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Formatting Guidelines for Project Report

1. Font Size:
 Main Headings- 16 pt
 Sub Headings-14 pt
 Content- 12 pt

2. Table of Contents: It must have proper numbering. (See below for reference).

Table of Contents
1. Font Size:.............................................................................................................................................1
 Main Headings- 16 pt.......................................................................................................................1
 Sub Headings-14 pt..........................................................................................................................1
 Content- 12 pt.................................................................................................................................1
2. Table of Contents:...............................................................................................................................1

3. Figures- All figures must have a caption written below it. For example- Fig.1
Home page of the website.

4. Content- All the content written in report must be in Times New Roman and
should have justified alignment. It should be in 12 pt Font size.

5. References-
 Please write complete URL of the webpage visited.
 Don’t mention Wikipedia as reference.
 For any book, use- Author(s) name, Book Name, Publisher, and
6. Page Numbers- All pages must have a page number at bottom center of the
7. Front Page Guidelines- Front page of the report must contains all the details
given below in the same sequence and must be centrally aligned-

Mini Project Report

“Topic Name”
Group No. XX

Submitted by

“Members name(Roll No.)”

Project Guide

Submitted to
“Project In-charge Name”

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

SRMS College of Engineering Technology & Research

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