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Bending stessesin Beams

Ineox of sirople be nding t'eending equatio0) -
When beom is loaded it is
bent and subject ed to
Consiguently, longrtudinol or bending stresses are indured bendinm
to determine the cross-section Jn 0fder
proctical utility ofanr beam it is very necess
reta ionsh1p betuween the radius ary to establisha
of cuvature to Iwhich the lbeom loends,
the bending
mo ment, the bending stresses and its cross-sectional dimensíons. he equaton uhich
Congecisthese quanBitie is known as bending equation
Assumptions in theorzef bendinf-
.he ma1erial of the beamis þedfectl? homozeneous
2. he stress indured in the beam is
withinelastic limit
B. 1he volueofmodulas ofelasticity is same. for the fibres of beam undercombression or
unde tenston
h e transveuse secion of the beam, whith is plane before bendin. remoins blane
after bending
5. nere no Tèsultant pull or þush on the crass-settion of he beom .

6.The loocls are applied in the plane ofbendi

h e doansvexce section of the beam is spm metrical obaut a line þassin Ihaough 1he
Cenire ofgIavity in ihe þlane of bending
Consider ABCDa port of the beam subjerted to on exBernol bendiný mem
M'as shocon in fune@

Due to apphication of the external bendiny moment the fibre Ac has ta ken
tion and there is o cdectease in its enath. On the othes hand the fibre B0
bOSi AC fhe ib1e GH hos
6rD, Ond ther e is an ineeafe in its length Similely
taken the basition There r e so mony fibres olongis depth of logth r presend
token the þosition GH in i1s
tohich Stme ae torreasès in its lengBh and somè are detreases
the bram oul of
1ensth beom, there nwill beo
eut ata þosticulor level be tuween the top and bottom of the
Loyer or fibre which is neither increased noo decreated inits ength. which meartthat
this fibieis free fpm any type of strosS or moment and corresbonding flbre

toyer i's calltd neutrol layer, or neutrol uore he line ofinlérsertioh of neutro
tne is colled neutra| axis.
aver on the cross-Sechon Of beam
1 ArB, and C Di mee's
at an imajénary boint b'as shown in tgure . 7
D- Angie be troren þlanes A:brand C0r
R- Radius tf CUrvature
Consider a layer Ef at dùtan ce
fnm gure
fom GH. which after bendfg betomes Eifs*
GIH RD and Etf (R)0

JDitiall7 the þasallel tayeas would have equal 1engths, So thai GH EF and sine there ta no
Sless ai thr neutaal layea, then there is no s1oain, then
GiHI- GH- Sx
Now that slsain in Ef-
Charjein length Ef-EF
But EFr GH=
Originol 1enzth EF
G,H =
Stah- RD-(R-1-
fpm Hooks lav.
slsain. e- ( Stress in Ef and E i the
7oun1s modulus ) hen


Ha transveISe sertionof the beam is neud Cnsidend

Lie ata dislance Cfurt-c), tet a staip of'asea A
fom the neutrol 0xis
hen, the notmal force on this are0 (da) Stress *
elementol aea

Elementol force 7
aned the moment o/ thit sorce oboud neutsa1 azisS
N .
Thit is the
Desisting moment of the matenial caused by the
Stress þroduted, an the fo tal esistiny mement ot
M- sa Cending stoess
But'sA is the setond moment
of area o 100I Gbout the dtpth of beorn
ñeutro1 axis


mm e4ns ca) and

CBending e)
Where y= Momen 1of resitanee
T: MOI abuut 1hebending 0xii or Deutral axis CIx)
positod ofany loyer fom neutral layeh
byoung's modulal andR= Kadius, of cusvatu re
mcedure tosolvethe pmblems
A srite the given datos and then doauo the cross settion of the beom
2, Locate posiíon ofneutyal aeis (7)ifsection is not sy mmetsical-
3. Find monment ofineutia about bending axis (M0I abut centoidol z7 Oxis) Ix
Irr- 2x+Ah2 (uohere h: 77)

4 hind
the moximum bendiog miment a momend ef vesistonce
Condition accasding to beanIoadi

M M-lals

nn mum M 2
5 ind bending stresses
let Dbc-"Moximum tombsessive bndíjstoass
Obt Moximum tenile bendlin1 Stfegs
bending moment szaing (+ve) then fop poation
will be uncder
LUndey tension
cimpressionand bottorn bortion noill be c
J bendig moment is hogzing C-ve), the top þoa tion is Ot
subjerted to tension and bö1rh porin oill be under crmbsesion*V) (-veg-)
6 To tol fensile fosce =Avesage fensile stves(A Aroa on tensionside
and otol coonpressive forte Aves oje

Compress ive stsesS *Asea on combsesg idn sjde .

Asition of Netl tral azis 24)os190
Consider the cross-se ution of the beam, there will be no
or ce on the Sec tion for condition of
force octiog on asmall aia Sa at a distonrey'om the
neutsol oxis is given by

nd the total
force nomal to the section, F:
fou resuntont
force S7A=0
Now IYJA is the
momenl of the settio nal qvea about the neulrol axis, and sinre this
moment is Xera the axis must pass
through the centte of aseo
lmf Hence the neutaol axis or neut1al loyeh, hasses th1oujh the cente afosra lcon troid)
Section Modulus
tWe have -

Where z- Section modulus

Thestrength of the beam section debends main 0n settion modulus
octanulor section
Sertion modulut = MOT abut the Deutaoloxis
distaneofthe mastdutant point
0f the sechon from neutal axis brwidthofsechien
d: debth ef section
o2b -b-H

Moment ef resistonce, M-cl/2AX= %

i) Ciccular se

Z T64 ta)
z: ray3
ornent of sesistane, 1= 0%a z- O6x (d)37
no 25est30
A beam havinj a section ef 5t mm entemal diamejer and 25 mm întemal oliameter
S lo@ded as sholon in
faure And the maximum brnding suesses indured in the
beam 10ON

Cpiven Datas do 50mm, di- 25mm 2m- -2m

Ido)i tdiyi]- /(50y& (5)
= 257-62Y10 mm
nd moximum
bending moment as peabeam loodf oz
Ad- do
M-lab- 00x2*2- too N:m=100 x10SN mm
Maximum bendinA stiAses in dured in the
omog) mox d )
287 6 2 2 )

o mex)869 N/mm?nNe
S b amefhalauo suare sertion of 6omm outersicde and 50mm innerside is simply
3upported on a span df 4 melers. Find the moximun conrentated lood the bean con
Corry at the midde of thespanif the bendinM stress is not to exreee t20N/mm-
iven Dalas- bo-do 60 mm; bi-di=50mm, -4m.

