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In introduction, you must mention your title and its definition in brief. Furthermore, give your
problem of statement that motivate you to work on this title. A problem statement is a
statement of a current issue or problem that requires timely action to improve the situation.
Then, please mention your objective of your assignment. The objective can be one or more,
according to your points and elaborations. Use this template to create your assignment.
Check the styles and apply.

In introduction, you must mention your title and its definition in brief. Furthermore, give your
problem of statement that motivate you to work on this title. A problem statement is a
statement of a current issue or problem that requires timely action to improve the situation.
Then, please mention your objective of your assignment. The objective can be one or more,
according to your points and elaborations.

In introduction, you must mention your title and its definition in brief. Furthermore, give your
problem of statement that motivate you to work on this title. A problem statement is a
statement of a current issue or problem that requires timely action to improve the situation.
Then, please mention your objective of your assignment. The objective can be one or more,
according to your points and elaborations.

In introduction, you must mention your title and its definition in brief. Furthermore, give your
problem of statement that motivate you to work on this title. A problem statement is a
statement of a current issue or problem that requires timely action to improve the situation.
Then, please mention your objective of your assignment. The objective can be one or more,
according to your points and elaborations.

Normally, point 1 elaborate the background of your assignment. Whether the definitions,
history or introduction of your topic. Your writings should have the citations of the references.
I will check every single of your references’ citation in this section and onwards. If you write
some ideas in the paragraph without any citation, I will note that you have copy the other
ideas without any acknowledgement. This is because normally your ideas will come after
some elaborations and analysis from others for example in your conclusions and

Factors Which Make Which Relate to And Growth Up the Food
Environment in The Potential for Microbial Survival

Microorganisms or microbes are artistic organisms that can be found anywhere, whether on
earth or in the international space station. Therefore, among the factors which make up
which relate to and grow up the food environment in the potential for microbial survival is the
effect of nutrients content on bacterial growth rates. The increase in protein levels is caused
by the growth of the microorganism itself (Rahmat Taufiq Mustahiq Akbar, 2014 ).
Microorganisms need food for energy, growth and proper cell function. Nutrients include
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, minerals and vitamins. This is because, if there are a lot of
nutrients, the growth rate of microorganisms is faster. Microbes are usually found in foods
with high nutrient content of different nature. The most important substance to generate is
carbohydrates. Alcohols, organic acids, amino acids, peptides, and other similar substances
are some other carbons that can be used as an energy source. Therefore, all of that is very
important for microorganisms on their growth rate in foods containing high nutrients.

Secondly, the effect of Water Activity (aw) on bacterial growth rates. According to Marlia M.
Hanafiah and her friends, they think "water is an important element for all living organisms to
survive and live their daily lives" (Marlia M. Hanafiah, 2018 ). Therefore, all microorganisms
need water or moisture to live, carry out life processes, remove waste materials, grow and
reproduce. High humidity is ideal for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. Water
is important because water is used as a medium for reactions that occur in the body of
microorganisms. Water is also available in bound and free form. Water free is Water that is
not bound to an inorganic surface, that can flow freely while water bound is water molecules
present in a food that are chemically bonded to other molecules. This is because it is closely
related to water activity (aw). Water activity (abbreviation: aw) is a number that calculates
the intensity of water in non-water elements or solids. If the water activity is high, then the
ability of microorganisms to grow is high. So, the water in a food is important for the potential
of microbial growth in the food environment.

Thirdly, the effect of Ph on bacterial growth rates. The growth of microorganisms (bacteria)
depends on the acidity of the food. The ph scale or known as acidity is measured which
ranges from 0 to 14. A ph of 7.0 is neutral, a ph of less than 7.0 is acidic and a ph of more
than 7.0 is alkaline. A ph value of 7 is neutral and suitable for the growth of most
microorganisms. Therefore, each microorganism has a different growth ph which is
minimum, optimum and maximum. Too acidic or alkaline will kill microorganisms. Most
microorganisms will die at extreme ph values such as very high or too low ph values. The
optimal growth range is 6.0 to 7.5. The ability of microorganisms to grow well will be
hindered if the ph of the environment is higher or lower than the optimum ph value. However,
foods with a low ph will tend to be more microbiologically stable than neutral foods such as
soft drinks, fermented milk and pickles. Vegetables have a higher ph than fruits. They are
damaged by bacteria. So, the ph scale in food is very important for microorganisms, the
potential for microbial growth in the food environment.

