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HS3317 – Halal Industrial Food and Management

Definition: Halal food and Halal food products

- Fit for human consumption & permitted by Hukum Syara and fulfill the following

a. food/ingredients do not contain any

parts/products of animals that are
b. Food does not contain any ingredients
non-halal to Muslims according to
that are najis according to Hukum
Hukum Syara or Products of animals
which are not slaughtered according
to Hukum Syara
d. Food that is not
c. Food that is safe and not harmful using equipment that is contaminated
with things that are najis according to
Hukum Syara
f. Do not contain any
e. food/ingredients do not contain any
materials/genetically modified
human parts/its derivatives that are
organisms which are decreed as najis
not permitted by Hukum syara
according to hukum syara
g. During preparation/processing/packaging/storage/transportation the food is physically
separated from any other food that does not meet the requirement stated in items (a-f)
or any other things that have been decreed as najis by Hukum Syara

Definition: Manufacture (industrial), in relation to any halal products, includes:

2. The packing of the product in any

1. Purchasing of materials and the container in a form suitable for
making/assembling of the product administration/application and the
labeling of the container
3. The carrying out of any process in the course of the above-mentioned activities such
as quality control, release and storage of the product.

Management: requirements

2. Every company applying for halal

certificate & halal label must ensure
1. Every Manufacturer/place/place of
that all raw ingredients used are halal
business should produce/prepare only
and suppliers/sub-contractors who
Halal products
supply any halal materials/having
halal certificates are selected
3. Every company must comply to the 4. Companies which fall under
halal procedure and requirements as multinational and medium industry
stated in the halal certificate and halal categories should from an internal
label order, 2005 (amended 2017); Halal audit committee to handle
Brunei Darussalam standard for Halal and ensure that halal procedures
Food PBD 24:2007 and BCG Halal 1 and requirements are compiled
5. During preparation, handling,
6. The use of equipment/appliances
packaging/transportation, the
at the premise must be clean and
product must be in clean condition
free from filth according to hukm
and not containing any on – halal
syara’/not hazardous to health
ingredient according to hukm
8. Cleanliness: equipment,
manufacturing area & the surrounding
7. Transportation: must be for halal
must be controlled seriously & the
product only
factory should practice Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
9. Any form of deity/religion statues - prohibited in the premises/food processing area
10. Employee: practice good code of work ethics & good hygiene practices:
a. Undergo medical exam at any health
center approved by govt. Before & b. Must be trained on the halal principles
during the cause of employment
d. Employees who is not feeling
c. Must practice good personal well/having any open wound
hygiene, especially that can affect the quality of any
those who are at the production product should not allowed to
operators. work until the person has
f. Smoking, eating, drinking/storing of
food, drink, cigarette,
e. Direct hand contact of the handlers
medicine and other things must be
with the raw material/ half
kept at specified area and not
finished products should be
allowed in the production area/any
other places that can reduce the
quality of products.
g. All individuals entering the
production area should wear
special factory attire/ proper and h. Should always maintain a high
clean clothing (If attire is not degree of personal cleanliness and
available) in accordance with where appropriate, wear suitable
procedures on health and personal protective clothing, head and
cleanliness for permanent mouth covers, gloves and
employees, temporary employees, footwear.
management staff, visitors and
i. Must always wash their hands j. Not allowed to wear personal
thoroughly using suitable detergent effects - as
- At the start of food handling jewelry, watches and pins into food
activities handling area if they pose a
- Immediately after using the threat to the safety and suitability
toilet of food.
- After handling raw food/any
contaminated materials
k. Must be committed and responsible for the assigned halal policy

Halal Industrial food management - Activities

All operations, including filling and labeling, that a bulk product

1. Packaging
has to undergo to become a finished product
Any material employed in the packaging of a halal
product, excluding any other packaging used for
transportation/ shipment.
2. Packaging material
Packing materials are referred to as primary/ secondary
according to whether/ not they are intended to be in direct
contact with the product.

