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Name: Sariah C.

PT 9.1: Carbon Cycle


Learning Targets
(HS-LS2-5) Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.
(HS-ESS2-6) I can develop a model to describe the cycling of carbon among the biosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.

Guiding Question
How does carbon cycle through earth’s systems?

Task 1 - Carbon Cycle

DIRECTIONS: Watch this video about the carbon cycle and answer the questions below.
Question Answer

1. Carbon is the ___________ ___________ of all life on Earth. Chemical


2. TRUE/FALSE: The amount of carbon on Earth has changed over time. False

3. In what form is carbon found in the atmosphere? CO2

4. The carbon cycle is nature's way of ___________ carbon atoms. Reusing

5. Where is most carbon stored? Rocks and


6. The ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms are considered what in Reservoirs or
the carbon cycle? sinks

7. Sometimes dead organisms become ___________ that goes through Fossil fuels

___________, giving off CO2. Combustion

Task 2 - Carbon Pools and Carbon Fluxes

DIRECTIONS: Look at the diagram below and answer the questions.

● The blue font shows examples of different carbon pools.

● The red font and red arrows show the directions that carbon fluxes between the pools.

1. Based on the diagram, which carbon pool has the most petagrams of carbon?
Based on the diagram, Earth's crust has the most petagrams.

2. Based on the diagram, which carbon pool has the least petagrams of carbon?
Based on the diagram, plants have the least petagrams.

3. How many petagrams of carbon does the intermediate and deep ocean contain?
The intermediate and deep ocean contains 37,275 petagrams of carbon.

4. For the following table, choose 3 different areas on the diagram where carbon is fluxing.
State what direction the carbon is fluxing and the reason for the flux.
Which direction is carbon fluxing?

Example: Carbon is fluxing from the surface ocean to the atmosphere due to ocean loss.

a. Carbon is fluxing from the biosphere to the atmosphere due to deforestation and land
use change.

b. Carbon is fluxing from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere due to ocean uptake.

c. Carbon is fluxing from atmosphere to the biosphere due to photosynthesis.

5. What do carbon pools and carbon fluxes tell us?

Carbon pools and fluxes tell us how much carbon is coming and going to our different
spheres of earth.

6. Label the parts of the carbon cycle from the diagram below.

A CO2. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

B Sunlight

C CO2 cycle

D Organic carbon and decay organisms

E CO2 cycle

F Animal respiration

G Root respiration

H Factory emission

7. Explain the difference between a carbon pool and a carbon sink.

The difference between a carbon pool and a carbon sink is that a carbon pool is able
to absorb and release carbon dioxide. Carbon pools remove carbon dioxide from the

8. Scientists state that melting glaciers are exposing long frozen organisms. What effect on
Earth will occur when the ice melts and the organisms begin to thaw and decompose?
When the organisms begin to thaw and decompose it will create fossil fuel.

9. Large areas of land are being developed. In the process thousands of trees are being
removed and burned. How would this affect the carbon cycle?
This could affect the carbon cycle because then there would be no plants to intake

10. Describe how a carbon atom in a fox can end up in a tree.

A carbon atom in a fox can end up in a tree if the fox dies and its fossil releases fuel.

11. What part of the carbon cycle removes carbon dioxide from the air?
Photosynthesis is the part in the cycle that removes CO2 from the air.

12. What happens to the carbon atoms released during respiration?

What happens to the carbon atoms released during respiration it travels into the
atmosphere and goes through the carbon cycle.

13. Explain why decomposers are an important part of the carbon cycle.
Decomposers are an important part of the carbon cycle because the carbon they
release travels into the atmosphere then back into plants which create and provide
oxygen for humans and other organisms to live.

Task 3 - Carbon Molecule Data

DIRECTIONS: For this task, you will take on the role of a carbon molecule. As a carbon
molecule, you will be traveling to different places and observing how carbon moves between
different spheres of Earth. You will record your travels as journal entries.


between the following spheres:

Biosphere: All living things (plants, animals, insects, etc..)

