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Please submit the original return and retain a copy for your records.

Monthly Employer Return EMP201

Employer Details
Trading or
PAYE Ref No. 7300775733 SDL Ref No. L300775733 UIF Ref No. U300775733
Contact Details
First Name SUNIL
Surname RUPEE
Position held at Business MEMBER
Bus Tel No. 0110231949 Cell No. 0828944386
Penalty of 10% is payable on late payments. Interest is calculated on a daily basis at the applicable prescribed rate. To view the table of rates, go to
ETI Indicator Y N Compliance status Compliant Non-Compliant

Payroll Tax Calculation ETI Calculation Total Payable

PAYE Liability R 123794.77 ETI Brought R PAYE Payable R 123794.77

SDL Liability R 5631.19 ETI Calculated R SDL Payable R 5631.19
UIF Liability R 4715.12 ETI Utilised R UIF Payable R 4715.12
Payroll R 134141.08 ETI Carry Forward R 0.00 Penalty & Interest R
Payment Total Payable R ,
Reference No. 7300775733LC2022093 Payment Period (CCYYMM) 202209 134141.08
Voluntary Disclosure Programme Tax Practitioner Details (if applicable) Declaration
Is this declaration made in respect of a VDP agreement Y N Tax Practitoner
with SARS? Registration No. PR I declare that the information given on this form is complete and correct. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
VDP Application No. Tax Practitioner
Tel No.
Date (CCYYMMDD) 20221004 Please ensure you sign over
the 2 lines of “X”s above
For enquiries go to or call 0800 00 7277

EMP201 L Engl FV 2022.02.00 SV 1201 CT 03 NO 7300775733

P 202209

Y 2019

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