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: _. of this type is.coltedopen coiled Sparing: raneas X SPRINGS Springs ore elastic members which thee original shape when ad is removed: ‘hey ave used_in eoikway Cartiages. motor cacs, Scooters, motorcycles. ickshaus, Gorerners. ele. According to their uses, ihe springs, perform the fotiowing functions:- 0. 70 absowls Shock .or impact. loadi O MG % in cosrioge springs: 2) % store eNeIGY 06 in clocks Springs. ny @ uD Opply forces to and te control motions as in bsakes and cliches, 20 f measure forces in spring balances. Ww change the variations characteristic of a member asin flexible mounting of motors: he Springs are usually made of either high carbon steel (07 to 1-040). 06 medium carbon alloy Steels. Phosphor bronze, brass, 188 stoin less steel and monel and other metal alloys are used fod corrasion resistance Springs: . x TES oF SreIN63- Various types 0 1 springs ore employed. for aif ferent PUIposes, Some of ther ore followwss- tb Helical springs: _ @ clese coiled helical sping Gi_open-coiled helical spring i). Rrsion helical spring, (2. compression helical Spring: 2 Leaf spring: eS : ; (2) ful-elliptic.. i). Sen’ eliptic. (tid contilever_or Quarter elliptic. Be Toasion springs. 4 Cireulas. Spoings. Ss Getevite spring, & Flat pings __& Helical spring '= A helical sping @ piece of wire Coiled inthe form of helix: Jf the slope.of the helix of the coil ks £0 srralt that the bending effeds can be. pgplectedt. then the spoicg is cae. a close: coiled spring « da such a sping only tocsional shear. stresses are. Indeaduced: on the other bond if the slope of the helix of the.coil is quile appriciable. then. all the bending as torsional shear sdaesses are introduced inthe Spring and.a spring x Spring Indexé- It the sotia.of-mean. coil. diameter. tothe diometer of the 5 . spoing. wire: J1iS. ena bY. Cot S+ ve 2. a Scanned with CamScanner distort Under load and capi i \ *SUifl0S8 08 speig cate #- His defivedl as the lead per uri ap flection and 7 is dlenoted by k erg: #@esional Rigidity s- Pssional sigidity oF torsional stiffness is defined as the torque pes voit angular twist - | R Helix angles St is the angle which the oxis of the spiing wie nvakes. with ~~ O-horiental tine perpendicular to the axis of the Spring: # CUOSED= COED HELICAL. spRING!- fh Chose: called helical spicy with ‘axial lead'!~ ® Niplecting curvotine and direct star effects! consiotering @ clase-celled helical Spring under the action of axial” tad: a =o} 3 4 let, We axlal load d= mean coil diameter, d= dia: of the Spring wire, §= axial defyection, olthe of ' qe modulus of aipidity po oy Ly t 8 = Angulas deflection or angle of twist |= ie) g i N= number of active coils : I | Cz maximum shear sleess induced - ~ —, 7 T= Poles moment of inestia, = Eat Ro “ty W a - - - gy % Gheat SHOSSI- _ = : Fir torsion equation, Te L. GO, re : ~ oe Tote i OTE Cur toe : . AE WIKRE BZ MINK DAA Zt 4X CaF 3208 seen fe THES ai | L S4AX WON RAK DING \-peflectn st= Scanned with CamScanner Direct shear stress Cd= We 4 7d? 1 Maximum resultant shear stoess, ae GUD AW 8. asi = OB + 72 (Bi) () Considering cumvatuse and direct shear Ststsse~ Equations gives an average stress ascund the periphery of the png cross-section. Haveves the moximun stress occens at. the inside of the ceil and may beconsidesably higher than thal given by eg? cz)» The reason fos this is the Shore fibre of length ae! at the inside of the coil Shan in figure: Mus if radial Section 6b! and aa! setates throysh ansmall (spring cet) Ee ang le_with tespect to each other and about the 4 wire orks, the inside fibre a'b’ evill be subjected to.a much higher. shearing Strain than outside. fibre ab: x Also of the inside of the coil, the shear Stuess due to the disect axial —. load P is adcledt 10 that due to the torsional moment Wb ai this print rus | the staess range al the inside of the coil 18 normally much higher thon : elsewhere, and for this wason fatigue foilure usually starts at. this. pint: Ay lnlahls. has presented an approximate analysis based upor the theary of bending. of curved beam 10 determine. the stresses 4a asprigg 1 wise by taxing Into actount’ the effect of curvature and direct shear» a According. to hind. on the taside surface, ‘ Gnaxe SR Kuo 4 bahere. kus st #0605. i8 the Wiohl’s factor and $= bjd is the. spring Index: at the dler sue face - be a ee : ey ee Scanned with CamScanner Gil cal Onisof pring” ooResattant teasional shear stxess — Le Theat | 07d direct Shear stess diagram ited SUES and curvature shear : ; : sStoess diag rorn poeete| oe a —... (Supeapisition of steesses ia-a hetical sprig). _ A Stiffoess of the 2 spring k ken 7 2 ran = AL ee Eup