Description of the operations to be carried out, the

precautions to be taken & measures to be applied
3. Procedures
directly/indirectly related to the manufacture of a halal
All operations involved in the preparation of a halal
4. Production product, from receipt of materials, through processing
and packaging, to its completion as a finished product.
Its an act involving procedures that need to be carried out
5. Slaughtering according to the requirements as described in Brunei
standard for Halal food PBD 24:2007
Any substance of a defined quality used in the production
6. Starting material
of a halal product, exclude packaging materials
To describe the safe keeping of products such as starting
materials and finished products received in the factory
7. Storage
and kept in warehouses and allocated approved storage

The criteria for the use of the term halal for products are as follow:
Sources of starting material
- All sources of starting materials including their products and derivatives intended for use
in the finished product are Halal according to Hukum Syara’, except those expressly
stated herein below and/mixed with materials that are najis
- Animal origin: 2 categories -
1. Land animals
2. Aquatic animals

Land animals: the following land animals are non - halal as sources of starting material
intended for halal products:
2. Animals with long pointed teeth or
1. Khinzir (pigs) and dogs and their tusks to which they use to kill their
descendants prey - tigers, bears, elephants, cats
and monkeys, etc
4. Animals that are enjoined by Islam to
be killed namely rats, scorpions,
3. Birds with talons/predator birds
snakes, crow, kites (bird) and rabid
5. Animals that are forbidden to be killed 6. Creatures that are generally
in islam - ants, bees, hud-hud considered repulsive - live, flies,
(hoopoes), shurad (shrikes) khuththaf worms, maggots, centipedes,
(swifts and animals that use their mosquitoes, wasps, beetles, lizards,
beaks to prey), frogs and bats cockroaches and spiders, etc
7. Animals that can live both on land and 8. Animals that are not slaughtered
in water - crocodiles, turtles and frogs according to Hukum Syara

Aquatic animals: All aquatic animals are halal as sources of starting

animals that live in water and cannot material intended for halal products except those that
survive outside it - fish are hazardous to health
All types of plants including land and aquatic plants,
Plant origins their by products and or derivatives are halal except
those that are hazardous to health

Fungi and Microorganisms: All types of fungi & microorganism - bacteria & algae and their
by-products and/derivatives are halal except those that are:
2. obtained /originated from sources that
1. Hazardous to health
are decreed as najis
3. Obtained from human parts/its 4. Cultured in a medium containing non -
derivatives halal ingredients

all sources from soil and its by products (including minerals) are halal
Soil except those that are hazardous to health and or mixed with materials
that are decreed as najis
products that are produced synthetically are halal except those that
Synthetic materials are hazardous to health and or mixed with materials that are decreed
as najis

Starting materials
- the types of starting materials that will not be termed as halal if they are in any way
described as any of the following:
1. Najis 2. Obtained from mustaqdzar sources
3. Hazardous to health 4. Mixed with items (1-3)
In general, the starting materials used in the manufacture of halal products, including those
mentioned below, will be termed as halal if they are not in any way described as any of the

Alcohol: a layman’s term for ethanol/ethyl alcohol and can be produced by 2 main
This is how khamr (liquor/any other
1. Yeast fermentation of carbohydrates intoxicating drinks and beverages) are
This is how ethanol is produced artificially -
2. Chemical synthesis reduction of esters/alkenes/ketones or
hydration of ethylene
According to Hukum Syara, the following applies to alcohol (ethanol):
a. When produced/extracted from
khamr (liquor/any other drinks and b. All production of alcohols that lead to
beverages that are characterized as liquor (khamar)/intoxicating substances
intoxicating), alcohol (ethanol) will be are termed as najis
termed as najis
c. When produced from chemical d. Alcohol produced from chemical
synthesis, alcohol is non - najis and synthesis can be used for cleaning of
when present in products intended equipment as long as it does not
for external application to the body, contaminated any preparation intended
the product is termed as halal for internal use

Biotechnology products: All biotechnology products are halal.

