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1. Discuss the eight principles of the ISO 9001 standard. How is your company
following these ISO standards? Design a simple quality-focused example, that you
have created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have
created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

There are eight principals of ISO 9001 standards. Customer focus -evaluates
organization objectives and initiatives to meet customer requirements and exceed customer
expectations. Customer complaints must be systematically logged, and corrective action
taken. It is important to taken into consider customer feedback. Hence, my company
monitors voice of customer which helps us determine which area we need to focus on for
improvement. Leadership – Organizations succeed when their leaders establish and
maintain work environments that engage people across the company to achieve quality
objectives. Leadership at all levels must be aligned to drive a quality-minded culture.
Involvement of people - Engagement allows employees to be more empowered, competent,
dependable, and better able to help you achieve your quality objectives and meet customer
needs. My company is doing this by including people across board in meetings/training to
get their point of view. People should be recognized for their work in front of all

Process Approach – Organization will operate more efficiently when leaders

manage and control the business processes, linking them together to form a single system.
System Approach to Management - Individual process performance will improve when you
understand, analyze, and manage interrelated processes to develop a cohesive system.
Continual Improvement - is an ongoing effort to identify new opportunities and enhance
your company’s products, services, and processes. Factual Approach to Decision Making -
During the decision-making process, competent staff members should analyze and evaluate
all available data and information using the appropriate tools and methods. Relationship
Management - Successful companies establish relationships with relevant partners,
including business associates, vendors, investors, and resellers, to ensure the continuity of
the supply chain. For example, ISO standards ensure that thermometers are calibrated the
same way in different hospitals (ISO 80601), that food safety hazards are minimized (ISO
22000), and that personal and sensitive data is protected (ISO/IEC 27000).The importance
of ISO 9001 is improved customer satisfaction: by understanding your customers' needs
and reducing errors, you increase customer confidence in your ability to deliver products
and services. Higher operating efficiency: you can reduce costs by following industry best-
practice and focusing on quality.
Figure 1: I found this image on
9001-2015-context-of-the-organization/processes-procedures-work-instructions/. This is a
image of The ISO 9001 Process, Procedure and Work Instruction Hierarchy.

2. Discuss Pareto Charts with a worked out quality-focused example for your own
company. Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't
forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate
this challenge / solution (1 point of 10)..

The pareto diagram is a simple way of rank ordering the causes of problems by their
contributions. Pareto charts represent a type of statistical chart that is used to identify the
most significant factors that contribute to a particular problem or situation. The
importance of Pareto analysis is to find the key causes that will give the biggest benefits to
resolve an issue. This analysis is especially useful in cases where the problem or defect can
be rooted to multiple causes. The pareto principle is that 20% of the actual work you can
generate is 80% of the advantage of doing the entire job. Urge managers to focus on "the
critical few, rather than the trivial many". How to use the Pareto method: first, list the
challenges. Second, group options where they are facets of the same larger problem. Third,
apply an appropriate way to measure each group. Lastly, work on the group with the
highest score. It allows for a quick identification of the most critical issues or areas for
improvement and provide a clear picture of the relationship between different issues or
factors. It is widely used in quality control and management, six sigma, manufacturing,
business process improvement and many other fields. The key advantage of Pareto charts
is its ability to visually show the proportion of different issues or factors that contribute to
a problem or situation.

Using pareto chart, at company we realize we got a low score for one of our stapler
guns from voice of customer. I decided to determine the failure modes for that gun. I went
to the production floor towards the end of that stapler gun line. There’s an employee
reworking defected stapler guns from the line. I request him to provide me with number of
defected items and reason. I collected data for one month and created a pareto chart. I was
able to determine that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes which are peeling,
plunger setting, and tight main frame. This can be validated by improving the highest
Figure 2: The figure about shows pareto chart for stapler gun. 80% of the effects come
from 20% of the causes (Peeling, Plunger Setting, and Tight Main Frame. This image is
created by Hina Desai.

3. Discuss fishbone diagrams with a worked out quality-focused example for your own
company. Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't
forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate
this challenge / solution (1 point of 10)..

