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Comparison of shear strength of sand backfills measured in small-scale and

large-scale direct shear tests

Article  in  Canadian Geotechnical Journal · September 2008

DOI: 10.1139/T08-058


64 2,622

3 authors:

Craig H Benson Tuncer B. Edil

University of Virginia University of Wisconsin–Madison


Christopher Bareither
Colorado State University


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Comparison of shear strength of sand backfills

measured in small-scale and large-scale direct
shear tests
Christopher A. Bareither, Craig H. Benson, and Tuncer B. Edil

Abstract: Direct shear tests were conducted on 30 sand backfill materials having gravel contents ranging from 0% to 30%
in a 64 mm square small-scale direct shear (SSDS) box and a 305 mm square large-scale direct shear (LSDS) box. The ob-
jectives were to compare the shearing behavior of a broad range of natural sand backfill materials tested in SSDS and
LSDS and to determine if the same friction angle (f’) is obtained in SSDS and LSDS when the natural backfill material
contains gravel. Triaxial compression (TC) tests were also conducted on four of the backfill materials for comparison with
the SSDS and LSDS tests. Specimens tested in SSDS and TC included only material passing the No. 4 sieve (P4). Test
specimens in LSDS included the P4 material as well as material retained on the No. 4 sieve (R4), to a maximum particle
diameter of 25.4 mm. Friction angles corresponding to peak strength (f’) measured in SSDS and LSDS differed by no
more than 48 for a given sand backfill, and in most cases were within 28. The friction angles also were unaffected by re-
moval of the R4 material. Repeatability tests showed that statistically similar failure envelopes (p-value = 0.98) are ob-
tained in SSDS and LSDS, and that highly repeatable friction angles (f’) are obtained using the SSDS (f’ ± 0.258) and the
LSDS (f’ ± 0.458) methods. No statistically significant difference was found among the failure envelopes measured in
SSDS, LSDS, and TC, suggesting that f’ for clean sand backfill with less than 30% gravel can be measured with similar
accuracy using any of the three test methods.
Key words: : direct shear box test, angle of internal friction, sand, triaxial compression, shear strength, backfill, gravel,
mechanically stabilized earth.
Résumé : Des essais de cisaillement direct ont été réalisés sur 30 matériaux de remblai ayant des teneurs en gravier
s’étendant de 0 % à 30 % dans une boı̂te de cisaillement direct « SSDS » de petite échelle de 64 mm carrée et une boı̂te à
cisaillement direct à grande échelle « LSDS » de 305 mm carrée. Les sableux objectifs étaient de comparer le comporte-
ment en cisaillement d’une large plage de matériaux sableux naturels de remblai testés dans des boı̂tes SSDS et
de déterminer si le même angle de frottement (f’) est obtenu dans un SSDS et un LSDS lorsque le matériau de remblai
naturel contient du gravier. On a aussi réalisé des essais de compression triaxiale « TC » sur quatre des matériaux de rem-
blai pour com paraison avec les essais SSDS et LSDS. Les spécimens testés dans le SSDS et le TC incluaient seulement
du matériau passant le No. 4 tamis (R4), jusqu’à une diamètre maximum de particule de 25.4 mm. Les angles de frotte-
ment correspondant à la résistance de pic (f’) mesurés dans le SSDS et le LSDS ne différaient de pas plus que 48 pour un
sable de remblai donné, et dans la plupart des cas ils étaient à l’intérieur de 28. Les angles de frottement n’étaient aussi
pas affectés par l’élimination du matériau R4. Les essais de répétitivité ont montré qu’on obtient des enveloppes de rupture
statistiquement similaires (valeur de p = 0.98) dans le SSDS et le LSDS, et que des angles de frottement (f’) fortement ré-
pétitifs sont obtenus en utilisant la méthode SSDS (f’ ± 0.258) et la méthode LSDS (f’ ± 0.458). On n’a pas trouvé de dif-
férences statistiquement significatives entre les enveloppes de rupture mesurées dans le SSDS, le LSDS, et le TC, ce qui
suggère que f’ pour le remblai de sable propre avec moins de 30 % de gravier peut être mesuré avec une précision simi-
laire en utilisant n’importe laquelle des trois méthodes d’essai.
Mots-clés : essai à la boı̂te de cisaillement direct, angle de frottement interne, sable, compression triaxiale, résistance au
cisaillement, remblai, gravier, sol stabilisé mécaniquement.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction lized earth (MSE) walls and reinforced soil (RS) slopes.
Most tests are conducted following the procedures described
The direct shear (DS) test is commonly used in commer- in the American Association of State Highway and Trans-
cial geotechnical laboratories in North America for testing portation Officials (AASHTO) standard T 236-92 (AASHTO
granular materials used as backfill for mechanically stabi- 2001) or the American Society for Testing and Materials

Received 6 October 2006. Accepted 21 May 2008. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 14 August 2008.
C.A. Bareither, C.H. Benson,1 and T.B. Edil. Geological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2214 Engineering Hall,
1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 45: 1224–1236 (2008) doi:10.1139/T08-058 # 2008 NRC Canada

