation
Calories are the most important fact to of energy you are burning off through like this. The following will serve as
body weight regulation (whether you Basal Metabolic Rate (the amount of your maintenance calculator:
want to build muscle or lose fat) but calories your body uses on a daily Bodyweight x 14 = Estimated
they are simply one of the tools you basis to sustain function) plus physical Maintenance calories
use in order to guide your complete energy expenditure.
meal plan. The macronutrients you EXAMPLE: 190lbs x 14 = 2660
choose to eat in order to make up The other two simply represent the calories per day to remain at
your calorie allowance determines the opposite of maintenance. Hypo-caloric maintenance.
biochemical reality of the situation. is a diet in which you are eating less
than maintenance and therefore If you are currently on a mass phase
That’s where things change when it
will lose weight. Hyper-caloric is a (you came into the system below
comes to calorie intake, is how you
diet in which you are eating over 12% body fat) you will add 250
got to your calorie end point at the end
– 500 calories to this number. In


contrast, if you are currently in a body
recomposition phase, you will subtract
250-500 calories from this number.
The added or subtracted values will
be your number going into the next

STEP #2:
The majority of your calorie intake
regardless of who you are is coming
from protein (4 calories per gram),
carbohydrates (4 calories per gram)
and fat (9 calories per gram). (Unless
you’re an alcoholic and you never eat »» #2: Preventing excessive girlfriend) will like the latter
food, then alcohol will be your main fat gain while trying to put much more.
source of calories; it comes in around on muscle mass. As I have
7 calories per gram.) outlined several times through- »» #3: Properly fueling our
out the G.E.T. manuals, being body’s energy systems and
All kidding aside, the topic of daily lean is advantageous to muscle structural systems that we
macronutrient spread has been use in the gym so we can
debated among the nutrition industry train as hard as possible
for over a century, in fact, “A Letter of with the best possible recov-
Corpulence” was written in the 1800s ery rate. Our body needs the
and served as the first known low- correct fuel in order to function
carbohydrate approach to eating for at an optimal rate. You don’t
weight loss. put regular gas in a Ferrari,
you use premium. Likewise, if
Debates and research have gone on you want a high performance
for years, experts taking their separate body, you don’t use poor food
stances. choices.
When it comes to strength training The macronutrients we choose de-
and meeting our needs, we’re termine the quality of the above three
concerned with some very important positive adaptations. Likewise, all
things that require strict adherence to three of those can have the exact op-
macronutrient layouts. posite and negative adaptation if you
choose a poor macronutrient spread
»» #1: Preventing the loss of throughout the day. Here is how we
lean muscle mass while growth. You don’t need to get split up your macronutrients to en-
losing fat. Nobody wants to fat to build muscle, in fact, sure you get the absolute best results
lose their hard earned muscle it’s very counter-productive. throughout the system.
in search of their 6-pack. You Besides, who wouldn’t want to
can have both, you just need to stay lean while putting on mus-
be smart about it. cle? Your girlfriend (or future


Those who came to the program less than 12% body fat:
1g per pound of body weight per day
2g per pound of body weight per day
Makes up the difference of calories once your protein and carbohydrate are set to the end of your calorie set point:

190lbs maintenance = 2660 calories
Mass phase requirement = 2660 calories + 500 calories = 3160 calories
Protein: 190lbs x 1 = 190g protein per day which is 760 calories
Carbohydrates: 190lbs x 2 = 380g carbohydrate per day which is 1520 calories
Fat: 3160 calories – (calories from protein, 760) – (calories from carbs, 1520) = 880 calories. We know that fat has 9
calories per gram so 880 / 9 = 98g of fat

Macro Ratios are approximately:

Carbs: 50% Protein: 25% Fats: 25%


Those who came to the program above 12% body fat:
1.5g per pound of body weight per day
0.5g per pound of body weight per day
Makes up the difference of calories once your protein and carbohydrate are set to the end of your calorie set point

190lbs maintenance = 2660 calories
Lean down requirement = 2660 – 500 calories = 2160 calories
Protein: 190lbs x 1.5 = 285g protein per day which is 1140 calories
Carbohydrates: 190lbs x 1 = 190g carbohydrates per day which is 760 calories
Fat: 2160 calories – (calories from protein, 1140) – (calories from carbs, 760) = 260 calories. We know that fat has 9
calories per gram so 260 / 9 = 29g of fat
Macro Ratios are approximately:
Carbs: 35% Protein: 50% Fats: 15%


