Bohannon 2014

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strument flown to another planet, used to

analyze the crystal structure of samples—
would find no place on board.
That hasn’t stopped scientists from pro-
posing even more complicated experiments.
In January, NASA received 58 instrument
proposals. One would seek to germinate
plants as a first step toward increasing the
amount of oxygen on the planet. Another
team would build a solar-powered helicop-
ter that could fly reconnaissance sorties of
hundreds of meters a day.
Payload selection is expected in mid-
July. Jack Mustard, a planetary scientist at
Brown University who led the science defi-
nition team, hopes NASA will opt for a con-
servative payload—something more along
the lines of what is riding aboard the small

Downloaded from on May 28, 2014

Opportunity rover, now in its 10th year of
operation. The same considerations will
drive the choice of a landing site. Sites that
require more than 10 kilometers of driving
will be problematic, Mustard says. Sites
where sample collection can begin imme-
diately after landing are “going to trump.” A 2008 study (right) showing that cleanliness influences moral judgments was not replicated in a new study (left).
Chen, taking over for Steltzner in lead-
ing the entry, descent, and landing phase PSYCHOLOGY
of the mission, hopes he can help by de-
livering the rover to just the right spot.
He is considering two modifications to the
Curiosity system that could improve land-
Replication effort provokes
ing precision. One is a device that would
deploy the entry capsule’s parachute based
on distance to the target, rather than an es-
praise—and ‘bullying’ charges
timate of velocity. This range trigger would Global network fails to confirm 10 of 27 psychology
shrink the landing ellipse—where engineers
are confident the rover will end up—from
findings, but some call project an inquisition
25 kilometers to 13 kilometers long. Accord-
ing to project manager John McNamee, the By John Bohannon win,” says psychologist Simone Schnall of
trigger would require changing just a few the University of Cambridge in the United

lines of code. fter a string of scandals involving ac- Kingdom, who studies embodied cognition,
Another change, called terrain relative cusations of misconduct and retracted the idea that the mind is unconsciously
navigation (TRN), would allow the rover papers, social psychology is engaged shaped by bodily movement and the
to land at sites that would otherwise be in intense self-examination—and the surrounding environment. Schnall’s 2008
too hazardous. It would outfit the descent process is turning out to be painful. study finding that hand-washing reduced


module to compare real-time images of the This week, a global network of nearly the severity of moral judgment was one of
terrain it was approaching with stored im- 100 researchers unveiled the results of an ef- those Donnellan could not replicate.
ages of the landing site, enabling the sky fort to replicate 27 well-known studies in the About half of the replications are the
crane to avoid regions with too many rocks. field. In more than a third of the cases, the work of Many Labs, a network of about
McNamee says the price tag for the TRN is result was a complete failure. 50 psychologists around the world. The re-
higher—on the order of $10 million—and As the replicators see it, the failed do- sults of their first 13 replications, released
could ripple through the landing system overs are a healthy corrective. “Replication online in November, were greeted with a
and affect it in other ways. He wants to be helps us make sure what we think is true collective sigh of relief: Only two failed.
convinced that the change is absolutely nec- really is true,” says Brent Donnellan, a psy- Meanwhile, Many Labs participant Brian
essary before allowing it. chologist at Michigan State University in Nosek, a psychologist at the University of
Scientists at the workshop spoke with East Lansing who has undertaken three Virginia in Charlottesville, put out a call
near unanimity, however: The TRN would recent replications of studies from other for proposals for more replication studies.
open up the most interesting landing sites, groups—all of which came out negative. “We After 40 rolled in, he and Daniël Lakens,
which previous missions had discarded for are moving forward as a science,” he says. a psychologist at Eindhoven University of
safety reasons. Furthermore, the technology But rather than a renaissance, some re- Technology in the Netherlands, chose an-
would help guide the subsequent missions searchers on the receiving end of this orga- other 14 to repeat.
needed to fetch the cache. Steltzner con- nized replication effort see an inquisition. The output of the new batch of replica-
curs. “We all kinda think that the TRN is the “I feel like a criminal suspect who has no tions, published alongside the previous 13
steering wheel, the headlights,” he says. ■ right to a defense and there is no way to this week in an issue of Social Psychology