Enesgy stored. Us ; ae | eh ra= A XWIARX 161 pin i — -Eneggy stort 9a BRON. WD » AWRD-D . J _ nas Gd % Sab per g2——— a ee 103° GXE : 22. a? ARDx2 Beare — a = a Z volume ‘of cwire Meio. cg ste = re i Sh ue Are Beane 8 2 HN. Scanned with CamScanner % SUBTECTED To Att, usr ir isben a dwisting couple is appted to the spring ~ wire it. preduces.a benching effect. onit: Depending upon the direction of application ‘the twisting couple or turing moment the spring Coils. evil clase or open. cut Jin both cases the radius of coils will close or open a out» Ja.both cases the radius of coils changes ond. bending stresses will be -. Induced. - ‘ - Led 1 = 0° of coils before application of twisting moment. ~-—Ma= No- of coils after application. of twisting moment, _ ge ample of relation, : Z.= moment of inertia of coil section, aa Riz pean sacius of coil i Raz Changed sadius of coil a = bending stress Es younys madulus. of elasiticity- — os change in curvature > -4-M@ 2%, Riv €L _ Since the lengip of wire semains ‘onchonged beforeand. after applying the twisting COupIe, 2NK N22 Roa - Final helix angle — Initial helixangle a = an —for.aspring efsoundwite.of diameter d, numberof ceils.2,. and mean Coil diameter D= 2k, wwe get 647DNM _ EN (at Scanned with CamScanner Now Stoain eneiqy oreneiqy store Uz 4m eit 64M, 25 XMX G4MDN = 32M*D-1) 7 ee eat = Aq? Now m= SoD % 2 yz 3200, fF wig Pals ] = WS rata = 2 ft@ ge (FO) x Cron) = Dey i U a x vowune A the spay vi Resiliepte o jing = Yb lente of lhe sping = 32 fioof resilience = (DoSanax 8E Scanned with CamScanner x Sonings Under impact load s- Leta coeight P folls on to a Spsing fuer a height A measured from the uneeropressed state of the spring Led W be the equivalent static loacl and & be the compression of the spring under. leacl W- bletkdene by palling weight = Pth+d) Alork stored in the Spring. = gwd «1 Energy supplied. by the impact load = energy Stoted. Ptht5)= SWE where lal= equivalent Grodually applied lead wshich shall. produce the same. effect os proctuced by the qe Salling load f a Spings_ace ip_series?- when two Springs of = oO. St different stiffness ore foined end to end to carry a common lead bl, they are Said to be connected in series: “otal deflection, Wh. W+ OK vt Oss Ka a tot = Pat ke - Kek2 OF RE rake Inbere kis. the combined stiffness # Springs.are ip paratieli- inhen td Springs. are. ———— a Joined in such.a_way that. thy have a common deflection, then they SSo are. said_to be connected in pavaliel i te fatal load... we taht 2 — Now common. deflection. oz We We We : wa Og Rg 7 ee eee ne a Inns Ie Bh We = WR © Sn a We # (Ki+K2) aeaaeteaerstemeee 00 IRR Ral. oe Scanned with CamScanner ‘ @/ ALUN. 4 close celled helical spring macte of 1ommeiameter steel bar has 8 coils of 150 mM mean diameter’ Calculate the elenyotion, maximum shearsttess and sttain ence cad of 130N: Take Gz 80 Gta. a Eee unit voiume when the spting issubjeced é an axial J Heo Dalas!- clase coed helical pring . d= tomm, n=8, B= "0mm, $27. Cep Ufyelume:7 IWI=ISON, Gx 80x04 dng 2) Elon yfatie Di : We trey that deflection et elongation S- Shid9n . gxisox cso | . Gcaj4 Boroay (104 = SOLID Ans 2) Maziroum shearsivess!- We have t= Sup = BHISOXISO ~ 49.6.5 nfm? ANE a. 7X C4035 i £22) Strain Energy perunit votume!- We have strain ener - 3, i U- Za t volume, wire 7 POX nsf mm? Ans ad = $4965 Iuolue = lx POIBNE A closely eoited helical spring 2s made of 251mm diametersicel wire ane! is.40 coils havea mean cligmeter of 250mm. And the elongation, intensity of torsional and! teial Sheavig SLTESSCS ANd! Strain energy per cubic. cry waben thespuitg cartiesan axial load of (80. CG= 80 Gla) G@yenbatas!- d=12.5mm, 0=10, 0=250%m, W=180N, Ge $0x103N]mm? 2) Elon gation:- Int have deflection or elongation Se BIND 8x1B0X(250)5X0 115, oma Aue Gla Bor ip3x 425% 12) Porsioned Shearstress- ehave p, gwd _ W Us SED 52 SXIBOI250 «Se. xpos? AXA, ssh tal Shearing stress: zi) 0 Avisheap cs = Moxsinnal sheaxstress + Direct sheacstiess (R= $4 = 56+ (AEE0 = 60+13N|T7ANS i 1X25)? sy) Strain energy pet cubic omy 22 (GBEAY |. 19.456 x/62u/mm= 0756 Nem? Ufrolurse = 2.4 = 2x Poxtos* 6 x(0°mfrom?