Gaelic Football Mini Unit Lesson Plan 3

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Student learning Reflective Evaluation 

(drawing on ‘data’ sources)

outcomes:  Students were able to demonstrate game sense through
decision making as they had to constantly decide what their
List each outcome. next decision was going to be. Students would decide whether
 Demonstrate game sense to kick or hand pass the ball to a particular person or not
decision making in a depending on where everyone was positioned on the field.
range of shaped games There were a number of times where students would not pass
whilst handpassing &
the ball and instead take their 4 steps & bounce the ball to
move forward and penetrate towards the goals. My mentor
 Apply reading the play mentioned how students were indecisive when they had more
with & without the ball than one defender on them and in their face as they couldn’t
by scanning & looking for handle the pressure, this would sometimes result in a turnover.
other teammates, An expert Gaelic football player would not hesitate when a
opponents & open space defender is in their face as they know to keep cool & calm to
in a shaped game make the correct decision.
 My mentor noticed a number of students beginning to look up
 Display game sense by
more often when they had possession of the ball as this
playing by the rules and
applying tactics through
allowed them to find open teammates and plan their next
specific positioning and move depending on where the defenders were standing. The
ball movement in a players without the ball were scanning and moving towards the
number of shaped games. player with the ball, although they weren’t spreading out as
much as they should have been as this would give themselves
 Demonstrate & the ball carrier more space to work with.
communication &  Most students followed the rules and even started self-
teamwork by calling for umpiring towards the end of the game as they developed more
the ball loudly & passing
confidence over time. However, my mentor and myself noticed
the ball to other
teammates in a shaped
that there were 2 students who sometimes forgot to handpass
game. and they threw the ball to their teammates instead. I had to
remind this student that you can’t throw the ball in Gaelic, its
 Apply resilience by either a handpass or kick. Students started applying tactics by
continuously attempting kicking the ball long down the field and running onto the ball as
to score and move the this was an effective way for them to score as they had faster
ball forward regardless of runners who could get to the ball before the opposing team
the other teams score in resulting in more goals being scored.
a shaped game.
 My mentor mentioned how students were communicating
between one another in the shaped game as they were
working together to penetrate and score a goal. When there
were no communication students often didn’t know what to do
with the ball as no one was calling for the ball. This resulted in
several turn overs. Throughout the shaped games there was an
excellent display of teamwork a all students were getting
involved. The students would also help each other on defence
by giving each other support and by applying pressure on the
ball carrier.
 My mentor noticed how the team that was losing never gave
up until the game was finished. This was a perfect display of
resilience as students were eager to get involved and keep
trying to score goals even though they were behind by 5+
points at one stage. I agree with this feedback as the resilience
began to pay off as the team that was losing started to come

Teacher outcomes: Reflective Evaluation (drawing on ‘data’ sources)

 My mentor has been telling me to get the students to pack up
 Ensure students help set since week 1. I finally managed my time well enough to give
up & pack up equipment me the opportunity to ask the students to pack up & gather the
where necessary equipment for me. Once the students packed up & handed in
all the equipment my mentor was very happy. I agree with how
my mentor explained this to me as the students are happy to
 Ensure I keep my eyes on
all students by setting out work for you so use this to your advantage. There’s no point
the activity appropriately doing things that the students can do for you as you will just

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

so that I don’t have to wear yourself out and won’t have the energy to teach.
turn my back on the  During the weighted number go for goal game there were
students. moments I had my eyes on one group and had my back facing
the other group. I understand why its important to stay on the
 Demonstrate firm & peripheral of the field and keep my eyes on all of the students
assertive behaviours as its important to ensure they’re on task & staying safe. My
when stating mentor noticed I walked into the middle of the field a couple of
expectations & times to give individual feedback rather than projecting my
instructions by speaking voice from the peripheral and giving group feedback. There is
louder and more directly. nothing wrong with giving individual feedback, although I had
to turn my back to the other group when I was doing it which is
unsafe and may result in the occurrence of some disruptive
 Ensure I spend less time
behaviour behind my back.
giving instructions and
allow more time for  My instructions and behaviour management improved from
students to be actively last week as I was firmer and more assertive at the beginning
participating of the lesson to ensure the students were on task from the
beginning of the lesson. My mentor noticed how I was more
 Present the task in direct towards the students which was effective in getting their
context using clear attention.
demonstrations and  My mentor said its very important that I manage my time well
instructions this week because last week I spent too long giving instructions
rather than letting the students get involved in active
 Demonstrate reflexive
participation. I cut the time of my instructional methods back
practice by adapting the
lesson according to the significantly which resulted in a very active lesson. This
current situation of the feedback was crucial to take on board and implement as soon
group as possible because last week I was spending almost half the
lesson giving instructions and having discussions which is not
efficient time management for students to be actively learning.
Its important to have a brief introduction and a closure to
signify the beginning and ending of a lesson. Ensuring I finish
eh closure up on time is important because if the lesson goes
over time, I will be chewing into other teacher’s time or even
into the student’s recess or lunch. Active learning is the best
way for students to learn so its very important that I make my
instructions more concise and in context to allow students to
get the most out of the lesson.
 Throughout this lesson I didn’t really have the opportunity to
demonstrate a task in context as students had already done
the activities which made it very easy for them to get stuck
straight into it. I utilised a freeze play during the shaped game
and spoke about how the students were all congested which
effected the chances of them getting the ball and scoring. My
mentor said this is a very good way to demonstrate something
in context. I agree with this feedback as freeze plays are very
effective as the last play is fresh in everyone’s mind and it feels
like a real game.
 Reflexive practice is important in keeping students engaged. I
was observing and looking for options to adapt the lesson to
keep it fresh and fun, however, the lesson was running
smoothly and didn’t require any substantial changes. Students
were engaged and loved the big 20-minute shaped game to
finish off the mini unit. My mentor suggested that it’s
important to create a thorough lesson plan, but to always be
prepared to not follow the lesson plan as you have to be very
flexible & reflexive as anything can happen when you teach.

