Unit 1 Notes and Numericals

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Compouncl Stresses and strains

Stresses in hre-dimensional and TvO-dimensional Systems

Jna three dimens ional stress System, the various s/uesses
al a point in the mateial: acting
2 Directstsesses k,and that act along lhe x.y and x

directions respectivel
shear stresses zq. Vr2. qr. qz. x and te Jo
i des ignatin7 the shéas stress, the fiusl subscaipt indicates
the plane on which it acts qnd the secondsuhscaipt denotes
the direction in which it is acting
As per sign conventions noamall7 used

tensiè strass is +ve where as cormpressive stsess iS -Ve.

Shea Stress is +ve when it te nds to totate the element clockwise, a nd is -ve when it
tends to 40iate the element anti-clockwise
1he Complementary slresses are equal aned such as:.

Jna tvo dimensional stress condition, the stresses

at a point within astaained material
actonly on tuo pairs of pasallel planes and ihe thied paie ef pianes is aee fAomany Stress:
Nth rejeTence to an element Aeco shouwn in
i pair of paaliel planes Ab and CA is acied upon by 170m!
Stress oe and Shearsress Tq
22) pang o1 pagallel planes Bc
ànd ADare under nomal
Stress and Shear stress Ty
ü) no stsess acts upon the thisd pais of
pasaliel planes ABCD
The element in g tw0 dimensional
stsess condiion
system is said to be in plane
Cblique planes;- 3tis a plane cohith is inclined and makes some angle with the plane on
which nomal forces orstaesses achn
OR roblique plane
Jtmatas some angle with theline of action offuuces -Nomal plane

® Pineipat
Plones and frincipal
Al ang poinl in a skained material subjecled to a Siate of cempiex Staesses,
there ase throè mutualT peapendiculas planeS, uwhich casry onlt direct cnomal
SreSSes, and no shear strasses act on these planes. nhete planas are tesmed principol
planes and the normol stoesces acetinj on the pPaincipal planes aue called paincipal
CLSeZ-Nomal and lanzenial stresses on an oblique plane of a loedy subjecled te a
Qial load/stre
Congided a vectangular body A6cD ofuniform ctass-settional aea and unt
thitkness Subjetted to an a*ial staess as shouwn in 1jure:
let Axial tensilt.skess
p Negrnal stsessen oblique blane
o- Tangential (sheas)stas on oblique þlane
0- Angle made by 0blique þlane wiTt nemal plane.

Kesoiving an the forres " to plane Ae

R AEXL =Pcas exABxL Te
vcaspx A- rcose ASin
e +o cesAe]| - - - ci
will be maximum; when P-0
vill be minimum; when e: 90
p mini) O
Noo rselving all the
foices alog ihe plane AE
YOxAEX - Sinex AB!
Te Sine cos p

TO is mat when 0=45°

Jt is obvious that, the moximum
tongentiol Csheai) Stuess is haf of the normal she!
Kesutant staess

and tan 4: e
whese is colled
1he angle nade by sesul angle ef obli guity
tañt stress co%) nith the neamal Stoess is callocd
cbliguity ang1e of
Cose:-Stresres_on an oblique plane of abad7 subjetted te fuvo mutually pespendiculat
digect shreSseg:
let Ve- Major lensie stsess on ABOnd cD fares
:Pinor tensile stsess on Bcand AD fares

fT eguil ibuium of the element, resolving an the forees

je to plane AE
px AEx COS-A8-1+Sin@x¬BxL

as?p+ sin2e Sine


=(01+ (%-) cos2e
Cz+)+(O (0z-07) cos20 C2 Sind
e will be max wohen B-0
evill be mini; ohen P:90
sesolviná qli the fosces along the plane AE
exAEXI- Sine A BXI -

cos Px EBxi
Te Sine casp- Cas PSinD
T0O-)Sin 20 --- -

e is max: When O- 45

and resultantstxess

gnd tant
heue + is col/ed
angie of obligurty
aniple LfJtSimple sheat stress,oscomplementary shearstress
states, "A Sheau stuesS acrass a plane is always accompained by a balancing

Sheai stses ioss the plane and noImal to it

Concidera iectonfulou body ABcD,subjected to a
Shear Stess ofintensity tay 0n the faces AB and co
5 shewn in fiuie New corsider a unit thickness of the
on the AB and eD
block merefose force acting
A btte consideiation uwilishow that these fovces will fosma couple whosemoment uequat
te y*A8% AD y* cDA C8, ie. fescexdistance. f Ihe block is in eguilibrium, there