= 0756 Nc? Anse Scanned with CamScanner OQ, EEE QOUNS 4 close coited helical spring mace of & mm diameter has (2 coils of (50 roro mean @ liq: Caltulate the elonsatio } torsional staese ancl Strain eneyg pe unit volume when {he spring is subje cted tan axial lodel of L20Kns. Take shear medinluls aS GOGlO- Sf a ‘torque of Sg xn-m igapplied in place ¢f axial toad, finel axial twist benedirgg stoess and Sitain enorgy et Unit volume: Take modulus of elasticity a5 200 Ga Given dates). d= 8mm, N=12, O=150MM, Il oKN, G=soxto3ne[rN Me oxqoSaemm, E= 200x1030fmm2 % Leben ihe spuing is subjected oviat lond of 120K . We 120% 103N 2) Elon sation! Wehave Sz SIDI © SxI20xFKASORZ - 14g652.34 MAM Gls S 07105834 eae i8) Qesionat Stress T= SD. SxiZ0xO%150 m7 7ANS HDS EF = 8952665 alo ‘ANS 222) Strain energy petuinit valeur: 2 Ufvoturnes 2. ($9524-65)"_ 2 Ans IPvolurne 2q* “Sa ganins” 25045: 82 Nfinm2 An. # INhen the sping is subjected t0 an axial) twist of, M=9xt0Gumin}- 2) Axial twist or angle of rotation: = BAMOD GaxgxtoSx15oxt2_ + ElA* ~~ Zoox103x (gj = REOGASIOM- = 1265:625 x 180 = 4254.97? » Bending stress:- Ob= 32M _ gaxgrtv6 _ 2 ays Sep © 1049 34 N/mm? ans 2i2) Strain Energy per unit volume. ~ B22. (199049.3)2 Uvlumes 3e Sranetn3 = 20036: 65 nfm 2-ayst Scanned with CamScanner abu Wy clase coiled helical way made of 1ommdiametet steel bar ‘has B coils 0 rie ham. Mean diameter Calteiiate the eleryation, maginem shearstrass and strain enegy Per unit volume when the spring issubjected ban azial load of 130Nn' Take G= go Gre: Quen hatas:- Clase ceiled helical spring ?- dztomm, n=g, D> 150mm, b=? C= Ulvolume=? Inl=i30n, Gx 80x/04 ym 2) Elonsation:- We knew thot deflection or elongation $= SW. Bx130xC150I%8 ~ a5:1mm Aus : Gtay4 Boxy (10) ot 25 Maxiroum shearstress!- We have es Sup . Sxbsox159 = 49:65 nfo? Ane . ( AX CHO} £2) Stsain Energa pecunit volurne:- We have Strain enon fh ; Ue aqr vac nice al = L965) a yyy 53 2 olunne epwapa = THOME fiom? Aus AvIBNte A closely colted helical Spring is made of 125mm diameterstee! wire and itso colls havea mean chameter of 250mm. find the elongation, intensity of torsional and total Shearirg tresses ane strain energy per cubic. cm eahen thesprings carriesan axial toad of (on CG= 80 Gh) Givenhaias- d= l2.5mm, N=10, D=250mm, W=180N, Ge 6ox103n]mm? 2) Elen gation ; We ne deflectionor elonga ton SX1BOX(250)9X0 Box io 3x (12-5) 12 Porsional Shearstress!- Wehave py. suid. 8x1804250 MA RX LIZES yD AAS! 22). tal shearing steess: Agta sh trip ies = vxsinnalshearsivess + Dive sbeacsteess (4 = £44) = 586r+ (Argo) = 60:1gufmm7ANs dy) Strain energy per cubic omt- 2 1? (GBIY = I. i ee nfem2.aut Upolurne = G° ZrToxt0 10:156 x/6°ufmm2= (.0756 N[cr2 Au = 5.2mm Aus = 58694 Nimm? Scanned with CamScanner “ diameter has 12 coils of (sorormmeqn@ WAS A close coiled helical spring made of $™ 5 ; | aa tate the etoygro torsional Sts anal SENET peruntt vole ain bal s of (20KN Take shear modulus as. 80Gfa- Ifa the spring is subjected tolan axial load! ' ‘ . i toeqe ofa oven isappledinplace of aol Load, fire aol twist. berlin stesso icity 8 200GPa- Sieain energy per Unit volume: rake modulus of elasticity i Given datas). d=8mm, N=/2, O=150n0m, In)={20KN- G=80xto3n [rm Mz axtonrmm, £=200x103N/mm? % Lobhen the.spuing ic subjected t0 an azxiat load of /20KN\- We 120x103N 2) Elonsation’- Wehave 2 Dreional stresy'- Te BID © SxX1Z0xWEx150_ 99524165 N/mm 2ANS ACAI AX(BIS cae | 222) Strain energg perunit valum 2 Ufvelurne = t?_ G95 Ss) = 25045-82 Nim? ANS 4G 4X B0410 bt Inhen the spring is subjected t0.0N axia) twist of, = 9x106N-mn}- 2) Axial twist or angle of rotation:- pe Gaon, GAXIKOEXISOX12 _ Ee 200x103¥ (8) = (265-695 x 180 = 4251497" 2) Bending stress: Ob: 32M. gaxgrtos ACME FX (GIS 222) Strain Every per oe ° Ufvolumne = = a Bras 20036: 65 nina 2Ayt (265-625 rac. = 179049.31 ws [mm 2A Scanned with CamScanner Cie A cluseel cot) helical soning macle of (21mm gounel Steel Loire has 12 coils and me _ didrneter of toil is 16¢m: espe is subjected 10 a ascia) load of 150N- Detesmine the elongation, intensity of toasional stress and strain ener? ‘per cubic meier cinder the , load conditions. G=> 84 Gra, df the axtal load ts removed. and anacial torque of tonm &8 applied, detesmine the oxial twist, intensity of bending stress and energy stored. pet cubic meter in spring: €=210GPa fy Given datas- close Coiled helical. spring’ 2 2mm, Ne(2, O= om, G=84xl03N/rom? E= 210x103 N/mm ots ithenthe spring subjected toanaxial load W=1SOn/- 2) Elorgation:- $= SND38N | Bx150XCI6O)5II2 ~ 5.9.6 mm ANS G@lay# B4x1038x (129% 22) Torsional séxess:- Qe BIWD 2 BXI50KI60. ap, 2 ant Md ~ AxG2)3 35:36N/rom? As 120) Energy Stoved peo cubic mete! y = 07. (85:36)? . 3, 53 ps volume ¥ 85260" « 81722109 nf mm? = 3:422x103n/m? ANS | -& When the spring bs subjected axial torque, Pt= (0x{03n-mm!- 2) Axia) twist! abs GAIAON . Ghrtoxt0Fxt60K12 _ o, E¢ad4 ~~ Biontobx casa * O82 tad = OrAB2K 180 _ eee, 180 = leteeAns 22) Bening stvess!- 2 3200, Baxt0x105_ % Ade axipys% SEITEN] MmIAM zit) Energy stored per cubic mete? = %2_ 6894)? < Ufveume = 3 = 3x2 101103 % 2685 ney 4068x103 x] 4s Scanned with CamScanner ieee v 45 rom, spsing constant oj eo) y rey exhas meanchiaimeter of 5 mn g f ) ee Sd een . diamelet of spring MITE. If noaaciroum sheas siress is » i : e aa i Nod 20 exceed 250 mnjm27 Modults of 9° ity of a What is fhe maximum load, the spring can carry}. ; gon|mm, n= 8, d=?, C=ason|rom? ind wire material is 30 anim Given datas:- Q=15mm, k= goxto5n|m= ' Gz Boxy03 n]enm? I=? i 2) Diameter of spring vwire!