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

Lesson Plan Pro forma (Health & Physical Education)

NAME: Hugh Trussell TIME: 9:00am – 9:40am DATE: 29/03/2022

ACTIVITY: Gaelic Football CLASS / YEAR Year 6

EQUIPMENT: 12 x Gaelic footballs, 7 x sashes/bibs, 22 x markers/cones

Learning Intentions: Health & Physical Education Band: 7-8

Strand: Physical Activity and Participation Strand: Personal & Social Development
Content Descriptor Key Idea (.1) (.5) Students will apply feedback and participate in a variety of games & challenges to improve personal competence
in aspects skilful play, build self confidence and develop teamwork. Students will adopt various roles, take responsibility for safe, fair participation and
collaborate with others in an enjoyable active setting.
Capabilities: Cross Curriculum Priorities
 Literacy Critical & Creative thinking Numeracy  Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
 ICT Personal & Social capability perspectives, culture
Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Understanding  Asia & Australia’s relationship
 Sustainability

Student learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes:

The students will ….. (Evidence of learning) I will …….
Cognitive & Physical: (linked to aspects of ‘skilful’ play) Management: (positive learning framework & interactions)
Routines & positive expectations -guidelines:
 Demonstrate game sense decision making in a range of
shaped games whilst handpassing & kicking.  Ensure students help set up & pack up equipment where
 Apply reading the play with & without the ball by scanning &
looking for other teammates, opponents & open space in a Strategies to manage minor disruptions (low level responses)
shaped game Gaining attention:

Personal Responsibility: (Linked to Fair Play)  Ensure I keep my eyes on all students by setting out the
activity appropriately so that I don’t have to turn my
 Display game sense by playing by the rules and applying back on the students.
tactics through specific positioning and ball movement in a
number of shaped games. Presence: (verbal & non verbal communication)

Social: (Linked to cooperation & social skills)  Demonstrate firm & assertive behaviours when stating
expectations & instructions by speaking louder and
 Demonstrate communication & teamwork by calling for the more directly.
ball loudly & passing the ball to other teammates in a shaped
game. P’s of Pedagogy:
(Presentation of task, positioning, acknowledgement + feedback)
Affective: (feelings & attitudes - Resilience)
 Ensure I spend less time giving instructions and allow
 Apply resilience by continuously attempting to score and more time for students to be actively participating
move the ball forward regardless of the other teams score in
a shaped game.  Present the task in context using clear demonstrations
and instructions

 Demonstrate reflexive practice by adapting the lesson

according to the current situation of the group

Post lesson: Reflective Evaluation Post lesson: Reflective Evaluation

Consider student learning outcomes & transform for future Consider teacher outcomes & transform for future

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

Complete on a separate page. Complete on a separate page.
Consider ‘what happened’ (with supportive evidence) & Consider ‘what happened’ (with supportive evidence) &
the implications (‘so what’) & what this means for future the implications (‘so what’) & what this means for future
directions (‘what now’). = Transforming learning opportunities. directions (‘what now’) = TRANSFORMING your practice

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES Shape & Enhance (Teaching cues or questions) (Shape)
(Students will ……) (variations + enhance)

Brief introduction: Hi everyone! I’m excited to see you all again, I hope you all had a good weekend. At the end of today’s session, we will be playing one big game!
Gang up chasey tag (GLO)
2 x balls
 Play fairly & safely Positive feedback – (good job!) 12 x bibs
2 – 4 chasers (swap these) 9:00am-9:05am
(5 mins)
 Respond to the stop start Stay inside boundary & eyes up Was that fun? Did you enjoy the
process (whistle) game?
Safe tagging (soft touch with ball)

 Put in effort and have fun Visually demonstrate in context Safe tagging

Can’t move with the ball

Join the taggers once you get tagged

Mini closure: good job everyone, now that we are warmed up, lets get into Gaelic now. We are going to follow up what we did last week and start with a game where we will be going for goal.