Let theshearsiress of
6ea sestouj couple whose momet must be equal to this Couple:
on the fotes AD and ceb
Shown in fyure Therefore force achin on the
InHensity y be set up
fa ces AD and tB:

IWesee that these sorces will also fesm a couple. whese moment s epuol to y 8 XCD

TyRADXAB, Ie fcste' x distane: Equatinf these too moments

Tay ABxAD =yxAbxAB

As a tesant
of the two couplas. fosmed by the Sheasfor ces,the diagonal D of the blo
Nill be subjecled to 1ensien, whewas the digfo nal Ac will be subjecded to compiassiorn A
itle consideration wil Shew that ifthe Block maleial is poor in tension it will be ail
due t exressive lensile stress arassthe digganal 6DSimilely, if the block material is
Poos in cempression, it will Jail due tt extesshve compressive force across the diajonal AC:

Case-Stsesseson ap cblique planeof abady subjerledtoa diteelstoessinone plane,

Occompained by a simple shoar stuess
Censideg a Jectangular bocly ABCD efunijoam cfass-sectionol avea and unit thickness
subjected to
tensile stress in one plane accompained
by Q Shear St1ess ac rass the foces
AB Gnd cD as shown in fizure:
el tensile normal staess on fores ABand CD -

y: Shra Sfss aCs0ss the planes AB and cD

0nge made by oblique plane with normal cls" AB
A per ihe biniple of simple Sheoa
ill alsc be
stess, the fores AD gnd Ce
subjetted to Simple shear shress Try
Kesolving dl) the forces " tu plane AE -
oxAÈX= P(0sGXNBXi+ ysirn0 PcoseA
A8X!+ay cosp EBxL
o?p+y Sing casD+ Tay cose Sin 0
Ve 1+OC0520] +ey Sin20 (i)- - - -

Now sesolving all the

fotes along the plane Ae ySine
TpxAExI= Psine ABx1-ey(oSs D
To 0sin ABx1+TaySin Ox EBxL
e-cos0- y cas?0 y Sin0 + Toyeoso
Sin29 - xy cos20- (a)- -

det planë may bèa principal plane.
be zeso, ie eg Dtii) the tangential CSheas)sisess on the plane must
Sin2- Tay cas2e=0
tan 2P 2
lNe know ihat there ore two -2. C
psincipol planes, at aight anjle to each
othrr, theis inclinghons with the normal ciass-sër hon
201 and202 Such that bein 202

1C+u T cas AE= 2+4Tiy
and, SinaP2=2 (OS202=

Nu ihe values
of þincupal slsesSes may
of e and 2e2 in egDti'b
be found cut by substitutinj the above values
V=+.COS2e1+ y Sin 20
2 (y

Similreiy PoTo+/TO+4t`n --ii)- Major paincipal Sstress

e2+tOs202+xy-Sin 2t2
O'0a5[o-/co+at - (iv) Minor painupal stsess
and maximumsheas shess

Tyemox) - (V)
E Stsrsses onan otique blane ot a boch7 subjected to two
mutually pespendicular
durect StvesseS accompained bysimple shear stoes
Consider a reclanaulat body ABcD of unifoom crass-sectional
area and unit thfeness subjerted to tensile streses and
Shear stresS as shoun in
let = tensilesfress aCIOSs the fares A8and CD
lensile stress acsess the fores AD and cB
Ty= Shea1stress acsass the fares AB and CD
anle, which the oblique sttion makes with the
CrasS-secthon AB
AD and CA will also be
le Khew thot, as þer ihe princple of simple shear Stiess, the fareS
Subjected to Simple sheag s{ress ry.
(onsidesint geemetuy of 17ure- A

kstving an fosres L% toplane AE

hxAEX= tase ABXI +gising ABXi + y cespxEBI1+0sinexE8x4

e lo20+ Sin e+2 ay Sine casP

l+ces2 e]+ 2|1-tOs2e]+ TxySin2e O Sine
+)+(0x-0)(0sAe]+ Ty Sin 20--- ti)
Now reso iving al the f0ste. aleoj the plane nME OS Ae
ToxAEX! =
zSine nBKL-Tay t0sexaBKL +aySing-EbxL-cose-EBx!
cese Sin
te- Sing-(0sp- Taycos20+tay sio'p -os p-Sin P
Tp t-7)Sin2e- Tay-cos2e - - - -

(2i) sine
ou painupal plune, shear.staess muut be xeav, i.e ejne22)= O

(-0).Sin 20 ay.t0s2p =0

tan20 = 2 - (i2)