Atmosphere: Gas in the air (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, etc..)
Hydrosphere: All water on the planet (lakes, rivers, oceans, etc..)
Lithosphere: Rocks, soils, dirt, etc..

1. Roll the dice. This number determines which station you will begin at.
○ This will simulate in which direction you will flux as a carbon molecule.
2. Once you are at your first station, roll the dice again and look at the document at your
station. On this document you will find information that will tell you what happens next
as you move through the carbon cycle.
3. Fill out Journal Entry #1 on your document.
4. Roll the dice again, move to the next station, and fill out the next journal entry.
5. Repeat for a total of 5 times.

**Complete TASK 3 in person and turn into your teacher.**

Teacher signature:

Task 4 - Carbon Cycle Model & Writing Prompt

Now that you have looked at some carbon data and pretended to be a carbon molecule, you
will now develop your own diagram of an environment with cycling carbon.

PART 1 DIRECTIONS: Task 4 is on google classroom as a google slides assignment.

Once you complete this task online, then you can complete the writing prompt below:
PART 2 DIRECTIONS: Based on your carbon cycle poster, write a paragraph (5-7 sentences)
answering the following question:
How does carbon cycle through earth’s systems?

The carbon cycle is actually involved with a lot more than we think. In many different
ways carbon cycles through the earth this is called the Carbon Cycle. The carbon cycle is a
process where carbon is cycled through living things and the environment. We have
learned about the different cycles of the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is a part of the
biogeochemical cycle. The biogeochemical cycle is the different ways in which matter
moves through the biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem. Carbon cycles through all 4
main spheres of earth, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. 4 steps of
the carbon cycle are photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition and combustion. Carbon
is one of the most abundant and important elements on earth. How photosynthesis uses
carbon is CO2 in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants to produce sugars which the plant

uses for energy. How respiration uses carbon is as animals eat food in order to get energy,
carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by cellular respiration. How
decomposition uses carbon is when a plant or animal dies, it decomposes and the stored
carbon will form into coal, which is a fossil fuel. Last of all how combustion uses carbon is
Coal is burnt by cars and factories, and gives off CO2 which goes into the atmosphere.


Learning Target
(HS-LS2-5) Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.

(HS-ESS2-6) I can develop a model to describe the cycling of carbon among the biosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.

Guiding Question
How does carbon cycle through earth’s systems?

1 Concerns (2) Goal Achieved (3) Exceeded Mastery (4)

(Similar to a C) (Similar to a B or B+) (Similar to an A or A+)

A score of 2 means 1) Topic and Content ❏ Answered the challenge
you did everything My argument has a question?
❏ Real-world examples or
you were supposed knowledgeable and
applications used not from the
to but your answer thoughtful response to class activity.
may have used some the learning target(s) ❏ Score 80% or above on the Unit
vocabulary and guiding question(s). quiz.
incorrectly or your ❏ Supported my argument with
use of evidence was 2) Use of Evidence and information that was not
provided in class and cited
unclear or missing Analysis
some important My argument is ❏ Used all score 4 vocabulary.
details. supported by
information from the You need at least 3 boxes
provided class resources checked from the above
and class activities. boxes to have a chance at
earning a grade of 4 if you
got a 3 on everything else.

IMPORTANT! Any information used that is NOT learned from class MUST be cited or you will have to
redo the assignment! You must use YOUR OWN WORDS.
Required Vocabulary: If you do not use ALL of the Score 2 words you will get NO CREDIT.

Score 2 Words Score 3 Words Score 4 Words

● Carbon Cycle ● Carbon Cycle ● Carbon Cycle

● Biosphere ● Biosphere ● Biosphere
● Atmosphere ● Atmosphere ● Atmosphere
● Hydrosphere ● Hydrosphere ● Hydrosphere
● Lithosphere ● Lithosphere ● Lithosphere
● Carbon Flux ● Carbon Flux
● Carbon pool ● Carbon pool
● Carbon sink ● Carbon sink
● Fossil Fuels ● Fossil Fuels
● Photosynthesis
● Respiration
● Decomposition
● Combustion

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