Bareither et al. 1225

(ASTM) standard D 3080 (ASTM 2004a) in a small-scale shear box. Bishop also tested various well-graded gravels
direct shear (SSDS) box that is square or circular. Both test with a maximum particle diameter of 38 mm in the large
methods require that the width (or diameter) of the shear shear box to investigate the influence of gradation on shear
box must be at least 50 mm, the specimen thickness must behavior. Bishop concluded that the larger particles did not
be at least 13 mm, and the specimen width-to-thickness ratio control the shear behavior of well-graded gravels.
be at least 2:1. The test methods also require that the width Palmeira and Milligan (1989) performed direct shear tests
(or diameter) of the shear box be at least 10 times the max- on dry Leighton Buzzard sand in a 1 m cubic box, a
imum particle diameter and that the initial specimen thick- 252 mm  152 mm box (thickness = 152 mm), and a tradi-
ness be at least 6 times the maximum particle diameter. For tional 60 mm square box (thickness = 32 mm) to analyze
typical SSDS boxes, which typically have a width or diame- scale effects. The sand had particles ranging in size from
ter of 64–73 mm (Bareither et al. 2008), the maximum par- 0.6 to 1.2 mm. They report f’ between 498 and 508 for tests
ticle size is approximately 5 mm. Therefore, when granular conducted in all three boxes.
backfill materials contain gravel (i.e., particles > 4.75 mm), Cerato and Lutenegger (2006) performed direct shear tests
the gravel-sized particles are removed (scalped) if tests are on five sands at varying densities in 60 mm (thickness =
conducted in SSDS. Alternatively, a large-scale direct shear 26.4 mm), 102 mm (thickness = 40.6 mm), and 305 mm
(LSDS) box that accommodates larger particles is used. (thickness = 177.8 mm) square shear boxes. A consistent re-
Previous studies have shown that similar shear strength lationship was not found between friction angle and speci-
can be obtained in direct shear using shear boxes of differ- men size for the five sands. However, friction angles for
ent sizes (Taylor and Leps 1938; Bishop 1948; Palmeira and Ottawa sand were similar for the three varying-sized shear
Milligan 1989), although variations in shear behavior may boxes at three different densities. The authors report the
exist (Wu et al. 2008). However, the previous studies have largest ratios of box length to median particle diameter (L/
been limited to uniformly graded sands, and each study fo- D50) for Ottawa sand. Jewell and Wroth (1987) indicate that
cused on a single sand. The influence of gravel content on L/D50 can be used as a measure of scale in direct shear tests.
the shear strength and shear behavior of sands has also been They report that tests conducted with L/D50 ‡ 50 have suffi-
studied (Fragaszy et al. 1992, Simoni and Houlsby 2006), cient particles in the test specimen to allow local rupture and
but these studies have focused on a single sand matrix discontinuities to form, thereby limiting the influence of the
blended with one or two gravels. To the authors’ knowledge, shear box boundaries on the strength–deformation behavior.
no studies have been conducted to evaluate the significance Wu et al. (2008) conducted direct shear tests on Toyoura
of test size or gravel content for a broad variety of naturally sand in four square shear boxes: small (40 mm  40 mm 
occurring sand backfill materials. 20 mm thick), semi-medium (120 mm  120 mm 
This study had two objectives. One objective was to com- 120 mm thick), medium (300 mm  300 mm  300 mm
pare the shearing behavior of a broad range of natural sand thick), and large (800 mm  500 mm  600 mm thick).
backfill materials measured in SSDS and LSDS. The other They report similar friction angles measured in the semi-
objective was to determine if the same friction angle (f’) is medium, medium, and large direct shear boxes at compara-
obtained in SSDS and LSDS when the natural backfill mate- ble densities. The friction angle was 28–38 larger when
rial contains or excludes gravel. Tests were conducted on 30 measured in the small shear box than in the larger shear
naturally occurring sand backfill materials from Wisconsin boxes, and was attributed to mechanical boundary restraint.
in a LSDS box (305 mm square) that accommodates a max- Wu et al. (2008) further concluded that the mechanical
imum particle diameter of 25.4 mm (based on the criterion boundary effect is mitigated as the shear box size increases
in AASHTO T 236-92 (AASHTO 2001) and an SSDS box (i.e., as the ratio of L/D50 increases), allowing development
(64 mm square) that accommodates a maximum particle di- of multiple shear bands into a shear zone.
ameter of 4.75 mm. The backfill materials contained gravel Fragaszy et al. (1992) conducted consolidated-drained and
contents ranging from 0% to 30% in LSDS, of which 12 consolidated-undrained triaxial tests on mixtures of
backfill materials required different amounts of scalping to ‘‘oversize’’ particles (12.7 to 25.4 mm) and sandy gravel
meet the maximum particle size criteria in SSDS. (particles < 12.7 mm) to evaluate how the oversize particles
Consolidated-drained triaxial compression (TC) tests were affected shear strength. Tests were conducted on the sandy
also conducted on four of the backfill materials for compar- gravel matrix alone, the oversize particles alone, and on mix-
ison with the SSDS and LSDS tests. tures of the sandy gravel blended with oversize particles
(10%–90%, by weight). They conclude that the peak strength
Background and deformation behavior of soils containing < 40% sub-
rounded to rounded oversize particles in a finer-grained ma-
Taylor and Leps (1938) performed comparative tests on trix can be determined by testing the matrix material alone
oven-dried Ottawa sand in small (76 mm) and large provided that the density of the matrix material is the same.
(305 mm) square direct shear boxes to assess the influence Simoni and Houlsby (2006) performed shear box tests in
of specimen size on f’. They report that f’ measured in the a large apparatus (254 mm  152 mm, specimen thickness =
large shear box was 0.58 smaller, on average, than f’ meas- 150 mm) on poorly graded silica sand blended with 10%–
ured in the small box. 60% gravel, defined as particles larger than 2 mm and
Bishop (1948) also conducted direct shear tests on a dry smaller than 20 mm. They report similar peak friction angles
sand in small (60 mm) and large (305 mm) shear boxes. for pure sand and sand and gravel mixtures with up to 20%
For porosities ranging from 0.36 to 0.46, f’ from the small gravel tested at similar sand matrix densities. For sand and
shear box was within ±28 of f’ measured with the large gravel mixtures with gravel ‡30%, they report an increase
# 2008 NRC Canada
1226 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

Fig. 1. Particle-size distribution curves for backfill materials used in study.