Cmnax) 120 n/mm2

let tbethe lead
ot the middie of spon in(N)
dmo 30mm
12 559-6 x103mm somm
and moxbenein
M d0b -
ldx2x2 -
WNm= IwXIDSN°mm m-2m
WX1p3 120
tN: 2236 66N ANs
200 A 300 mm deep rrrtanjular beam is simply supported over a span of 6 m.Nnot
unsfoumy distributed loo per mete the bamcon caury if beridings1tes is notto
exteed Ho n/mm? Takt I - 65X1o6mms
pivPn DotcU d+300mm, 6m, hno 10 N/mmn2
I-8 5x10f mm
nex150 mm- dp
let w 300mt
be the UDL in N/m over the
tntirr spon, then
Maxinum beneling mment
M h(E) 5 ONm
45 ur1o N mm
5XNX t0 1o
S5xip6 750
W-138518N/m-:385KN/m AN
Detemine the dimensions tta recianwlar gimplt uepostrd beom 5m long to cory
an vBL o 1oKNm. if the maxinmum besmissible bending Stress 1s 1o0O Nlcm? The depth
of the beom is5 timea its width
Ven Daias- 1:5m, - 10x103an/m, Ooumoy= tOnmm? d=:5b

T. 12 b(nsbm
12 mm4
Ond mozimum bendiog momênt
1-a1orS (5) 3125x103Nm
312531012 fOY2 lel b-widthofsethorinmm
bY (56)3 5 odebth f seebernin mm
b- 202.44mm
Gnd d: 56 901 mm
b e a m of T-Settion as shown in tigure is
srmply hele span. on
6m apat The beom agtes a UDL of KN/m on the wsupporjed
Calktl ateSupports
1he max
tensileand tompitSsive Stsets
oiven Dala- P- 15m
Tlocaie the basition ofneutsal axis
160X25-4000mm =15+125 187smmT4 - 160mm-H
25XH5=4375 Mm? g2= 875mm 25mm
A tA2d2 A000x1&75 N

+A2 4000 +4375X81
+375 5 1256Dm
delermíne moI about NA (bendina axis) 7Smm dt 13S6
Ix: 4025)4000x(181S-135 62
2smm t
12 4 4315x (81S-13S- 26)2
21-t44x to6 mm4
3:268r to6 mm4
and maximum ISm-
bendinj moment
M- h 3x0X(5)-315X103N m
8 315x 106 N mm
1o de lermine Moximum tensile andl compseusive SireLses
Lehove 6-7
Moximum tensile bending stfress
ht- = 4375X0X135.26
3 26&xio6 853 68N/mmAN
and maximum comprussive bendio sfress
c= 437S 169.28 N/mm2 Am
326 8
DL Arettanyular beam 300mm deep is simply supposted over a span
an of 4m. 0elewmine 4he
unifrmlyY distnbuted load þer meter, which the beam ean caury, (f the bendiy staess
does nat exceed 120nm/mm? Take I-Sx1ofmmt

Ven Datas d 80mm, l:4m, Obemor) 12o N/mm2 I-8x(06mmm

ma 15omm
let be the tunifbml7 ditthibutrd lood over the compkte sponin nm
A. 300mm
and maximum bonding mmnent
Nm 2W x40 3N-mm

240x10 120
W 3900 m 32km A
ATEttangulor Sitlon beam ef lergth 6m is simply supposted 0t its erds. Jertion of
beam is 6o'mm oide and 150 mm deeb Beam Cainies a coocenf1a1ecl fosce of '5 KN
n dewnt0rd direttion af a distane of 2m Toom one suppoit Find the maximu? bereiný
Stres in beam

Given Datou P= 6 m, b=60mm, d-150mm, cmax?

max--e 1g0-75mm
I ho50 I6-835x1o6 mm /50mm
and moximum bending moment
M:INOb= 21p3x2A4
6 2666 64Nm -
2666-64X 1D5 Nmm
Usin 2m m
btmen) moz 16875X1D6 x75
- 8 5 w/mm2Aw
Defermine the dimenstons ef stmplt supported ettangutar sfeel beam 6m 1ong
0 Cory a brick nvall 250 mm thitk and 3m hizh. if the britk welghs 20KNJm3
gndmaxionun þermisstbte sttts is B0o nem4 The depth of the beam Is r5 timt
tts width:
(aiven Doias-f 201103/m3 otmor) =SN/mmn2
(ed b=width ofsectinin mm, and
d- debth of Seetion in mm ad-tSb

max mm
T: bld)
he heizht and thittness 0f bsitk nall is same oved the
Compedel span, the theyatue of uDu
e thickness of rnl xheig ht of roal 6 m
Xdensity 6f bsick"wosk
0l25x 3x.20x f03 5000 N[m

Maximum bendinj moment

M 5000X(E) 615 00 Nm 8 67500X10°N»mm
67500K10 12 . S2
b- 282:31 mm
end de45b 423-h6 mm ANS

g03oA reriangular bearm 0 200mm in width ond hoo mmin depth i's
Supporled over a sparn of 4m ane cosries en uDL Of 0 KN/m. Detemine
bendiny stireis in beam

20031 Arrttangular beam with depth 150m and width t00 mm is subjetded to a
maximum bending mome nt of g00km. coluulate the raximumm streus in the
2000 Asteel bar 10 cm wide and Smm thick is subjectedto bnding moment e
neufral Suafaee is n00 cm Detesmine maacimun and mini mum bendinz stittser tn
the beam
0020 A simpl7 Suppo«ted sectanular beam 26/05120
a moment
with symmetical Section 200mm în depth has
of ineutia of2.261o5mtghout its neutal oxis. Defesmine the loryast
OVea cwhich the beam would span
cory a uni foTml7 distaibuled load of 4len/m (un'such that
thestuess due tn bendinj does not'exreed 1b5MN/m2
GivenData d- o2m, I-2:26xtoSmt
w-4X103N/m, O%tmaz =125x0Ó Nm
let &bt the
1eyih of the beom in metes.
and maximum berdio Momen t
t- 410()Nm
1103x ()2.= 251106
8 ND26x f0 O1 Qtm)-
1-7516 m ANS
DO Collulate the maximum tensile and compressive
01 beom shoun in figuse, stess developed in the c3od
subjected to a moment of 90 Km
given Dodau M- 30x1o6 Nmm
At the section is symmetots1, then
7:150 mmm=d¢ 20m 77777
- (20mm+

o deftine MOT about beneinJoxis

Irt 120X (28 400x (290 -

150411210 mm 26a1D Ltomm

Ixt 10260) 146AX166 mn4
Ixtg20X(20 - 240ox (t0-150)2A124106mm4AAomm
Irx- Iru1+ Tnda+ Ix1z 2o mm-
lo8 X106mm

10 deteemine max tensile and

compressive shreLsel
atnoz 7:t O0 150
0ad2 Hove that the roto of debth to coidth to thestanpst beom that cun be cutron
Ciru las l0g of diome ter b is42.
he moximum bendinAstIUS OCur ot the outerflbres of
the rectan3ularsertion-al d dis fan d above os belouo the A cl
neutral azis
mo I: s2
Usin mot
M Dinog -nau ---ti)
for the tondition of mozimumgtenth ie moximum
moment 'M; the þrodutt bd,muu he
amazimun, Since mox is constant fu agivenmaterinl fnm thtrijhi anjle tiongle bca

b+d2 o2
d2- 02 b2
Multipltin both sides b b, we jet
It oaxdmixe bd2we take the tiut derivative of expretsion rost ban dþut it euol
to xeto

his is Ihe adesired ratio in ordes that the beamwill caurya maximumB:M. M;
ThTRe beams have the &arme fenh, the same a
moment. he crnss-Se cbions of the beams are a llowable stress,
and the some bendlini?
the width and a Circle- De tesmine the square, a settangle nith debih fuire
beoms with (espec1 to the squage bean.
of fhe cisculdrand ihe (eckangular

Salution Squase
Reetarle Cisculo

let a-Side
b idth
ofsquart beam
sf rectangulas beam
2b depth the vetangular beom
d= diamet ofcistuaisechion
Je have 6-

As thrre beams have

Samelenath, the same allooab1estess (o') and bending moment (M),
therefore nedulus of section ofYhee benms must be equal.