Food sourcing comes into play AFTER
you have established your calorie and
macronutrient intake. The food you
choose to make up those calculations
represent the foods you sourced and
therefore your food choices on a day
to day basis. This is an opportunity
for new progress to be made even if
you’re still eating the same calories
and macros, going from poor sources
to good sources can make a notable
difference. with so much available free informa- nonetheless, just less impactful.
tion you get a bunch of guys online
As I discussed in principle 12 “Qual- trying to re-invent the wheel claiming Nutrition is just like training and any
ity vs. Quantity”, it is not always just new things every other day. professional trainer will tell you this:
the amount of protein, carbohydrates if you don’t have the fundamentals
and fat in a food source—many other Look, we know what to do and with of your program design correctly
things make up what overall effect it these G.E.T. manuals one of my organized, the fancy stuff is going to
can have on your physique, mind and biggest objectives was to weed out all provide no further benefit. Likewise,
long term health. of the confusion. On this step par- if you don’t have your calories and
ticularly, you will get diehard groups macronutrients set, things like timing,
In step #3 here we can take important on both ends of opposition. The truth frequency and supplementation be-
concepts from both principle 11 and is, of course you don’t have to eat come meaningless because you have
principle 12. The protein source you everything organic. If you don’t eat lost the big picture and they provide
choose to eat is going to determine everything organic it is not a death no benefit unless the base has been
the optimal rate of protein synthesis sentence to your health and body built. Just like a pyramid, if you knock
you receive from the meal and the composition goals, you can still ac- down that base the whole building
composition of the food (makeup of complish great things. collapses. With nutrition, if your calo-
vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients) ries and macros aren’t set, your body
greatly impacts many health factors Provided you follow our guidelines composition goals are a complete shot
like immune system support, preven- and choose foods from the Preferred in the dark.
tion of disease among many other Foods List document you will be off
things. to the races in achieving your dream Where meal frequency does come into
physique. play has much less to do with leaning
To be completely honest with you down and more to do with maximizing
guys, when I first got into the industry
I didn’t even know what organic food STEP #4: MEAL muscle protein synthesis, and there-
fore maximizing muscle growth.
was. When I first started there wasn’t
nearly as much research, articles, FREQUENCY If you’re gaining mass with the G.E.T.
courses or seminars available as system, I have always had the best
As we climb up and up the pyramid,
there are today. This can be both a success both with myself and with my
the importance of the concepts be-
good thing and a bad thing. It’s good clients eating 5 solid food meals and
come less and less impactful to over-
because there is so much information 1 shake per day. As Charles Poliquin
all performance and body composition
at our finger tips, but it is bad because most famously puts it “You have to eat
transformation. They’re still impactful
solid food to be solid”.


How many of you guys know some-
body who drinks weight gainers and
areas of protein synthesis.
buys one after another and yet fails
to gain weight? It happens all the
When leaning down with the G.E.T.
system, overall frequency becomes COMBINING
time! The absolute best way to put on less impactful on lean muscle reten-
Food combining strategies, al-
quality weight is with solid, quality, tion, which is why personal preference
though they can be viable, are often
real food. The shake I throw in there plays the biggest role here. Mean-
completely taken out of context by
to either support your post-workout ing, when leaning down, the overall
self-proclaimed nutrition specialists
shake efforts or to be used as a last amount of protein you consume in a
and personal trainers. As the saying
resort when not training. Powders 24hrs period is much more impactful
goes, a little bit of knowledge can be a
generally lack enzymes and phyto- on your retention of all your muscle
scary thing.
nutrients and real food offers a ton of mass than when you actually eat
these important compounds that may that protein. So (for getting lean) the The claim we often hear about the
not look like much in one sitting, but amount of meals you eat per day is “dangers” of food combining is the
over the course of the entire G.E.T. more or less up to your convenience. combination of carbohydrates and fats
system could equate to much more in moderate to high amounts eaten
It’s best to base how many meals you
muscle mass. in the same meal. The logic here is,
want to eat when leaning down based
“well carbohydrates spike insulin and
For optimal muscle mass gain using on your lifestyle and satiety levels. If
fat is already a fat so your body won’t
the G.E.T. system and using your indi- you feel better eating 6 or 7 smaller
have to convert it so it can go directly
vidual calorie, macronutrient and food meals per day, then go for it. Or if you
to storage while insulin is high”. This
sourcing eat 5 meals per day with 1 feel better eating 3 or 4 bigger meals
is a gross understatement of human
shake, separated about 3 hours apart per day, that’s ok too. Just stick to
physiology and is not a big picture
with the optional amino spike in be- your meal plan and make it happen!
overview of the process of fat storage.
tween meals to maximize all possible