Fishbone diagrams, also known as Ishikawa diagrams, or cause-and-effect diagrams,

represent a very useful method and tool used to identify the possible causes of a specific
problem or issue. The real-world is complex and it is full of challenges, therefore we must
be able to identify the possible causes of a specific problem or issue. The fishbone diagram
gets its name from its resemblance to a fish skeleton, with the problem or effect being
represented by the head of the fish, and the potential causes being represented by the
bones. At the end of the fishbone diagram, it displays the effect which is equal to the
dependent variable. The arrows display the key causes which are equal to the independent
variable. There are six parts to a creating a fishbone diagram. First, define the problem or
effect that you want to investigate. Second, identify main categories of potential causes for
the problem. These categories can include people/human operators, processes, equipment,
materials, machine, environment, and others. Third, break down each main category into
more specific subcategories. Fourth, draw a fishbone diagram, with the problem or effect
written at the head of the fish, and the main categories represented by the bones. Fifth,
identify specific causes within each subcategory and add them to the diagram. At last,
analyze the diagram to identify patterns and possible root causes.

Using fish bone diagram, at company there was a safety incident where one of the
machine that unwinds wire fell, it was a near miss accident. Quality teamwork with
department supervisor and EHS team to put together fishbone diagram. Problem
statement: spool mounting holes are breaking, thus creating unexpected tension in
machines, and potentially leading to accidents. The key causes in fishbone diagram
contains machine, material, manpower, environment, measurement, method, and operator.
The importance of fishbone diagram is that it helps team members visually diagram a
problem or condition's root causes, allowing them to truly diagnose the problem rather
than focusing on symptoms. My company uses fishbone diagram when determining the
causes of a problem. This can be validated by using it.

Figure 3: I found this image on

analysis/. The problem is the fish’s head, with the causes extending to the left as fishbones.
The goal of Fishbone Diagrams is to help you move beyond symptoms to uncover the root
cause of a problem.

4. Discuss histograms with a worked out quality-focused example for your own
company. Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't
forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate
this challenge / solution (1 point of 10)..

Histogram is frequency distribution shows how often each different value in a set of data
occurs. It’s used when the data are numerical, you want to see the shape of data’s distribution
especially when determining whether the output of a process is distributed approximately
normally. There are four steps to creating a histogram. First, collect at least 50 consecutive data
points from a process. Second, use a histogram worksheet to set up the histogram. It will help
you determine the number of bars, the range of numbers that go into each bar, and the labels for
the bar edges. After calculating W in Step 2 of the worksheet, use your judgment to adjust it to a
convenient number. For example, you might decide to round 0.9 to an even 1.0. The value for W
must not have more decimal places than the numbers you will be graphing. Third, Draw x- and
y-axes on graph paper. Mark and label the y-axis for counting data values. Mark and label the x-
axis with the L values from the worksheet. The spaces between these numbers will be the bars of
the histogram. Do not allow for spaces between bars. At last, for each data point, mark off one
count above the appropriate bar with an X or by shading that portion of the bar. There are
different types of histogram shapes: normal distribution, skewed distribution, double- peaked
distribution, plateau distribution, edge peak distribution, comb distribution, truncated
distribution, and dog food distribution.

At company, we package collagen powder. We have been capturing defects in the final
product in terms of label print resolution and the seal of the package. We recorded the number of
defects per hour using histogram method and then analysis the histogram later to identify a
solution. As a result, I was able to identify which category had the highest number of defects and
then by solving it, I was able to fix more than 50 percent of the defects. Histogram is important
to study the density of data in any given distribution and understand the data that repeat more

Figure 4: The figure above shows histogram of very tree in the orchard in centimeters. The
height varies from 100cm to 300cm. This image is created by Hina Desai.

5. Discuss flowcharts for quality management (that follow international standard notations)
and design a simple quality-focused example with a worked out example for your own
company. Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to
illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Flowcharts are technical diagrams that depict a process, a system or a workflow, and
they can be a powerful tool for quality management. Flowcharts are widely used to
visualize, understand and document process flows, and can be used to identify areas for
improvement. Flowchart symbols are based on international standards such as ISO9001
and ISO10005, which provide a standardized way of creating and interpreting flowcharts.
Therefore, a diagram with a variety of different boxes, symbols and arrows is most likely
NOT a flowchart because it does not comply with international standards! Flowchart
symbols are very easy to read because they are logical and consistent. There are six steps to
creating flowchart with logical solution. First, identify the process. Second, identify the
starting and ending point. Third, break the process or system down into smaller steps or
activities. Fourth, use flowchart symbols to depict each step or activity, such as rectangles
for process steps, diamonds for decision points and arrows for flow direction. Fifth, connect
the symbols with arrows to indicate the flow of the process or system. At last, add any
additional information or notes, such as input and output data, responsible person or
department and process time.

