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Five lakh patients used QR code in 365 hospitals - Page No.1 , GS 2,3
A case that scans the working of the anti-defection law - Page No.8 , GS 2
Rights at the centre - Page No.8 , GS 2
Safe across borders - Page No.8 , GS 2
India’s R&D estimates are an incomplete picture - Page No.8 , GS 2,3
60% of India’s voters linked Aadhaar to voter ID: RTI - Page No.14 , GS 2
Sangeet Natak Akademi awards - Page No.14 , GS 1

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Pg no. 1 GS 2,3
• Up to five lakh patients have benefited since October last
year from QR code-enabled registration at hospital
counters, which has helped reduce long queues, the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Thursday.

• The Ministry’s National Health Authority (NHA) under the

Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) introduced the
“scan and share” service for faster Outpatient
Department (OPD) registrations in October 2022.

• “The ‘scan and share’ service is a typical example of how

technology can be leveraged to provide better services to
patients and to improve the system efficiency,” Dr. Garg
Pg no. 8 GS 2
• The anti-defection law was introduced into the Constitution via the Tenth
Schedule, in 1985.

• The Tenth Schedule sought to put a stop to this by stipulating that if any
legislator voted against the party whip, he or she would be disqualified
from the house.

• While on the one hand this empowered party leadership against the
legislative backbench, and weakened the prospect of intra-party dissent.

• This is where the role of the Supreme Court becomes crucial. Disputes over
government formation and government toppling invariably end up before
the highest court.
If, for example, it is held that a Speaker cannot decide a
disqualification petition while under a notice for removal themselves,
and that a floor test can be ordered in the interim (by the Governor or
the court), the consequences are obvious: a “rebel MLA” can move a
notice for removal, incapacitate the Speaker from taking action, and
leave rebel MLAs free to bring down the government without
Pg no. 8 GS 2
• In 1959, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of
the Child, the first charter of its kind ensuring basic rights to all children below 18 years,
with these words: “Mankind owes to the child the best it can give.”

• Yet, as is well-documented, children, because of their vulnerability, often become

victims of abuse of power by the very people who are entrusted with their protection.

• Leaning on a child’s fundamental right to privacy, the Supreme Court of India has ruled
that children cannot be mechanically subjected to DNA tests in each and every case
between warring parents as a shortcut to establishing infidelity.

• Directing courts to acknowledge that children must not be regarded as material objects,
and that they be subjected to forensic/DNA testing only as a last resort particularly
when they are not parties to a divorce proceeding, Justice Nagarathna observed that it
is imperative that children do not become the focal point of the battle between
• While this is a welcome move, a reading of the 1989 United
Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child shows that there
are miles to go before every child in India is guaranteed “special
care and assistance”.

• India ratified the Convention in 1992 and over the years several
laws have been enacted to protect the rights of children though
their implementation has often been dodgy, failing to shield
them from abuse, violence, exploitation or neglect.
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights:
•The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is a
statutory body established under the Commission for Protection of
Child Rights (CPCR) Act, 2005.
•It is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Women and
Child Development.
•Under the act, a Child is defined as a person in the 0 to 18 years age
•It aims to ensure that all Laws, Policies, Programmes, and
Administrative Mechanisms are in harmony with the Child Rights
perspective as enshrined in the Constitution of India and also the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Pg no. 8 GS 2
• Recently, India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and Singapore’s PayNow
have been integrated to enable faster Remittances between the two countries.

• Singapore has become the first country with which cross-border Person to
Person (P2P) payment facilities have been launched.

• The project is expected to greatly benefit the Indian diaspora, especially migrant
workers and students, in Singapore as it allows faster and cost-efficient funds
transfer across both countries without the mandate of getting onboard the other
payment system.
• As per the ministry of external affairs (MEA) document Population of Overseas
Indians (2022), there are approximately 6.5 lakh Indians, including non-resident
Indians and persons of Indian origin, currently residing in Singapore.
• Of the total inward remittances to India in 2020-21, the share of Singapore
stood at 5.7%, according to the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) Remittance Survey,
UPI and Paynow
•UPI is India’s mobile-based fast payment system, which facilitates
customers to make round-the-clock payments instantly, using a
Virtual Payment Address (VPA) created by the customer.

•UPI supports both Person-to-Person (P2P) and Person-to-Merchant

(P2M) payments and it also enables a user to send or receive money.

•PayNow is a fast payment system in Singapore. It enables peer-to-

peer funds transfer service, available to retail customers through
participating banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NFIs).
Pg no. 8 GS
• India’s research and development (R&D) expenditure-GDP ratio of 0.7% is very
low when compared to major economies and is much below the world
average of 1.8%.

• The main reason is the low investment in R&D by the corporate sector. While
the corporate sector accounts for about two-thirds of gross domestic
expenditure on R&D (GERD) in leading economies, its share in India is just

• The National Science and Technology Management Information System

(NSTMIS) of the DST is the agency that compiles GERD statistics in India.

• It is easier to gather the information on R&D by the government sector, the

higher education sector and public sector enterprises. The challenge lies in
collecting data from the private corporate sector.
Pg no. 14 GS 2
• Over 60% of India’s 94.5 crore voters in India have linked their Aadhaar number to
their voter IDs, the Election Commission (EC) disclosed in a Right to Information
response obtained by The Hindu. The total number of voters who have their Aadhaar
linked is 56,90,83,090.

• Tripura, which went to the polls last week, had the highest rate of Aadhaar linking;
over 92% of voters in the State have provided their Aadhaar details to the Election

• Some of these voters may have provided documents other than Aadhaar, such as
PAN, Driving License, or Passport, to fill out Form 6B, which the EC introduced last
year. However, the form primarily demands Aadhaar, and electors can only provide an
alternative document after declaring that they do not have an Aadhaar.

• The Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021 was passed to deduplicate electoral rolls
by allowing election authorities to collect the 12 digit number from voters.
• The per-State percentages given here are based on total voter
enumerations released by States and Union Territories in the past three
years. After Tripura, Lakshadweep and Madhya Pradesh occupy the second
and third spots, with over 91% and 86% of voters having provided the
number respectively.

• Voters in southern States have not provided their Aadhaar in such

proportions, even though they are above the national average. Andhra
Pradesh and Karnataka both fell shy of 71%, whereas the number stands
around 63% and 61% for Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

• The State with the lowest Aadhaar registration by voters is Gujarat, where
only 31.5% of voters have linked the document to their voter registration.
Less than 34% of voters in the national capital had their Aadhaar linked.
Pg no. 14 GS 1
• Observing that culture was the real identity of a country, President Droupadi
Murmu on Thursday said India’s unique performing arts had kept its
incredible culture alive for centuries.

• “Our arts and artists are the carriers of our rich cultural heritage. Unity in
diversity is the biggest feature of our cultural traditions,” the President said,
while giving away the Sangeet Natak Akademi awards and fellowships for
2019, 2020 and 2021 here.

• Ms. Murmu said civilisation showcased the material achievements of a

nation, but intangible heritage was revealed through its culture. “In our
tradition, art is a spiritual practice, a medium of the search for truth, a
medium of prayer and worship, a medium of public welfare... Art binds the
linguistic diversity and regional characteristics in one thread,” she said.
Sangeet Natak Akademi
•The Sangeet Natak Akademi is India's national academy for
music, dance and drama.

•It was created by a resolution of the (then) Ministry of Education,

Government of India, in 1952 with Dr P.V. Rajamannar as its first

•It is presently an Autonomous Body of the Ministry of

Culture, Government of India and is fully funded by the
Government for implementation of its schemes and programmes.
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