The following also applies for all biotechnology products:
2. All biotechnology products derived
1. All biotechnology products derived from slaughtered halal land
or extracted from plants are halal animals and aquatic animals are
except those that are hazardous to halal except those that are najs or
health when derived from mustaqdzar
4. All biotechnology products
derived/extracted from fungi and
microorganisms are halal except
3. All biotechnology products
those that are hazardous to health,
derived/extracted from human
derived/extracted from sources that
parts/its derivatives are non - halal
are najis, cultured in a medium
containing non - halal
ingredients/derived/extracted from
human parts and its derivatives

All types of blood and its derivatives are non - halal except for liver and spleen
obtained from slaughtered halal land animals and halal aquatic animals

Coloring agents: All coloring agents are halal.

The following also applies for all coloring agents:
1. All coloring agents 2. All coloring agents derived/extracted from
derived/extracted from slaughtered halal land animals and halal aquatic
plants are halal except animals are halal except those that are
those that are hazardous to najis/when derived/extracted from mustaqdzar
health sources.
4. All coloring agents derived/extracted from fungi
3. All coloring agents and microorganisms are halal except those that
derived/extracted from are hazardous to health, derived/extracted from
human parts/its derivatives sources that are najis, cultured in a medium
are non-halal containing non-halal ingredients, or obtained
from human parts and its derivatives

All laid eggs are halal except those that are hazardous to health

Enzymes: All types of enzymes are halal except those that fall under paragraphs 3.2
(a/b/c/d/e) above
The following also applies for all enzymes:
2. All enzymes obtained/originated from
1. All enzymes
slaughtered halal land animals and halal
obtained/originated from plants
aquatic animals are halal except those that
are halal except those that are
are najis/when obtained/originated from
hazardous to health
mustaqdzar sources

Fats: All types of fats are halal

The following also applies for all fats:
1. All fats obtained from 2. All types of fats obtained from slaughtered
plants are halal except halal land animals and halal aquatic animals
that they are hazardous are halal except those that are najs or
to health. derived from mustaqdzar sources
4. All enzymes obtained from fungi and micro –
3. All types of fats obtained organisms are halal except those that are
from human parts or hazardous to health, derived from sources
derivatives are non – that are najs, cultured in a medium
halal containing non – halal ingredients or from
human parts and its derivatives.

starting materials extracted from fur/feather obtained from halal

fur/feather land animals are halal whether the fur is obtained when the
animal is still alive/after it is slaughtered

Gelatin: halal except when obtained/originated from animals and plants that fall under
paragraphs 3.2 (a/b/c/d/e) above
The following also applies for all types of gelatine:
2. Gelatine obtained from slaughtered
1. Gelatine obtained from plants - halal halal land animals and halal aquatic
except those that are hazardous to animals are halal except -
health najis/obtained from mustaqdzar
3. Gelatine obtained from human parts or its derivatives are non – halal
All kinds of honey are halal (Selagi ia inda mix with
something yg non – halal)
All types of liquids and their by products are halal except
Liquids those that are najs or hazardous to health.

Nutritional proteins and amino acids: All nutritional proteins and amino acids are halal
The following applies for all nutritional proteins and amino acids:
2. All nutritional proteins and amino
acids derived from slaughtered
1. All nutritional proteins and amino halal
acids derived or extracted land and aquatic animals are halal
except those that are najs or when
derived from mustaqdzar sources.
4. All nutritional proteins and amino
acids derived from fungi and
microorganisms are halal except
3. All nutritional proteins and amino those hazardous to health,
acids derived from human parts or obtained from sources that are
its derivatives are non – halal. najs, cultured in a medium
containing non – halal ingredients
or obtained from human parts and
its derivatives.

Is Non – halal except when obtained from sources or animals

which are halal according to hukum syara’.

Vitamins and minerals: All types of natural and synthetic vitamins and minerals are halal
The following also applies for all types of natural and synthetic vitamins and
2. All natural and synthetic vitamins
1. All natural and synthetic vitamins and minerals obtained from
and minerals obtained from plants slaughtered halal land and aquatic
are halal except those that are animals are halal except those that
hazardous to health are najs or obtained from
mustaqdzar sources.
4. All natural and synthetic vitamins
3. All natural and synthetic vitamins
and minerals obtained from fungi
and minerals obtained from human
and micro – organisms are halal
parts or its derivatives are non –
except those hazardous to health,
obtained from sources that are
najs, cultured in a medium
containing non – halal ingredients
or obtained from human parts and
its derivatives.