IWe know that these ae two

to each oter. theis ind
prinipol pkhnes at aizht angles Sin
ingtions with nomal csoss-sertion bein 201 and 202, Su ch that
Sin 2010- T COsAP1= (%-4)
gnd Sin 282 -2
Ta - (Ox-O)
-0y4Thy COS22
2 202
he volue ofÍ puine ipol Stuesses oay be found out by substitutinj the values of 201and 202
p ( ) x-4). (x-0)+ Tay 22 n


- -

(v) -Major paintipo|shess

Po2( ) (%-), 2-7) 2 ny

Minor þoineipalStress
qnd maaimum sheain sti ess

aoll A too dimensional state efstess is,aiven by ie =10MPa,. Vy= 5 y : and Dey25Plle: (
on a plane inclined at an ante of 30fiom -plone Yn anthicleck-
eTetmine ihe
wise direehion:
) NormalStuess; (i2»shearstuess, izi ksultant slsess,and, (iv) kineipalsiesses at the-
Salutien- yen Dalas 3 5N/mm
toma, y: 5x5 12:5N/mm? Vy:2:5 /mm2
0-30 12:5 Mfa
Moumalstiess' A
e l (tg)+(O1-0) (es2ej+Cay:Sin2 11-1omf
(10+5)+ (10-12s) (es(Ed)[+25xSin(60)
12 19 N/mm2 ANSs

0(x-y) Sinae-y-OS2
ll0-125] Sin (60) -25x (s (60
- 3 3 Nmm As
C% CTo- (6) -33P-1219) =
10 32
iv jntipolstsses-

%l(0+125)t(i0-125)+4x(a 5"|
[225+ 559 ]
Major painipol stsess
Oo1 225+559]= 14-045 Nmmn2
and mineK psinipal stess
Ce2 l22:5-5:59]
8.455 N/mmANS
adogke Aa point in d slsained matenal, thereare normal stasses of 30Nmm tengienand
20 N/mm compession on two planes at cight angies to oneonanother, topther uoithsheasin
the motediol is inseased
Stuesses of 15 N/m on he same planes Jf the toading
So that the stesses Ioach values of k times thoseiven, find the maximum peimissibk
value of k if the maXImum direct stsess in the nalcaial is not to exteed 80smm2
and maximumsheat stress is not to exteed 50 N/mm
GivenDafas 30K N/nm -20k Mlmm2 ay= 15k NJnm?
e1-80Nmm2 yma) =50N/mm2 (20t) Mfa
INe KPw that muxinoum briniplest ess

SO 1(30K-20k)+(s0K+ 20K) 4x(ISK)*|
160 = t0k+5830Ck
Now we bnow theit mux Shegning stress

50 (30k +20K)+4x(15K)2
00 68:30K
K= 1715
Maximum bermissible value of K= (.715 ANS
Q0co Ata point in a Stuained moaterial is subjected to tensi lestreSS of 65 v/mmand a
Compressive st gess of 5
nmm acting on two mut ually þesbendicular planes and
ShearstuesSS of to n/mm aqe ac tinj on these planes- hind the normal stsess, tarjentiat
Stsess and resultant stress ona
plane in clined 0 30° withthe þlane ófthe tompiesSiVe
Giyen Datas- 65Nmm -45 Nmm ay= 1ONlmm2 45A mm2
D- 600

hCh+0)+ (P-) case]+ Sin2 K6SNmm
=(65-45)+65+45)xtas(120)1+10XSin(120) C

8 84 Nmm2 Ctomp) A
it Manauntial (shear) stesg- i Ksutantstess
20x-0)-Sin a8-y asae
lC65t45)| Sin(120) -10x(os(120 6265)+ (884)2
63.63N mn2 As and tonp 3
80146° ANS
in an elastic bod7 ane
gah The
T stsess atoss two mutually berpendicular planes at a point
e stesses 1ensile nith 45 MN
20 MNm2 tensile wrth 45 MN/m2 clockwlse shear, and 30MNm2
themaximumshearstress, and
Counteaclockwise shear. And t) the þsineipalstresses, c2i) to the
(222) the nomal and tangentiol Stesses an a plane measu sed at 20'countetclockwise
plane on which the 30 MNm2 Shoess acts
GiwenDatas- 0x- 120 Nmm? -30 Nnm2 ay= 45 mn 30Nmm2

Painupal stesses
120 Nn2
%t g)+/(oa-)4
Ct20+30)t l20-304X(45)2 4S|mm
I50 t127 28]
Maos þrincîpal sisess
p (150+ 137 28)] 138 64 N]mm2AN
gnd miny parinipal Stoess
Ve[(I50-129 28)]:1+36 N/mm2 ANs
t Maximum ghesing strus
nyonax)= -22 63 64 N/mm2 AN

iii Noamel and tongentiol stresse-

Nogmal stoest

Cl20 t30) + (120-so) tos(140]+ 45xSinc40)

