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Hexane Finance Documentation

Learn why HexHeads are an integral part of Hexane Ecosystem

HexHeads are a unique feature of the Hexane Finance ecosystem. They are a collection of 777 non-
fungible tokens (NFTs) that represent various characters or creatures within the Hexane universe. Each
HexHead has its own unique characteristics, abilities, and backstory, making them highly collectible and
valuable within the ecosystem.

HexHeads are built on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing the ERC-721 standard for non-fungible tokens.
This means that each HexHead is a unique and indivisible digital asset that cannot be replicated or

The boost provided by each Hexhead is determined by its tier and is added to the base annual percentage
yield (APY) earned by holders of Hexane tokens. For example, if a partner pool is providing a base APY of
10%, a holder of a Mythical Hexhead would earn an additional 2.5% boost, resulting in a total APY of 12.5%.

The mathematical formula for determining the total APY earned by a Hexhead holder can be
represented as:

Hexhead Utility:

1. LP Boosts: HexHeads provide a boost to the annual percentage yield (APY) of liquidity pools. The
boost varies based on the rarity of the HexHead, with common HexHeads providing a 5% boost, rare
HexHeads providing a 10% boost, legendary HexHeads providing a 20% boost, and mythical
HexHeads providing a 25% boost.

2. Whitelist Pass: HexHeads are used as a whitelist pass for Hexane Finance public round sales. This
means that only holders of HexHeads are eligible to participate in the public round sales.
3. In-DApp Web3 Profile: HexHeads can be used to create an in-dApp web3 profile, which allows users
to engage with the Hexane Finance community.
4. Scarcity: HexHeads are limited in supply (777), making them valuable and scarce. The rarity of the
HexHead determines its value and the boost in APY it provides.
5. Collectible: HexHeads are collectible items, which can be bought, sold and traded on various NFT

Rarity Levels

Common rarity HexHeads are powerful and mysterious beings with advanced abilities. They
are feared throughout the galaxy for their military might and technology, and possess unique
powers such as manipulating time and space, harnessing the power of the stars, and advanced
robotics and cybernetics. They are also capable of shapeshifting, giving them the ability to take
on any form they desire. These HexHeads are considered a force to be reckoned with in the
Hexane Finance ecosystem.

Rare rarity HexHeads are even more enigmatic and powerful than their common counterparts.
They are said to possess abilities beyond the understanding of mere mortals, such as the power
to control the elements, manipulate reality itself and harness the power of ancient and forbidden
magic. They are said to be the creators of the Hexane Finance ecosystem, and their presence is
both awe-inspiring and terrifying. These HexHeads are considered the elite among their kind
and are highly sought after by collectors and users of the Hexane Finance platform. They are
truly a force to be reckoned with and hold immense value within the ecosystem.


Legendary rarity HexHeads are the most powerful and mystical of all HexHeads. They
possess incredible abilities and technology that sets them apart from the rest of the HexHeads.
They are revered and respected throughout the galaxy as the ultimate force in the Hexane
Finance ecosystem. They are known for their ability to control the elements, teleport, and
possess god-like powers. These HexHeads are extremely rare and highly sought after, making
them the most valuable in the entire HexHead collection. They are considered the ultimate prize
for any HexHead collector, and owning one is considered a great achievement in the world of
Hexane Finance.

The Mythical rarity HexHeads are the rarest and most powerful beings in the Hexane Finance
ecosystem. They possess abilities that surpass even the Legendary HexHeads, with
extraordinary powers such as the ability to control reality, harness the power of black holes, and
manipulate multiple dimensions. They are the ultimate force in the galaxy, feared and respected
by all. These HexHeads are not only powerful, but also possess a dark and mysterious aura that
surrounds them, making them highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts. Possessing a
Mythical HexHead is considered a great honor and privilege, and these beings are considered
the ultimate prize in the Hexane Finance ecosystem.

Launch Phases

Round Name Launch Date End Date Price Units Available

Pre-Reveal round 23-Jan-2023 30-Jan-2023 0.1 ETH / Unit 100

Private round 30-Jan-2023 06-Feb-2023 0.15 ETH / Unit 200

Public round 06-Feb-2023 13-Feb-2023 0.2 ETH / Unit Unlimited

How they work:

1. User purchases HexHead NFT at any of the round

2. NFTs get distributed & revealed after public Sale

3. HexHead is added to the user's wallet

4. User stakes HexHead NFT in the Hexane Finance protocol

5. HexHead's boost percentage is applied to the user's staked assets

6. User earns increased APY on their staked assets

7. User can choose to un-stake their HexHead NFT at any time, but the boost percentage will no longer
apply to their staked assets
8. HexHead can be renewed after its usage plan is complete

9. HexHead can also be used as a whitelist pass for Hexane Finance's public round sales and for creating
an in-dApp web3 profile and engaging with the community.