in the peak-strength friction angle for specimens tested at Compaction testing was conducted because gd-max is com-
similar sand matrix densities. monly used in practice for controlling compaction of granu-
lar backfills.
Materials and methods Twenty-four of the sands classify as poorly graded sand
(SP), four classify as poorly graded sands with fines and
Sands (or) gravel (SP-SM or SP-SC), two classify as silty sands
Shear tests were conducted on 30 naturally occurring (SM), and one classifies as well-graded sand with gravel
sands from Wisconsin having different geologic origins. (SW). Although the majority of the sands share a common
The sands were obtained from borrow pits used for granular designation (SP), the gradations vary considerably (Fig. 1)
backfill by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation with coefficients of uniformity (Cu) ranging from 1.79 to
(WisDOT). Approximately 0.1 m3 of material was collected 6.50. The other physical properties also exhibit considerable
at each borrow pit. Each sample was blended together thor- variation (Gs = 2.63 to 2.76, emax = 0.43 to 0.96, emin = 0.26
oughly and allowed to air dry. After air drying, each sample to 0.58, gd-max = 16.02 to 19.08 kN/m3, and roundness =
was blended again and placed uniformly in a large (0.12 m3) 0.22 to 0.62).
sealed container. Additional details on the homogenization
procedure can be found in Bareither et al. (2008). Small-scale direct shear tests
Particle-size distribution curves for the 30 sands are The SSDS tests were conducted following the procedure
shown in Fig. 1, and physical characteristics of the sands in AASHTO T 236-92 (AASHTO 2001) using a square
are summarized in Table 1. The maximum dry unit weight shear box 64 mm wide containing a specimen 31 mm thick.
(gd-max) in Table 1 was determined for the material passing Tests were conducted for normal stresses between 26 and
the No. 4 sieve using a standard Proctor compaction test. 184 kPa. The maximum stress is comparable to the stress
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Table 1. Physical properties of sands used for shear strength testing.

Sample Cu Cc % fines % gravel Gs emax* emin* gd-max (kN/m3) Roundness USCS symbol
P1-S1 1.86 1.12 0.78 0.0 2.64 0.76 0.48 17.36 0.50 SP
P1-S2 2.18 1.03 0.41 2.0 2.63 0.67 0.42 17.92 0.61 SP
P1-S3 2.33 0.92 0.84 0.0 2.66 0.83 0.50 17.08 0.40 SP
P1-S4 2.67 0.95 1.03 5.7 2.65 0.70 (0.70) 0.40 (0.40) 18.30 0.59 SP
P1-S5 2.63 1.01 0.15 1.8 2.65 0.76 0.43 18.15 0.62 SP
P1-S6 2.35 1.15 0.79 1.8 2.63 0.69 0.43 17.59 0.62 SP
P1-S7 2.03 0.96 0.65 0.0 2.66 0.81 0.52 16.88 0.42 SP
P2-S1 1.88 0.97 1.12 1.0 2.68 0.80 0.51 16.98 0.31 SP
P2-S2 2.10 1.20 0.85 0.0 2.67 0.83 0.56 16.51 0.29 SP
P2-S3 2.27 0.86 12.63 10.2 2.68 0.96 (1.03) 0.58 (0.64) 16.02 0.24 SM
P2-S4 5.30 1.92 9.75 17.8 2.68 0.68 (0.95) 0.39 (0.60) 18.46 0.40 SP-SC
P2-S5 2.82 0.84 0.46 8.3 2.76 0.69 (0.75) 0.44 (0.50) 18.02 0.33 SP
P2-S6 2.82 1.06 3.52 0.4 2.75 0.76 0.46 17.86 0.25 SP
P2-S7 3.15 1.32 14.44 0.0 2.75 0.86 0.52 17.69 0.22 SM
P2-S8 3.05 0.81 1.24 6.7 2.71 0.64 (0.68) 0.4 (0.43) 18.30 0.37 SP
P2-S9 4.16 0.68 0.53 22.1 2.67 0.56 (0.64) 0.33 (0.40) 18.11 0.43 SP
P2-S10 2.33 1.35 4.98 0.7 2.7 0.75 0.46 17.51 0.31 SP
P2-S11 34.07 0.14 0.75 47.8 2.71 0.43 (0.61) 0.26 (0.37) 18.58 0.52 SW
TS 3.06 0.85 1.55 2.2 2.7 0.64 0.39 18.64 0.42 SP
P3-S1 3.20 0.82 1.11 10.0 2.72 0.58 (0.63) 0.35 (0.37) 18.68 0.50 SP
P3-S2 4.77 1.04 5.70 12.1 2.72 0.70 (0.84) 0.39 (0.41) 19.08 0.48 SP-SM
P3-S3 2.48 0.92 0.55 0.3 2.66 0.64 0.37 18.39 0.59 SP
P3-S4 2.86 1.00 0.40 4.3 2.69 0.60 0.37 18.77 0.52 SP
P3-S5 3.00 0.89 0.77 4.9 2.65 0.62 0.38 18.54 0.56 SP
P3-S6 2.07 1.04 0.79 0.0 2.65 0.77 0.5 17.12 0.36 SP
P3-S7 1.79 0.96 0.61 0.0 2.66 0.80 0.51 16.98 0.46 SP
P4-S1 2.00 1.10 0.14 3.3 2.69 0.84 0.56 16.67 0.42 SP
P4-S2 2.86 0.81 2.32 3.3 2.71 0.72 0.44 17.52 0.31 SP
P4-S3 6.50 0.59 1.74 13.2 2.74 0.62 (0.68) 0.33 (0.38) 18.97 0.35 SP
P5-S1 5.28 0.76 5.17 16.6 2.67 0.55 (0.66) 0.31 (0.38) 18.84 0.38 SP-SM
Note: Particle-size analysis conducted following ASTM D 422 (ASTM 2004b) (fines < 0.75 mm); Gs, determined by ASTM D 854 (ASTM 2004c) for
particles < 4.75 mm and by ASTM C 127 (ASTM 2004d) for particles > 4.75 mm; emin determined by ASTM D 4253 (ASTM 2004e), emax determined by
ASTM D 4254 (ASTM 2004f); gd-max, determined by ASTM D 698 (ASTM 2004g) (standard Proctor); roundness determined by procedures in Krumbein
(1941); and the Unified Soil Classification (USCS) is determined by ASTM D 2487 (ASTM 2004h). Cu, coefficient of uniformity; Cc, coefficient of curva-
ture; Gs, specific gravity; emax, maximum void ratio; emin, minimum void ratio; gd-max, maximum dry unit weight.
*Parentheses represent maximum and minimum void ratios for P4 material.