Without taking a ton of time to de- workout and a potentially increased unnecessary fat storage keeping your
scribe this step and this particular catabolic state (state of breakdown) carbohydrates in this window is best.
example, just understand that insulin for your muscle tissue during training. Other than that, no combining strategy
is NOT the only pathway to fat storage is worth the stress—more and more
and that your calories and macronu- Your pre-workout meal (1-3hrs before science is coming out debunking the
trient ratios will determine whether training), your pre-workout stimu- majority of bodybuilding myths of the
you gain weight or not, not in which lant (if you choose to use one), your past.
combination you ate them in. This is intra-workout shake, your post-work-
a degree of unnecessary stress and out shake and your first meal after Having said all that, carbohydrate tim-
leads to unhealthy views of being able your post-workout shake should all ing only becomes of the utmost impor-
to simply enjoy the food that you’re have very low levels of fat content and tance when going from good to great.
eating and not just looking for negativ- higher levels of protein and carbohy- If this strategy doesn’t fit your lifestyle
ity. Food should always be enjoyable drate. or if you’re a beginner it isn’t a big
and not a stressful event. deal, the big picture calories and mac-
Fat should be elevated very highly ros will take you a long way. I typically
Where food combining comes into play in the other meals in the day (such only incorporate this strategy with my
in a positive light is in the peri-work- as breakfast and before bed) but not elite clients who will do anything for
out nutrition area, which is pre, intra surrounding your workout. Simply for that last percentage of benefit. We
and post-workout. These are the times the reason that fat has the potential typically have around 70-80% of your
in where it is optimal for fat to be to slow down overall digestion and individual carbohydrate intake in this
absent from meal and shake structure. doesn’t provide any performance 6-hour window as you will see in the
Fat slows overall digestion which can benefit. Additionally, carbohydrates example meal plans.
lead to slower amino acid peaks and are best utilized and metabolized in
slower glycogen replenishment. This these areas so to optimize both your
means less overall energy during your energy for training and to minimize



SUPPLEMENTS 1. Precision Nutrition Blog,:

Supplements are supplements be- 2. Lyle McDonald Nutrition Articles: http://www.bodyrecomposition.

cause they supplement your diet. As com/articles/
you approach the last step in creating
3. Cracking the Metabolic Code, Book, James Lavalle
your perfect meal plan for success, we
incorporate the supplemental strat-
4. Precision Nutrition, The Essentials of Exercise and Sports Nutri-
egies found in the supplement guide tion, Textbook
and situational scenario manuals.
Everything you need in order for suc- 5. T-NATION Nutrition Articles:
cess in this department can be found loss
in those manuals as we created an
entire section strictly devoted to this 6. Vince DelMonte Nutrition Articles: http://www.vincedelmontefit-
category. No supplementation will be
included in the meal plan design at all
as this is completely up to individuals 7. Free daily tips + research review:
and their preferences. DanGarnerNutritionSpecialist

8. Ask the Coach, Book, Charles Poliquin

9. Poliquin Group Nutrition Articles:
The mistake many people make is ArticlesMultimedia/Articles.aspx?cat=Nutrition
overcomplicating the meal plan to the
point where they never actually start it
up (a condition known as paralysis by
analysis). Taking action is paramount
to your success no matter what your
goals in life are.
At the end of the day, these guidelines
offer a generic starting point. In no
way shape or form can I simply give
a blanket statement that will apply to
everybody who is reading the G.E.T.
system. Everybody (and every body) is
different and everybody responds dif-
ferently to both training and nutrition.
The steps offered here today are
simply the most effective guidelines
to start with and individualize your
meal plan as much as possible. From
here, only minimal tweaking will be
necessary, if any at all. See the meal
plan troubleshooting guide for further


1. First determine maintenance calories, then add 500 calories to that amount.
Maintenance = Body weight x 14
2. Protein = 1g per pound of body weight
3. Carbohydrates = 2g per pound of body weight on training days. 1g per pound of body weight on non-training days
4. Fat = Make up the remainder of the calories on training and on non-training days

1. First determine maintenance calories, then subtract 250-500 calories
Maintenance = Body weight x 14
2. Protein = 1.5g per pound of body weight
3. Carbohydrates = 1g per pound of body weight on training days. 0.5g per pound of body weight on non-training days
4. Fat = Make up the remainder of the calories on training and on non-training days


Before the most common questions
“PROBLEMS ARE are fielded for the troubleshooting
guide I have to make a couple things
NOT STOP SIGNS, certain first. This is the 3-Point Check-
list you have to run yourself through
THEY ARE GUIDELINES.” before you can reliably evaluate if your
approach is working.
#1. Have you been on your current
meal plan at least 2 weeks?

The minimum time you should ded-

icate to following a meal plan sys-
tem should be 2 weeks. This is long
enough to give you an idea of how
your body is responding but short
enough so that if it is not optimal you


won’t be missing out on any progress.
A huge problem is guys start a meal
plan and don’t see changes by the end
of the week and already feel like it
isn’t working for them.