- Ie Know sisi sping costant des ld Ged): CS 3030 gp= 80x13x(a)4 BXGS)KS d= 12812 mm ANS #2) Maxirowrn toad the spa tee a We know that torsional shearsisess v= GWd 7(d)S 250= SxXWKI5 AXU2 81g JS I= 2456-76N ANS 201813 A close coiled helical speing is fixed at one end and subjected to axial twist at the other. When the spring isin dhe the axial torque vanes fromorsnm to 3m, the voorking angular defiebion between these torques being 35° The spring isto be made from roel of ciscular section, the nde even iucfil tree bein, ib pan[m? Themean diameteg of the coils is erght times the fod diameter, Calculate the mean coil drameler, the nurnber of tuens and the wire diameter. Gvendatas!- Mz 3x403n-mm, $= 35K y= or64tad, Obs ISON Imm? O= Bd let b= Mean coil diameter, d= wite diameter and.n= number of tusns. Ine Know that maximum pesmiisiblestres OL: $214 8 70a 150 = 328x103 Ady d=5+88rmm Ans B= 8x8-88=44-02mm Ans and angulas twut = 64Mp 2 Pca) 0161 = 64x 8x105,47-07xN 2X05 K(5-BR)G N= 1618847 Aus Scanned with CamScanner _—_ $a ey ae 7 , ng is t0 carry a load of SOON - Sts mean coil diameter : ¢ ’ : se ‘Shas stress in the matecial of the spring i ibe Ne ae Se Zoho deflection and mnodols of if ity = 8600070" of e Closely helical speing: Given datas’ cbsel coi ical spring’ ) ly coiled helical spring a 3 2 n= We 500M, D= tod, C= BoNfmm? Ke 20n/mm, Gz 86x10 ‘ni/mm?2 n= 2 2) Mean coilcliame fer of spsirys- We knouwsthat torsional shear Stress y= Bbsid Hays Bo= BXS500x0 Kd AIS d= 3.99 % 4mm = toxel= 4omm Ans 2) Number of coits fic the springs}. Wexnow that spaivg Stiff hess tet. Gait SS Bp5n 20= SxX103x(4)4 Bx(40)SKN N= R15 NS ANG B18 A close coiled helical spring sto casry a load of S000N witha deflection of 50mm and 4 Maximum sheasing stress of 400 ni/ram? if the number of turns of active coils 7s BEstimate the fo lowing!- @ Wire diameter; (6) mean coit diameter, «9 teight of spsin: jssume; G= 3 7 ic we) G= 8 axto3 umm? ‘specific weight P= *400k4| B= 47.x10 x mm3 Gin Dales Close coiled helical spricy?- =5000N, &= 50mm, yy 2 N= (a) nlite diameter’. egress Inle have torsional shearstress ye BHD Nays 400 = EX5000x/ s A (d)S b= 3d16x16 %)3——-- and deflection 3g. Sinan " G(aI4 Scanned with CamScanner Be an ae BO ole RRR od 6 3 (RS oz SXS000 XG r4i6x 83x103x Ca) : ot d=19:313mmM (©) Mean cof} diameter. 29° (2, re get = 3146x155 (13.3/3)3 B= 941134 rom anes (eo IWejghi of ‘thespring:- Hit of spring = Px vowumeofrotee = PK Beh = Ox E(a7" 7ON = TIT Ex FT (18:913)7H 7 XU 184XE ‘obt-of spsing =19-G7N ANS 2016! 4 helical sp ving mace of 12mm clfameter steel wire wound on a (20mm Aiametes mondael. df there are 10 coils, whal ts Spring consiané ? Take G-826Nfmr? What force must be apptied to thespring to elongotet by 48mm? Given Datos dle tamm, p= 120412: 13mm, N=10, k=? Gz B26n]m2 W=? §=4omm We kno thot deflection $= Ss03n Gid}4 40= SXINXU13.2)3x10 8.2x103x 01294 Wz 365:64N Aus and ‘pag constant ke a: Ai be = 9.248] mm Aye Scanned with CamScanner ROOMY. 4 clase Coiled helical spring is to havea stif{ness of {00 eyfrn in compression, © ella marinnun loael of 45N and a maxinoum shear ing isisess of 120N/m? “The solid length of the spring Che: coils touching) is 45 rom: fired! @) Ahe wire oliameter (22) The mean coil ractius, and, 28h) the numbet of ceils. Ta Ke:G= 0:4 10S n[rom? Given datas: Ke tooxes3nlmm, Was n, Y= (20Nn][ em? Leend=45mm G= OAK WS N/mm? } Avewiee diameter +- Given that, the solid length of sprin? Lge nid =45 ns 4 ---cds ¢ and stiffness 4 kee Gea F530 7 AE twoxig= CAX105x (a dacb CFreelergih) Goliad length) SXD3X45 OF} snintrae , D> 10357 (4%) --- ii) Now usig Maximum shearing lvess ve SD TIE) a {20= SX45X'1035Fx)3 7 (AIS ae 9.89 403) @s- 989 d= S57 Mm] Ans Gi) Mean coi) diameter? fromneq” ct’) pa) D = 40:357 X( 5:57) 0 A8LEE MM ANS (i) he number of coilss- Firm e9 (2) n. sl a apt, A closed coil helical spring made of 40 1m diameter siee bar has 8 coils of (50 mmm meen diameter. calculate the elongation, torsional Sitess and strain eneayy [unit vue wohen the spring is subjected to an axial’ load of 130N: Take = 30000. 