In quality management, flowcharts are important to improve process efficiency,

identify process bottlenecks, identify areas of inefficiency, improve communication and
understanding of process. Also, identify area for improvement, enhance process control,
identify potential areas of non-conformance, enhance process documentation, and facilitate
process training. Flowcharts are a powerful method / tool for quality management, as they
can be used to identify areas for process improvement and enhance process control. They
follow international standard notations that make it easy to communicate process flows
and make them easy to understand by different teams and stakeholders. At work, I created
internal cost of quality chargeback process using software called visio. This help employees
visualize the overall flow and what to do if there is a decision that needs to made. It showed
who is responsible at each stage in the flowchart. Also, it was clear to see where the process
starts and where does it end.

Figure 5: The figure above shows flowchart with correct notations. As you can see that
when there is a notation, there are two paths that the flow chart leads to. This helps to see
the overall process clearly. This image is created by Hina Desai.

6. Explain FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) notations and their role in
TQM. How do you analyze, evaluate, and calculate severity, occurrence and
detection modes in a risk analysis project? How do you relate risk and the process
map? Design a simple quality-focused example with a worked-out example for your
own company. Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have
created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is a systematic, proactive method for evaluating a
process, product, or service to identify potential failure modes/ risks and their causes, and
to assess the risks associated with those failure modes. It is importance because it identifies
and prioritize potential failure modes based on their likelihood and potential impact, and
to develop and implement corrective actions to prevent or mitigate those failure modes.
FMEA or PFRA notations are a way of recording and presenting the information collected
during an FMEA study. The notations are divided into three main sections failure mode,
effects of failure, and causes and corrective action. Failure mode describes the potential
failure mode or problem that is being analyzed. Effects of failure describes the potential
impact or consequences of the failure mode, including the severity, occurrence, and
detection of the failure. Causes and corrective action identifies the potential causes of the
failure mode and describes the corrective actions that are proposed to prevent or mitigate
the failure mode.

At work, we are analyzing tire component of car. A flat tire severely affects the
customer driving the car (rating of 10), but has a low level of occurrence (rating of 2) and
can be detected fairly easily (rating of 3). The risk priority number = 10 X 2 X 3= 60. The
role of FMEA in Total Quality Management (TQM) is to anticipate and prevent potential
problems before they occur. By identifying potential failure modes, causes and their
impacts, TQM teams can take proactive actions to eliminate or minimize the likelihood of
those failure modes, and improve the overall quality of the process, product or service.
FMEA is a powerful tool for TQM as it allows organizations to identify and prioritize
potential failure modes, and to develop and implement corrective actions to prevent or
mitigate those failure modes. The use of FMEA notations makes the process of recording
and presenting the information collected during an FMEA more effective and efficient and
helps to ensure that all relevant information is captured and shared with the appropriate

Figure 6: The figure above shows FMEA for left front seat belt install process. Failure
mode number two has an RPN of 144, and is therefore the highest priority for process
improvement. This is created by Hina Desai.

7. FMEA (cont.): How do you analyze, evaluate and calculate severity, occurrence and
detection modes in a quality-focused risk analysis project? How do you relate risk
and the process map? Design a simple quality-focused example with a worked out
example for your own company. Don't forget to include a technical illustration /
image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).
In failure mode and effect risk analysis project, severity, occurrence, and detection are
used to evaluate and prioritize potential failure modes and their associated risks. Once the
severity, occurrence, and detection ratings are determined for each failure mode, they can
be combined to calculate a Risk Priority Number. The RPN is calculated by multiplying the
severity, occurrence, and detection ratings. This value can then be used to prioritize the
failure modes and to identify the ones that require the most immediate attention. The
concepts of hazard and risk are the core elements of risk analysis and risk management.
The first component is a hazard or risk, which could cause some type of harm by its
occurrence. The second component of risk assessment is Possible Loss – what could the
consequence be should this hazard occur. The third component is the Probability of
Occurrence – how likely is this hazard to occur? The fourth component of risk assessment
is called Mitigation. Mitigation means a range of things we can do to minimize the
likelihood of a hazard occurring. Risk is the future impact of a hazard that is not controlled
or eliminated. Risk is the degree of uncertainty.