 Apply game sense by handpassing or kicking 4v2 Weighted numbered game

the ball to another teammate when the Attackers
go for goal 1 x ball (soccer ball)
defender comes towards the ball carrier. When you have the ball
2 x bibs
Reading the play – eyes up scanning (look
8 x cones
 Show that they can read the play by scanning  Ball starts in the centre and move at attackers and defenders)
1 x set of goals
the area for other people and look for the to the goal
open space where they can move into to  Attackers can only use one When you don’t have the ball
provide an option. bounce or one solo Eyes up scanning for open space – where
 Move the ball to score a goal is the ball? where are the defenders?
 Demonstrate game sense by delaying the ball  Defenders can only apply (10 mins)
carrier and applying pressure forcing the pressure & intercept (no contact) Support with width and depth (spread out
attacker to pass the ball or make a turn over. in the space)
 Display that they can read the play by  Rotate groups Defenders
scanning and attempting to intercept the ball Delay
 Everyone has to touch the ball to
when attackers pass the ball to each other. Apply pressure
Force turnovers and look for intercepts
 3 points for in the net and 1 point
 Apply game sense when going for goal by for above the net
kicking or handpassing the ball into or above Game sense – deciding what to do &
the net to score (3 for below, 1 for above). where to go

 Display communication by using each other’s

first names when calling for the ball & by
discussing how they plan to score

Mini closure: Well done everyone! I noticed that people were spreading out when attacking and going for goal, why is it important to spread out when attacking?

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

6v6 game (zone play)
 Rules – no contact & arms
 Apply game sense by handpassing or kicking 1 x soccer ball
the ball to another teammate when the
distance when defending. Game sense – application of rules of the 6 x bibs 9:15am-9:35am
defender comes towards the ball carrier. Intercept only game 2 x goals (20 mins)
 Run 4 steps & bounce
 Show that they can read the play by scanning  No soccering the ball along Fair play
the area for other people and look for the the ground, you must pick
open space where they can move into to Run 4 steps when you gain possession
the ball up
provide an option.
 3 points for under the net 3 points for under
 Demonstrate game sense by delaying the ball  1 point for above the net
carrier and applying pressure forcing the  Use a soccer ball 1 point for over
attacker to pass the ball or make a turn over.
 2 x 10 min halves Spread out (support with width & depth)
 Display that they can read the play by Variations:
scanning and attempting to intercept the ball  Change teams Delay the ball carrier
when attackers pass the ball to each other.  Use a normal Gaelic
Football (harder than a 1 on 1 (man up)
 Apply game sense when going for goal by soccer ball)
kicking or handpassing the ball into or above Stand goal side
 Introduce halfway mark as
the net to score (3 for below, 1 for above).
zones (attack & defence) Resilience – give feedback and appraisal
 Display communication by using each other’s 2 in forward half, 2 in back half and
first names when calling for the ball & by 2 allowed in both (rotate these
discussing how they plan to score positions)

 Show that they can read the play & apply

game sense by scanning the defenders and
running past them to create space and
attempt to score a goal or pass the ball to a

 Demonstrate technical ability by coupling

soloing with handpassing or kicking to move
the ball forward towards the goals.

 Show that they can read the play by scanning

the attackers and then apply game sense by
positioning themselves on the opponent’s
goal side to stop the attackers from scoring.

Bring it in everyone! Time to review the lesson and discuss what we learnt today.
Closure – review/discussion
 Remember what they learnt over the 3-week  Discussion about techniques I hope you all learnt something new
period – technical ability (kick, handpass, 9:35am-9:40am
Group Closure: (5 mins) (MAKE SURE STUDENTS & rules
PACK(getUPin pairs and
mark, I noticed an improvement in everybody! (5 mins)
Good job solo) share)
today team. How do we feel about Gaelic now, are we confident in our techniques? Introduced tactics for attackers & defenders – what worked for attackers & what worked for defenders in the last game? How important is it to have
 your
Recall the rules of Gaelic football and explain
head up when you’re carrying the ball and why?(Reading the play
Thoughts on&Gaelic
scanning). What is theThanks
fastest for
to move the ball
engaged overacross the field?
the past 3 (kick). Is there more risk to kick the ball or hand pass the ball?
the rules of the real game
Thanks for your time and thanks for being engaged. I hope you all learnt something from these past few weeks. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

Lesson proforma/ HPE 1/ Wendy Piltz/ 2022

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