expected at the bottom of a 10 m high MSE wall backfilled sand and the plates. Compression of the PVC and geotextile
with dense granular fill having a unit weight of approxi- was measured at each normal stress. Volume change meas-
mately 18 kN/m3. urements on initial normal loading were corrected for com-
Sands tested in SSDS were air dried and sieved past a pression of the PVC plate and geotextile.
No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm). Material passing the No. 4 sieve All tests were conducted at a constant rate of horizontal
(P4) was used to ensure that the ratio of box length to max- displacement of 0.24 mm/min to a maximum horizontal dis-
imum particle diameter was at least 10 and that the ratio of placement of 7 mm. Measurements of horizontal displace-
box thickness to maximum particle diameter was at least 6, ment, vertical displacement, and shear force were recorded
as stipulated in AASHTO T 236-92 (AASHTO 2001). The using a personal computer equipped with a Validyne data
sand was compacted in the shear box in three lifts of equal acquisition card (UPC601-U) and LabVIEW software (Na-
thickness by tamping the top of each lift with a wood tam- tional Instruments, Austin, Tex.). Two linear variable dis-
per. The number of tamps per layer was adjusted to achieve placement transducers (LVDTs) (Schlumberger Industries
the target density for each specimen (95% of maximum dry model AG/5, 5 ± 0.003 mm) were used to measure horizon-
density determined by standard Proctor compaction, which tal and vertical displacements and a load cell (Revere trans-
is the backfill compaction criterion recommended by the ducer model 363-D3-500-20P1, 2.2 ± 0.00015 kN) was used
United States Federal Highway Administration, Elias et al. to measure shear force. Sixty data points were recorded dur-
2001). ing each test. Normal and shear stresses were computed
Inundation of the specimen followed immediately after the from the loads using a displacement-corrected area of the
normal stress was applied. Drainage was permitted through shear plane.
9 mm thick perforated PVC plates placed on the top and bot-
tom of the specimen. Separation was provided by a thin non- Large-scale direct shear tests
woven heat-bonded calendered geotextile placed between the The LSDS tests were also performed following the proce-
# 2008 NRC Canada
1228 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

Fig. 2. Schematic of large-scale direct shear machine. LVDT, linear variable displacement transducer.

dures in AASHTO T 236-92 (AASHTO 2001). A schematic lartron model M9200000721–02, 30 ± 0.02 mm; Schaevitz
of the LSDS box is shown in Fig. 2. The LSDS box is Engineering series 1000 HR, 50 ± 0.025 mm), and one
305 mm square, contains a 152 mm thick specimen, and is LVDT was used to measure horizontal displacement (Solar-
constructed from stainless steel plate (13 mm for the sides, tron model M920002A721–01, 100 ± 0.01 mm). Vertical de-
19 mm for the front and back). A rear platform (19 mm formations of the soil specimen were measured via LVDTs
thick aluminum plate) (Fig. 2) was included to allow dis- contacting a steel plate placed on top of the soil specimen
placement of the upper and lower boxes without loss of and below the rubber bladder. Load cells were used to meas-
soil. A Teflon sheet was glued to the inner walls of the box ure shear force (Sensotec model 41/0573–05, 89 ± 0.15 kN)
to reduce side-wall friction. The Teflon lining was inspected and normal force (Sensotec model 41/0573–05, 133 ±
prior to each test and replaced periodically as needed. The 0.22 kN).
shear box was contained within an external box that acts as Sand used in the LSDS tests was sieved past a 25.4 mm
a reservoir for inundation of the specimen. sieve to meet the criterion on maximum particle diameter
Shear displacement was controlled by a stepper motor that stipulated in AASHTO T 236-92 (AASHTO 2001). To en-
drives the external box on a slide track (the lower half of the sure that shear strengths measured in SSDS and LSDS could
shear box is bolted to the external box). Movement of the be compared directly, the density of P4 material (i.e., the
upper portion of the shear box is prevented by a horizontal fraction used in the SSDS tests) was maintained the same in
arm affixed to the frame of the machine. A load cell the SSDS and LSDS tests, as suggested by Fragaszy et al.
mounted between the arm and the frame is used to measure (1992). Specimens for LSDS testing were prepared follow-
the shear force. Normal force is applied through a rubber ing the same procedure used for the SSDS tests and were
bladder filled with compressed air that is overlain by two placed between perforated PVC plates (13 mm thick) over-
steel plates. A vertical arm mounted to the frame acts on lain with nonwoven heat-bonded calendered geotextiles for
the steel plates to provide the reaction for the rubber blad- separation. Each sand was tested in LSDS at five normal
der. A load cell mounted on the arm monitors the normal stresses (26, 69, 105, 148, and 184 kPa), with inundation
force. Normal forces are maintained by a feedback- immediately following application of the normal stress.
controlled pressure regulator attached to the rubber bladder Compression of the specimen was monitored during normal
and the load cell attached to the vertical arm. stress application and inundation. All specimens were
Measurements of horizontal displacement, vertical dis- sheared at a rate of 0.24 mm/min to a maximum horizontal
placement, normal force, and shear force were recorded us- displacement of 38 mm. Approximately 300 data points
ing a personal computer equipped with a Validyne data were recorded during each test.
acquisition card (UPC601-U) and LabVIEW software. Two The LSDS data were corrected to account for box friction
LVDTs were used for measuring vertical displacements (So- at the shear box interface. Similar corrections were not ap-
# 2008 NRC Canada
Bareither et al. 1229

Fig. 3. Failure envelopes for repeatability tests: (a) small-scale di- Table 2. Shear strength parameters for repeatability tests
rect shear and (b) large-scale direct shear. All tests conducted with conducted on TS sand using small-scale (SS) and large-scale
TS sand while inundated using a displacement rate of 0.24 mm/min. (LS) direct shear (DS) tests.