The different type of risk is total, identified, unidentified, unacceptable, acceptable,

and residual. FMEA step/example: first, identify each part or process step (preparation for
MRI- in a hospital). Second, identify potential failure modes (cracked, loosened, deformed,
leaking, etc.). Third, identify potential effects of failure (noise, unstable, impaired, death
etc.). Fourth, rank severity of effect (a tire blow out may be rated a 2 while a a fire
extinguisher to the skull would be rated a 10). Fifth, evaluate potential causes/mechanism
of failure (incorrect material, fatigue, wear etc.). Sixth, rank possibility of occurrence (1
would be remote while 10 would be high). Seventh, list current design controls (prevention
and detection activities to reduce occurrence). Eighth, rank ability to detect failure (1 is
most certain and 10 is absolute uncertainty). Ninth, calculate RPN
(severity*occurrence*detection). Tenth, design recommended improvement action, assign
responsibility and dates for completion of design improvements, and lastly monitor actions
taken and effects on RPN.

Figure 7: I found this image on

failure-mode-effect-analysis. FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) is one of the most
popular methodologies for the analysis of failure risks of systems. It is a qualitative,
quantitative and corrective method.

8. Explain a total quality decision making process. How is your company doing this?
Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to
include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this
challenge / solution (1 point of 10)..

One of the key principles in total quality management is decision making- quality
decisions should be based on measurements. The decisions are based on the insights gained
from analyzing and evaluating data. This will help to produce desired results. In TQM the
emphasis lies on fact-based decision making which uses performance matrices to monitor
progress. My company will consider implementation of principles and processes, steps in
managing transition, and task identification when making a decision. It is important
because decision-making skills can help improve time management, therefore increasing

There are multiple steps to come to a decision. Identify the decision - the first step in
making the right decision is recognizing the problem or opportunity and deciding to
address it. Gather information - This requires making a value judgment, determining what
information is relevant to the decision at hand, along with how you can get it. Identify
alternatives - Once you have a clear understanding of the issue, it’s time to identify the
various solutions at your disposal. It’s likely that you have many different options when it
comes to making your decision, so it is important to come up with a range of options. This
helps you determine which course of action is the best way to achieve your objective.
Weight the evidence - It may be helpful to seek out a trusted second opinion to gain a new
perspective on the issue at hand. Choose among alternatives - when it’s time to make your
decision, be sure that you understand the risks involved with your chosen route. You may
also choose a combination of alternatives now that you fully grasp all relevant information
and potential risks. Take Action - Getting others onboard with your decision is a key
component of executing your plan effectively, so be prepared to address any questions or
concerns that may arise. Review your decision - an often-overlooked but important step in
the decision-making process is evaluating your decision for effectiveness. Ask yourself what
you did well and what can be improved next time. This last step will help validate that this
Figure 8: The figure above shows a process of how decision is being made in quality. Using
a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful
decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. This approach
increases the chances that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possible. This
image is created by Hina Desai.

9. Explain how to quality manage difficult people at work and how to deal with them
when they are destroying quality, brand name, reputation, the company,
themselves, the teams, and others (discussion topics); Don't forget to include a
technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge /
solution (1 point of 10).

• The Tyrant. Strategies to soften the "rant" of a Tyrant Boss who bullies, berates,
humiliates. How is your company dealing with this challenge?

• The Saboteur. Often driven by envy, this person works behind your back to
slander and sabotage you. Devious and hard to catch. How is your company dealing
with this challenge?

• The Space Cadet. Not from the ISS (International Space Station), although their
behavior is often out of this world: absent-minded, inefficient, poor judgment.
Usually pleasant, but simply can't get the job done. How is your company dealing
with this challenge?

• The Power Posturer. Loves power and makes all the right moves to get you to
believe that he or she wields tremendous influence. How is your company dealing
with this challenge?

• How to conduct effective quality management meetings to overcome the above

challenges? How is your company dealing with this challenge?

The Tyrant. Employees are encouraged to communicate with their managers about
acceptable and unacceptable behavior. If vocal about tyranny, a single employee is likely to
be followed by their colleagues. Moreover, employees must be persistent in calling out their
boss's bad behavior and putting a plan into action. The key is not to let bosses get away
with continuing his/her bad behavior.

The Saboteur. The employees are expected to confide in one another and project a
heartening workforce. Keeping this in mind, employees at my company need to be alert of
what is happening around them at work or otherwise; indulging in frank conversations
helps you keep up with things in the office and understand people's tells. Suppose anyone
tries sabotaging any of our employees. In that case, our company feels proud to have a
strong and empathizing Human Resources branch where employees can openly discuss any
problems they are having inside and outside of work. The HR Dept. will take care of it with
Integrity and ensure a healthy work environment.