For example, if you haven’t lost weight

in the first week that’s both fine and
normal. Additionally, if your goal is to
gain weight and you haven’t gained
weight in the first week that is also
fine and normal. Allow your body time
to adapt to the new style of eating
and actually give it enough time to Look, weight fluctuations can vary all your lifts in the gym within the first
respond! anywhere from 3-8lbs in a single day, couple of weeks, these things take
so measuring your weight every day time, effort and new nervous system
How many guys do you know that got (some people even weigh themselves tissue to develop which is another can
jacked in a couple weeks? None. How more than once a day) is a defeating of worms altogether. View both your
long has it taken you to get to where technique because it tells you abso- physique and training numbers from
you are today? A long time and a lot lutely nothing about what is going on. the outside looking in with a realistic
of hard work I bet. These meals plans Weigh yourself once a week or once time frame.
will offer a faster track to success but every two weeks. Or if you insist on
it’s physiologically impossible to make weighing yourself every day, simply #3. Are you honestly following an
big changes in 2 weeks or less. Give it take all 7 days and average them all appropriate meal plan at least 90%
time and adjust accordingly. out at the end of the week for a more of the time?
accurate number. Assess your critical If this isn’t in check, you have no
#2. Are you assessing from a satel- number once a week and go with business being here. I’d apologize, but
lite lens or a zoom lens? these important aspects and throw out it’s true. You can’t troubleshoot if you
all the other stuff. don’t know what is truly going on and
This aspect goes hand-in-hand with it is impossible to gauge any param-
#1. I like the metaphor satellite vs. When you’re looking at your results
from a zoom lens it can become eters of nutritional success if you are
zoom lens because I want you to not consistent with your meal planning
be like a satellite, assessing the big conflicting and confusing and hard to
know if you’re on the right track. But efforts. You have to take responsibility
picture from a further distance as for what’s happening.
opposed to being like a zoom lens from a satellite lens, you are giving
assessing every last detail. your body enough time to adapt and This also goes for guys who feel they
you are giving your mind a proper are eating healthy but not measuring
measurement to see if you are on the any of their intake. If you or I don’t
right track or not. A simple bathroom know how much you’re taking in, how
break can cause weight fluctuations do we know what to do? Nobody will
for crying out loud so don’t be that guy be able to tell you that. The minimum
who is worried if his weight is chang- requirement for the troubleshoot guide
ing from day to day slightly, it means to have the potential to help you is for
nothing. Think big picture. you to have followed a meal plan at
The satellite lens analogy works with least 90% accurate, for two weeks,
SCREEN SHOT FROM MY DISCUSSION your training results as well. A meal and you’re viewing your results from a
OF THIS TOPIC ON YOUTUBE plan is probably not going to increase satellite lens.


TROUBLESHOOT- enough to supply muscle building
efforts and the calculations used for
calories and giving it all in your gym
and take the time to calculate all
ING FAQ your carbohydrate intake is enough to
fuel you for your training sessions. The
your calorie intake.

new additional intake should come 2. Are sneaky calories getting in?
What if I’m not gaining weight? Sometimes people overlook how
from fats and be simply added to
already fat rich meals. Pick a healthy calorie dense alcohol, daily snacks
If you’re not gaining weight, the
fat from the Preferred Foods List and at work/school or the condiments
answer is pretty simple. Eat more. To
increase as needed. they are using are. These sneaky
prevent excessive fat gain I recom-
little intruders can make or break
mend slow increments in your eating
What if I’m not losing weight? a fat loss effort depending on how
efforts beginning with 250-500 calorie
often you consume them. For exam-
increases every 2 weeks.
If you’re not losing weight a few prob- ple, people often only think they are
A good rate of weight gain is any- lems may be at play but maybe only eating a chicken breast but if there
where from 0.5 – 2lbs per week one of them applies to your situation. is a good amount of BBQ sauce on
depending on your genetics so keep The most common reasons for not there you could be taking in a large
things realistic when setting your losing weight are: serving of sugar with your chicken.
expectations. Once you have started
1. Are you adhering to an appro- 3. Are you slacking in the gym?
your diet and your main goal is to gain
priate meal plan at least 90% of Sometimes when you’re in a calor-
weight and you haven’t put on any
the time? Researchers have found ic deficit it can be tough to give it
weight in 2 weeks or even potentially
that it’s typical for people to under your absolute all in the gym. This is
lost some weight, now would be a
report their food intake and over where it becomes mind over matter.
good time to incorporate a 250-500
report their exercise anywhere from If you believe in your heart you are
calorie per day increase in your intake.
20 – 50% in both categories. This giving 100% then this isn’t your
You will not need additional protein amount of measurement error is problem, but if you have energy in
or carbohydrates to make up these drastic enough to completely blunt you when you leave the gym, per-
calories, 1g per pound of body weight any weight loss effort. Ensure you haps a second look is in order.
per day of protein intake is more than are consuming the proper amount of
4. Can you increase energy output?
Before you pull out any calories
from your diet it’s best to initiate
a caloric deficit with increased
training frequency. This may be as
simple as adding 1 interval cardio
session to your week. As a general
rule of thumb you always want to in-
crease energy output with increased
training frequency before you even
consider dropping your calories. This
is another example of micro pro-
Once you’ve honestly assesed the
above four scenarios and you came
out clean, this is where an additional
deficit is in order. Create a 250-500
calorie per day deficit from where you
are currently at. This deficit should