=15844 b
and a=0'83827 d

. WH:0f CíCUlarbeam Ax #l4) A(a)22 TCd2

ITAtt ofsquare bearm
f su0re bram AxAxy a2 X (O83824d)2 7 ANS
and fdetlanpular bearn Pnx
bearn bx2 37 AN
Tast 0fsqthre beam PYAU ( SR/L12Oi19
o A Cast iron water pipe of 500 mm internol
diome ter gnd 20mm thik (5 Surpo
Over a
spon ef 1o meter. detemmine the maximum sties in the be matena., wie
the pipe is runninj ful: Teke density ef cost ieon as 70 6 m S g n d hat O d r e

a5 9 8 Kgima
GUen Datas- di:50omn 20c mm de-: 540
Ser 70-6K2/m5 rseer" 9-8 xg/ms
mex:-S-230 mm
Ildo)tdi)= le5ue (50
HO5 9EXIO6 mm SO om
t-of cast iron =
bensity a Ve ume
20 mm

06 K unit ena
and Weight of
wwater-foter cdit Om

19 24 K
ietot eizht wt
of er + Wt of water

=230 6+19-24
2:30 Ky 41493N
ihenyattof loadi n;, ne- 48 -4li98 N/m
Moximum bending mement
M: h! 41498X (0 5IS-73 N.nm. 5tS73x103 N mm
and Maximum bendinj sttess
*) mox- 85Y 0 270
lO5 96x /0e
Cmar) O:1266 N/mm2 AwNs
A timber beam of 3 m span carrisa uniformly distributed lood of 5 kN]m
Ond a bint lood kN at thecentreof the span. f the þeumissible benelings thess
be 100
N mm; find the settion taking debth as twice the bieadth:
Given Datus!- Oournax -
f00 Nnm
let b- breadth
of section in mm, and
o: 2b- deþth of Section in mm

not: 2-b d 2b

Maximum bending moment

X15x15 5X(3 6375 KN m Sm sm
6:375x 1o6N m
INe Know that

6375xt06x 3 1o0
26 b
b45 72 mm
and d: 2b=
9t45mm ANS
2009 10. A timber
joist of 6 m span has to corry a load of 15 KNm fHnd the dr'mensians
of the joist if the maximum þeimissible st eess is timited to 8
depth of the joist has to be twice the width N/mm? The
al A beam havin T-Settion as fijureof (1sommx 10mm) Pf flanse and
shown in
moment 15KN m
(220 mmx tomm) is Subjerted to sQJ3iná bending
web of múXimum compirssive. stsèss
Determine the maxImum tensile and

Given Datas M=15 KNm = 15x106 Nmm -180mm

1o locate the bosihon of neutral axis' Omm

At: 180X(0= 1800mm? 2 2 0 +5 = 225mm

A2 10X220-2200 mm =l0mm 220mm

Ar+A 22 S0ox225+2200X110
(800 +2200
- (6I.45mm
To delemi'ne Mor about NA (bendinj axis): 40mm
d-16 75 mm
Ixx budArChi) cwhere he= r{) c 62:25 mm
12 (O) 1S0ox
(225-16I15)4216 01x10 3mm
Ixx2 bda Az(ha)2 cwhere ha= d2-{)
2200x (110 -16145)-
Ir Ixx1+Ixx2 2198ix105 mm

1o delermine maximun tensile and ampþressive sBsesses

we have,
0% 7
Maximum tensie bending siress
Vbt 15xio6
n 6 * 1675 n0 38 N/mm2ANS
and maximum
combressive bending stress
CbC e 9 6 8 25: 46157 N/mm2Aws
GendinA Stresses incom þasite cflitohed ) Beoms
Jtis beam ohich is made from mofe than one

type of beams are used to cory moee load ou to in(tea se sirength. he materialmaiesiaS
ate rizidly fastened/ diffeient
connected such that
they behave as asinyle þiece an slip ocUIs belween Ihem dusing bendinj.
they bend tv the Sqme adius of curvoatu re.
Sin ce the mateials are
iidly fastened, they tindeo
the same amount of sttàin.
1 oaLOid slip Sfeel-
Es- Eu Plate

s =m i
Where m=is
called modular satio.
Equivalent timber Se ction:- Mulbiply the side of steel which is
þara lle! to x-axis by
ra tio (m)

Mxt#-b- mxi

Equivaleni imbersection
Equivalent steel section- Divide the side of wood nwhich is parallel to x-axis by modu 'or
ratio (m).

Htt 1t

Fquivalent steel section

p A imber beam iao mm nide and IgO mm deep is reinfo reed oy 140 omxtomm
Steel plotes et top and botom. The beam is subjected to a lbendiri moment of 24 kNm
Defesmine the maximum bending siress in the steel and wood Given that the youn^'s
modulus of Steel and wood ave 21GPa ond 15 GPo respettiuely
GirenDatas! Es= 210 GPa, E= 15Gla
En 75 Omm
M 24x (o6 Nmmn T
I80 Mm
90 mm 00mm
lomm o od)
Equivalent steel section-(Divicde the sideof nood vohichis leto r-axis by modulas rati0 (m))
helecate the þesition of neutsol axis
100 mm 0- bs
To deternine MOI about centsoidal x-x oxis
Ixx 0x(O)1400x 9gmm
12 (t9s-1oo) 12646x0om'1s0
Ix1= OX (80)4 86x 1o 6mm
Ixra 40 1K(10)+
(5-100)12.64 6X1D6 mm LAll dime nsions are in mm
x x = Ixxi+ Ix12t Iz13
30 152x 1o6mm4
To determí ne the the bropertyofe
bendioy stress, usinf
Maximum lbendinj siress in steel is
(7-10o mn)
Scma) 24x106 (00 9.59 N/mm2ANS s':95990

Now the value of 163 N/mmm2

bending siress in steel at 7:90 mm
hs 90 7t 63 N/mm2
1o deder
mine maximum bending stress in wood, w hich tvill be at
f: 90 mm usio

63 14x Dhno
Hl hwCmox) 5:1/ N/mm2 ANs=

0111 A timbtt btam So

mnm wide and 160 mm deep
5 mm thi ck and 60 mm nide is
seinforced with twe stleel plates
topon botlomand
acts at section of this he am, calculale the 1f bending mo ment of S0ON
in tension and comþression in wood and Steet majnitude of maximum fibr« stresSeS
Assume Es/Ens
15 =
i ven Da tas! s - m: 15, M800x10 INmm
sp mm