The Space Cadet. My company promotes Organizational Leadership programs to all our
Management level employees. For all our underperforming employees, their managers are
expected to follow a seven-step process to help all our inefficient employees find their place
in the company and increase their productivity.

The Power Posturer. My company believes that a person needs to love their job. It is a
passion for people to love their position in a company to have authority to make all

There are various ways to handle with difficult people at work. Stop over-reacting
and ask yourself if you always have trouble while dealing with similar people. Don’t react if
you know how it works. If you see that, without reactions, things get bitter, let them know
how you feel. Be smart and clearly walk up to your coworker or boss and inform them that
you do not like how they are treating you. Make sure you follow up. If you find that you
still want to make peace, hold another discussion. If not, move on to the next idea of
involving your manager. Talk with your manager or boss. It may sound like a radical move
to take, but often a message from those further up the chain is what they need to reform
their ways. Note that, to have a difficult conversation with your boss, you need to prepare
accordingly. You should be careful with your approach and predetermine what works with
your boss. Be sure that you are calm when communicating to explain what is troubling you,
how it impacts your job, and how you wish it to be addressed. Take notes with you, if
required. It can be a good practice to record your colleague's disrespectful behavior, which
you can provide as proof when you speak to your manager. You can talk to the other
employees who might have an issue with the difficult person-carefully. It is because group
approaches often persuade the manager that the behavior's effect is broader and deeper.
Don’t take it personally. Some employee behavior may be originating from that
individual's thoughts and beliefs; however, that doesn't mean you have done something
wrong. Keeping this in mind will help you to confront the person, confidently. Find a new
job. Sometimes, irrespective of how hard we seek to fix a problem, a person can never alter
his or her way. But their behavior should not come in the way of your happiness and
Figure 9: The figure above shows the different type of people discussed in this section. This
image is created by Hina Desai.

10. Explain more how to quality manage pushy, arrogant, difficult people at work and
how to deal with them when they are destroying quality, brand name, reputation,
the company, themselves, the teams, and others. Don't forget to include a technical
illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1
point of 10).

• The Bulldozer. Pushy, abrasive, aggressive, and overly blunt. Learn how to stand
your ground without getting flattened. How is your company dealing

• The Button Pusher. This sneaky type gets what they want by subtly exploiting the
weaknesses of others. How is your company dealing with this challenge?

• The Coaster. Hasn't done anything in months. Drags down the team's
performance. How is your company dealing with this challenge?

• The Harasser. Two types: (1) who goes too far, and (2) the heavy-duty harasser out
to overpower his victims. How is your company dealing with this challenge?

• The Undercover Operator. Always smiling and telling you how great it is to work
with you, until this snake in the grass strikes. How is your company dealing with
this challenge?

• The Credit Grabber. Don't let a "mind-pirate" steal all your glory. Strategies that
turn the tables so YOU get the credit and the spotlight you deserve. How is your
company dealing with this challenge?

The Bulldozer: It’s important to stand your ground when your intention and
statements are correct. My company always promotes employees to conduct research,
study and collect data prior to meetings in case there is a bulldozer trying to take over your
statement. The Button Pusher: Others will try to get to your head by making you feel low. I
always tell people to be optimistic and think of all the great qualities they have. Each
person is hired in the company for their own talent and potential to grow and make
improvements. The Coaster: In order to deal with employees that do not perform well. It is
important to reach out to them regarding any issues. Be sure to keep tab on a weekly basis
or timeframe which is most convenient. My company enforces to use gantt charts and keep
tab on people on performance during project deadlines.

The Harasser: My company does not tolerate employees to harass other employees.
This is not acceptable at a professional workplace. The moment an employee harasses
another person, it leads to HR. A corrective action will be taken in order to prevent this
type of behavior. My company offers behavior courses for employee training. The
Undercover Operator: There is always this type of people at workplace. It is important to
stay focus on task instead of what others have to say. In order to deal with this, I would
focus on what needs to be done instead of side talking about people. This will prevent any
undercover operator to approach you. I would suggest to stay out of drama. The Credit
Grabber: It’s important to speak for yourself. If you have done something and someone
else is taking credit for it. It is important to let someone know. You will know about the
work more since you work on it. Don’t let someone take your work credit and present it to
staff. My company ensures to do the right thing and listen to everyone statement. It is
important to calmly deal with people who are arrogant and pushy. They can take a turn
any moment and show their true anger.