69-45 N/mm2 ANS
and tengentialstress

(120-30) Sin (0')-45x(0S(140

63:397 N mm2 AN
ourt the
At a peint inastained moterial, stvesses are applied as shvuon 1ure, find
D RaS.normal ond shear Strass on the obliqur þlan, and þrincipal stoecses with theis þlane
ven Dajas-O-30 mf, -20Mo, yr-15 Mla, D- 90 SMfa

Nomal sis 30mo 30Mfa

Op-co+0)+(0%-0)ces2+ySin28 60

(80-20+(30+20)cas (6o)1 -15xsin (60)

45ma Angs 20Mfa
2» Shears toess
tolc-1 Sin20-yces20
4(80+20)-Sin (60)+ 15x (OS (60)
2915 Mfa ANS
V Co)+ (0p)2 (2915)2+ (45) =
29:495 Mla ANs
and tan4- = 29.5
it oinipal ciuss eg and theis plone disections:

% (30-20)+ (30+20)+4x(-15)
10t 5830]
Mapi paineipalstres
Do1 10+ 5830] 3415 Nmm2 ANs
and minor printipal Sres
DOlt0-5830- 2415n/mm 2 (tomp)ANE

lone disnchions
le have ton 20= 2T
D-15 48"
D2-1548-90= -

10 548° ( AN
and cid)
60MN/m2on the planes on which the Shesses ci)
2015 bear stressesof is dockwise
on planes corrying the 25 MN/mstress
Qct, theshear couple acting
in effect. Calculate paincipat stres Ses ancl prinipol þlanes
iven Datas- a- 85 mpa, yA5MP, y=-6omPa 6OMNm
friocipal staesses- 8SM

C85t25) +(85-25)2+4X60
10t 13416] 201s6
Major poinupal stoess hothe 2iven loadinj onditionS
the state ofstressesin the wall of
e 10t13416]=122-08 Nhom2(tensile) a cylinder as follo ons?
and minor poincipal stoess 85 MN/m2tensile
i) 25MN/n2 ten.sile at ight anjler
P2 110-134-16/: 12:08 N/mm2 (omp to ti)
i) Prinupal blanes
Nt have
tan20-2a 2X60

82-3-71-90= -1217| A
v A apeint in a mateuial thee are oeemal staesses of 30 N/mm2 and 6t n/mm2
tensile. toge theg with a sheoring stsass ef 22:5 Nmm? Rnd the vajue of þrinipal
Streses and the intlination 0f pindipal þlanes to the diection of the éo n/mm2
GenDatas- t
30Nmm 0-60 N/mm Cay=225 N/mm2

(30t60) +(20-60 +hx(225)I

Maju paioipal staess
o190+5408]-4204 N[mm2 # oireipal planes
and minax þaincipal stoess tange
e228 15s-g0
-I181S° J 4
Oire ct stzess of 120 MNm2 in tnsion and 90 MNm2in (ompession are applied at an
elastic materialat a centain þoint f the mazimum puincijpal stress is not to exceed
I50 MN m2 in tension to what sheauing Stiess can the maienal besubjected ? Jhat is then
the maximum resulting sheaing stres in the mateiol and also find the mazni tude of
the other þrinapal sttbss ad iis inclination to plane of 120
Given atas- =120 n/mm? 0 -90N/om2 90MPa

=150 N/mm2
Ty be the applied shea stsess on !he element then P +120 Mfa
Majos painapal sthess

150 i20-90) +P0+90)+4x ()

(300-30) (210) 4 ty
Txy= S485 N|mm2 ANS
Maximum sheaui01 Stress
Cmox) ()+ 4T
20+90)2+ x (4S5)2
aemax) =
135 N/m2 ANS
Nouv minos þrintipal siuess
Using maxSheariny Slhrst

Txtmox)= OB-002
135 (50-002
o2= 120 N/mm2 ANS
Direction of þsintipal þlanes
tan 2021 2X S4S5
120 +90

and Pa= 19:47+90-t09.4

stuess of (toMfo.0 n one
onb of material is sub) etted to a tensile
A rettangulas block
to the foemer: Each of the obOve
Plane and tensile stiess of 247 mPa at ight angles
that associated with the fosmer
StPSSes ts accompajined by a shear Stress of 63MÄa and
tensile streSS tends to 1otale the block anticlockuoise find
)Medirection and maznitude of each of the prinipal strass.
2n) Majnitude of greate t shear shess
iven Dalas- = t10 MPa 0y=47 MPo, ay--63MPa A,63Ma
he dicectionand nmajnitude of psinialSisesses l10 MPa
We have
on 20- 2 Ty -2X63
- 10-41

