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pO cannes acer: < © > Co emtnctracon/cure 5700 que atsSemedl fr s207427 HSITOO1 -Empowermen...» Quizzes > Quiz9.1 : Imaging and De. Quiz 9.1: Imaging and Design for Online Environment Due Nov 14,2022. 11:59pm Points 10 Questions 10, ‘Ailable Nov @,2022 at 2am -Jan 47 at 14:599m Instructions 4. Use CAPITAL etter ONLY 2. WRONG spelingis wrong 2 Avoid ane Sina words F NOT necessary Attempt Tine ‘Score fo ths quiz 7 ou of 10 Subitd Nov 13,2022 2t 4220 “Tis attempt took minutes, Time Limit 60 Minutes Score ee aaa: ‘Submision Detail: Time: 4 minutes Current Score: 7 out of 10 KeptScore: 7 out of 10 pO cerns cee: < 4 Simtretacom/cue Ogee rotl 3217807 eH saa: Question 4 1/apte “These ate isl representations of data made ona computer ane spayed on a compute sceen or moni oa Question 2 0/1 pts Paves Guan 2 {LB Senior Hah Sissi ease isthe the visual eight of bets. texture, colors, and spaces ‘every stbuted onthe secon ConectAroners BALAN pO cannes acer: < © > Co emtnctracon/cure 5700 que atsSemedl fr s207427 ee aaa: Question 3 ov tps. Modules “The svangerentat gramicelaente ona page. Este granhics nt layout conte othe aticency ofthe website Pronk Question 4 1/ tps isenig Pst for Paves Guaeinns 2 eae Ie dascibes the placement of bent f equal wight on the page The ‘School Moda {vor tyes of balance are smmetical asymmetrical an ai ‘Question 5 A/ipts ' J Osorno * © > Co timtmctracon/cure 5700 quel atsSAmedl tr s207427 ee aaa: os 4/1 pts Ie describes the Now of clement on the poes foe Question 6 ad isenig Pst for Paves Guaeinns 2 ‘Le Senor Hit “Te senso of anenas of he elements crests balenceandharmeny. Question? 1/105 pO cannes acer: < © > Co tmtmctracon/cure 5700 que atsSAmedl fr 207427 ee aaa: Home Question 7 1/1 pts cusslans itis the combination of the opposing characterises ofa lament ie color se, hicness, ad thers oat wD ans nses retires const lestion ov tps. soungy sree Question 8 Paves Guaeinns 2 {LP Senior Hi ieee Ie describes ow humans typiealyse objects by grouping sia laments ‘together and recoeitne the overallshape/patern before seine indus components and dea pO cannes acer: < © > Co emtnctracon/cure 5700 que atsSemedl fr s207427 ee aaa: 4/1 pts Question 9 SIZE, COLOUR, TEXTURE, OR VALUE WAL BE SEEN AS BELONGING Sissons “TOGETHER INTHE VIEWER'S MIND, Question 10 nia isterng Pos foe Paves Guaeinns 2 TLE Sen ‘An enn the design that catches viewers tenon Quie Score: 7 out of 19 J Occ eens inom * Ge © > Co eimtnctracon/cue 57000 que N52 tr ae soa: Home Modules Discussions HS IT 001 - Empo... > Quizzes » Quiz 10: Infograp.. Quiz 10: Infographics Due Nov 21, 2022 at 11:59pm Points 10 Questions 6 Available Nov 14,2022 at 12am - Jan 17 at 14:59pm Time Limit 40 Minutes Instructions Instruction: This quiz consists of questions carefully designed to help you se-assess your comprehension Of the information presented on the topics covered in this module. It contains SIX items, a combination of ‘multiple-choice’ and "True or False” type tests Please read each question carefully. Attempt History Attempt Time Score Lares Atemot 1 3minutes t0 out of 10 J Occ eens inom * Ge © > Co eimtnctracon/cue 57000 que N52 tr ae soa: Submitted Nov 19, 2022 at 2:22am g Fst Sonesers¥ 2022-202 This attempt took 3 minutes. Home Question 1 2/2pts Modules — Infographics isa collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an ‘Announcements ‘easy-to-understand overview of a topic Chat Tue ‘BigBlueBution Grades ° Fates Sviabus People Listening Post for Question 2 1/1pts Parents/Guardians te ‘LLP Senior Hieh ‘School Modality, Its also a multiplatform image editing program. You can choose between the editor for editing images or creating an original image right through the browser, J Occ eens inom * Ge © > Co eimtnctracon/cur 5700 que AH572medl tr ae saa: T = “ome Question 2 41/1pts Modules Discussions Itis also a multiplatform image editing program. You can choose between Announcements the editor for editing images or creating an original image right tough the cut browser. BieBlueButton Grades ° suatus Fotor Peoale Photobucket Ulex: Babi Protoss Tinsenactiet School Modality Pree J Occ eens inom * Ge © > Co eimtnctracon/cur 5700 que AH572medl tr ae saa: Question 3 2/2pts Itisa multiplatform photo editing website It offers a wide range of effects and tools for editing images. Fotor Question 4 1/Apts J Occ eens inom * Ge © > CG tipinstructurecom/courses/37000/quirzesi484S72?rmodue item jd=3217453 eee eae: Home Modules Question 4 cee Discussions eh eet pec es bate went eet ie Chat ‘BigBlueButton Color Blending, Saades ° Shadows ‘Syllabus ete Variety Listening Post for (olor Highs ‘School Modality, Question 5 2/2pts J Occ eens inom * Ge © > Ca eimtnctracon/cur 5700 que AH572medl tr Question 5 2/2pts ‘This command is the most basic technique when adjusting the image tone (highlights, shadows, and midtones) Brightness and Contrast ‘Question 6 2/2pts ae saa: J Occ eens inom * Ge © 3 CO tipinstructurecom/courses/37000/quirzes/484572?rmodue its jd=3217459 eee eae: Home Modules Discussions Question 6 2/2pts Chat Cropping is a process of removing unwanted parts of the image, focusing. ‘only on the subject. ‘LLB Senior Hieh Quiz