8omm 8Smm

Equivalent steel Setion-
no locate theposition of NA -6omm-*
To delesmine MoI about NA 33mm s
Ixx: 60X (5)+200x(t645-85)2X10 mm 6omm
12 N

Ixx2= 533x 12
(160) 811pbmm4 Ssmm 80mm

Ixx 60x(5) 2 300x (2:5-95) Smm 4

x Izx1+Txx2 + Ixxg =5:8tx106mm
roill be at (7t-7e S5 mm)
of bendingsress in lension and cempression
Ihe volue

usi"Dos« S0ox 581xto6 85

bs(mox) ost =Dosc 70N/mm2 ANs
ihe volue of bending siTess in niood in tension and tompress ion i l l be mox
ot 7-7-- gdmm

Stress in stoel al 7: Somm

0y the þrupoty ofa tnone

bs/ S5 80 4! N/mm2
hen Oos-xthne= mx h
Vontimex) Vbwt- Vnde mx s
O1734 n/mm2 Aw
DOSE. A {litched beam consists of two 50 Mmx 20o mm udooden beam and a 19
2mmx 8omm Steel plate. he plate is placed centrally belween the wooden
ams and recused into each so that, when rizidlt joined, the three units forma
omm200mm secion as shown in fizure. belermine the mement of resistonte
Of flitched lbeam when the maximum hending siress in the himber is 12 MNm
tWhat will then be the maximum bendins streys in lhe steel ? los steol E=200 Gfa
and for WO0d E = t0 Glo
SOmm-+s0mm hn12MN]m2


200mm 80mm
GivenDotas Es: 200GPo, Ew=10GPo .m=
20. 0he =
12 N/mm2
Equivolent INvvden Sertion
+SUm m- 22smm- S0mmH iow: (2MN |m2



244o mm-
lorate the bosi tion of neutrol axis : 10omm
o de fer rmine rmor about bendinj oxis.
IxT 2% (50X(200)°]+ 228x(80)° 6:3
94x106 mmt
Usin Maximum bendinJstuessrnsteel
nill bt al 7: 40 hm from NA
M (2 Stussin nood, nhenf: 4omm
6394x1o6 (00

M:9-167 KNm]AN
xO SN/mmn2
Gendi stess in steel al7:40mm
Vos- 96 Nmm AN
D1S A timber beam 6 Cm nide and S cm deep is to be reinforced by boltia 0-
on two steel flitcheS, eoch 6 cmx5 mm insettion-in the foll0wiNj cases;-
)flitches attoched Symmetricelly at top and boftom.
22) flitches attached sjmmeirirally af the sides.
Take allowoble timber stress as S N/mm LWhat is the maximumm
Stress in thesfeel in eoch cose? Take Es 210 kn/mm2 Ehmber 4 Kn/mm2
S Given Datas Es: 210 KN mm? Eno= t kn mm
m- 15
2) flitches attached Symmetrirally at topand boftom.
5 mm Ohs


Spm7777 (d)
60mm- (Steel)
Value of stress in steel at 7: bOmm,
%s' Ob) = I5x8= 120 N/mm2
but the Stress in
sleel will be maximum when :5m
6y the pro perty of a ttiongle

Dos=2 x45 =135 n/mmN

22) Flitches attoched S7mmetrically at the Sldes;-



5mm 5mm
S1eessin 30 mm, usin) rhenty ofa
r0Od at y:
Dons'-6 N/mm2
Sfress insteel at: 30mm whirh is the max/mun) cV¥
Vbs: Dbns!-15A6 90N/mmm2ANt
® SHASTS! Shafls ave fenesally used to tsansmit þower fmm place to anothes þlace
vilh the hel5'of couplings, þulleys and belt ananjements. îhe Shafis are
Usually cylind ical in section. solid os holloo nef are made of mild Steel,alloy steol
and copper alloys
shafts may be subjected to followoing loads:-
J.To sional load. 2. Bending loocd, 3 Axial load, 4. Combinotion afabove thTee
-~The shofls are des)ned on the bosis of stsergih and 4f1dity
felewing vales ane usually aclopled for he clesign of shaft
Nhom2 the maximumber imissible tensile or conmpressive st ress
T-56 Nmm? the maxismum þeimissj b
le Shear stress
Torsion of shafts-
, To tyansit eneray by rotation it is necessary to apply q turniná for ce Jn case
01 a shaft H the force is oppied tangentially and in the plane.oftaansvers ross-set tion
the torque or twrsting moment may be calculated by mulbplyins the force oith the radi as
Shaft JJ the Shaft\s Subjected to tuso oppasite turning mornends it is said to be inpuse
orSion and it will exhibit the tenle ncy of sheariog off at every erass-set tion tohich IS
beobenclictlar to longitudinol oxis
Tosion Equation
The torsionequation i based on the4ollouwing assthnptio ns:-
The mad erialoj tht shaft is uniform
2. The tvst
thr0Uj hout
along lengih of Shaft uniform throujhou t
3. MaximLim shear sITALS inducel in the
Shajt due to applicotion of tuisting mo ment
dos noi ex(eed its elastic linoit
Aplane Se ction of the shaft rosmal to iAs axis bejere loading remains
toigues have be applieel plane afler ith
The dis fance betoeenany two niumGl cIasS-sections Temains the same afier the
application of torque
ellowi iure shoas a solid eytindericol shaft oj raclius R and length
Subjected to a twNfin ooment T'at the ree end, while the other end is ixid or
applying a baloncing ouple of equal majnifUde

let AB be a line onthe Jurfate of the

Shaft anc potallet to axis befoit the
toistHins moment T'is appiied Aleo_AF
the application of torgue. the ttne n8
takes the bosition AC as Shewn în the
Let 2eoC -
Angular movement os angle of toist UTSI

Maxinmum s hear stoess intensitY at the susjace ofShoft

G Moclulus af ngidity or sheas medulus
twlhave = Gx¢
h figu re tonc
(Since the valut of els ve rySmall.. tong=d)

the above equation, as G,0 and ! are constants, the shearstress is þroporionalto
the radius the shaft o other uwe Ids, Shear streus is maeinum at the susjale oj ne
Shaft aned it is minimum or xeso at the axis of thPshaft"
and let
an elemental
ning of thickntss da ata Jadius
the sht ar siress ot this -do
Yadius be 'x
The turnin force on the elernentary in D
Elemental shears¥sess* elemental area
T 2dda
Tuanin Moment dve to this forece
oT: u2n1. da x
Iotol momend of resistance
clT nzdx = 2n.

-Polar monent of
om e5ca) ancd Cb), we jet the torsion equahon inertia Tx+ 3}

Note- fromthe relatio0.