Fourth, the effect of antimicrobials continues on bacterial growth rates. Some foods cannot
easily be attacked by microorganisms due to the presence of naturally occurring substances
that have antimicrobial activity. Examples of natural constituents of foods which affect
microbial growth are: Essential Oils eg Eugenol (in cloves), Allicin (in garlic), cinnamic,
aldehyde & euganol (in cinnamon), thymol (in oregano) Lysozyme and conalbumin (in eggs)
Lactoferrin, conglutinin and lactoperoxidase (in cow's milk). all the finished ingredients that
are in the food is to take care of food hygiene. without that ingredient, food will spoil quickly
because it plays an important role like garlic. Garlic is more resistant than onion because
garlic has Allicin for antimicrobial properties.

Finally, the effect of biological structure on bacterial growth rates. Some food is neutrally
covered and these coverings provide excellent protection against the entry and subsequent
damage by spoilage organisms. This is very important to keep the food safe and clean from
dangerous things. It has existed naturally which has been created by God. Food that has a
shell is a physical barrier such as eggs and nuts. Contamination can occur starting when the
egg breaks (SITI FARAH ELIANI SOLLEH, 2020). Followed by processing to collect broken
eggs and put them in plastic, contamination can occur during storage for sale. Various
questions arise regarding the level of cleanliness and certainly various aspects need to be
emphasized. Behind the broken egg, the effect is that there is a food safety risk assessment
that needs to be made so that the broken egg is indeed not contaminated and safe to eat.
Therefore, with the perfect biological structure created by God, it will take care and maintain
the quality of food. It is very important for the potential for microbial growth in the food

Food changes are also affect by how long they have been expose to the environment. To
kill germs, for example, the temperature of a food must not only reach a specific point, but
the food must also be in a condition of temperature established according to the suitability of
the food for a certain time. Furthermore, microbial reduction should be carry out in
accordance with disinfection guidelines. The pace of change in food quality is refer to as the
"rate of change in quality." When the pace of quality change is proportional to the food's
shelf life, it is refer to as the "rate of food deterioration."

Three external factors that cause deterioration in food are:

i. Temperature on bacterial growth rates

ii. Relative humidity of environment
iii. Presence of gases in environment


of food gas

Firstly, the external factors of food are temperature is an important factor here effects on
specific food properties and food spoilage rates. The use of heat during the manufacturing
process can also change the properties of food to meet desirable requirements, such as
denaturation or ripening of proteins that give properties to cooked foods; softening of the
structure of fruits and vegetables; destruction of enzymes and microorganisms and changes
in color, taste, nutritional value, distribution of spices in meat, etc. From here, the shelf life of
food begins. After this, uncontrolled food reactions continue during storage, leading to a loss
of food quality and safety over time. This reaction is usually temperature-dependent.
Molecules in food move faster when the temperature rises. This increases the chances of
collisions and reactions. On the other hand, keeping food cold slows down the movement of
food molecules. The rate of change in temperature has a significant impact on food quality,
particularly changes in food structure caused by the state or phase of elements in food. A
temperature change that is not suitable for a food will damage its structure and change its

low temperature high temperature temperature danger

<5C >65 c zone
growth of microbes is microbes are destroyed -4c to 60 c
retard optimal temperature for
most microbial growth

Secondly, as already mentioned, the quantity of free water in food greatly affects the
speed of degradation. Foods with low free water that hold on in high humidity conditions will
have their amount of free water increase through diffusion from the surroundings into the
food, leading to enhanced chemical reactions and microbiological growth. Therefore, foods
with a low free water content reminiscent of dry foods should be pack in low porous
packaging. If the packaging is broken or has been open, it will expose the food to moisture in
the air and deteriorate quicker than it should (Blog, 2022). Therefore, the shelf life of the
food is as declared if the package is unopened. If open and not finished eating, the patron
bought to make sure that the dry food does not inherit contact with wet to increase the shelf
life of the food.

Thirdly, apart from the wetness factor, the air is additionally mix with gases. Among them
is atomic number 8 gas, which is the precursor of the oxidation reaction that causes
deterioration in several foods and is reminiscent of rancidity, abnormal smell, loss of nutrition
within the food such as sustenance C, performance antioxidants, pigment fading, and
browning from the reaction wherever polyphenol oxidase is present. Involved, such as a
chromatic color amendment on the apple when being cut and left, and then on. In addition,
oxygen is use by aerobic bacteria during the process of cellular respiration. For aerobic

organisms, oxygen is absolute requirement for their energy properties. Certain
microorganisms grow in free oxygen environments and describe as anaerobic.

Lastly, In addition to the external factors already mentioned, cleanliness throughout the
food production and processing process also includes proper control of the product storage
and transportation environments, which are still required in the food industry. This reduces
the risk of contamination and helps ensure food spoilage rates reach the shelf life stated on
the label. In the future, the responsible party will use the knowledge of the factors affecting
the shelf life of food to help extend the shelf life of food according to the set date and
expected time.