1 indlaed of axial load, an axial torque of 9.u'm is applied, find the axial twist, bending sigess and. Sisain energy/ volumes Take E= 200GPa Sune Scanned with CamScanner Dako LL a eis BOLE Tov helical springs are nested one Inside the other 10 Support a load of SOON” “Both the spaings ave rmacle of the Some material with madulus af rigidity Gk A100 ‘he partiulars of the eprings are tabulated below! ~ SNo Poca meters Outer Spring Toner-spring On Mean coil diameter Cb) orm agmm b o2 Siameter of spring nice cet) smm 4arom os No: of active coils cn) 10 & on Free length ry ne gorom 4x8! and determine the (2) cleflection of each bean, (21) Load carried by each spang: (LL) Shear stress induced in each spring Given datas! G = 849% 103n)[mm0> Load required to deglect the outer spring by fmm let ibe Ww! = Sdn Gaye {2= 8% nx (40)3x40 BL TKIOSX (54 WE baielans { Now the load acting on both the spring when thegeare aj the seme level of height=2emm th = 500-14 = B78 86N Me Indo di = 878-86 —-~- C43 Gavoiestip. (8)o= (5)2 [4 pny _ fp Biwo3n “Ar” aA Inox (403x719 Wix (28)3x8 (4 Cay Wo= 064 Wi -~--(i) From eq” (3) € (24) DEW +INE= 898-26 lel = 296-86 and to= 152 &) beflectionof each spring :- sbrcotatesphy tins Benth an ERED ron cand the deflectonofones spring = A¥-42-1gmm Ans Scanned with CamScanner doad carted by.each springs AMAal load carried by outerspring = bd Y bdo = 101M 15.2 © RGN ANE ned the total load caraied by innerspring= Wis 22GG6N Aus iti) Shear stress induced in each speiing ie Pooutee spring Ye sao : SXLISAN4D « 229.57 nfm? ANE AX (5)S And in inner spring rs SW). 8x226-86x28 _ 2 Asis noe Wx aye = OA Hee ni] men? Aus Scanned with CamScanner SPRING = MAxial dpa Ontyt— wW Cofiee body a 2. = fF = Win x ~ walt aIRSin-t, == - Se ce me [ty Dail euple Cano aie Cc B em a —-l— 100 fisce enenporgais Scanned with CamScanner (0) Combined _azin) ,Jood and_azia) couples— 5 ie : lech F irae eT ONS POUT BR Asset e 7 lial fi ) Shear fouce Bc f Neglecting The eFfeck ney ci SaaS bs $TA+ tm coves lectin’ ule effert) bihere @= Tl and ge ML gap te mL ps Lyell yt DR wU ET t be | me ela ee, Gp ET ae raw 0 = CREE GRTL COAARTIRIL Atergnaf acai) 2G Lp ZBL bvhore__ f= apes =D, rei ~---- fall. Sal Ce: ieeetnle CCS biesing 0] 26L = [Ca ait sF 2A CCS 1180-9 (RSI) he = (pe Sines) = 22) PCL dip pr} Sie tod mnt #5 Axel intini— b= BE (ine + bo 2, k= WRSinw yl c 26% DEI BL (CSINAFWRUSA)SIDK 4 26 (CCOSK-WRSiNx) CASA rae 5 zeEr += cof Gap er | FURL 84-50 (B= Ee) -—-D 8 Sebel et ant pay lass fe dallas Ge a Obed =M M. ~-"@ : v 2435 [iS ete r= sie rnrecaseont- = ceosamte Scanned with CamScanner Tr agian 2e5n f c0s24 1 Sipe 2: inl deflctnn:= es Gena . Seay as a OF OGd Case ea al alg ea emi 1 2 ee ~ fa hikbasaSinn toes tr} : = eenieh Soa] "6 _ diese T= WRUiet and m= ~wesing = Wesing cin acupeiule) —ps tee WR COSA : dS 71d3_ et @ 81M B2WRSINK..| S2WE SIDA . Paz agh- fa Scanned with CamScanner (C) Axial juistor thruster Gupte ontyi- Under axial couple, thespuicg wie is, i subjected to torque and bendin? moment only» 4 T=Csina and Mz Cease [eve axial tard w= 07 4 2 Stoningneyyi> fatting: = in ep? ea), we gel i - A f OR EE . D = fatty = 2D aps Za? and r= Fd, then ve enh, [Ses ogee ---- © 4 C0SH 2 Axial ions Putting W=0 in e962) 7 pete en d= -080[ Zr~ ay] Sina: caso Putting the ‘values of Lp and I, we get . = 64K NSing pL ds HeKiosne fy (a) Axial aotation:- hating W=0 neq” cit?) ; e ae | 7 Aww Putting? the volues of 6p and T,1ve get “ a : z 2s G4NRC f Spay ass] = 5 dase LG é r (ay) Stressesi- Bs hens os: ef . : 16T - 160i L @= moxtonum teesional. Shearsttess = 73. thesis es eg - = marit y p= 32M 320 cose a : Doe marion bending sitess 13° “age : a Scanned with CamScanner Sof an ys rae a COLUMNS, AND STRUTS. Burroouerion- SA eA A Any ipeiaber ebjacied to axial compressive. sadaecaiie - | cae taut ip teu is_vectical jue. Inclined at 2! 10 the horlxortal. AS Known os ‘Colurnn;, pillac_ oc stanchion. = Generally ameter ic-onppsitiaa fb than vertical subjective 0 compressive_load_is_cauvedl stsut, A’ and vertical member subjected 10 a —_compeessivetoad_is-calledl ‘column's x _____Ansiber_difference between the.sirut and. column i thod stn may have its. a bath ended iit acy wo RUE _——— while -the.. ~ColeaD-uatll tre bath the enrks fixed _cfpidly. fe _-—The_exammples_of-steuts are: piston: scods._connectitgs coals. side links y In grgingmmcbioes ete ivy sthve oes 37 eth Generally twa Kinds of failuce acetic in_a_connptessioo—toenaber )_Faituresnray.accutdestoslicest cu hleyptfstbes coum. 0) failure may occur olde t0_ ~buckling 04 bendiggs aft sealluma.-The— Second typeof failure occuts ina long cblerteeyns ‘wi ‘sss a colounn ny 22? 1S. lateral oe aim ___bend_about the_axis wihace moment af ined Lf ___e minimum due te_opplication of the cornpressi force —_This_Limitit cat which the celumn.tacts buckle_ot_bend ts called buckling ar ceippliag- of. | critical load ong’ the..athee hand_if 0 colunn ts. | | ____. shot, then itil fail aoky by caushiog be By Wea a compressive tess: When the compressive steess ya he | Induced. in the_coluemn ott the ten nating sso Ba Dalof — iy ______cempoessive.yietd.siaess, the short columnfoils by Crushing . The laad_conres=— |. ———sptneling to tbe_ecushing Is. ctu _eeshing a$$ ae __ CuassieToaTz0N_OF COLUMNS#= oo a @) shoet column. 