Fer a
given sha ft I anel Kare co0stant, andis thusa consfant and is KnoNn
as b lor midutus ofthe section
Thus T: Cx Zp
for q sha{t ofgiven matenal, E. the maxioum
and thus the greatest twistins monent that the shaft canþermissible sheor stress is fixed
uwithstanel is bsoborhonal to
the polar modulus of the s haff Palag mcdultus 0f the sectianis thus me asure of strength
ofShaftin tocsion
Wrhave :4f
9 -Tl
Since GT and l are tonstants for a given shaft. p the argle of tarsf is di seci7
aohortronal t tustinj mament. he uantity G3 is knouwnas torsionolrigiehityaned
is eboesented by kor it

Stlicl cirul axs haft- Cbdgue toonsmitted by solied Circulor shojt):

et D= diameleoofstlid tirularshaft
Consielesing maximum sheasslaess, using
T: 3

Consiclesing angte of twist, usin

Ted 9Ue rons nitted by hollo co CisculagShaf1

Iet D= 0tsicde diameder of htl)av0 s haft
di- ingicde diameteg df hellow sh0ft
Cinsidenn maximum.Sheas SiaLs, Usin

T ftDoyi. (biji]

Consideiy angre of twnst, using

Ah n dt
owectang mitted by shaft
let N-Sped of shaft in gpm
v e nD a t

T- Mean Torque
Iderk Done- Avesgge torque x Angul0s dip/acement
Impan IAN
and Powed = IA
D- 2N Tmean N J0ule, Watt
60 Sec Sec

hoblenn 0 m 0 eliamelershaft roiad es a1

500 pm ncd
slsess is timitecd
the maximumporoes
to (00Mfa and angle of
ansmted by the shaft if the shear maximum tovque is likelj ex teel
Ped meter lerglh îs limited to L' Assume that the
to meen to0guë by 20 , Toke G: So GPa
N/mm? g-1sud, - 1000 om
iven Dalas-d-50mm, N-500pm. P- ? - 400
Tmox= 2 Tmean; G- 80x403w/mm
Ne &nao that tos9ue transmillecl fos max-Shear stses s
T T Cd) x0ox/50) 5- 2454:37X10SN mm
24543 Nm
and torg tUe transmitl ecd odue to angle twist
T-4 (d)4
I80 A, (50)- 85643x105N mm
856:3 Nm
om cbove the maa.
sale tooque taonsmitted bys haft
mox= 856.73 N-m
Tmean 9
126 - 413-94 Nmb
Ne kned thaB power
tronsmitlecl by shaft
p-7A Tmean
P 37-38ku]AN
A cirular shaft of t0o mm diameter transmits a pouwer of 7o KN at rs0 rasm.
h'nd the Value of maximum sh ear stress in the sh aft and angle of twist per
neter. Modulus of sigiedíty of shaft material is 60 Gha
ivenDalas- d- o0 mm, P- 70x103 LJatt, N= 150 rpm, Tmat- ?
0-?, G=60xIo°M
2Maximum shearsiress-
IJe know that Power trans mit/ed by Sshaft

TOx1o3= 2X/5oXT
T 44 56 33 Nm
l 5633 x1D3N mm
and to1que transmitled by a solicd ci guulars haft
T: f Cmor (cl) 5

Tmaz 22.69 N] mm2ANS
L Anglt of juoist p:
usin na
22 G9 X1000x (80
60x103x 50
2009 The
average torque transmitied by G
1S l46'% shaft is 2255 Nm- The m
of dverage tosque J{ the allowable aximun torgye
45 N/mm
determine the suitable diameter shear stress in the shaft material iS
Given Da tas!- Tnean =2255N m, max= of Shaft
6 Tmean, Tmay= 45 N/mm
let d: diameter
ofshaft mm.
in d=?
Je have, Tmax= 1
46 Tmean l46X =
2255 3292 3 N =

3292 m
for a sohid cîscular 3x10SN
T fCmax (d)
3292.3x1p5-x45 x(d) S
ol-1 96 mmlANs
DO Calculate the minimum diameler of solid steel Shaft whichis 12le
ot alv s t e t
twist mote than 3° in a 6m lenjih when subjected to a torque of 12knn,
S twi
calulale the maximum
shearing stsesS cdeveloped. Take q83G Pa°
Ven Datas! - 3%A rad., : 6000m0, TE 12X106N mm G= 93x103Nmm2v
diameter of Solicl shaft, d
et d= diameler
of shaft in mm
12X106 83x (05x3xAx
6 000X 180 cd)4
cl= 13 9 mm ANS
Maximum shearina stress developed,mu
Usin - Tmox
Cmax (d)
12x1064 Tmazx (413-97)
2002/05 Tmax 4t+29 N/mm ANS
2014 A torque of 1 kN m is appliecl
to a 4omm
Defermine the maximum eliameler god of 3m
Take. G 80 GPa shearinj stress induceel and twist lenjth
Se lution-Given Datas- T= lxAo6 Nmm, d-
4omm, L= 3 000 mm,
G-80xto5 N/mm2 T-?, 0-
2) Maxmum
sheaini StuesS
For a solid cîatulas
shaft, wehave torque transmit ted
T Ttd)3

T 1957N|mm2| ANs
it Angleof twjst, g
- 79:57x3000 180 =S54° ANS
8oX103x 20
icN tm
aity In a lenstle test, test piere of
a diameter a nd 200mm 2auje lens th
25 mm

is stetch ed 0: 091S mm under a pull of 50 kN. Jn a torsi0n dest, the Same ryd
is twisted 0 025 s0dians Over a lengih of 200 mm, uhen a torque of ta0o Nm
was applied Evaluale the poisson'ssatio and three olasic modu li for the modesiam
(iven Datad d: 25 mm, e= 200 mm, Sl =010915mm, P=50X 10oSN,
0- 0 025 radions, T- 400xi03Nmm
? E-?, G:? 4 k:?
Mocdulus o{ elasticity, E:
INe Know that
chanzejn length of soel nder pull

A:Sl 50x10x200
(25)A O-0975 208 94x 10N/mm2 ANs

Moclulus 8fidity G
T 4voxt03x200 =
S3 44x 103N/mm2 ANs
oisson's JaHo n-
Usinj the gela tion
E-24+ m
206 94X103- 2x 83-44X10x/1 +
052 ANS
Bulk, Modulus, K:-
Usinj the rela tion
E 3 Is [i-
208 94x 1DS= 3 k [1 -

2x0 2521
K 40-4I N/mm2 ANS
20031o A Soicl circular shaft transmils 75 kuN pouwer qt 200 cpm Calculate the
Shajt diameter if the twist is not to exteecd i n 2 me tres length of shaft
Take G 100 GN/m2
O 5e A solid shaft transmils powes al a nale of 20oOk at thespeed of 60 pm: 4f the
safe alowable stress is soMlm find the rminimum dianeter ofshaft
01lp6 2020
20031p4, A solicd ciscu lar s haf! toansmits 75 KW bower at 200 tpm. Caler osely


Shaft dia me tes, if the twist in the shaft is not to exteecd L° in 2 m

length and the shear stsength is limited to SoMN|Mf Take G= f00
00 GN/
GN W 5 G aa r