788 23 MAY 2014 • VOL 344 ISSUE 6186 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
guest-edited by Nosek and Lakens, is less tested too few people to avoid a false posi- spective, it’s apparent that we can always
reassuring. All told, the researchers failed tive result. (A colleague of Schnall’s, Oliver learn something from a carefully designed
to confirm the results of 10 well-known Genschow, a psychologist at Ghent Univer- and executed study.” Caruso now has a
studies, such as the social psychological ef- sity in Belgium, told Science in an e-mail larger and more nuanced version of his
fects of washing one’s hands, holding cups that he has successfully replicated Schnall’s study under way.
of warm or cold liquid, or writing down study and plans to publish it.) The replications in psychology reflect a
flattering things about oneself. In another Some replicators leaked news of their growing trend in science (see table). The
five cases, the replications found a smaller findings online, long before publication field’s bruising experience shows that such
effect than the original study did or en- and in dismissive terms. On his personal efforts should be handled carefully, stresses
countered statistical complications it did blog, Donnellan described his effort to re- Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist at Princ-
not report. For embodied cognition and peat Schnall’s research as an “epic fail” in a eton University, whose work was success-
also for behavior priming—the study of December post titled “Go Big or Go Home,” fully replicated by the Many Labs team.
how exposure to one stimulus, such as the which was then widely circulated on Twit- “The relationship between authors and
word “dog,” changes one’s reaction to an- ter. Donnellan defends the early announce- skeptics who doubt their findings is bound
other, such as a photo of a cat—the results ment. “I feel badly, but the results are the to be fraught,” he says. “It can be managed
are particularly grim. Seven of the replica- results,” he says. professionally if the rules that apply to both
tions focused on experiments in these ar- Schnall, however, says that her work was sides are clearly laid out.”
eas, and all but one failed. “defamed.” She believes she was denied a To reduce professional damage,
No one is suggesting misconduct in any large grant in part because of suspicions Kahneman calls for a “replication eti-
of the original studies, but the results are about her work and says that a reviewer of quette,” which he describes in a commen-
further blows to a field shaken several years one of her recently submitted papers “raised tary published with the replications in
ago when a towering figure in priming re-
search, Diederik Stapel, confessed to faking
data (Science, 7 December 2012, p. 1270).
And earlier this month, Jens Förster of Repeat after me
the University of Amsterdam, a pioneer of Select efforts in replication of research
embodied cognition research, was accused
by a Dutch government-appointed ethics
panel of data manipulation—charges he de- Reproducibility Project: 50 high-impact cancer studies published from 2010 to 2012
nies (Science, 9 May, p. 566). Cancer Biology
Nor should the results be taken as a gen-
Reproducibility Project: Articles published in 2008 from three psychology journals
eral indictment of psychological research, Psychology
because the targeted studies were not a
random sample, Nosek says. “They are en- Reproducibility Initiative Hub for authors to request independent
tirely cherry-picked,” he says, based on the replications of their experiments
importance of the original study and the Many Labs project Global network for orchestrating large replications
feasibility of replicating it.
Some of the authors of the targeted stud- Reproducibility in Checks software code in 613 applied computer science papers
ies, however, feel not just singled out but Computer Science
persecuted. Schnall, for example, contends Crowdstorming project More than 50 analysts address same research
that the replications were not held to the question using shared data set
same peer-review standard as her original
studies. “I stand by my methods and my
findings and have nothing to hide,” she says. the issue about a ‘failed’ replication.” She Social Psychology. For example, he says,
The replications did employ an alter- adds that her graduate students “are wor- “the original authors of papers should be
native model of peer review, called pre- ried about publishing their work out of fear actively involved in replication efforts”
registration, promoted by the Center for that data detectives might come after them and “a demonstrable good-faith effort to
Open Science, a nonprofit organization co- and try to find something wrong.” achieve the collaboration of the original
founded by Nosek (Science, 30 March 2012, Other researchers whose work was tar- authors should be a requirement for pub-
p. 1558). Before any data were collected, the geted and failed to replicate told Science lishing replications.” In the case of this
replicators submitted their experimental that they have had experiences similar to week’s replications, “the consultations did
design and data analysis plan to external Schnall’s. They all requested anonymity, for not reach the level of author involvement
peer reviewers, including the principal in- fear of what some in the field are calling that I recommend.” However, he notes that
vestigator of the original study. The sub- “replication bullying.” “authors of low-powered studies with spec-
sequent data analysis and conclusions were Yet some whose findings did not hold up tacular effects should not wait for hostile
reviewed only by Nosek or Lakens. are putting a positive spin on the experi- replications: They should get in front of the
Schnall contends that Donnellan’s effort ence. “This was certainly disappointing at a problem by replicating their own work.”
was flawed by a “ceiling effect” that, es- personal level,” says Eugene Caruso, a psy- For his part, Nosek hopes that the ten-
sentially, discounted subjects’ most severe chologist at the University of Chicago Booth sions will be short-lived growing pains
moral sentiments. “We tried a number of School of Business in Illinois, who in 2013 as psychology adjusts to a demand, from
strategies to deal with her ceiling effect reported a priming effect—exposing people within and outside the field, for greater ac-
concern,” Donnellan counters, “but it did to the sight of money made them more ac- countability. “Our primary aim is to make
not change the conclusions.” Donnellan cepting of societal norms—that failed to replication entirely ordinary,” he says, “and
and his supporters say that Schnall simply replicate. “But when I take a broader per- move it from a threat to a compliment.” ■

SCIENCE 23 MAY 2014 • VOL 344 ISSUE 6186 789

Published by AAAS

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