come from a 50/50 split of carbohy- Now you can have the body you want recipes I could easily wolf down fish
drate and fat calories. and you can eat the recipes that make 3x per day and it won’t even phase
it all worth your time. Take me for me (well maybe just a little). This is
This deficit will only take you so far; example, one of the best things I have brand new for me and is why I recom-
assess your critical number and ever done with my life is make an in- mend checking it out if any of the old
weight each and every week and vestment in a professional home chef. bodybuilding recipes are getting out of
base any decisions on those two main style for you.
factors. If progress stalls, assess the I understand for most of you that is
top 4 scenarios again and then if you not an option, but for those that it is, Sign up for Live Large TV and get my
pass, create another deficit. Continue good! Knock yourself out! But for the Done-For-You Gourmet Meal Plans &
this process until you get to 12% body majority of guys out there looking for Cooking Lessons
fat then it is time to switch things up a cheaper alternative with recipes al-
and go on a mass phase. ready ready for you, check out my Live Grab a copy of Flavilicious Cooking
Large TV membership as I offer tons of – More than 100 Delicious & Aller-
What if I need meal plans? muscle building and fat burning food gy-Friendly Recipes!
recipes and smoothies that you can
If you need done-for-you meal plans, interchange with these meal plans no
make sure to pick up the Simple, What if I miss a meal?
problem! Plus, you’ll learn how to cook
No-Nonsense Mass & Shred Meal the recipes and prepare them in bulk No big deal at all. Throw that meal
Plans. Keep in mind that these won’t so you save time. back in later on in the day at your own
be gourmet meals, but rather easy- convenience. Your total intake at the
to-prepare choices that are simple yet This is an extreme example as this end of the day is much more import-
still provide big results. won’t apply to many of you but ant than the time at which you ate
Now I know that some guys really preparing for one of my most recent those meals. Even if this means jam-
need more variety with their foods photo shoots I was eating fish up to ming two meals in within 2hrs of each
and flavors and are willing to spend a 3 times a day. The old Vince wouldn’t other, still do it. If this is not possible
bit more time in the kitchen for meal have been able to do that. Call me a for whatever reason, start fresh and
prep. That’s ok, I get it! It is pretty hard wimp, whatever I don’t care. For me, don’t let it happen again!
to absolutely love what you’re eating fish just didn’t do it for me, I would
day in and day out in the bodybuilding always opt for boring chicken or
world. something else. But with these new


NUTRITION FAQ What are your thoughts on IIFYM? My personal opinion on it is that it
works because it covers the two major
If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) is a concepts. Having said that, many
Do I need BCAAs in between my dietary philosophy that originated people tend to misuse the concept and
meals to stimulate muscle protein out of the forums treat it as if it is ok to have ice cream
synthesis further? after the experts repeatedly answered and soda everyday as long as it fits
questions to beginners with the same their macros.
I have said this many times in the past answer. Most beginners would often
and I’m sure I will say it many times ask questions regarding certain types From a body composition standpoint,
more in the future. There is always a of foods like: it won’t matter, they will still look good
difference between good and opti- and get results. But when it comes
mal. Everything in physiology runs Can I have white potatoes? to going from good to great, and also
on a continuum. You do not “need” to Can I have carrots? taking into consideration your overall
have amino acids in between meals, Is it ok to have steak instead of chick- health and prevention of disease, and
but will it have a positive effect? Yes. en? workout quality, modifications to IIFYM
Much of this is outlined in great detail The honest answer to all of those and sticking to healthy foods makes
in Principle #11 in your nutritional questions is, if it fits your macro the difference (a great example of this
principles manual. targets, go for it. There are very few is outlined in principle #12 in your
“evil” foods out there and it is a great nutritional principles manual). Addi-
Science is showing many things tionally, when IIFYM is used to simply
towards protein synthesis in that the misconception that in order to change
your physique you have to limit your- create more opportunities to eat crap,
leucine concentrations in a given meal one of the most important aspects of
offers the greatest effect on stimulat- self to certain foods and meals. For
example, the famous chicken / brown the diet gets removed: fiber. For long
ing muscle protein synthesis. An esti- term health, you need adequate fiber
mated 3g of leucine in a meal offers rice / broccoli meal that has been
eaten by the bodybuilding community intake.
the greatest amount of protein syn-
thesis while going above and beyond forever. This is not a mandatory meal IIFYM in my opinion is most practical
that does not create a greater stim- for the fit community. when travelling or on vacation. In
ulus. But it also does not create any those scenarios where it’s tough to
“waste” of protein, as often claimed. Here is an video interview with Alan get healthier food or stick to a certain
Your body has hundreds of other uses Aragon who explains IIFYM and how schedule, sticking to your macros is
for protein beyond muscle growth that it all got started and he sheds some brilliant. Otherwise, sticking to a more
are also very important to health and valuable light on what it is and what regimented schedule is optimal. At the
optimal performance. it’s not because it’s been a very con- highest levels of the sport, you will
troversial topic. see far less people utilizing IIFYM than
When you eat a meal, amino acid stricter approaches. Does that mean
concentrations can remain elevated And here’s a detailed article from it’s right? Not necessarily but I believe
for 6+ hours. But, muscle protein syn- Alan regarding IIFYM, which is worth success always clues.
thesis tends to cut out at the 2-3hrs the read.
mark. This is where the strategy came Do I get any cheat meals with this
from, to maximize protein synthesis IIFYM is a good concept because it
covers the two most important con- meal plan?
levels several times throughout the
day, it is best to eat larger meals every cepts to eating towards your goals: Absolutely, 1 cheat meal is permitted
4hrs to keep the overall amino acid Energy intake and macronutrient every 7 days. It can be whatever you
concentrations high but supplement content. Those two aspects make up want, whenever you want. There are
with BCAAs in between meals to maxi- a giant portion of how people change only two rules. The first is that it has to
mize all available times for growth. their body composition, anybody who be eaten at a table, you cannot eat it
tells you otherwise is either trying to in front of the TV or computer. In these
sell you something or doesn’t under- scenarios people overeat above and
stand science.