Score: 10 out of 10 + Previous Next» JO ens © 9 Co eimtncracon/ cure S7000/anigrmenty/ 2985 timed tor 241555 ee aaa: = _HS1TO01 - Empowerment Tec... > Assignments > Quiz 12: WYSIWYG Quiz 13: WYSIWYG TRUEORFALSE Select TRUE the statements TRUE and FALSE fits not. 12/5/2022 Svtabus People sening Post or School Madar p Omer * (Geer ee © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t Jimaos URL iswawnindonet Otwe ‘SEO 6 bang usedia wodpage Dusng Ome p Omer Se © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t ? [en] Fate WSIG Is atype of eng software that allows users lo see and eicontetin a fem that appear as it woul! When displayed onan inlrtace, mcbpage, sido presentation or pred document Beo= ve (SSstands for CacadngSiyle sheets abe : p Omer Se © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t 7 [ewe] Wnads canbe removed yubuy their premium, Ho:- O False p Omer Se © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t Basedon answering correctly twas just emphasedinthe PowerPoint the HTML, The correct answer isHypertext Markup Lana, HSITOO1-Em...» Assignments » Quiz 19: Online Colborative Tools Mociles Quiz 12: Online Collaborative Tools Multiple Cheice.Choos the ltter ofthe correct answer. 12/9/2022 Backtracking disabled loves Eerceecautionvhenn p Omer Se © > Ca teimtncuracon/curs S000 enema okiretinstdeplay=hll netic IMZP2Fipqus en podrancurecomsoreazeaunssines. OA 3 Your Answers: O rete O Microsoft Teams Our Its asimpe rable le syncing andstorage service with enhanced collaboration features ‘Thissite offers onlin to-do checkstforyourteam, O weoratress p Omer Se £56 tonmananianai iene rnShin A iibeLnRpat Nonpoint. 12 #1 At @ Ova Tes used to create group page or groupchat that wil allow peopein your group tocommunicste your Keas nde les © vvepaa O esse O worarese ‘Aaplcation software designed top people inolvedin acommentaskto achieve gal O wenste O Search Engines p Omer Se © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t 7 [ewe] LUan was tasked to choose an line calabcative tol forhis group. Which fthefolowing he must do? (© hase dynamic fe ehaingsoution, © chante product withrea-tine collaboration, O Picks coloration tol hat upparteall communication methods Iecombines a muttue of essential collaboration tools ina ingleintrconnected platform ining Chat, Calenda Creation and Cle storage (O Brogan (© Facebook O wete p Omer Se © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t 2 Iecomprize Gi Hongoits,Calandac and Currant forcommunicaton Drive forstrage Dace Sheets Sls Keep Fors and Sites for roductity at Colabersion O Worreas O MicroofeTeams Our ‘Thefolloning are advantages fusing one clare tools except one Suite O Fitesraring O Hest Online Meetings O tre chat J Ocmer eS © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t oi (es OTele c Itisa pecially designed website that provides information stared from various sources such s emails online forums. search erginas on ne platform nurifocm way. lak O Geegte chrome O wenste pO cererowerees Ca timtnctracon/ cures 7000 anime 29H5Simedle tor S5241557 ee aaa: HSITOO1 -Empowerm..» Assignments > Quiz 15:1CT Creation Process Mociles Quiz 15: ICT Creation Process This quiz consists of TRUE or FALSE ard MULTIPLE CHOICE questions Pease ea the questions carefully before selecting your answer. 1/13/2023 siades ° NoTime Lint Svtabus People sening Post or {LP Senior Hi Backtracking disabled School Morale oes es a p Omer Se © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t ‘The ain purpose of an ICT proectin the bigger pictures to offer a fcity for eas dissemination of nermation. pltform for volunteers andthe leaders ofthe organization Psychorophicsiscatcsorizedinta diferent bcs suchas age gender. income. aneeliion, O tne p Omer Se © > Ca teimtncuracon/curs S000 enema okiretinstdeplay=hll netic IMZP2Fipqus en podrancurecomsoreazeaunssines. OA ‘bemograchic describes nancountable information thats gatheredusersaf the CT application Otwe Wich phase oles testing the results or the performance of every phase before? O Anata Recurement Deiition Phase Ho=- O Maintenance p Omer Se © > Ca teimtncuracon/curs S000 enema okiretinstdeplay=hll netic IMZP2Fipqus en podrancurecomsoreazeaunssines. OA 3 Ti Marenance O besien ‘Which phase involves conceptualizing the projet determining the goals, and anaycing he information avaiable? (O) Reease and Promation low O testing O Anais \Whichhase comprises the correction maxiication and upating forimprowemento the projet? O besien O Anata J Omen eS © > Co teimtncuracon/cur S000 enema okiretinettepay=hll netic IAZP2Fipgas en-odrancturecomsoreazeaunsines. @ ®t (O Maintenance O Panning ‘Wich phase phase focuses on anaizngthe function, proc equirements target users andimpact of repose project? 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OA ‘Thiserganzation uses ICT by desing Website full goa ts purpose and dercatet theisues bought upon by drugtraficking and drug abuse O nawrre ICT apliston was used by is orgarization primary by setting upintermation sources under the Web sit ofthe Dangerous Drugs Board [Elf ms renessarnoro ones O wnooe CO cptanroxians (O Barkan KonTRa oROGA,

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