O2-31-7-90- -121.71|nN
and brinapal stvesses

[o+47) +10-44)+4x63)
[i57t 140 84]
Major psincipalstsess
pr 157+140 8¥7- V8 936N/mm2AN
and minos psinuipal Staess
2[/57-140 81]= &065 N/mm AN
) Magnitude of 2sea test shear Stress:-
Comar) e1-Pe2- 48936-8 065 2 q035 Nmm2AS

2016114 Ata point nastsained mateial the psincipal stresses ase tOO Mfa (tensile) and
60 MPa Comp.). Determine the normalstress shearstress and
tesultant sivess on a
Plane inclined at 50"to the axis of major þuncipal Stsess Also deBermine maximum
Shear stress at a point
iven Dajas Or- 10oMfo, - 6 0 mPa, O-40 60MPa
Dp5[(ox+)+ (-)cosao]
[ (to0-60) + (100 +60Jcas(8O)] 100mPaa
= 33.89 mm2AN
2) shearslsess. 2ii kesultantstress
to (x-)-Sina0
(100+60) Sin(80) C8 78)+(3389)2
18 78 N mmAN 85-76 Nmm2 Ans
and tan 539
G 6 ° ANS
o a At a point in a muteuial undes stess, the intensity of resultant stress ona (estain
plane is 15oMa tensile) inctined of 30 to the noimol of that plane TheStueston a
Plane at sight anjle to .his has a nogmal tensile remponent of intensity f 3omfo.hrd:
2) he sesultont stuesS on the seronel plone.
12 The puincipal planos ancd stsesseg
iy Dhe plane of maximum sheos and its inlensity.
Given Dal0s = 150x(o s(30) =129:9mfa 30mta
30 mpa 50mla
Ty-150xSin(30) --15mla

2 he sesutlant stsess on the setond plane

: /Ty (g)- (75)+(30)2
80 77 mla ANs 30Mio

h e binipol plants and slressos:.

lNe have
tan20- 2 2x15
- (129:9-30)
O2-28 t168-90- 118 16E°A
Now principal stresa

(129-9+30) t (129.9-30)4x -75)2

159.9+ 18022]
Majos painipal sires
o1:[i59.9+18022] 110 C6 N/mm2 (tensile) ANt
and minor poinipol sts ess
b2[159.9-180 22] - 10-16 N/mm2 ((omp) ANs
222 he plane of maximum shearand its intensity
Maximum shear styess planes
o--28168-45 -43-168
a -118 168-45°-163.168
Moximum shear stvess
r-2 006 +10-16
emex) 2
9011 Nmm2 AN
A snall bleck, is 4omm len. 30mm high and 5 mm thick t i s subjected to unifom
disteibuted tensile fores havi the resuitant values in'N' Shouon tn f ure Coopute the

Cturss (ernponents deve loped alonj the diajOnal AC» 1280 N

Givon Data
Oe240 l6 N/mm
1280 =
6'4 n/mm2
G-450 240ON +400N
2 NOmalstuess-

E+6u) +l'6-é4) cost9¢i| 280N

p--2 N/mm-ANs i Resutantstress

te)+ (op)-|48)2(U2) 2
2 angen tial (shear)
z -)Sin 2e I2 1 N/m m2
and tan:
4(16-6u) Sin (96)
Te- 48Nmm ANs b 23198 ANS

LoE. îne mnipal stress al a þeint across tw0 pesþendic ular planes is 45MN/m2lensie>
and 35 Nmm2 (tensile). hincl the nesmal
Siress and its
ancd langen tial shesses and the resultant
cbliquity on a plane 20' with the majcr pr?ncipalstress
Given 0atau e75nmm? 35 N/ mm2 e- 70

201s14Ata pint astrained mateial the
bajncipal stsess es qre 0 MN/m2(tensile)
and 40 MN]m2 Combrossi ve) Detesmine the normal
stsess and shear
inctined at 70° to the axis of major þincipal sttaSS Also calcculate the sfress
cna plane