Total Supply: 777 (seven hundred seventy seven)

Team: 10% (77 HexHeads)

These tokens will be allocated to the Hexane Finance team for their contributions to the development
and growth of the platform.

Advisors and Incubators: 3% (23 HexHeads)

These tokens will be allocated to advisors and incubators for their contributions to the development and
growth of the platform.

Public: 87% (678 HexHeads)

These tokens will be allocated to the public through various rounds, such as the Token Generation
Event (TGE), private and public rounds, and liquidity provision rounds. The exact distribution and
allocation of these tokens will be determined and announced at a later date.

Commission Structure

HexHeads have a commission rate of 5%. Of this, 2.5% will be used for the Hexane Finance DAO, and 2.5%
will be used to buy back and burn HEXANE tokens. The remaining 50% will be distributed to the Hexane
Finance liquidity pools.

Boost % Provided:
Rarity Boost Percentage

Common Hexheads: 5% boost

Rare Hexheads: 15% boost

Legendary Hexheads: 20% boost

Mythical Hexheads: 25% boost

For example, if a holder of a Legendary Hexhead earns a base APY of 10%, the total APY earned
would be:

Total APY = 10% + (10% x 20%) = 12%

Depletions & Fixed Usage:

It's important to note that these boosts are valid for a fixed period of one year, after which they can
be renewed at the then disclosed rates. Additionally, there are maximum deposit limits for each
rarity of HexHead.
The maximum deposit limit for
Common HexHeads = 5,000 USD

Rare HexHeads = 20,000 USD,

Legendary HexHeads = 30,000 USD,

Mythical HexHeads = 40,000 USD.

Each NFT has a fixed usage plan, which is 300% of the maximum deposit value. This means that the
maximum deposit limit for

Common HexHeads is 5,000 USD and the usage plan is 15,000 USD ,

Rare HexHeads is 20,000 USD and the usage plan is 60,000 USD,

Legendary HexHeads is 30,000 USD and the usage plan is 90,000 USD,

Mythical HexHeads is 40,000 USD and the usage plan is 120,000 USD.

For example,

if a person holds a common HexHead and wants to deposit $5000, it can borrow $15000.

This can be calculated using the following formula:

In the example above: Total Deposit Value = $5000 * (1 + (300/100)) = $15000


What are HexHeads?

HexHeads are digital collectibles that can be used to boost the interest earned on deposits in the
Hexane Finance platform. A set of 777 NFTs for the Hexane ecosystem that grants whitelist
access, LP boosts and various other features and helps provide a reserve for giving out boosts
and fund protocol development.

How do HexHeads boost interest on staking?

HexHeads have different levels of rarity, with Common HexHeads providing a 5% boost, Rare
HexHeads providing a 10% boost, Legendary HexHeads providing a 20% boost, and Mythical
HexHeads providing a 25% boost to the interest earned on staking.

How long do HexHead boosts last?

The boosts provided by HexHeads last for a year from the date of activation, after which they can
be renewed at then-disclosed rates.

What is the maximum deposit amount for each level of HexHead?

The maximum deposit amount for Common HexHeads is 5,000 USD, for Rare HexHeads it is
20,000 USD, for Legendary HexHeads it is 30,000 USD, and for Mythical HexHeads it is 40,000

How many HexHeads can I use on a single deposit?

Each HexHead has a fixed usage plan of 300% of the maximum deposit value. This means that if
you have a Mythical HexHead, you can use it to boost a deposit of up to 40,000 USD x 300% =
120,000 USD.
What is the total interest earned with HexHeads

The total interest earned with HexHeads is calculated by adding the base interest rate to the boost
provided by the HexHeads. For example, if the base interest rate is 10% APR and you have a
Mythical HexHead, your total interest rate would be 10% + 2.5% = 12.5% APR.

How do I get HexHeads?

HexHeads can be minted on crew3 or from other HexHead holders through secondary
marketplaces. They can also be earned through participating in Hexane Finance's liquidity mining
or staking programs.

Can HexHeads be traded or sold?

Yes, HexHeads are non-fungible tokens, so they can be bought, sold, and traded on various

Are there any limits to the number of HexHeads I can own?

Yesn't, There is no limit to the number of HexHeads that a user can own, but there is a maximum
deposit amount that each level of HexHead can boost. Each wallet can use only 1 HexHead.

Are there any other benefits of owning HexHeads?

In addition to providing interest boosts, HexHeads can also be used to participate in governance
and decision-making on the Hexane Finance platform, Whitelist pass for Hexane Finance
seedround, and ability to make web3 dApp profiles. They may have other benefits that are yet to
be announced.👀

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