Le ven Datas- P-75x}03 Watt, N-2001pm, d-?, 0= Ix dians, L: 2 000mm aXm

T 50 N/mm? G: (0oxto3 N/mm

We knouw that
pouoes taans mitled by ghaft
P 21NT
75X105 27X200XT
T 3580-98 Nm 358098x1DSN-Mm
Consicdes ini angleof twist (O=0
T: GP7,(d
3580-98x t03= to0x103x1xT, 7
2000 x 180 32
o= S0 40 mm
Consiceing Shear strenzth
3580-98xio3- x50x CdJ3
45mm d
Minmumsafe value of diameler, d=S0 40
p0OSp PIopeller shaft toovnm in diameter, is

Deiesmine the maximum 45 m long, transmits

6ommand 80 mm diamete sheasing stsesS shaft Ato calculate thetoStieSS
in Mwat 8o rpm
at 20
sS Show the stress Vas ia tion- om,40mn
Gven Datas- d: 400mm, P- 1ox to6
INOKNOW that Powes Inlalt, N=80rpm
P 2nNT
t0x1p6- 7XS0XT
60 50 mm
Usina /93-66XloSNm= 1193-66X106 Nmm 7tOm
I9366Xt0°A y =121 58xr
H0o)4 k-100mm«
At T 50mm
s 121 58X50 Alr: 20 mm

Al T 40 mm
1258xlho- 4863-41 Nmm 2 20)=12/:58X20 =2431#0Nmm2
At S= 10 mm
at -30 mm T) 1258X 10
= =
12!IS 85N|mm2
T3012S8x30-364156 Nmm2
lcu ld o2/o6/20
met re Combouncd shoft is made up ofa strel rod of 50mm dliametersurTounded by a
losely fitted brass tube: IJhen o touque of 9 KN m tsppliod on this shoft, its cot
S Shored by the sleel tod and the test by biass tube f
sheor modulus forsieel is
the oulside diomef't o1 bratt lube and the
35 Gh fou bioss it is 45 GPa Colculate
maximum sheai sliess inelured in sleel and brass
Ven Dotas- Sheel 1od od: 50 mm, t- 54kN m:5:4,x 106 N'mm, G-85X10 31nPa
B10sstube': di- 5omm, do: ?, T: 36Nm: 3% 1106Nm 45X10 319Ba
2) Outside diame ter of bias tube T9KN mn
Tet do= Ou lSiecle diame ler of brass tubein mm ross Tube
stfel od
frem figre
Ts+Tb T Spmm do

As the steel tod is closely filled in to brass tube, then 772NIII

to avoiclShip ongle of twists
(0)s- (D)

5.4X2 36x
85xA50) 45xrkJ(do)L (50?|
G(50']= 3:6xS5X(50)
(b) Moxmumshear stress in sieel and bsass-
let s: MMax Sheaa
Stss ins feel, and
Co: Mox Sheat Stdess in brOss
We hove
32 - 220N/mmANS
ond Tdol) 16XTXdo
doy (di'
[C130) (503]
- A80 N/mn2 ANs
A hot

Ahollow shaft is to tronsmit uniform tosque of 40 KN m. The total an allowa

Ina 3m
0 3m length
lengih of shaft should not exteed 2°and he maximun allouoable
oable sh
stessis gomla if G- soGPa, find the outer and inner diameter of the shafi-
Innes diameles is thic
Goy. of oules diame les
Lpwen Datas:- 0-2 1- 3m-3000mm Z- 9onpmm? G=80x103k
di- O6dHo S
let clo- Oufside
dio of hotlow shaft in mm
oi insidt dia of hollow shaft in mm Z
Consicleannj anjle of toist-
IJe hove
- Ge
T:G (tdo) di]
40x 1o6 80Xt03x2x7.
e= 14975 mm
3000 x 180
ancl di 89.85 mm
Considena maximum sheasstsess
usin (r)
T d e j é cdi)

ox1o6-190x Cdo)Édo(0 6de) 4]

o 1345 mm
and di 8251 m
Minimum safe values of diame ters
do = 149.75 mm
di = 8985 mm ANS
JDOHO Desgn a cirular solicl shaft to transmit 8o klN powes at 200
in the haft is not to ex ceecl 2° in 3 m 1pm. if the twist
length 0f shaftancd maxeimum shear
Stress imited
is to 70
MN/m Take modulus of vgidity, G: 90 GNYm
A hotloo s haft has to tsansmit 16 kw at O6le6122
Aft. she
150Pv/min The marimun
allowoble stress in not to exterd 60 mfa Dor the
ange of twist osber met
tength of shaft 3f outsidle diame ter of the thoft is 300mm
find the minimun
thickness of the holouw shaft sutisfy
to the above
coindi tions
Take G- 2 Geo
piven Datas- P-16x4p3Iualt, N: 15pn, Y:60N/mm,
c: 300mm, t- B=D3,rod, L- tma100om
?. G- 8oxto3n/om2
INe tenowthat fower
P: 2hNT
6X103- 7XI50XT d
I= 1018 59N m= 1015859x10N Mm

Consicleing mati mumshear Stess-

let d'be the inside diameted a holloto Shaft in mm,
IWe have for o hollouo Shoft

tO1859x183: ZxGox[800)L (di) "

2593818x 103- (3o0) (di)4
di-29976 mm
ldo-da= O12 mm

Censidennangleof toist-
Usin -

t018-59x103- 80xDNO.3XAx
oo0 x 18o (30o)- (di)7*E
69-138x1D8 =(300)L(di)4
di 299.47
f Cdo-dD
0:11mm =

Minimum cafe volueef thitkness

Note-rom obove it is sten that the thicleness of the shaftis appvximdel7 zes0»and
it isa case of solidthaft
ouleg dsameter
A hollow shaft having diameter
instde 80 of Hs
a substitute of solid shaft to tsonsmit the same powes spe d u e t
at the samme spe
interms of the cliam,
díame ters of the hollw shaft
Dereimine the outer anel înnr mateniol Cby usig hollnwshaft) A
Of Selid shoft anel þercentage saving in the
that the sgme matesal is tted in bdth the coseg.
Given datas- Solicl shaft Holloo shaft
di-08do. do
Speect Ns NH

CGiven that:
hellows hof=
Power trans mstled by soliodshoft =fewer trans mited by
Ps- P

Some m41eaial
(ol)d)2clo(o 8do) 0-5904 (do)
de e2891do
192d d o

andl pescentajesayi0gin material-

ge Soving s I kt00= 1- HH O0

-f1- lceoaisng. 100 Material and lengths

ha)2xy ATe sanmej

f1 - tu13 2) (09s34)x10 o
dS84'/ ANS
aft subjected to cormbineci bending and torsion
pe e uenera e assume that shaft is subjetled to torsion onty butin actual prentce
due to weisht of þuller, couplings, pull in beits and ropes etc the shaft is subjeeted to
and direct
2bendin tno Ihus, in
actually botb the shear stress'due to toesion
Stoess' due to bencli ng dte induced
He have e
CSolid shaft)
and bending stress