Envelope f’ Intercept (kPa) R2

Small box
SS-1 42.5 2.27 0.999
SS-2 42.8 1.12 0.998
SS-3 42.5 1.80 0.999
SS-4 42.5 1.79 0.999
SS-5 42.6 2.19 0.997
Average 42.6 1.83 0.998
Standard deviation 0.2 0.46 0.001
Large box
LS-1 40.3 14.10 0.991
LS-2 40.8 8.21 0.997
LS-3 40.1 13.47 0.986
LS-4 40.1 13.05 0.993
LS-5 41.1 13.32 0.993
Average 40.5 12.43 0.992
Standard deviation 0.5 2.39 0.004

Repeatability of direct shear methods

Repeatability of the testing method was evaluated by con-
ducting five replicate tests on TS sand in SSDS and LSDS.
Failure envelopes from the replicate tests are shown in
Fig. 3. All tests exhibited strain-softening behavior, with
failure defined at peak strength. The failure envelopes in
SSDS (Fig. 3a) are nearly identical, with the shear strength
at a given normal stress varying within ±4.0 kPa. The failure
envelopes in LSDS (Fig. 3b) show slightly greater variation
with shear strength at a given normal stress, varying
within ±8.0 kPa. Shear strength parameters and coefficients
of determination (R2) for the SSDS and LSDS envelopes are
in Table 2. The range in f’ for SSDS is from 42.58 to 42.88,
with an average of 42.68 and standard deviation of 0.258.
For LSDS, f’ ranges from 40.18 to 41.18, with an average
of 40.58 and standard deviation of 0.458.
To confirm that the replicate failure envelopes obtained in
each test were the same, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
was conducted at a significance level of 0.05 on both sets of
plied to the SSDS data because testing showed that box fric- failure envelopes by testing for homogeneity of slopes. The
tion in SSDS was negligible (Bareither 2006). Shear resist- analysis evaluates the similarity of slopes of regression lines
ance due to box friction (tB) was determined by the (in this case tan f’) under the null hypothesis that the slopes
following equation: are identical, and returns a p-value corresponding to the
  probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis (Lowry
FN ð1  Þ þ WB0 2006). One test compared the five failure envelopes ob-
½1 B ¼ B tained in SSDS to each other, another compared the five
failure envelopes in LSDS to each other, and a third test
where FN is the applied normal force, a is the fraction of compared the five failure envelopes from SSDS to the five
the applied normal force transmitted to the shear plane and failure envelopes from LSDS. The ANCOVA yielded a p-
accounts for load transfer into the box walls, WB0 is the value of 0.99 for the SSDS envelopes, a p-value of 0.80 for
buoyant weight of the upper box, ACB is the contact area of the LSDS envelopes, and a p-value of 0.98 when comparing
the shear box interface, and mB is the coefficient of friction the SSDS and LSDS envelopes. Thus, for all three analyses,
of the shear box interface. Details of the LSDS box friction no statistically significant difference was observed between
correction are included in Bareither (2006). Preliminary the failure envelopes (i.e., p >> 0.05 in each case).
tests showed that a ranges between 0.907 and 0.936; the
average a (= 0.9203) was used to compute the applied nor- Triaxial compression tests
mal stress and the box friction in each test (details provided The TC tests were conducted on P1-S1, P1-S6, P2-S9,
in Bareither 2006). and TS sands for comparison with shear strengths obtained
# 2008 NRC Canada
1230 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

Fig. 4. Shear stress versus relative horizontal displacement mea- Fig. 5. Shear-displacement curves for large-scale direct shear
sured in small-scale direct shear with failure stress defined by (LSDS) tests showing failure stress for cases with (a) initial hori-
(a) peak stress (P2-S6 sand) and (b) initial horizontal tangent (P3- zontal tangent followed by plowing (P3-S1 sand) and (b) shear
S2 sand). stress increasing at the same rate with additional horizontal displa-
cement (P3-S2 sand).

in direct shear. These sands were selected to provide a range

was circulated through the specimen from the bottom up us-
of f’ and shear behavior, as illustrated subsequently. These ing a small head difference (<0.6 m). Elevated backpressure
sands also have negligible fines, thereby precluding issues was not used and B-checks were not performed so as to sim-
regarding drainage. No standard method exists for perform- ulate the inundation condition used for the DS tests. Each
ing consolidated drained TC tests on granular soils. Thus, sand was tested at effective confining pressures of 21, 41,
the triaxial testing procedure simulated, as closely as possi- 62, and 83 kPa. The effective confining pressures were
ble, conditions imposed in the direct shear tests. chosen by superimposing Mohr circles on the DS failure en-
Specimens for the TC tests were prepared in a split mold velopes, so that the normal and shear stresses at failure fell
(74 mm diameter, 147 mm tall) lined with a latex mem- within a range similar to the stresses in the SSDS tests.
brane. Air-dried sand passing the No. 4 sieve was used for An axial strain rate of 0.11 mm/min was used to provide a
all specimens. Compaction was performed in three layers of similar displacement rate along the failure plane as was ap-
equal thickness by tamping the top of each layer with a tam- plied in the direct shear tests. Measurements of axial dis-
per, with the number of tamps per layer adjusted to achieve placement, axial force, and volume change were recorded
the target density for each specimen. The specimens were using a personal computer equipped with a National Instru-
prepared to the same density used in the SSDS tests. ments data acquisition card (model SC-2345) and LabVIEW
A cell pressure of 34 kPa was initially applied and water software. An external LVDT was used to measure vertical
# 2008 NRC Canada
Bareither et al. 1231