2) medium colunon and. G22) lang calurmno:. ). Short columns— —fo-this typeof. column. failure ts due tO ditect.cnushi tuck LLOg-- p Stress plays much less. Jonpoctant. «ole: An. shott column. kength, is lest than 8. times. the least loteral. -climension:. Scanned with CamScanner @iy Medium columni- b this type of column, faituee may accat partly due 10” crushing. and portly dite. to bycxling This, gtouP-fockedes thei) ajority. of practical..colurans: In_mediun eT ae fron toto times..theit least tateral_ dimension. aad Long column column} = £n this. typeof eatin. ilu is only due to_buckiing ___ ee __he: bonding s18ess» The direct_connpressive stress is. beg lipibie _la.comparision 1o..bending steass: Ip_long cau egh V y feo0.50 tines theit least lateral. dimension. a #_END CONDE TIONS OF COLUMAL« AND STRU; : The. critical buck Lng load af.0_coluran._ depends. uperaibe. eno! fixation. | of the column: The end. condition’s.of.a loaded columa.can_be_ adlio_fout wigpsi- : Let__b= Actual length ef the coluron H __Le effective_ot equivelent length of the columns (Che dist once between adacent points af infleion is caled equivolent b denptho. _offective lengti or simple eslunan length: A polnt_of inptesion CE it ee point where. ; nate Kaen of atl Fp aacnabehel (enti npn aan tne ends fired and ethers hirged (Aes * Gne.end..ond.othtrend in.pasition) L= i @. Ane.end is fixed and other ts fr0e.t Kestrair ops 90M fle athe ate. notin uel as not! indirection). ft Scanned with CamScanner % BULERS THEOL : + Se «This. theaty e0fets. tothe caluans which. are wiry. long 10. can epuoportion te thei crass: gectional dimensions, and which are perfectly staipht - and hemageneous. end in which te donds..are..applied petfectiy axtally. Under. such ideal conditions, iL40lN be.seen that Ube failuce. af the column, taKes place, ie due to bending og bucating eunder.a.load smatter. than that | which would produce faiture. by. direct. eaushing incase ofshort column of __ same__cvass--seetiondn.this theory the ef fect of ditect. compressive, Sass is ignored: This.1s due. to. the fact that, ainget.stvess, induced. in. along. .columnn. ko ap Snegiigiore compared. to. benditts sstess+ - ASSUMPTIONS MADE _IN-EULERSXTHEORME>: . monthede The. followlng assumption are.made sabi the. Buiak’s. foRmuad The_eolumms..tnitially steajy heard of onigarnastateral dimension. S The compeessivetoad-is exactly axial. and it passesethoyoygh the -contioidl of Lhe column.SecHons ea NAN NG a een The material of the column ts homage neous Aso Lenpits comebelastiley 22s .__ Ain joints are_ frictionless and fixed ends oe. perfectly sige - = \ 5 The_uwefpht.of the coluran itself is neglected 3a awinten_gaitias oe The. leg thof. the_column_is.rouch qreatertoan shecantefofidlintersians, hence i it wlll fail. by ducting n : ss Limit of proportionality is not. excedted: Lt SIGN CONVENTIONS. 8. BENDING MOMENTS. be ape __Abending_moment..wbith tends to bend. the columa with 4s_converity) 1 towards theactual. centre tine of. the coluton is laxen as-tve . Shan iny@ the bending moment which tends to bend the column.with it concavity | ©. towards the actual. centre tine.af_the column is.taken ‘Concavity touatas the centee line oF iran CamScanner |X EULER'S popmuya:- pm Rulers fomuia is used cetag the critical load for a_column.oc. E eta, and. iss pollo —bhere P= critical load. 8 Wer mood lus.¢ ofebsticity 8: youung's modulus. - east_moment of inertia of section of the column: of ES ne ae cane sige tg . shaw. os & DERIVATION... OF EULER'S. PORMULASCFOR DJFFERENT END CON! DITDNS): | Case 13 bthen_bath,erds of shevealiuinn_are_s hinged or pinned, ——Consides_a_column AB ofrlength J. and unijorrn.sectional area 4 4. hinged ah-bath 4 | —the ends. ond 6. let Pibithe “cxlppligg load at which :the. columo.has ust buted ree: tik. oe aang XK nab alan a ae chy A -} The wing mament at the section. is. s given fy pas I - ete asa oo se f | __blhere__E= ‘Youny ings modulus. of tbecalumnnnat acid. T= Least_moment of inertia of the column sect . Tenphe_ai/ferential epuation of elattc. cuce-with ongina P — Era: an cals jpn_as. pet.the. ped. sip tions BM) ‘he splution.. af tbe. above chfferen tal equation. is. = - fe C00 (2 /Ffer) + C2 bin eA Aer) bee ave constants nigation De .can.befound. by. ae boundary conditions = ALB, flection is xero-_ At 20, 720. Hence At Aaalso.