Food poisoning is a general term for various illnesses caused by the consumption of
food or drink contaminated with harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses or certain
parasites. Food poisoning also results from eating food contaminated with various types of
viruses, germs, parasites and poisonous chemicals. In addition, poisoning caused by eating
mushrooms, it is said that food poisoning is also caused by an epidemic if there are more
symptoms of the disease. from two poisoning patients. Food poisoning caused by bacteria is
the main cause in more than 80% of food poisoning cases based on (Nagham Mahmood,
2021).The most common form of food poisoning is salmonellosis, a type of food poisoning
caused by salmonella bacteria. Other common types of food poisoning include botulism,
shigellosis, mushroom poisoning, cryptosporidiosis, campy food poisoning, Escherichia coli
food poisoning, and staphylococcus food poisoning.

Foodborne illness, or foodborne disease, colloquially referred to as food poisoning,

represents every illness caused by eating contaminated food. There are two types of
food poisoning cases: the case of botulism poisoning and the case of botulism poisoning .
Food infections indicate the presence of bacteria or other microbes that cause infection
in the body after eating. The possibility of food contamination has increased in our
contemporary times due to the accelerated globalization in food production and trade
based on (Mohamad, 2015). Some foodborne disease outbreaks that were once
contained within a small community may now occur across larger communities or on
global dimensions. This made food and food safety authorities around the world
acknowledge that the Foodborne illness, or foodborne illness, colloquially referred to as food
poisoning, represents any illness caused by eating contaminated food. There are two types
of food poisoning: botulism poisoning and botulism poisoning. Food contamination refers to
the presence of bacteria or other microbes that cause infection in the body after eating.
Some foodborne disease outbreaks that were once contained within a small community may
now occur throughout a larger community or on a global dimension.

Some toxins that cause poisoning cause no harm, while others can cause severe
damage or death. based on symptoms, information from the poisoned person and
bystanders, and sometimes from urine and blood tests. For example, viruses and bacteria
that cause food poisoning are Clostiridium perfringins, Staflo Aureus Staph. Aureus, Vibio
Species: V. Cholorae: V. Parahaemolylicus, Bacillus Cereus , Salmonella, Clostridium
Batulinum, Shigella, Toxigenic E.coli., Campylobacter.,Yersinier., Listeria. and Aeromonas.
These are among the bacteria and viruses that cause so much food poisoning today.
Islam is a religion that emphasizes cleanliness. Apart from taking care of personal hygiene,
Islam is also very important about the purity of food, especially in food handling. The food is
authentic it is prepared in safe methods and environment based on (Syuhaida, September

According to Al-Quran surah Al-Mu'minun, Allah Taala said: "O Messengers, eat from good
food and do righteous deeds. Indeed, I know what you are doing". As a Muslim we must eat
clean and pure food. To achieve that, there are several methods that must be met according
to the World Health Organization (WHO) when handling food.

Diagram 1

First, food preparation must be done in clean conditions. Food handlers must ensure that
their hands are washed properly before handling food and often during food preparation to
prevent food from bacterial contamination. Food handlers must wash it or her hands with the
anti-bacterial liquid soup especially after going to the toilet. To ensure the hand is washed
properly, pay more attention to the finger tips, fingernails, thumbs, and wrist and in between

Secondly, raw and cooked food must be separated. To avoid contact between raw
prepared food and cooked food, foods must be stored in different containers. Food handlers
must use different equipment utensils or washed them after been used. Raw foods,
especially meat, poultry and seafood contain dangerous microorganisms. If these raw
foods make a contact with cooked food, then the cooked foods will be contaminated
with dangerous microorganisms that can cause diseases. To make the handling of food

easier, tagging can be used to categorize between vegetables and raw meat such as fish,
beef meat and poultry meat.

Lastly, the food must be prepared with safe water and raw materials. Safe water and raw
materials must be used for the food preparation. “Safe” here means that the water and food
is free from dangerous microorganisms and toxic chemicals at levels that could cause harm
to a person‟s human health. Vegetables and fruits must be washed properly especially if it‟s
eaten raw. By care in selection of raw materials, simple measures taken, such as
washing, and peeling may reduce risk of illnesses and diseases to human health. Packaging
materials must not be made of substances which are considered as najis by Islamic laws
and harmful to one‟s health. Halal logistics have been attracting considerable attention both
by practitioners and academics (Zailani, 2017).


To sustain life and advance good health, it is essential to have access to adequate quantities
of safe and nourishing food. According to World Health Organization, Unsafe food containing
harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances causes more than 200 diseases,
ranging from diarrhoea to cancers. Malnutrition and disease spiral out of control as a result,
especially impacting the elderly, the sick, young children, and babies. To help assure food
safety and better food systems, effective cooperation between governments, producers, and
consumers is required.