beyond what their satiety would have
been had they been at a table. Eating
in front of a device keeps you distract-
ed and keeps your mind off of how
much you are actually consuming. The
second rule is that it is one meal, once
your butt leaves the chair the cheat
is over. It is not a cheat day or cheat
evening, it is a cheat meal. Remember
you have goals, goals become useless
without proper action and eating crap
is NOT proper action. With that said,
there are other cheat meal strategies
that I endorse if your goal is gaining
mass and you’ve having a hard time
getting in all of your calories from research out there suggesting that a know exactly how to stay on track.
healthy foods. Here are some other high protein high fat breakfast is the Last but not least, a knife and a fork!
cheat meal strategies: best route to take. So this is situation You have to eat big to get big so get
1. Have 1 half-day cheat day per week dependant which makes it up to your ready. Nobody has ever gotten big
– for example, from 6am till 6pm on current scenario. without a massive caloric surplus,
Saturday period.
What’s the most important stuff I
2. Have 2 half-day cheat days per need to get? Where do you stand on food com-
week – for example, from 12pm till bining? Can I eat carbs and fat
midnight on Thursday and Sunday As outlined in the Quick Start Guide, together? Won’t that make me fat?
one of the most important aspects to
3. Have 1 cheat meal per day – for ex- success in the nutritional department Yes you can eat these two together
ample, replace any meal in your meal is being prepared each and every and nothing bad is going to happen.
plan with a cheat meal week. You don’t want to be caught You’re not going to get fat, you won’t
without any food when it is meal time. explode, and it’s not going to make
These strategies are best used during This leads to eating out or missing a you a bad person. All kidding aside,
an off-season mass gain ASSUMING meal, not necessarily the best com- it makes no difference whether you
the rest of your week is perfect. A few binations when your goals are to be have these together or not. What mat-
years ago when I bulked from 214lbs healthy and strong. ters most, by a long shot is your over-
to 230lbs in the winter time, I utilized Adding to this, a food scale is a good all calorie and macronutrient intake.
strategies 2 and 3 to help me gain investment. Most can be picked up Focus on those, and you’ll be fine.
weight but I gained more fat that I for less than 20 dollars and last many The only time something like this ever
desired so use these strategies with years. I personally bought mine for becomes of use, maybe, is when you
caution. $15 and it is going on its 7th year this are trying to go from good to great.
year. Food scales allow you to be as For example, from 10% body fat to 4%
I heard that I’m not supposed to accurate as possible and also teaches body fat and then stepping on stage
have carbs for breakfast? you life skills for food measurement. for a bodybuilding or physique show.
After a couple months of measuring Going from already low body fat to
This depends on your workout sched-
food, odds are you won’t even need super low body fat is the only scenario
ule. If you work out in the morning and
the scale anymore (but you should still where it may have some value. So
your goal is to gain muscle mass, it is
use one), you will be able to eye up unless you’re doing that, you’re good
best to include some healthy carbo-
your meals. This comes in handy the to go. Combine whatever you want to
hydrates with your breakfast. But if
most when you’re eating out, you’ll combine, but ensure that you have a
your goal is fat loss, there is plenty of