Stress at the point

maximum hear
40 Mfa
Given )ata- : 40 /mm =ON|mm2 0-20

3C buincipol stresses at a point in a bas are 20o m/mm2 (tensile) and
Detemine the resultu nt stress In majni tude an d dire chion on a plane incl100ined at ec°
to the axis of the major þrinapal streSS AlsO deieamine the
Shear stess in the material at the þoint
maximum intensity of
B H Jn a stiessed body. at a point on two þeaþendiculai plans, nomal stresses are
+100MPaand +60Mpa and ihe shear swes is t on these planes-f the maximum
Principol cfress at the þoint is 136 Ma, ohat is the magnifucle of Y? Also caleulate
he maximum sheai stess
A peint in a stiained maBenial is subjected to a ternsile stsess of65 N/mm2and a
Compressive stress of 45 N/mmatting on two mutually þerpendiculaí planes and
a sheas stress of to Nmm2are attinj on ihese pkanes. ind the' normal stress, tanzential
Stess and Tesultant stress on a planë inclined to 30with the þlane of the comp. Sfress

Given Datast P65 n/mm2 o-15amm3 y= t0nmm y 45mn2



Aunifoim Steel bas of 2(m x2(m area of cIOSS- section is

subjetted to an axial bull of
000 K Colculale the intensity of normal stress, sheay sfress ancd resul tant s tress on a
Plone, notmal to which is întlined at 30° to the axis of the ba
iven 0a tos- 0= 4000= t000 kalem
Normol slress
000+4000 x Cos (60)]
2i Kegutani sta es
150 Ka|¢em2 AN
shear stegs 433)2+ (750)
roSinap- oNSin (60) 2 866 KcmANS
433 Kzlcn 2 ANS and ton+
DOo04 n an elastic mateual, the diseet.Stuosses of izo Mnlm2 and 90 MNm2ase
applied at a cestain point on plones at aight anges to eoch othes in tension and
Compression Jespectiely Fstimale the Sher stoess to uwhich mateiol could be subjeeted,
the maximum principal stress is t50 tnnm2
Also find the magnitude of othes panupal stiess and its inctination to 120MN/m2
9ONmm 2
Given Datay! 120n/mm2 -90N/mm2
= 150N/mm2 IL20smm
let be the applied she@s stuess
A plane element is subjettrd to fol locoing suueS Dr= 120kr/m2(tensile),
4 0 kN/m2 (tembrersive) ancl ay 50kN/m2 ( Counter clockoise onthe plane
þupendiculau to x-axis). Find
i Poincipalstuesses and theid divections
i Maximum sheosng s ioess and its oli sertions
ti Alsg finel the vesutont steSS on a plane inclined 40wilh the z-aeis.

CcivenDatas! -120 KN/m? -40knm? iy -50KNm

e- 5
Pinipalstesset and iheiv planes:- SOkN
2 0 KN
[ct20-40)+(120+40)2+ eux(-602 E

S0+ 88-68]
Majos psintipalsts esS
Po: S0+ 1S8 68] 13434 kn/m2(tensie)ANc
and minog þinupol Sress
92[80-1SS 68] - 54344 kn[m2 ((omp) AN
deteaminë þlane lisections, we have
ton29- 2X50

O2- -16-90- -

22) Maximum
sheaogina stsess ancl its plane direg tions
ytmox)=-0P2 13434+54 34

qned plone
qne plone direr 94344 kn/m2 AN
er= -16-45 -6"
0--106-45 - 151
i) Kutont stss en oblique blane-
Nesmol stsrss;
- l ( + 0 ) + (0x-0) (os20]+ y sin2
c20-0) + (120+40Jx Costr06)]- 50xsin(io0) KsultontSisess
23-13 KNm2 Ccomp)

Sheas strPSS
To-(-) Sio20-y cos2e C40-10)2(-2313)2
=(120+40) Sintto0)+50xtostvoo) and tane 3
Te-90-10 kn/m2
14aphical Mrthod (Mohis Circle Method)
- . To:?, 0? 4:?
Inioxial tension-
lovo kak



t0+°(oS2 ®]
To: PR= CPxSin20
= Sin2e

Step- Selec! a suitable scale 1.e ICm= 100kg|m

Step2 Diiect/noimol/Pincipal staesses ase measuied alonj -axis, wbese as the 1anfentiat

(Sheau) si sesses are nmeasuned aloni 7-axiS

Doy X and 7 axes on the j1aph papes. Mark þl'A 9s n0smal stresSS on the -Qxis
Step3 oind 8 nill be at the osizin ai the volue of otheY nesmal styess is ZerO

Stepa:- tocate centse of AB at c alovCas centseof ciscle,dsan aciade tf saelhus = CA= c8

Steps Measure an ongle 29 in a counled- clockvise disechion W-2 CA-shich cuts theeircle
at point p
Step6 Baop a pespendicular sum þ on 7-Gxis ond mask þtg
NOormol Stsest, oh- 001Scale
and shearsl ress, 7e ÞlA SCale tocmax) CGRSale
o de les7ine sesullant stress: joint o to þ

gnd ? (can be measured with þrvtector)