Fig. 6. Relative horizontal displacement at failure in large-scale di- Fig. 7. Vertical displacement at front and rear of the large-scale di-
rect shear (LSDS) versus relative horizontal displacement at failure rect shear (LSDS) box versus relative horizontal displacement for
in small-scale direct shear (SSDS) for sands exhibiting a peak P2-S4 sand, which exhibited ‘‘plowing’’ behavior for normal stres-
stress. ses between 62 and 184 kPa inclusive.

displacement (RDP ELECTRONICS model ACTL000A, LSDS tests). For consistency, these small increases in shear
50 ± 0.09 mm), an external load cell was used for axial stress were disregarded.
force measurements (Revere transducer model 363-D3–500–
20P1, 2.2 ± 0.00015 kN), and a burette equipped with pres- Three shapes were observed for the shear stress – RHD
sure transducer was used to monitor the volume expelled or curves for the LSDS tests: (i) a peak stress similar to that
imbibed by the specimen (Validyne model DP15–26 con- observed in SSDS and then decreasing to a large-
nected to a Valydine model CD379 digital transducer indica- displacement stress (not shown); (ii) shear stress increasing
tor). The water level in the burette used for monitoring to an ultimate stress similar to that observed in SSDS, but
volume change during shear was positioned near the center followed by a gradual increase in shear stress at a constant
of the specimen. Approximately 250 data points were col- rate at larger horizontal displacement (Fig. 5a); and
lected during each test. Failure was defined at the peak (iii) shear stress increasing until the slope of the shear
stress and the friction angle was obtained from the p’–q rela- stress – RHD curve reached a minimum, after which the
tionship. shear stress increased at a constant rate with additional hori-
zontal displacement (Fig. 5b). The gradual increase in shear
stress (Fig. 5a) and the constant rate of increasing shear
Shear behavior in direct shear testing stress (Fig. 5b) observed at large displacements are believed
Definition of failure to be due to particle–box interactions, as described subse-
Typical curves relating shear stress and relative horizontal quently.
displacement (RHD = (horizontal displacement/specimen Failure was defined as the peak shear stress for the tests
length)  100) for the SSDS tests are shown in Fig. 4. Two exhibiting a distinct peak and as the shear stress at the initial
shear stress versus RHD relationships were observed: horizontal tangent when a horizontal tangent was evident
(i) shear stress increasing to a peak stress and then decreas- (Fig. 5a). For the tests where the shear stress increased mo-
ing to a large-displacement stress (i.e., strain-softening, notonically with horizontal displacement (Fig. 5b), the fail-
Fig. 4a) and (ii) shear stress increasing to an ultimate stress ure stress was defined as the shear stress at the same RHD
and remaining essentially constant thereafter (Fig. 4b). Fail- at failure identified in SSDS. This definition was selected
ure was defined as the peak shear stress for all sands exhib- because failure occurred at essentially the same RHD in
iting peak stress behavior. For sands exhibiting only an SSDS and LSDS when a distinct peak shear stress was ob-
ultimate stress, the failure stress was defined by the initial served in both tests (Fig. 6). A two-sided paired t test was
horizontal tangent to the shear stress – RHD curve. Periodi- conducted at the 5% significance level on the 28 observa-
cally, a small increase in shear stress was observed after the tions in Fig. 6 to confirm that the RHD at failure for the
initial horizontal tangent. This increase in shear stress was SSDS and LSDS tests was essentially the same. The test
always less then 5 kPa and is believed to be a test artifact yield a two-sided p-value of 0.35 (>>0.05), indicating that
(see subsequent discussion of particle–box interactions in there is no statistically significant difference in the relative
# 2008 NRC Canada
1232 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

Fig. 8. Schematic of particle movements during shearing in large-scale direct shear (LSDS).

horizontal displacements at failure for these SSDS and band thickness with increase in specimen thickness. Also,
LSDS tests. Jewell (1989) has shown that rotation occurs in direct shear
tests with free top platens (as used in the SSDS and LSDS),
Particle–box interactions and that rotation is more significant when the normal stress
The increases in shear stress at larger displacements that is applied by a pressure bag (as in the LSDS) than with a
were observed in the LSDS tests (Fig. 5), and occasionally rigid top platen (as in the SSDS).
in the SSDS tests, may be due to interactions between gran-
ular particles and the shear box. Vertical displacements at Small-scale versus large-scale shear
the front and back of the LSDS box (see box schematic in strength
Fig. 2) were compared for those tests without a distinct
peak shear stress, as illustrated in Fig. 7 for P2-S4 sand. The SSDS and LSDS tests were performed on the 30
Vertical displacements at a normal stress of 26 kPa were sands described in Table 1. A Mohr–Coulomb failure enve-
omitted from Fig. 7 because monotonic increases in shear lope for each test was defined by linear least-squares regres-
stress were not observed at this normal stress for any of the sion with a non-negative intercept. Strength parameters for
tests. the envelopes are summarized in Table 3. The envelopes
In Fig. 7, dilation is occurring at the front of the box and were linear for all practical purposes, with R2 ranging from
contraction at the back of the box. Particle movements 0.997 to 1.000 for SSDS and from 0.991 to 1.000 for LSDS.
within the LSDS box corresponding to these volume The intercepts represent friction in the shear box not ac-
changes are shown schematically in Fig. 8. Simulations of counted for by the box friction correction and possibly non-
direct shear tests on sand by Liu (2006) with a discrete ele- linearity of the failure envelopes near the origin. However,
ment model (DEM) have shown particle movements similar in all cases, the apparent cohesion was small, typically 3.0–
to those illustrated in Fig. 8. Additionally, DEM studies con- 4.0 kPa in SSDS and 6.0–7.0 kPa in LSDS.
ducted by Cui and O’Sullivan (2006) and Zhang and Thorn- A comparison of friction angles obtained from the LSDS
ton (2007) as well as photoelastic studies conducted by Dyer tests (f’LSDS) and those obtained form the SSDS tests
and Milligan (1984) on direct shear tests identified particle- (f’SSDS) is shown in Fig. 9. The data are segregated into
to-particle force concentrations at the front of the upper two sets corresponding to sands with less than 5% R4 mate-
shear box and back of the lower shear box during shearing. rial and more than 5% R4 material. For both data sets,
Thus, particle movements may create particle-to-particle f’LSDS & f’SSDS, although scatter exists in the data. The
force concentrations that are transferred to the particle–box largest difference between f’LSDS and f’SSDS is 4.08, corre-
interface, increasing the measured shear resistance. sponding to P2-S11 sand, which contained 30% R4 material
The particle–box interaction was far less significant in the in LSDS (the largest R4 for the sands that were tested). For
SSDS test than in the LSDS test. The exaggerated particle– the other 29 sands, f’LSDS and f’SSDS differ by less than 4.08,
box interaction in LSDS probably is due to a greater number with most of the friction angles differing by less than 28.
of particles moving within the shear band in the larger scale Two-sided paired t tests were performed at the 5% signif-
test. For example, Palmeira and Milligan (1989) and Wu et icance level on the <5% R4 data and >5% R4 data to deter-
al. (2008) measured the shear band thickness in different mine if the friction angles obtained from LSDS and SSDS
size direct shear box tests and report an increase in shear were statistically similar. The t test on sands with <5% R4
# 2008 NRC Canada
Bareither et al. 1233