CSolid shoft)
fa tertain material is loaded insuch a way that at a point adisect Staess Ftae to
maximtm pincipol
bending) and a Shear stress vin the plane ofis induted then the
stiess nor and Cnax in the ma fesial is jiven 6y

inax (d)a= {Imtd M2e T2

Me=lm+/m2+TE]=- ,mox d)5

twhese Me is the equivalent bending morment
Olero Cnax yo2+4t2

7Cina Cc)5 = M2+ T2


TeM2T2- mat (d)5

Ock\ A $olidbvoft is unsjerted toa bevdiný moment of 2 KNallovwaltot
moment of 3:45kN m hind the dianeler of the thoft ifhe te
and cheat stues
Sh essos fou shaft malraial anr livnitod to 10g Mas/1n2and n21E Mnl
piven datas- Solidthaft:: 19= 23 YbNmw, T 9:45X10b hrnov)
hrroor') 031|t2

let d he the
diameler of lhe colid hoft
wJe know that
equiivalent bending mornenit
Me m/19+T2 annr
3x106 )+J(.grarfy4/345xuby2 103ld)
med the
36 a oo
eqrivalent tuwisting moment
TeM2+T2 inor (d)
C2-sx1o) +(345x 10®)2 xh8xtd)
d 3685 mm
Minimum safe volue of
d 3685mm AN
A goomm long shaf! of diameler S0mm is supporied orn bolt lbranns af inseras
Jt coes afluwheel ofwei_ht 4 kN at its rmidtle and tuansrnit a puwet of 24 ku
rt a speeed of 240 spm Deteamine the paincipal staess at the onds ofa veiticol dio-
meler at a Section which is just lbefore the middle of the leom

pven Datas- P- AX 103 Na?i, N-240 6pn d: Somm

Ne khoo 1hat Power flyoheel
P2 N
60 Shaft kall
24X103 2X 240NT beativ?
T= 95 493 Nm= 95493X 10 SN mm
and maxIMm bending moment
200 nm- comm-H
MMe Ia- 4!0Xl00X2200- 00x 10 SN-mm
We know thot equivalent bending mo nent

Me5m+fm24T 0omr)d
l80o7 10b4/80olasya-(954-95xb31-o
Dinot 20-35 NmmA
a twi
able tensip1onxesolid
steel Shaft 6omm dionmeter is fixed tigidly and conzially inside a
9o mm ortenol elionetog.caltulo fo the angle of fonst ina lengthofm
S MN/m
empesile shaft oue lo oclion ofa lo ue of 1kN m: mkP: Gtlol): g0Gh and
bnonxe) 2GP

endalas Steel shaf?' d- Coom,

e Sox10 Dn/mm
Slee ve' olo» 90 mm, di 6omm, G:h2x 10 5N/mm
T: Ixtp6N-mm, : 2000 mm
es clesely filled ananyement -ParnzeSleeve
(O)s-(D)b SIeelto

Ts Tb 200omm

SO1(60) a23(90)L (60'1

Ts- O:4688 Tb
ut Ts+Tb= T: 1X1Dé N:mp Ts loxque transmi tted by
O:a68&Tb+ Tb: {Xf0 Steel rod
T- Torque transmitled by
Tb-690 SAIX!DÓNmm
bronxe sleeve
and Ts 319-17X10ON mm.
Angle of twist

319.1X1Dx AOOO = G13 x10 sacd

SOXID6xT (60)4
62418x 15Ox180- O36 ANS
200405 Delermine the cimensions ol hnllato shaft voitha diameier ratio of 3:4, Whith IS
to tronsmit 60 kw at 200 revjmio- The imaxitmtim sheorStress intheghaft s
limifeel to 70 MNm2 and the angle of twisI to 3st in o tergih ef 4m.torlheshaft

malerial = 80Gfo
DISIG A Solicd Shaft. 100mm diameler, transnits 15 Kas qf (50 (pm. Determind the
Valve of ihe maximum sheat sttess stl up in the shaft and gngle of tuwist þer
meies of the shaft. Take G= 80Ga- J{ the shaft is now bosed in ofdeg to recluce
t00 mm outsicde dramneler and 60 mm inside diametets
DPhi to produre a tube of
What totqUe eould be Cusnied if the same maximum shear sthess is not too exceeded
ACiutulaet bar ABc. 3 long, Is iictly fixet at ids ends A and C: The pos tion Ap is
Sm lon and 50mm diometer and þou/ion BC is 2m long and 25 mmdiameler.
falwistinj moment minë the value of the Whot
of 680m is applied at , doleaeach
steess in section of shaft
esisting moments al A and c qnd marimum 80GPo.
toil be the angle oftwitt of ench þoo tion ? for the aateriol ofshofl G-
Sol 7 GsOXIOSNmm, (- 8ox 10n/mm2
(et T- Resisting moment at A, and 50 T 680N m
Te Kesigtin momen1 at c A
TA+ Te - T= GSOXINSN-mm- --(i TA
As bolh-the ends of shaft one fxed, then
(O)ng (O)ac H-1Bm- 12m

TAR:S Tc:2
350) (25)
T-10'6 Te
hom egn (ib and (?1)
1067 Te + Te 680A 103
nd Ta = 6A143x 10oN m M

Nore moximum shetasiress in eochsertion:-

621-13x103- as* (50)3
Tng-2533 N/mm2AN
ane Te teca(o)
58 27x103= xBcr
Cec 19N/tDm2 ANS
Pngleoftovist ofeoch þoution
(8)nG (BJec

= CA13XO`XIS0, 00229 rad

B0xob1 A,(50)
0-022 Sx 1g0- 13 ANS
Sheor StoesS DItsibution auny debth 0f beans.
Shear slress Diasams

Section] (Cirular section] diaaram
2. Flarge-
Ta- Shearstress in the flo nge.
o Shearstress at the juncbon oj
Web and veb
Tc: Shear stress at the neural a i s


[verted T-Section]

3 Top fFlange

Ideb ForSymmetuical Section

Ca- Te and To- Ta
fos unsymmetical section
Aottom Hang tatTe and t ti

[I-Se ction]

4 -section uwith web horixontol

Maximum sheur force- 1

crounit lenzth


S= 9 .

fsvcedure to solvethe problems

Dran the cross-sectionef beam and line diajram
locate the position of neutralazis.
3Find MOI Qbout bending axis
4. Find maximum value of ahear force as þer beam loading conclitions.
5. ind shearstross intensities ot jarious þoinls and then diauo the sheat stress diagsam
the section
along the depth of

A shearina fo rce of180 kN Qcts overa T- Section shuwn in fizure. Draw the sheoar
sress distatbu tion curve (Take T= L134X10 Smm')
Civen Aata- S- 180X10N.
1.o locate lhe þosition ofneutralazis 200m-
A A0OX50=(0000mm i=175mm Somm
A2- 50XI50= 7500 m; (2-15mm N 7 86mm.
At+A2/2. t0c00x75+7500x5
A2 40000 +4500 Somm
132.14 mm
To ind MoI about centaoidal axis. Isok
Ixx: 00x(50) 10000x (75-182 14)= 20 45x106mm he value o/ I iszivenin
(2 the þroblem. Lleshoud
Ixa20X(5047500x (*5-132 14) 38.55 x106mm odconsicdes
I-v134thex ioSmm
given volue
I r = Ixx +Lxx2= 59x106 mm4 f noigiven,. Ihen calulate
the valueofI
3. MMaximum Sheor force, s 190 X103N
4 Shearstress in tensities at vasious points.
t Shear stsess in the flange