Purchasing of starting materials

2. The manufacturer shall ensure

1. The manufacturer shall ensure that
certification or documentation of
starting materials purchased are
halal starting materials are
according to hukum syara’
available for verification
3. Starting materials should only be purchased from approved suppliers named in
the relevant specification and directly from the producer. It is recommended
that the specifications established by the manufacturer be discussed with
suppliers. Its of benefit that all aspects of the production and control of starting
material in question, including handling, label and packaging requirements and
complaints and rejection procedures are discussed with manufacturer and

Slaughtering procedure

The procedures to be carried out according to requirements of hukum syara’

Manufacturing, packaging and handling

2. All halal products that are stored,

1. All starting materials and finished displayed or sold shall be
products should be manufactured categorized and
and labelled halal and segregated at
handled in compliance to adopted every stage to prevent them from
relevant guidelines being mixed
with things that are non – halal
3. Halal products shall be suitably packed using packaging materials that fulfill the
The Packaging materials shall not be made from raw materials that are:
b. Obtained from any human parts or
a. Najis
its derivatives
c. Obtained from mustaqdzar sources d. Hazardous to health
e. Mixed with item (a-d)
4. The packaging material is not prepared, processed or manufactured using
equipment and facilities that are:
b. Obtained from any human parts or
a. Najis
its derivatives
c. Obtained from mustaqdzar sources d. Hazardous to health or mixed with
item (a-d)

Packaging process shall be carried out in clean and hygienic manner and in sound
sanitary conditions
Devices, utensils, machines and processing aids

Used for processing halal products shall not be made from any materials that are
decreed as najis by hukum syara’ and shall be used only for halal products.
In the case of converting and cleansing:
b. Previously used or in contact with najs into thahir
devices, utensils and
These lines, devices, utensils and machines shall be
a. Najs or processing washed and ritually cleansed as required by hukum
line containing najs syara’. The procedure governing the cleansing of najs
into halal production al – mughallazah shall be supervised and verified by
line competent Islamic authority. Upon conversion, the
lines, devices, utensils and machines shall be used
and operated for halal products only. Reception in
converting the line to najs al – mughallazah line and
back to halal line shall not be permitted.

Hygiene and sanitation

1. Are prerequisites in preparation of halal starting materials and products. It

includes various aspects of personal hygiene, clothing and equipment.
2. Procedures of halal starting materials sourced from animals shall implement
measures to:
b. Control plant and animal health so
a. Control contamination from air, soil,
it doesn’t pose a threat to human
water, feedstuff, fertilizers (include
health through contact, application,
natural fertilizers), pesticides,
usage or adversely affect the
veterinary drugs or other agent
suitability of
used in primary production
c. Protect food sources from pest,
d. Manage waste effectively
facial and other contaminants
e. Store harmful substances appropriately
4. All halal products shall be prepared,
3. Halal starting material sourced from
processed, packaged, transported and
animals, plants and microorganisms shall
stored in such a manner that they are in
be prepared, processed, packaged,
compliance with hygiene and sanitary
transported and stored in such a manner
requirements of internationally recognized
that they are in compliance to hygiene
and sanitary requirements of codex
general principles on food hygiene or
internationally recognized GMP


1. Each halal product shall be

prepared, processed, packaged, 2. Labeling material used in contact with
transported and stored in such a product directly or indirectly shall be
manner that they are in non – hazardous and not made from
compliance with hygiene and raw materials that are decreed as
sanitary requirements of najs by hukum syara’
internationally recognized GMP.
4. Claims on halal should not be used in
ways which could give rise to doubts
3. When a halal product is certified about the quality, safety and claim
halal by Majlis, the halal label benefits of similar products or halal
shall appear on the packaging products are more superior in quality,
safety and claim benefits to similar or
alternative products

Legal Requirements

1. The finished product shall in 2. Products with/ without halal

other aspects comply with certification that are intended to be
legislation including marketed in Brunei must be in
other relevant requirements compliance with the relevant
currently in Brunei regulations and its requirements

1. In the prescribed guidelines shall be verified through site inspection to be
performed by such persons appointed by Majlis

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