Table 3. Shear strength parameters, specimen void ratio, and ratio of box length to median particle dia-
meter (L/D50) for small-scale direct shear (SSDS) and large-scale direct shear (LSDS) tests.

Intercept Void Intercept Void
Sample (kPa) f’ R2 ratio L/D50 (kPa) f’ R2 ratio L/D50
P1-S1 5.1 35.8 0.998 0.57 206 0.0 38.1 0.991 0.57 984
P1-S2 4.5 32.9 0.999 0.52 168 4.2 31.7 0.997 0.52 803
P1-S3 5.3 34.3 0.999 0.61 206 3.1 35.7 0.999 0.61 984
P1-S4 3.5 33.4 1.000 0.50 213 7.1 32.8 0.997 0.48 1017
P1-S5 5.1 32.3 0.999 0.51 145 3.8 32.0 0.996 0.51 693
P1-S6 6.0 32.5 0.999 0.54 188 9.3 31.8 0.997 0.54 897
P1-S7 4.3 34.8 1.000 0.63 221 11.2 38.0 0.996 0.63 1052
P2-S1 2.2 36.6 0.999 0.63 213 7.1 36.1 0.999 0.63 1017
P2-S2 1.3 37.8 0.999 0.67 320 6.3 35.3 0.995 0.67 1525
P2-S3 4.6 35.1 0.999 0.71 533 6.2 37.0 0.999 0.66 1906
P2-S4 4.6 36.5 1.000 0.65 213 5.3 37.0 1.000 0.47 953
P2-S5 5.6 40.9 1.000 0.58 107 12.1 41.3 0.998 0.55 477
P2-S6 0.8 40.5 1.000 0.59 237 6.0 41.7 0.993 0.59 1130
P2-S7 0.0 39.6 1.000 0.61 427 13.0 38.9 0.992 0.61 2033
P2-S8 0.6 41.5 0.998 0.53 139 8.4 40.1 0.998 0.50 610
P2-S9 8.0 38.5 0.998 0.53 168 13.4 36.6 0.991 0.45 709
P2-S10 4.1 36.4 0.999 0.59 320 5.2 37.7 0.994 0.59 1525
P2-S11 5.6 38.7 0.998 0.50 133 24.4 42.8 0.990 0.36 359
TS* 1.8 42.6 0.998 0.50 156 12.4 40.5 0.992 0.50 726
P3-S1 4.1 39.2 0.997 0.49 107 6.6 37.6 0.999 0.46 484
P3-S2 0.6 36.9 0.998 0.46 152 0.3 35.0 0.997 0.42 635
P3-S3 6.7 35.4 0.998 0.49 119 3.2 34.7 0.992 0.49 565
P3-S4 2.9 40.3 0.998 0.48 93 5.9 40.9 1.000 0.48 436
P3-S5 2.6 36.4 0.998 0.48 139 7.0 35.0 0.997 0.47 635
P3-S6 4.3 34.5 0.999 0.60 221 5.1 35.2 0.999 0.60 1052
P3-S7 2.8 35.4 0.999 0.62 291 2.6 36.4 0.995 0.62 1386
P4-S1 2.0 36.7 0.999 0.67 114 1.6 35.3 0.998 0.67 526
P4-S2 2.6 40.7 0.998 0.60 136 0.0 43.7 0.993 0.60 635
P4-S3 3.8 42.4 0.999 0.50 107 7.2 41.9 0.994 0.44 396
P5-S1 2.9 39.1 1.000 0.47 125 5.0 39.3 0.999 0.41 477
*Averaged values from repeatability tests.