A= 200x50x l+17s6]- 4286xA03 mm3

6 200 mm

.Ya: S0X105X4286xD 3.4N/mm2

200X 1-184 Y108
Sheag stress
b 50mm
junctHon of flonge ond web
at the

200% Ta J0OX3:= 13:6 N/mm

Lt) Shear stress at the neutral axis

1786]+ 5ox786x (76)=436-57 x103mm3

Ce180xt05x 436:57IX105 13 85 Nmm2AS

50X1-134X 108

o blem- Abuilt up bean has A00 mmX20 mm top flange, 200 mm x20mm uweb, and
200 mmx 20 mm bottom 4large nvith doub le symmètrf Sucha beam is actinj as a
Contileverzm long with uDL on combletespon incd the rate of looding if nmoaimum
bendin stoess is nuf to exeed 150 Mfo-Alsofind maximum shear streas a nd plot shear
Steess distaibution diagran
Sel- -200 mm-
lorate the bogitiorn_of N:A 20m
7: 120 mm (Smmeleicol Section)
2To find MOT ahout neutolaris 00 M N

T 200XI20)°p400ox (2 30- 120)

2 0 mm loomm
g53 x1o6 mm 120 mn
Irr2: 20X1200) 2 A0mm
Ix1320020) +4000x( 10 -120)2 20omm

Ixx= 1xri+Ixx2+ Irxa l10vX1oh mm
3. ofind sate of_loading' 3 m-
Maximum bencdima moment

- 0XI3)45 knm
d 5 9 x 40 6 Nmm
Je knoo that Mlaximum bending stdess

150 :5X10x (20

30 66 KN/m
4ofind maximum shear fole
S-xt= 30.66 x3=92 KN g2x 10N -

ShearStsess intensities al vagious boints
) Shearstsess in the upperflange:
A= 200x 201 [ 29 too) tui0x t103mm3
b 200 mm
o SAZ - 94x105x440X10 = 1833n/mm 2
200 X 1l0:44X106
2 Shear staess at the junction of top flanje and web:- b: 20 mm
To= 200 200xf20833
20 -
18:33 N/mm
shea6 Stsess at ihe neutsal axis-
A= 200x2Ux 12+ too]+ 20X100x[ 1= 540x10 3mmn3
b 20 mm
Yer SAZ =
bue to
20X N/mm2
110xt06 22.5 N/mn2 22.5

symmetsy Td- tb and le- Ta

reblem-A btam of T-Section with fla nje at bottom is

simply suppted oves a Span
gm it carries a load ls at 1m fom one of the ends. Hnd that the sheau Steso
does not ex(eed 100 MPa heSection has flange of t00mmx 1omm and neb ef lOmmx twom
23fo loc ote the position of neutsal axls
i- 100z10Y5t
00x10 +100X0X60
10x100 32-5 mm
2i) n tind moz about NA! (00 m

Ie 100(10
1000x(5-3-5)2 22-Sm3
6458x10 3 mm4 T -100 mM

Ix2 0x(400)+1000x(60-38 5)2

= 158958X 10 mm
I x = Irr1 + Irr2 = 2354 16X1D mm

22 o find maximum shear force: (WON

V:0; VA+ Ve: W
VAX3- WY2- 0 A B
VA w 2m

oma bove VA> Ve, hente max shea1 force
- Va= (2 w)N
v e lhat maximum sheasStess
te = 100 N /mm2

A7 100xf10xl+225]+ 10X22:5x ( 2 ) =300312 5x1p3mmn3

b 10mm
00 NX30:03125X10
Bx f0X 2354 16X10S
W= U758%4p3 NN
Hence |- 1839xIDN
Shear stes in the botllom
A 100X10x1 1+ 225]= 21500 mm3
b= l00mm
Ta- SAd. #839x10x 27500 9.15 w/mm2
bI 00X 235Z.16XT03 * 9.15 N/mm2
and the Sheor strest at tht junction of bottom flonze and Wes."
b-10 mm
Ca 100X9-15-91:5 N/mm
FeblernISA 150x15x& mm is used oith looger leg vertical as a Simply suppotea
beam over a span 0f 3m Jt carries a uDL of 8kn/m oves the complete span-
Shen sBsess
intensities at vorious points and then deaR
thear siess dia_rom
locate the bauition of NA-
8x142x19+ 75xBX. 53.07mm
8X142 + 75X8 T
2 tind MOI about NA 1Somm 42mm
Ixt X2) 8xu2x(19-53.07) N
12 4So m
=612X106mm4 Smm
15xEx (4-58 0)2 ASmm-

(444X 106 mm
I I r t Ir1g =412X106 mm
g. find rmoximurnthea fouce 3y-
Shea Stretsintensitiei aBvaiou points
i) sheaa stress in the
houiz onlol 1t
A= 45X8x [ +45:07 2ul2 mm
b 75 mm
aAZ = 5x1Dix99442 o»423 N/mm2 =

2u) Shear 15x412106

stress aHthe junttion of hesizental lej andvutica1 aum
b: 8mm

8 -02 N/mm2
shear sfress at the
neulsal axis.
AX 2942+ 8xu5 07x[ 37561 2196mm3
Ce A 45x10ix 375672196 = 5:13 N/mm2
SX412 X106
tpbem- A
Cantilever is of 1- Sertion
of overal dep th 200 mm and hus dectonguler
0ommwide and t0 mm thick. me web flo
is also 1omm thitk. It c0ories an thL Over
entire span- De
tesmine the span df Cantilever if maximum bendinStoess is 3 times thethe
maximum Shear Stres Also detegmine the atio of Stresses at mid spon
ho locote theþusition ef NA
Due te symmetay 00 mm-
-100 mm
T determine Moz@bout benling axis- t80m
Trr 2 1oo),1060x(195-10 omm 400mm
22192X 106 mm4 Hoomm-+ Tbt
3. Maximum bendina stress-
Maximum bendinj onnent

let & span enihin m

Giren that =ade of loadio in kym
bemax)3: Emax = 3.Te 3*
Max Sheas 4oice

A- toox 1ox1+90]+tox90x = 135 5X10 `mm3
b 10 mm, -100 rom Lafieofstasieal midupan:- Y2=0i06 SA
(0% )midspan M7-b
(Tmdipan W
-813 mm- 0»813 m AN! lo 65xI0OxiOXIO 1/5 AN
2A135 5X103
Dblem A T-Stution showo in figure is used as a beam roith 4lonje at ihe top and
lo aded as s hown in fijure@Bran sheau sless distaibution dioyaon fos the cs0s
Section cassyiny moximuithear
2 0 mm-




rblem A cantileverbeam Gm lenj cassies an upL 0f 30kn/m over its en tire spon
and a point lvacl of 60KN at the free end me csoss-seetion of the beam is
Symm-ncal I-Section nwith ef 120mnx15mm eath and web ef 270
flonzes mm t nm

Dsan the shears fress distnbution


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