protein source with every meal of the titled “Carb Backloading 1.0” and feel com/watch?v=mLB_n2pYoUo
day. it should be mentioned as a potential
dietary strategy for those of you who Free podcast:
Shouldn’t I be afraid of spiking my purchased this program but have a com/watch?v=oDO0tbaJt4s
insulin? real hard time with breakfast and feel To learn more about Carb Backloading,
the carb backloading lifestyle compli- visit John’s site here.
This is what people normally use as ments your current regime.
an argument for the food combining
debate. That if you eat carbohydrates To summarize it, breakfast is typically What if I’m gaining too much fat?
that spike insulin and eat a fat source skipped daily while overall calories Then you are in too large of a caloric
at the same time that your body’s in- and specifically carbohydrates are surplus, plain and simple. You are not
sulin levels are going to store that fat kept to a bare minimum throughout expending enough energy to deal with
into your fat cells. Weight regulation the day and back loaded is large the amount of energy you are taking
is by far most supported by energy quantities at night time with high in.
intake and macronutrient ratios, not glycemic options such as white rice,
food combination. various fruits, breads and even des- The good thing is, getting fat doesn’t
serts. Optimal training time comes in happen overnight. Nobody ever went
To put this into perspective: eating between the hours of 4 – 6pm for this to bed lean and woke up and said
calories at maintenance is when you specific type of plan, although many “Holy crap I’m fat!” Thankfully it
are eating enough calories to not gain different options are available as well doesn’t work like that. Gaining fat
weight, or lose weight. When you’re although potentially not as optimal. happens gradually over time so if you
eating calories below maintenance, see yourself putting on too much fat
you are not eating enough to main- I personally believe some pretty bold tissue, you need to cut back on your
tain your current body weight so you statements are made regarding cell calories a bit.
will lose weight. Do you think that no sensitivity and meal timing in the book
matter how I combine my foods, that and is slightly a little too generalized People often overestimate how many
if I am eating below maintenance I am and not specific to each individual. calories are necessary for building
going to be storing fat? No way, not muscle mass so they go in a huge
going to happen. Doesn’t make any Although, people are seeing results caloric surplus and gain both muscle
sense. with this so you can’t argue with that. and a bunch of fat in what we call a
Having said this, I believe this type of “bulking” cycle. Which we have dis-
The body can store fat with or without strategy needs to be only used with pelled in numerous different sections
insulin through ASP. ASP is a hormone advanced weight lifters who have had throughout the G.E.T. system. Get-
that resides inside the fat cell that is their nutrition in check for a few years ting fat is in no way an advantage to
a heavy regulator of fat storage and because with this particular style of putting on muscle, it’s actually a pretty
does not require the presence of a eating I can see it becoming very easy big handicap to putting on muscle.
heavy amount of insulin or carbohy- to put on a lot more fat then muscle We want you to be lean so if you see
drates. In fact, fats alone can activate due to the high glycemic recommen- yourself sliding above 12% body fat,
ASP. Which throws all food combining dations at the end of the day. it’s time to creep down the calories. An
tactics out the window right off the This style of eating can easily lead to initial 250-500 per day calorie deficit
bat. overeating when not done correctly, can normally solve the problem, but
but when done correctly, can offer start with 250. You want to be eating
What do you think of carb back- some benefits. So there is a grey area the highest amount of calories possi-
loading? in there. Nevertheless, I did not want ble while being able to remain under
to go over it in detail out of respect for 12% body fat.
Carb backloading is a relatively John and his work so if you feel you
popular new strategy for meal plan would like to research further check
design created by John Kiefer. I have out the following links:
gone through the book that he offers Free podcast:
What if I’m not gaining any muscle?


As you become a more advanced advanced, progress comes and goes
lifter, gaining muscle is not a linear so it is the ones who stick with it and What rate of progress should I be
process. It often comes in waves as grind that get the “big picture” results aiming for?
you expose new stresses to your body. because they grinded for so long to
Think about yourself for a minute, was only gain X amount of muscle mass For fat loss, 1-3lbs lost per week or
there ever a certain program or diet, during a short period of time. 0.5 – 1% loss of body fat percentage
or simply just even a time of year that per week. Nothing drastic because
you remember where you didn’t even Now the training and nutrition philos- the bigger the drops the greater risk
change much yet you gained a lot ophies we used to create this system you run for losses in lean muscle
of strength and muscle mass? If we were designed to shock your body mass. You don’t want to lose your hard
gained muscle mass at a constant rate (and trust me, you will feel the shock!) earned muscle. If you aren’t reaching
everybody would be jacked, but we’re and create new growth but you have your goals you need to reassess your
not. to understand if you’re at a plateau calorie intake and effort in the gym,
that doesn’t mean it is not working. one of them is off. Contrary to muscle
Building muscle mass comes in It simply means you may need some gain, fat loss should be linear, you
short waves to the advanced crowd. calorie adjustments or to work more should always be able to drop fat at a
If you’re a beginner, make no mis- on your recovery or whatever it may linear rate.
take about it—building muscle and be. Just understand that no muscle
strength comes easy, even without building program that has ever been Now for muscle gain progress, any-
diet. But if you’re intermediate or made creates linear results. where from 0.5 – 1.5lbs gained per
week should be your target. If that
scale isn’t going up, one of two things
is off. It’s either your calorie intake or
your effort in the gym. “Hard gainers”
don’t exist. Yes perhaps some people
require more calories than others, but
that’s exactly it, all they need is some
more calories. Eat more and you’ll
This is a question I get all the time:
“Vince I eat a lot and I’m still not gain-
ing weight, what should I do?”
“Well, eat more. If that scale is not
going up, you’re not eating enough,