-thedeflectonisxena «at 63 SiNCYB) =0 since Creo, we concludé that ¢2 cannot be xtra» GF a TIL IS_because_if_bothc1 and c2 are_xetn, the column will,all:. Hence Bin (LZ) 20 Ee OF, BH, 3%, at Bos hee ie Considering the first cheast) practical value ea ele ett ft Bp x Bes az , 5 =e = Caen then_bath ends ofthe column, ame fied a Hh at gsr shons-a_ column AB of f———“louee tse btn inna the aches XL glven by : a . ene M=PY a8 ws SEE 8 Pe Getes See, & _ he slope at any_secton is gen by = a i tf sil elh) +02| Bos Cal) (ALB the ole fleeting As 80 BES Sp abeees, +: es i eit ad Es —_ Os Crt Mot C12 =F eg Ee a s os Ab. the Slope izera 2 ________— At tz. Hf 20— 02 C2-JE, of C220 si AL gel, $20. rete os = Beos (LE +B. an Case m?: lahen or one ¢ end of: the coluaaat 1s fined. h —_Consider_acolumn AB of f_lengt.. »Lfixed-at B. Aad_hioged at 4. — >t Vt careles_an_axial -csippliag.. loadPat_A.for which the column just buckle... Uadet the action of the load:P.xthe column will bend in.a_cuaved thon in fgets ype te ya fot fen ‘3 —Ashere (ip clare AB is fied at 6, there willbe I rae fixedmongent at B. - Letitbe 4. To. balance. this firing “ moment_M. a henxental pusttt cll be exerted at A+ | __ __consider_any section xx_at a distance x frora.the__. t+ ~fied-end. 8. the bending the. section is givenby- ‘ 06 the aif ferential equation of. the elastic curve jg- EL: oy, a aPPtH (LX) = ert PGF AEE ne fe era!_.tolution.of the above dif fesential equation iss 2 Vs (fe). + 2.Sin (HAR } tH Ok) ___pubene_cv and Co a¢e the consiants of integration. __ The siope_at.any_section is given by, IB, sin (Xf, )-t C2: Ey -C0s ded t Ah Mt B, the Slopess.Xeuo. Scanned with CamScanner At A, the zero ——llself-The_only angle wshase tangent. is equal to about dusts. facia. - LoL fB sdb | f ee Ivi= then one end. is fixed. and_other s, frees= _Coneend is fitedand ather 1S a = ,Considet.a column Abof Length be» fixe al.6.and_frte 0 Acauying —gacorial_crippling load P ot A_dlue 1p which 11 jst buckle. The.deflected forna_of column AB shown ip figuce- Led the. new position.of Ais A1-Consid= _=eting.5 be. tbe deflection _at_the_top ends feeend: _considerany. section. xx at distance &.-. from 6.the bending.— a i en gy 2 + PCS-@). ga Et : ~ : Sa Ane sawn te the_qbevediffecentioL.ewuagian lisa pecrcas(2[By) + Co-Sio (Zl) tb6—— where cand é2 are theconsionts. af integration At B, the deflection ts Xe60. at t=, ¢20—___— shoe 14508 E28. pst oss Theslope.atany section is given-by———— = = cu fp, Sin lf +e LE At.B. the-slope ts Xe00— a Scanned with CamScanner ~ b= SOs (LIE) + § he valiaity of eulerss —theory is. subjecled to condition that fiture ‘pote acting: Ihe butecs_forouta: oc ceippling. 1s. 2 el Ree. ‘Chg —bihere Q_ is ceiticalot buckling stress, ——---—The_term_te.iscaltec)Sencferness ratio. jie. it is the fatio.of effective r Leogllof-the_column Li) 10_ the east tadis.of + As.slendlemmess sabia ~LOcreases. ecitical load pstress Ceducts+ fhe variation. of ca'tical stress. to .sleaderness . a ratio is thawo in figure: As tux.appmtches zero the. ale. _citicol Stress tends. to. infinity. Gut this cop nor happen. ___| Refs this stoge the enaterial wit get cushed __y. fi Yenee.the_limiting value of Nhe etippling sees V the crusbiog..stess,,the_cerousponding.stendernesey. “fatto ray be found by. the telation Be Scanned with CamScanner RnR : ° a 8 Fon Stee! $20 Nimm2...: i ands AKIDS_N]n9m 2 a a Limiting (4) 3s qiven. by poet ated a Bim? | BB 05g : Tf 4 CAeNims ie 1854, Euler's formula do.nat give load. comping | capacity: This valle As. given by crushing steep ths. =e | ‘ Euler's forrnuta is based.on. the assumption that colunon_ falls. only | by Buceting« This holals. good for long. columns wth higher values. of Me... Since in. Such cases ~bendlifg stresses ane quite high comparedt. t0..compressive| lnesses. But. there ts sarge Of slendesess ratio. forwhich clicect.comprtssiee.... “stress and bending sisesses ase compatable Ln.such cases. faiture by bucx ling alone Lulers theory 1OKe care of SUCH Cases PROPEL If me | 2%. RANKINES HYPOT TRUTS/. Many investigator's. base on_their experimental. cesults. have propestel different formyine 10. laxe_care of_entice cange of Siendemness sation Such. __forraivige ace canted empicical formulae: fhe fellowoieg are tbe empicical_—. Se ee 0). Rankines formula. 48 EL ET = 2083-334 10 mm Euler's critical load Re: Be = 72x2083-33x106 2. te. (5000) Saati (= Baaaen] ays 03 [v4 ee Cr coluron wshose outside diameter is 200mm has a thickness of Pee “SETS 45m long and is fixedat both ends. Calculate the safe load of ankine- Gorden formula usin, Q a faclor of safety of 4. Take 02 550 MNlm? a= 750" heen Dalas!