(18 sands) yielded a p-value of 0.65, whereas the p-value and Houlsby (2006) for laboratory prepared mixtures of
was 0.70 for the sands with >5% R4. Thus, for both data sand and gravel also apply to a broad range of natural gran-
sets, there is no statistically significant difference in f’ ob- ular backfills having R4 < 30%. In particular, for natural
tained with LSDS and SSDS (i.e., p >> 0.05). granular backfills with R4 < 30%, the shear strength can be
The ratio of box length to median particle diameter (L/ determined by performing shear tests on the P4 (i.e., matrix)
D50) for the SSDS and LSDS tests is listed in Table 3. The material alone provided the P4 material is tested at the same
minimum L/D50 for SSDS is 93 and the average is 197, density as the P4 matrix in backfill containing R4 material.
whereas the minimum L/D50 for LSDS is 359 and the aver- A threshold gravel content may exist beyond which the R4
age is 888. An L/D50 ‡ 50 was proposed by Jewell and material does affect f’. Fragaszy et al. (1992) suggest that
Wroth (1987) and ‡ 66 was experimentally evaluated this threshold corresponds to 40%–50% gravel, whereas Si-
through DEM simulations by Jacobson et al. (2007) to be moni and Houlsby (2006) indicate that the threshold is be-
an approximate threshold ratio where there are sufficient tween 20%–40% gravel. Conclusively identifying this
particles in the specimen to mitigate any scale effects in di- threshold was not a focal point of this study and is a topic
rect shear. Variations in friction angles similar to this study in need of further research. However, the data from this
have also been reported by Taylor and Leps (1938), Bishop study suggest that the threshold on gravel content for natural
(1948), Palmeira and Milligan (1989), and Cerato and Lute- sand backfills is near 30%.
negger (2006) for dense granular materials with L/D50 ‡ 66
in various-sized direct shear boxes. Thus, shear strength pa- Comparison of triaxial compression, small-
rameters determined in direct shear with L/D50 ‡ 66 may be
scale direct shear, and large-scale direct
regarded as an accurate estimate; however, physical tests are
needed to more precisely identify the threshold L/D50 ratio. shear
Additionally, the findings from this study suggest that Friction angles obtained from the TC tests are tabulated in
conclusions reported by Fragaszy et al. (1992) and Simoni Table 4 along with the friction angles from the SSDS and
# 2008 NRC Canada
1234 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

Fig. 9. Friction angles obtained from large-scale direct shear (LSDS) tests versus friction angles obtained from small-scale direct shear
(SSDS) tests.

LSDS tests on the same sands. Failure envelopes for the TC, Table 4. Friction angles and analysis of covariance (AN-
SSDS, and LSDS tests are presented in Fig. 10. For the TC COVA) statistics for P1-S1, P1-S6, P2-S9, and TS sands
tests, the normal stress and shear stress on the failure plane for small-scale direct shear (SSDS), large-scale direct
(assumed to be at 45 + f’/2) were determined from Mohr’s shear (LSDS), and triaxial compression (TC) tests.
circle so that the envelopes from direct shear and triaxial
Test type P1-S1 P1-S6 P2-S9 TS
compression could be compared directly.
SSDS 35.8 32.5 38.5 42.6
For each of the four sands, good agreement exists be-
LSDS 38.1 31.8 36.6 40.5
tween the failure envelopes obtained for all three tests, and
TC 34.8 34.2 39.5 41.3
the f’ differ by at most 3.38 (P1-S1 sand, Table 4). To con-
ANCOVA p-value 0.70 0.07 0.09 0.45
firm that the failure envelopes from each test were statisti-
cally similar, an ANCOVA was conducted at the 5%
significance level on each set of envelopes. A summary of
the p-values from the ANCOVA is in Table 4. In all cases, ranging from 0% to 30% was measured in small-scale (SS)
p > 0.05, indicating that there is no statistically significant and large-scale (LS) direct shear (DS) tests. The SSDS tests
difference between the envelopes. were conducted in a 64 mm square box accommodating a
maximum particle diameter of 4.75 mm, whereas the LSDS
The friction angles obtained from the TC tests were also
tests were conducted in a 305 mm square box accommodat-
compared to those from the SSDS and LSDS tests to deter-
mine if statistically significant differences existed between ing a maximum particle diameter of 25.4 mm. Tests con-
the friction angles measured in triaxial compression and di- ducted in SSDS required removal of the gravel. Triaxial
rect shear. The differences f’SSDS – f’TC and f’LSDS – f’TC compression (TC) tests were also conducted on four of the
were evaluated using t tests at a significance level of 0.05. backfill materials tested in SSDS and LSDS tests. Results
The tests yielded two-sided p-values of 0.61 (SSDS versus of these tests were compared, from which the following con-
TC) and 0.55 (LSDS versus TC), indicating that there is no clusions are drawn:
statistically significant difference between the friction angles  Friction angles measured in SSDS and LSDS are essen-
measured in DS and TC (p >> 0.05). This finding suggests tially the same provided that the gravel fraction is less
that the conclusions in Taylor (1939), Nash (1953), Rowe than 30%. Friction angles measured in this study differed
(1969), and Pells et al. (1973), which indicate that f’ meas- by no more than 48, and in most cases differed by less
ured in triaxial compression and direct shear differs less than 28.
than ±38 for medium–dense sands (i.e., relative density rang-  Representative friction angles for sands containing gravel
ing between 60% and 75%), also apply to natural compacted can be determined in SSDS after removing the gravel
sand backfills. fraction, provided that the gravel content is less than
30% and the minimum box length to median particle dia-
Summary and conclusions meter (L/D50) is at least 93.
The shear strength of 30 compacted sand backfill materi-  Replicate testing showed that the peak friction angle (f’)
als having a gravel content (particles greater than 4.75 mm) obtained with the SSDS and LSDS procedures is highly
# 2008 NRC Canada
Bareither et al. 1235

Fig. 10. Failure envelopes obtained from small-scale direct shear (SSDS), large-scale direct shear (LSDS), and triaxial compression (TC)
tests: (a) P1-S1 sand, (b) P1-S6 sand, (c) P2-S9 sand, and (d) TS sand.

repeatable (within f’ ± 0.258 in SSDS and ± 0.458 in Transportation (WisDOT). The assistance of Dan Reid, Den-
LSDS). nis Althaus, and Bruce Pfister of WisDOT is greatly appre-
 For sands exhibiting peak stress behavior in both SSDS ciated.
and LSDS, relative horizontal displacements correspond-
ing to peak stress are similar, differing by ±0.88%. References
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