What ratio of muscle to fat is nor-

Normal cannot be defined, it is too
hard to give estimates on future body
composition results for a variety of
reasons including genetics, adherence,
perceived gym intensity, current state
of health and also the fact that muscle
growth is not a linear process.
Having said that, a guideline that
runs congruent with this question is
ensuring that no matter what your rate


of growth is, that you don’t creep over erything and everything has its own
12% body fat. As long as that is in Finding healthy recipes and healthy pros and cons. The ketogenic diet has
check, you’re good to go. Don’t worry cookbooks is the problem. More often no real place in the G.E.T. system.
about ratios. than not, these “healthy” cookbooks To attain proper ketosis requires a
are simply just low calorie cookbooks, massive decrease in the amount of
Do I need to eat organic? which doesn’t mean anything! Who carbohydrates you take in (which are
cares if it’s low calorie? That doesn’t necessary for optimal performance in
You don’t “need” to do anything. But mean anything towards the big picture the weight room).
there is always a difference between of health, lean muscle mass and fat
good and optimal. Anytime you can get loss. That simply means it’s one single Carbohydrates are both the preferred
something more natural, or organic, low calorie recipe. fuel source for the skeletal muscle
you’re doing yourself a favor. Organic cells and your nervous system, two
food is healthier and more anabolic The taste of your food should never components you are going to need
to muscle tissue. Non-organic is still be undesirable and this is a big issue to be performing at your best in the
anabolic, but won’t provide the same in the fitness community. One of the gym. Make no mistake about it, when
type of benefits organic food will. biggest reasons for failed adherence it comes to building muscle mass,
Organic wins 10 times out of 10. If I to a meal plan is because they want to carbohydrates are optimal. When
had to choose only one macronutri- cheat, but if you’re eating good tasting it comes to burning fat and losing
ent source to eat organic, it would be food, these feelings are far and few weight, an “either or” approach can
meat and then produce second. between. Which is why I wanted to be used. Meaning, you can either keep
tackle this in more ways than one. carbs in or go low carb, it’s a pref-
How do I make my meals taste erential thing. There is no “one size
better? My LiveLargeTV seasons have plen-
ty of recipes that will keep you on fits all” formula but when it comes to
Experimentation… or better yet, track and eating delicious food. I fueling highly intense workouts, you
cooking lessons, which you can find even brought in a professional chef to NEED carbohydrates.
inside The Live Large Inner Circle ensure my subscribers got the best of
where we include 40+ episodes with the best in terms of recipes for muscle Additionally, your muscle cells store
a professional chef who teaches us building and fat loss. The days of bor- carbohydrates in the form of glycogen
how to make our food absolutely ing bodybuilding diets are gone and and it is used for future energy needs
delicious and easy to cook! If you’re should have been left in the 80s. during training. The muscles have a
not a member, the cooking lessons certain capacity in which they can
alone will change your life. Click here My wife Flavia attacked this issue hold this glycogen and just a simple
to learn more. as well with her most recent project drop in muscle glycogen results in
Flavilicious Cooking. This is one of a signalling cascade throughout the
The best way to experiment is to buy a the most comprehensive cookbooks system to down regulate muscle
cookbook or invest into The Live Large available on the net and it’ll take your growth. Which means, decreasing
Inner Circle. A cookbook teaches you taste buds on a world tour! carbohydrates, regardless of how hard
how to cook, what to use and when Click here to read more about Flavili- you’re training, has a negative impact
you try different recipes, you will be cious Cooking on muscle growth.
able to piece together what goes well What do you think of the ketogenic
with what and what you can work into diet?
your meal plan.
There is a time and a place for ev-



Grass fed lean red meats Mixed beans Vegetable concentrates (greens+,
Wild game meats Sweet potato wellness greens, vegegreens, perfor-
Bison Rice (white or brown depending on mance greens)
Wild caught salmon timing) Liquid amino acid drinks
Free run chicken Quinoa Green tea
Free run turkey Whole oats Organic coffee
Eggs (organic or Omega-3 preferred) Berries of all types Juicing recipes
Egg whites Oranges
Plain Greek yogurt
Cottage cheese HEALTHY FATS
Coconut milk yogurt
Protein supplements (whey, milk or Raw, unsalted, not roasted nuts
plant sources. But not soy.) (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, mac-
adamia nuts, pecans, brazil nuts,
VEGETABLES cashews, hazelnuts)
Seeds (Sunflower, pumpkin)
Spinach Avocados
Tomatoes Extra virgin olive oil
Cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, cau- Coconut oil
liflower, kale, cabbage) Fish oil supplements
Asparagus Flax seeds (ground)
Green beans Olives
Peppers of all colors



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