- qe= 200mm, di = téomm, L=4500mm, [05-4 Oe=550nJmm? a= 4f1e00" End conditions:- Both the enclsare fixed, then be § = 4500 - s950mm, Artao I . f section, a= F Lidej2 co)?] = E [(200)> (160)? = 1303-43 m2 and least moment of inertia Tree Tyg: Bes’ (4i)4] = ZB [co00t 1604] 2 46369-90410 m4 © Lach ann bt ot Radius of garation . [ep (ERE IOXO - gy, a= fF g05.73 7 408” Kankine’s critical load ses , : : X 304 = 3510: fee BA, = SEUMPNH 750 2° 3510-84 kw © pro (Wst t+ seat (Beas) Welenowthat factoc of safety Os = Ultimate load forse tAoaking load Kankine’s working oad= 250 Baie Aa Scanned with CamScanner ve aotinnes the cach side BOIS I 9 cohen of square section, the length Bae pe ener? 4f the square Settion: 4 beth ends of the column ane pinned and E= clelermine the critical sivess get yp in the cour” Geen patass. nel coaitions’- eojbencls are pinned, then Effective if five fength of Calum 9 G4 m4 ax deLe4oxa mm, €22x14 ulin, Is Tz * 7, fsa long Colum, Eulers critica) load Re- WEL. A2x2x15x O4 - 102,g002N a Ceona)?a 12 vy Critical Stress Cee He 2 W2BOAD”_ Jo2.g0 nform*AS ic inp siete of sIUAsE = a Section] 2008107 A mild cteel helio column, having toomm external diameter and 60 mm intesral aliametee and 4 m length is used as.a estar» debeemine Lhe crippling tead 6Y Rankine’ formula, when beth ends are hinged. Take 0¢ = 380ns/mm> x=A= boo 1 Datas!- Hollow Ciscuilar section;- doz loomm, dé=Gomm L=4ecomm, Oe= 320 ni mm2 x00 End cond™:. Both ends ace hinged. ¢2L=4000mm Area of Section, Az Z pedoj2 Caa?] = Eco) (60)7] = 5026-54mm? v and least rox , Li. xe Fest edi’: F [100s e604] = 4.242: sex o30(e + least radius of gration de [ZL - [SKF . 49, LE ARSE . 29.15mm Wek that calppling ead by Renkine’ forroua bre A. eee aT ae a 2 = 45818 ke Ans 20091. Detesmine the section of a cast ison ne ier Column 5 19 lo ith end finit Ce if it carries an axial loaclof 300KN+ The satio of ‘tend to ated ipa ees of safety of 8: Take o2= 567N]mm2 and Giver Dalas!- Hofioeo citar sedtion!- L= 50comm End Conditions:- Both ends are fiemly built-in- = £=2500MM, fey= 300x103N B)do; fos: 8, C= 56xn mm? a reo | and r= F, Leaws* caiiy4] Scanned with CamScanner L Ptdes£.7 8, 27 fe [0032s (0 2] Working load, = fer . 300x103. a4-sxt03N InN 7 Se . ® have, Ronzine's focrrute ° . nd Kenkine’ Re GA L+0-(e)? Brome. SeTH O9aaen Ce)" Lt fact (2500)? 156254 (de)? BY 5xS2 Wu-S2izae)? /é (4+ 875x103 4 145x109 5) Cast = 1948212 (do) (94-8212 (o0)4—34-5¥103 (on) 15x10I= 0 13° 9578 (de)7.193-6 5d - 387298. des (936541(1axt5) 4at 8 9STEX BTIIES 2x13-9578 ole = 139-65: 14831834 2x1B-ISTE do= 58:13mm Ae and, c= 4360mm | “SS 201 A Sm long hellow column with fired ends supports an axial loael of 800KN- ‘The external diameter of the column is 240 mm: Determine the thickness of tbe Colum usieg Rankine’s fosrouia: Given that ad, ad wocakig sloess of 80Mla- : i Mint! thickness, 4226 lint gort[t2, A hollow alloy tu respectively is 6m lo etecmine caipp lig tw Givernbatas!- dizggmm, do=5amm, L=Goormm, Sl=3nn, P:50xt03N, End conditions!- 0th ends are pinned, then effective tert 2 be having intemal and external diameters of 36mmand 52mm ny -deextends by Smm when an axtal foace of 50Kn is applied: fos the tube when used as columns with beth ends pinned: feL= 6000m™M Aca ofsection A= Zi jdey2 diy? # wp least ae] PF F602 067]! geccis Uf Ly Tyce Az 05:84mm2 ie nsearnew - cheng? im engi «3 x pphing od 22 J~\ l= . 5 WEL _ 17% 90. 3 Be 50x105x6 000 ce Fre # 1Bgae xto - SPN action Ci —fecooy= = a 2 = 90°428 x1030 [mn f= 6868-22n) foe Scanned with CamScanner ee BOWIE 9 5 Ci Ht) r-One end of é lon ° the cof (Column has a ciscutas Cross. of So romelianete ur i Setion . Safety of 3 TS fixed in ditection and pasition and olherendis {ree- Tanking a facior of 5 ka . 9+ CAleulate the safe leael casing : Rankine ‘ ; Me's formula £ fave 0% S6ons]mar2and ot = Yieoo for pinned ends £2) Curlers | uler’s 4 F n formula: Youngs Modulus of CL; E=raxleSn]fiom? Giro n 4 Dotasi- ¢- 1800mm, de Samm, fos=3, Safe loact ursin, Ranxine' iy 5 ? aie ‘ankine’s formulos- 022 560N]mmM? a+ 700 End conditions. Both ends are pinned. then effective enyth Wy, A esomm = (500mm, Wy v é one ofsection; a= K (dl? Aso? 1964-495 10m? least pox, - X/, a $e Fldit= F sorts 306796-1Sy6mm4 0 ke [Z. [FOG TSTE _ 5mm 1963-495 ~ Kan kine’s capping load OA 560X196: = 10H9S KN A aya 2 ere data? t+ io" (ee Safe load = # 3665 KN ANS 25) Safe load using Exyte's formula: E=1-2x105 nfm? End canditions:- Oneend is fixed ancl ofhecis five «i L=2L-= 200mm Eulew’s cuipptiog load AZEL NAX2XMSX 3061961516 _ hes SE ade 0S FRN ww Safe load = £- 4037 1aa5KM Aus BOE. A Solid sound bax Kom in dit = ti Gtrut is fixed while athet end ts ‘Nope fei me hey peal bf Euler’ fosruto. Assume Ez 2006n)m2 “fosa.05 PRINS toad and safe toad asi Scanned with CamScanner

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