Food that can be consumed by customers without endangering their bodies, that is
free from disease, clean, and of high quality is referred to as safe food. The Ministry of
Health's (KKM) primary goal when requiring operators to adhere to food safety rules and
regulations is to safeguard the lives of consumers. Food preparation mistakes that don't
adhere to the given instructions lead to dirty and unclean food. Food can become
contaminated due to unclean and poorly maintained facilities, shoddy cooking techniques,
and repulsive raw ingredients. Foodborne illnesses including Salmonella, Shigella,
Campylobacter, and E. coli, as well as the Hepatitis A virus, will develop from food
contamination . All of these illnesses are brought on by bacteria, which are found in food that
has been tainted and is unclean. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
420,000 people worldwide die each year as a result of consuming tainted food, and one in
ten individuals experience health issues as a result. People in poor nations struggle to

recover from food-borne illnesses because of food contamination owing to a variety of

The illnesses that people contract from the foods they consume are referred to as
foodborne diseases, or diseases induced by food. These illnesses are costly to treat and are
a major public health concern. Consuming contaminated meals and products leads to the
development of foodborne illnesses. Foodborne illnesses are ultimately brought on by
bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemical agents, and toxins that are produced when food is
contaminated at any stage, from manufacture to consumption. These illnesses are viewed
as a widespread, ongoing issue that can cause morbidity and, on rare occasions, mortality.
Foodborne illnesses are on the rise everywhere, but especially in developing nations where
personal cleanliness and food hygiene are neglected.

To avoid all of the diseases,personal hygiene must be practice by food handlers. “Hygiene”
refers to conditions or practices by which people maintain or promote good health by
keeping themselves and their surroundings clean (Aiello, 1 DECEMBE 2008). Personal

hygiene is most important thing for food handlers .It is the duty of the person handling food
to maintain excellent personal hygiene, especially having short, clean nails. Additionally,
take off your outer clothing, head covering, and/or apron before using the restroom. Next,
wash your hands before beginning any work, right away after using the restroom, and after
touching any contaminated items like raw food. Additionally, refrain from engaging in any
actions or behaviours that could contaminate food, such as smoking, chewing tobacco, betel
nuts, licking your fingers, scratching your body, blowing your nose, or coughing. Next, avoid
putting anything that can contaminate food in the pocket of any clothing or apron. Wearing
personal jewellery, watches, pins, or other accessories is not permitted.

You have to give conclusion or suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from
your own words and the aim is to give a big picture of your assignment. You have to give
conclusion or suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from your own words
and the aim is to give a big picture of your assignment. You have to give conclusion or
suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from your own words and the aim is
to give a big picture of your assignment. For references, please use APA style. Use
Mendeley or Endnote to create a good reference citation as below.

You have to give conclusion or suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from
your own words and the aim is to give a big picture of your assignment. You have to give
conclusion or suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from your own words
and the aim is to give a big picture of your assignment. You have to give conclusion or
suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from your own words and the aim is
to give a big picture of your assignment. For references, please use APA style. Use
Mendeley or Endnote to create a good reference citation as below.

You have to give conclusion or suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from
your own words and the aim is to give a big picture of your assignment. You have to give
conclusion or suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from your own words
and the aim is to give a big picture of your assignment. You have to give conclusion or
suggestion in this section. The conclusion should come from your own words and the aim is
to give a big picture of your assignment. For references, please use APA style. Use
Mendeley or Endnote to create a good reference citation as below.

Lastly, check your spellings, grammars and phrases. Result of your Turnitin can
decide your mark of ethics and professionalism. Submit on the due date.

Aiello, A. E. (1 DECEMBE 2008). Personal Health Bringing Good Hygiene Home.
Blog, T. H. (2022, May 17). Factors affecting the shelf life of food (part 2:
External/Environmental factors). Retrieved from ITO (THAILAND) LTD:
Marlia M. Hanafiah, N. H. (2018 ). Salvinia molesta dan Pistia stratiotes sebagai Agen
Fitoremediasi. Sains Malaysiana, 1-10.
Mohamad, M. S. (2015). "Keselamatan Makanan Menurut Perspektif Islam:. Kajian
Terhadap Pengambilan Makanan Berisiko." Jurnal Fiqh12.
Nagham Mahmood, M. M. (2021, November). Review on Food poisoning (Types, Causes,
Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment). pp. 54-55.
Rahmat Taufiq Mustahiq Akbar, Y. S. (2014 ). PENINGKATAN NUTRISI LIMBAH
SITI FARAH ELIANI SOLLEH. (2020, febuari 24). Adakah telur pecah selamat dimakan?
sinar harian .
Syuhaida, S. M. (September 2017). FOOD SAFETY, SANITATION AND PERSONAL
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET).
Zailani, S. 2. (2017). "Halal logistics opportunities and challenges.". Journal of Islamic

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