Figure 10: The figure above shows the different types of people at work in which we have
to deal with. The credit grabber would take your hard work award by taking the credit
when you work on it. The bulldozer will be pushy toward you and the undercover operator
would show you friendship and kindness and then turn to your back. This image is created
by Hina Desai

Executive Summary

US Navy Prowls For E-Fuels From The Seven Seas

The US Navy is always on the prowl for opportunities to resupply on the go. The Navy had
developed a system that simultaneously produces both hydrogen and captured carbon
dioxide from seawater. Those are the ingredients for liquid e-fuels. the Navy had
developed a system that simultaneously produces both hydrogen and captured carbon
dioxide from seawater. Those are the ingredients for liquid e-fuels. Harvested fuel reduces
reliance on fuel imports and reduces the risks of supply chain disruptions. Harvesting
hydrogen reduces the operational burden of transporting fuel and, tactically, reduces the
visible logistics tail of friendly units. The e-fuels field was slow to take off in the early years
of the Obama administration. At that time the focus was biofuels and the leveraging of
biological systems to produce renewable fuels. That began to change when the falling cost
of renewable energy opened up the electrolysis pathway. The growth of the offshore wind
industry has added more fuel to the fire, so to speak. Offshore wind farms are beginning to
piggyback with electrolyzer systems to produce green hydrogen at sea. The hydrogen can
be piped to shore or loaded directly onto ships. Electrolysis is one way to extract carbon
dioxide from seawater.

1st statement– SRIKAR

2nd statement- HINA

Hi Hina, it’s great that US Navy developed a system that simultaneously produces both
hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This means that we can produce liquid e-fuels without worrying
about lack of resource.

Hi Srikar! Yes, all the ingredients are from seawater. This is very beneficial. The Navy is
saying that they can product almost any kind of fuel in needs from seawater.

Navy mentioned that they may be able to get green hydrogen pushed from water in an
electrolysis system powered by mind, solar, and other renewable energy.

This would be eco-friendly as it reduces reliance on fuel imports and reduces the risks of
supply chain disruptions.

21 MW Nkhotakota Solar PV Plant In Malawi Energized

Malawi has one of the lowest electrification rates on the African continent. Access to
electricity is still below 20%. Several projects have recently been implemented to boost the
country’s installed electricity generation capacity. The PV plant is situated 75 km east of
Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, and is now delivering to Malawi’s national grid. This new
plant will help raise Malawi’s generation capacity to close to 1 GW. the energization of
Nkhotakhota 1, a 21 MWAC solar photovoltaic power plant, was done on 19th February
2023. Nkhotakhota 1, the first phase of two power projects totaling approximately 38
MWAC when completed, has achieved mechanical completion while testing and
commissioning is ongoing.
1st statement– SRIKAR

2nd statement- HINA

Hi Hina, Malawi has a population of 19 million people, yet has one of the lowest
electrification rates of African continent.

Yes, less than 20 percent gets access to electricity. This would be difficult to complete and
communicate various task.

Most of the people live in rural area and they only get roughly 1% of electricity. Is there
anything that can be done?

Companies are installing generators which can help but it’s not a long term solution as it still
would not be sufficient.

Nkhotakhota 1 is projecting a plan to provide 38 MWAC when completed. Golomoti is another

solar plant with 10MWh lit-ion battery energy storage.

Hopefully more panels are installed so that all population gets electricity.

Lamborghini V12 bows out with two Aventador-based specials

Lamborghini will mark the end the aspirated V12 with a upcoming production of hybrid
sports car. It is expected to be hybrid-powered replacement for the Lamborghini aventador
which is pending to arrive with new V23 supplemented by electric motors. Expect it to have
0-62mph time to be close to 2.8sec and top speed near 221mph, as per the Aventador. Cars
are wrapped in carbonfibre and feature centrally mounted triple exhausts with tips made
from Inconel – a special high-performance steel alloy derived from the aerospace industry.

1st statement– SRIKAR

2nd statement- HINA

Hi Hina, it’s great that even these expensive sports cars are leaning towards to developing
vehicles which are eco-friendly.

Yes, this will be Lamborghini’s first hybrid sports car

The vehicle have high performance steel alloy which is from the aerospace industry.

It’s surprising that when cars are becoming electric vehicles, that’s when Lamborghini is
coming out with hybrid vehicle.

I agree, these expensive luxury vehicles seems to be one step behind in becoming more eco-

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