Uni axial Compression-

-0Qx SCate
Yoca)t o-PRX Scale

Cemaa)= CXStale
xial tension
75 N/mm2 :35 /mm? 0-70°
Scale ICm: 10 N/mm2

) Measue 0 distante 5cm along x -axis fos and madk ptA

22) Measugro dislonre 3.5(m onr-axis for and mask þf6

l ) locate the cente of A8 as e Nw CA= ce radius in compass, deand the circle
2V) Measusean angle 20 (ie. 1s0) w r t CA in a counlesciockivise disecthion which Cuts t e

Ciscle a1 pt: ps
V Dropa 1ir fom P on z-axisand mask þi k
Wosmol stoess, 0h- 0DX Sale
Sheag staeSS, To= POXScale
b detee mine resultant soess, join o to P
- 0Px Stele
Mar Shear shress,
Tomax) CGXSCale

o-0 08+8C-cR
+( -(0) cosus0-20)
% tt)+ ( %-)-tosc20)

To PR-CP Sin (t80-260)

o mat): (}) .
-Axial Compression-

C Negmal Staess
Touma) Shearstress
o=-POx Stale
Kesul tant stress
= 0PXScale
Tomaa)= - CGx Sge

LaSeTE" Uniaxial lensilestsess GCLompajned by Simples heng STts


E 2) Select a suitable scole

12) Measure al00j -axis ancl in the
A and 8
lo07- axissbm pls on eleent
Some manner as applied Eto F
ziy Mask þis e andF and join at
Line joininj Ef i l l
biseet AB þt
2) Mejos prinuipal shs es s C
ith rodis
Vo-00YSale iU) NordC as cente of'cirde
CE-C6 draro the ciscle
u) Minesprincipalsfress
e2-04xsesle V) Ciscle cuts, x-axis at þls. Pand g

i ) Bisecton o prinipo)
Caytax= CGX Scale.
o Case-Element is subjected to taO ukualiy perpenedicukir diet1sessetarcompio
bySimple shear st iess

Major ncipol
- TeI B 0PASca le
Minvr ipnnu pal shess

e2Oh S co le
Directon ef pnnupol plones

Mazimum Sheaini shTess

a x ) CG XScale
Page(S O-120knm? UNm? -s0xnn
9: 50 SoK2
Scale 4tm= 20 kn/m2 120K


MeK þoints A and B on z- axis to vepsesent Ox and asbes their natureC in the same dider
22) MaTKpoints E ancd f on verhcal lines frvm A Grd e to sepresent Cay
s given on element)
andd f will loisect AB af c NowCE- CFas
2i) Join boints e and F:Line foininjE
tohich Cuts the x axis on P and pis
in combaLs CPaineupol planes) d saw the circle-
Majorprin ipal steess Maximum SheanY stvess
DeoPxscole y emo) = CGXSCOele
Mina principol Stress
o2-08x Scale
10determine noumol, sheas ancd tesultont staess on an oblique þlane huviny e-50
with the bane of 120 <n/m2stress. om Cetiat phineipalp/lone)
2) Measure an onge equal to 20 tin a caunter clockwise cli'vechiorpuhich cuts the Cicle
at point P
2i) bropa rom P'on 7-axis and matk g
,Wotmal staess 22) 'o deletmine tesultant sfhess join Po
Do-00Scale 6-0P'xscle
Shenstoess ?
To Pascale
A = cross sectional area
b = width of section
c = distance to surface from neutral axis
E = modulus of elasticity
G = shear modulus (torsional modulus)
I ij = area moment of inertia
*Imoj = mass moment
J = polar area moment of inertia
l = length
M = bending moment
P = applied force
V = transverse shear
T = applied torque
S ult = ultimate stress
Sy = yield stress
σ1 = principal stress on the x face
σ2 = principal stress on the y face
σ3 = principal stress on the z face
t = thickness
δ = total deflection
σ = normal stress
σe = Van Mises stress
τ = shear stress
σ yp = tensile yield stress
τ yp = shear yield stress
ns = safety factor
Each element in a machine may fail in a different way. The most common failures of
machine elements in engineering practice may be one of the following: 1. Strength,
2. Stiffness, 3. Reliability, 4. Wear, 5. Fatigue, 6. Property changes due to temperature.

Therefore, for different machine elements we should use different failure theories. In this
course, you will mainly learn how to design machine elements that meet the requirement of
strength. In this chapter, we will review some failure theories that you may have learned in
other courses. They are very important, because the design of machine elements is based on
these theories.

1.2. Stress-strain Diagrams and Factor of Safety

One of the most important steps in the design of a machine element is to choose an
appropriate material according to the loading and the function of the machine element.
Different materials exhibit quite different behaviour. Usually, tensile tests are used to obtain
stress and strain relations.

1.2.1. Ductile Materials

Fig. 1.1 is a typical stress-strain diagram of low-carbon steel. We note the material follows
Hooke’s law until stress reaches the yield point. The stress at yield point is called the yield
stress. The maximum stress in this diagram is called the ultimate strength or tensile strength.
After this point, the stress is decreasing, but the strain is still increasing until rupture or
breaking occurs. The corresponding stress is named rupture stress.

Fig. 1.1 σ - ε diagram of low-carbon steel

Fig. 1.2 σ - ε diagram of heat-treated steel

Many steels, especially heat-treated materials, do not have a well-defined elastic limit. In this
case, the yield stress is usually defined at the point where the plastic strain is about 0.1% to
0.2%, i.e., when unloading from this point, εp = 0.1% ~ 0.2%.

Brittle Materials

The stress-strain curve of brittle materials, such as cast iron, do not follow Hooke’s law.
Fig. 1.3 is the characteristic stress-strain diagram for either tension or compression.
σ - εdiagram of brittle materials

Note: the ultimate stress in compression is much larger than that in tension. Therefore, for a
brittle material, we try to place the material under compression when developing a design.

Factor of Safety

(a) Simple Tension or Compression

When the material is subjected to simple tension or compression stress σ, the factor of safety
n s is given by the equation:
ns = 1.1
σ max

whereS y is the yield point stress in simple tension.

(b) Pure Shear

For pure shear loading τ max the equation for factor of safety is

τ yp
ns =
τ max 1.2

whereτ yp is the yield point stress in shear.

Failure Theories of Ductile Materials with Static Loading

In the following, we only consider two-dimensional states of stress.

The Maximum-Normal-Stress Theory (MNST)

The maximum-normal-stress theory states that failure occurs whenever one of the two
principal stresses equals the yield point stress. Suppose

σ 1 >σ 2

This theory predicts that failure occurs whenever

σ1 = Sy 1.3

σ 2 = - σ yc

The Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory (MSST)

The maximum-shear-stress theory states that yielding begins whenever the maximum shear
stress in any element becomes equal to the maximum shear stress in a tension test specimen
of the same material when that specimen begins to yield. That is

τ max >τyp 1.5

For a general two-dimensional state of stress, see Fig. 1.4, the principal stress and the
maximum shear stress can be calculated by:

σx +σ y σ x −σ y

σ1 = +   + τ xy2 1.6
2  2 

σx +σ y σ x −σ y
 1.7
σ2 = −   + τ xy2
2  2 

σ −σ y

= (σ 1 − σ 2 ) =
1 1.8
τ max  x  + τ xy2
2  2 

In tensile test, σ 2 = 0, therefore at yield point σ 1 = S yt . Thus from Eq. (1.8), we have the
yield point stress in shear.

τ yp = S y 1.9
This equation can be substituted into Eq. (1.2) to give

0.5 S y
ns = 1.10
τ max
The Maximum-Distortion-Energy Theory (MDET)

The maximum-distortion-energy theory predicts that failure will occur whenever the
distortion energy in a unit volume reaches the distortion energy in the same volume when
uniaxially stressed to the yield strength. For two-dimensional stress, the equation is

S y2 = σ 12 + σ 22 − σ 1σ 2 1.11

Substitution of Eqs. (1.6) and (1.7) gives

S = σ x2 + σ y2 − σ xσ y + 3τ xy2 1.12

S can be considered as an equivalent stress of a simple normal stress. Then the factor of
safety is:
ns = 1.13

According to this theory, failure occurs when

S = Sy

Note: The distortion-energy theory is also called (1) The shear-energy theory, (2) The von
Mises-Hencky theory, (3) The octahedral-shear-stress theory.

Example 1: The stress at a point in a body are σ x = 13,000 N/mm2, σ y = 3,000 N/mm2,
and τ xy = 12,000 N/mm2. The material test S y = 40,000 N/mm2. Find:
(a) factor of safety by the maximum shear stress theory,
(b) factor of safety by the Mises-Hencky theory.

13,000 − 3000 
Solution: (a) By Eq. (1.8): τ max =   + 12,000 = 13,000 N/mm
2 2

 2 
0.5 × 40,000
By Eq. (1.10):n s = = 1.54
(b) By Eq. (1.12):

S = 13,000 2 + 3,000 2 − 13,000 × 3,000 + 3 × 12,000 2 = 23,900 2

40 ,000
ns = = 1.67

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